Black Star Bay

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Black Star Bay Page 9

by T C Miller

  “I thought RVs had emergency egress windows in them…You know, the kind where you press against a bar or flip up a latch to open the entire window?”

  “There were escape windows…The report theorized the latches were corroded with age and came apart. Our technical support section questioned that, so we had the RV transported to our forensics center in Oakland, where some contradictory evidence was uncovered. Our technicians say the latches came apart…not from deterioration, but because most of the screws were missing.

  “They also reconstructed the bedroom area and say it was not likely the agent was lying in bed when he expired. They based their findings on the body being found at the door of the RV, with the floor under it relatively untouched by fire. Their theory is that our man died trying to escape through the door and that it must have been held shut from the outside.”


  MATHER AFB, CALIFORNIA “Down, boy,” Jake said to Mark. He turned to Joanna as she got closer. “You remember Mark, don’t you, from the Squadron softball game?”

  “Sure do…you work in Legal, right?”

  “Sure do,” he mimicked her and smiled. “Nice to see you again. Listen, I need to get going…Bunch of us from Legal are planning a little barbecue at the picnic area later on…Wanna join us? Plenty of grub…Just bring something to drink.”

  “Sounds great, but I think we’ll stay here and go over some of the stretches we do in class…Joanna may be interested in joining.”

  “Suit yourself…Catch you later.” He grabbed his towel and headed toward the locker room. “Nice seeing you again,” he said to Joanna over his shoulder.

  “Nice seeing you, too.”

  “Been my workout buddy for a long time…Also my Sensei.”

  “I remember. You mean that, about me joining his class?”

  “Wasn’t trying to commit you to anything…”

  “It’s okay…Might be good if I started…Brush up on a few techniques and learn some new ones.”

  “Couldn’t hurt with what we’re getting into. Now, what say we get some stretching done?”

  She watched him stretching on the other side of the workout mat. They talked on the flight line after flying back from San Francisco and arranged to start working out together, since they would soon be part of the same elite team. She stood up from doing calf stretches and moved closer to him, “Say, Sarge, that’s an interesting stretch you’re doing.”

  He glanced up long enough to reply, “Thought you were gonna call me Jake. ’Sarge’, sounds like some fat old guy sitting behind a desk.”

  “Figured I shouldn’t while we’re on base.”

  “Good idea in uniform, but here, I’m Jake…This stretch works glutes and quadriceps at the same time.”

  “Thanks, I’ll try it.” She resumed her stretching routine. Can’t take my eyes off him…look at those pecs. She still had John to think about, although she was beginning to wonder why she was ever attracted to him.

  She looked up and realized Jake was standing in front of her grinning. He must have been staring at her for some time and spoke as soon as they made eye contact, “Boy, you really concentrate.”

  “Sorry…Thinking about the changes coming up.”

  “Me too…Gonna have to work our butts off to keep up.”

  “No doubt…The Colonel says we’ll be doing nonstop training, plus a million security briefings…Just glad you’ll be there.” She realized she was blushing. “What I mean is, you take good notes and you’re reallysharp…You know what I mean.”

  “Matter of fact, I do…Thought about all the guys in the squadron and you’re one of the few I’d pick to do this with.”

  So I’m just one of the guys? “Is that what I am, another pair of boots to fill a spot?”

  “No…That’s not what…I didn’t mean…Okay, I admit I’ve been thinking about you…Just wondering if you’ve been doing the same.”

  “Thinking about myself?”

  “No…about me, I mean…You’re messing with me, right?”

  “Maybe…But I hear what you’re saying andit’s not bad. We just need to focus on the job and put anything else aside for the moment…at least until we settle in…Better get back to working out though or we’ll never get done.”

  “Be finished in a minute, how about you?”

  “Almost done.” She turned back to the mat she was using and realized she had just given him an unimpeded view of her workout-taut rear. A quick look in one of the full-length mirrors on the wall in front of her showed he was taking full advantage of the opportunity. She smiled softly and started stretching again.



  JOHN BANNER’S OFFICE “Maybe your agent was watching television or something when the fire started. People become confused in emergency situations.” Banner speculated. “RV door latches and locks are unique…Maybe he was confused…overcome by smoke and collapsed.”

  Snell sighed. “Not likely. He was an experienced agent known for finding his way out of difficult situations and had been using the RV for almost a year. Still, I was ready to write it off as an unfortunate accident…until we got another call from the tipster in town claiming it was no accident…He was emphatic in his belief that we should continue to investigate.”

  John stared at the customs agent for a while before he spoke, “As you know, an investigation like this is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together from pieces that are out of focus…No matter how hard you squint, the picture doesn’t become clear until the last couple of pieces fall into place…Maybe we can share pieces.”

  “That’s why I’m here hat in hand.”

  “So, we’re looking for a possible smuggling ring that may have killed your agent to prevent their operation from being uncovered, right?”

  “I suppose that sums it up.”

  “Were you able to develop a profile of the tipster?”

  “Not really…didn’t stay on the line long enough. We back-traced the number…turned out to be a pay phone. Our analysts say it sounded like a middle-aged male with an Hispanic background. I assume you have more sophisticated algorithms that are better at comparing and identifying callers…Was hoping you could turn your computers loose on it.”

  “Understood…But I’m still looking for the national security angle…Otherwise, I don’t know how deeply I can get the agency involved.”

  “Guess I didn’t clarify that. Been reading through reports and think it might be a reverse smuggling operation…”

  “Reverse smuggling?”

  “Items that are being smuggled out, rather than into the country. Most of the reports involved rumors and innuendo that came from confidential informants…Enough to pique curiosity, but not enough to act on. That’s why I need to know if there are recordings in your data bases.

  “Furthermore, there seems to be a strong tie-in with mysterious disappearances of highly-classified material from Silicon Valley facilities…computer chips, components and software that are forbidden-to-export material. We have a pretty good handle on commercial shipments, which means the missing items would need to be sent to a location like Seawind Bay to be smuggled out.”

  “Okay, I think I’m beginning to see a possible terrorism connection…If the items are going to a foreign company or government, they may be selling them to the wrong people.”

  “Exactly. They’re used for a lot of things…from encrypted communications to outlawed nuclear programs.”

  “That would certainly be a threat to national security…I’ll put my people on it right away. Our computers do a pretty good job monitoring most communications, but billions of bits of data are intercepted every day. We’ll need to go back and narrow the search with the parameters you’ve given me…May take a few days, but I’ll get back to you soon as I have something.”

  “I’d really appreciate it. May turn out to be nothing more than high-end retail merchandise being smuggled in and nothing of consequence going out. Still, I’m concerned…I don’t u
sually go on gut feelings…I prefer solid tips or, better yet, evidence. But the phone call backs a pattern of lack of seizures in the area.

  “I’m also concerned there might be an anomaly within my agency…Signs point to problems with not just one, but a number of investigations. I thought about running an internal inquiry, but an investigation could reach a dead end in a hurry if there were untraceable calls…Which is why I came to you.”

  “Be glad to help any way I can. Okay, AgentSnell…”

  Snell interrupted him with a wave of his hand, “Looks like we’ll be working together…Call me Arnie.”

  “And call me John. Can’t promise anything, but I’ll look into it…Long as no toes get stepped on…After all, this is your investigation.”

  “Won’t be an issue…I’d like to keep it as discrete as possible though, in the event it turns out to be nothing.”

  “Of course…Out of curiosity, what’s the ultimate goal?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure…Have a feeling there’s more to it than some laid-off fishermen trying to make a few bucks…Who knows where it’ll end up?”


  MATHER AFB, CALIFORNIA Joanna paused in the middle of her stretching routine. Jake walked over to the mat. “Ready for some new moves?” “Almost. Thinking about the new job again…Any idea

  where we’ll bunk?”

  “Nope. Bay area would be my guess, since that’s where the

  office is.”

  “Hope they have a place lined out…Heard it’s super

  expensive there. Don’t know if I can afford it, even with the


  “Guess it’s one of the things they’ll brief us on next week.” She watched as he walked to the other side of the mat to

  retrieve his workout gloves and towel. He wore a faded black

  T-shirt with the arms cut off and a pair of baggy cotton pants

  that looked like pajama bottoms—gi pants that were part of a

  martial arts uniform. A black bandana folded into a narrow strip

  of cloth tied around his head kept sweat out of his eyes. Her outfit was similar—old pair of jungle-camouflage utility

  pants and a baggy faded-blue Air Force sweatshirt with the

  sleeves cutoff and neck cut out to provide easier movement. A

  dark-blue headband held back her shoulder-length blonde hair

  and kept sweat from running into her eyes. No makeup or

  earrings—only a light application of Chapstick to her lips to

  keep them from drying out. It wasn’t a fashionable outfit like

  she saw at local civilian gyms, but she liked to be comfortable

  while working out.

  She walked over to where he was picking weight plates up

  from the floor and placing them back in their storage bins.

  “Need help with those big ol’ heavy weights?”

  “Why…know anybody who can handle them?”

  “Don’t know, maybe I can find some school girl to lend a

  hand…When you’re ready, though, let’s try some techniques.” “Your funeral…just tell me where you want the body sent.” “Maybe we can figure that out later over some food.” “Sounds good to me.”

  They started to workout—with no time for chatter—as they

  grunted and groaned and worked through a series of throws and

  takedowns. Talk would come later, and she looked forward to it.

  NSA WEST COAST REGIONAL OFFICE “Arnie, I have a question before you go and feel free to tell me to go to hell, but I’m curious…was Bill Wilson’s retirement caused by this case?”

  “He may be involved. Our internal investigation turned up some serious contradictions between his income and lifestyle and you know what that usually means…He was dropping a boatload of money at casinos almost every week…more than he could save in two lifetimes.”

  “How much more?”

  “Twenty to fifty thousand a month.”

  “Whoa, that is serious…Any legitimate source for the


  “Not that we can find…No inheritance or recent real estate

  sales…and his gambling losses far outnumbered winnings. He

  was defensive when confronted and put in for retirement the

  same day…Said he didn’t need us snooping around in his

  private life.”

  “I can see why, especially if he was involved in corruption

  of some sort…Where is he now?”

  “No one knows…Ex-wife hasn’t talked to him since their

  divorce four years ago…No children, and only a few distant

  relatives back in North Carolina. His retirement check is

  electronically deposited into his checking account, which hasn’t

  been touched in weeks. Let the lease on his apartment

  expire…Loaded everything into a rental truck and told the manager he was moving out of state…Disappeared without a


  “Sounds a little weird…Should my people look into it?” “Might be a good idea, since he may have some role in

  what’s happening.”

  “Will do. Back to your dead agent for a minute…anything

  else I should know?”

  “Just that we were prepared to write it off as an accident,

  until we received another call from the tipster.”

  “About the agent’s death?”

  “Not per se, but it still pertained to smuggling in the town.

  The tipster alluded to the recent death and asked if we were

  aware of it…Said some local people were suspicious of the

  hippie and had been watching him.”

  He stood and walked to the coffee maker to pour another

  cup—offered one to Snell, who declined—and returned to his

  seat. “I see why you can’t let it go…Anything pop up in other

  ops reports?”

  “We conduct interdiction operations between Monterey Bay

  and Portland, so it could be part of any one of a dozen ongoing

  ops. I went through Wilson’s notes and tried to piece together a

  threat assessment. Human smuggling seems unlikely, since a

  large number of foreign nationals moving through such an

  isolated area would draw too much attention.

  “I suppose drugs are possible…The area was once known as

  a source of high grade marijuana and cocaine smuggled in from

  South America, but most of those routes have been shut

  down…Although, honestly, we don’t have the money to conduct regular patrols…So who knows what may slip

  through…Please don’t quote me on that.”

  “I understand the budget thing…and what you say to me is

  just between us.”

  “I appreciate that more than you’ll know…Looks like my

  gut was right, asking you for help.”

  “I’ll do my best…Now let’s get to work.”

  He summoned a handful of subordinates and they spent the

  next forty-five minutes comparing notes. He took the unusual

  step of escorting Arnie to the rooftop when the meeting was

  over—shook his hand and thanked him for the tips. Seems like a

  dedicated civil servant willing to look beyond his own sandbox. Back in his office, he called his most reliable investigator.

  “Glen, would you check the background of a Customs

  supervisor for me? Let me know what turns up and don’t

  interview anybody without asking me first…Make it a priority.” He picked up another folder from his inbox and began

  reading. There was a staff meeting to prepare for and still

  another approach to the situation in Seawind Bay to factor into

  the equation. He remembered an old boss’s adage. “You’ve just

  been presented with one more opportu
nity to excel.”




  RANCHO CORDOVA, CALIFORNIA “Don’t tell me what I’m supposed to like.” Nora stood toe-to-toe with Bart and stretched her five foot four inch frame as far as she could. “They pretty much ruined the look I had in mind for Eagle One.”

  “Ruined might be a little strong,” Bart replied.

  “I said ruined and I meant ruined. Take the lighting…I picked out a beautiful chandelier for the living room and they put that stupid drop-ceiling in…”

  “They had to hide the fittings for the rooftop com gear…and besides, I would’ve hit my head on the chandelier.”

  “Don’t interrupt me…Let me just get this out before I explode. Think about it…Lowering the ceiling is the reason we had to switch to recessed lighting…which looks really tacky in a living room.”

  “I know it’s not what you wanted…There’s just no way around it.”

  “And that’s my point…Eagle One was our baby and our design…They’ve taken charge and ruined everything we were doing.”

  “I hear what you’re saying…Just don’t know what can be done about it…It’s not like they put anything in it that’s not necessary…and they didn’t exactly paint it pink with green stripes.”

  “Probably would have if I hadn’t kept my eye on them every minute.”

  “Actually, you did a great job ram-rodding the project.”

  “Don’t patronize me.”

  “I’m not…You really did a good job…he looks great.”

  “You mean she?”

  “I don’t know…What’s the correct answer?”

  “Vessels are always shes…like ships.”

  “Well, okay…can’t argue with you there. In fact, RVers refer to the outlets they plug into as ‘shore power’…and the vehicles they tow behind their RVs as a ‘dingy’…So you’re right. But you do have to admit, they did a great job disguising the antennas and satellite dishes as heating and air conditioning units.”

  “Don’t get me started on that…Is all of that garbage necessary?”

  “It gives us Command Post-level communications to any place in the world through microwave and satellite.”

  “Like I want to talk to somebody in China for fun…”

  “Probably not…but it lets us keep in touch even in the remotest areas. Besides, we get over two hundred TV channels with it.”


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