The Greystone Chronicles Book Two: The Dire Lands

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The Greystone Chronicles Book Two: The Dire Lands Page 15

by Dave Willmarth

  Turning to run, the healer encountered four guards who burst from the building behind them. She drew a knife and charged.

  The caster, seeing that he was surrounded, pulled a portal scroll. Alexander hit him with Wizard’s Fire, burning the scroll. The man screamed and fell to the ground.

  Hearing sounds of fighting inside the building, Alexander yelled, “Brick! Inside!”

  The dwarf went charging into the building, Max and Lainey right behind him. The guards outside had disarmed and detained the healer, and were kicking the burning mage as he rolled around on the ground. They’d arrest him once he stopped burning. Until then, he was fair game.

  More guards came running in from a side street. Having already received orders from the captain, they retrieved the archer from the mud, and surrounded the four warriors. The three men and a woman were sunk to their hips in stone, but still had use of their arms. Seeing that they couldn’t escape, they began to attack each other. The guards leapt upon them, three or four per warrior. They were quickly subdued and disarmed, with only minor injuries.

  While Alexander was watching this, the mage somehow managed to get off a cast as the mage fire expired. A bolt of dark magic shot at Alexander, striking him in the chest. He’d never even seen it coming.

  His health bar instantly dropped by 50%. He was blinded, and paralyzed. There was some kind of debuff on him, and a DoT effect. He was losing 2% of his hp per second. He tried to cast a heal on himself, but the paralysis wouldn’t let him.

  Losing his balance in the darkness, he felt himself begin to fall over. He must have fallen off the platform, because there was a delay before he felt an impact. And it did another 5% damage. He heard the captain shouting orders, but couldn’t make them out over the sounds of the crowd. He watched as his health bar ticked below 30%.

  Why can I see my UI if I’m blind? Another thing I’ll have to ask the devs about. he thought. Whoever that mage was, he must have been high level. This one hit was going to kill him. He was down to 8% when he felt a heal tingle its way through him. His hp went back up to 25%, but the DoT was still ticking. Someone had bought him twelve more seconds.

  With his health at 9%, the DoT and the blindness wore off. He was able to move again, as well. As he suspected, he was lying on the ground below the platform. He quickly cast a heal on himself, pumping 2,000 hp back into his health bar. Then he rose, and looked around.

  Sounds of battle were still coming from the building. Looking up, he found the platform empty. Ceasar was on the ground near him, two guards held him as he bled from the arrow wound in his gut.

  Alexander teleported himself across the patch of mud to a spot right in front of the building. Dashing inside, he found three guards down on the floor, and could hear Brick taunting someone upstairs. Taking time to check the three guards, he found all three still alive. He cast a heal on each one, then headed upstairs.

  As he ran, he shouted in raid chat, “There are wounded in the building! I healed three of ours in the main room, but there may be more!”

  Reaching the top of the stairs, he proceeded down a hallway toward the sound of fighting. He saw Brick, Max and Lainey in a room to the right, facing off against a plate-armored tank and a caster. Both were level 60. The tank was still near full health, while the caster was sporting several arrows from her head, and was down to about 30%.

  Alexander cast Wizard’s Fire on each of them. The flames from the tank should help heal Brick. His friend was down to 25% health and not doing well against the much higher leveled tank. Alexander pulled out his healing wand and shot Brick with it, healing him for 2.400 hp. He handed the wand to Max. They needed Lainey to keep shooting stun arrows, as he assumed Max’s silence was on cooldown. Max stuck the wand between his teeth, then shot an arrow into the mage’s eye, causing her head to slam into the wall behind her. She fell to floor, and Alexander couldn’t tell if she was alive or dead.

  Alexander looked around. Jules and Sasha were nowhere in sight. A quick check of the UI showed both women were alive, though neither were at full health.

  “Sasha, where are you?” he shot out in guild chat.

  “Downstairs, back of the building. Had a little fight. Healing guards now. We’re good.”

  Relieved, Alexander turned his attention back to the tank. Taking out his Ray of Light wand, he moved around to the side of the room until he had an angle past the tank’s shield. He fired the wand again and again. He was just using the automatic bursts from the wand, eating up a single charge of 30 mana stored in the wand each time.

  Still, the beams of light were damaging the tank. As a servant of the Dark One, he was taking extra damage from light magic. And the attacks must have stung. The tank turned his shield to block Alexander’s attacks.

  That was a mistake.

  Lainey hit him in the face with a stun arrow. Max shot him in the face with an arrow as well, as Brick dropped his shield. Winding up a massive two-handed swing, the dwarf leaped up and brought his war hammer down on the tank’s head. The critical hit removed half of the tank’s health, and stunned the man. Blood leaked out his ears.

  Alexander quickly shouted for his friends to step back. He softened the floor beneath the two players, allowing them to sink partway through. Once they’d sunk far enough, he hardened it again. The mage hadn’t moved a muscle. She still had a sliver of health, but appeared unconscious. The tank was recovering from the stun with roughly 30% of his health remaining. However, his torso and weapon arm were trapped by the floor. He’d dropped his shield when Brick hit him, and the shield was partially embedded in the floor as well.

  Growling, he pointed at Lainey and cast a spell. A shroud of darkness surrounded the Valkyrie. She screamed in pain, and her health bar began to drop quickly. Max instantly grabbed the healing wand and fired into the middle of the darkness.

  “He be a dark paladin!” Brick shouted, as he hit the man again in the head. Alexander cast wizard’s fire on him again. The constant damage should prevent him from casting. But just in case…

  “Brick, break his arm! Don’t let him raise it again! But don’t kill him!”

  The dwarf put away his hammer. He pushed the tank backward until he was laying nearly flat on the floor, then proceeded to stomp on the man’s arm with his heavy steel boots.

  Alexander turned his attention back to Lainey. Still screaming, his friend’s hp had recovered due to the heal Max had given her. But her health bar was already back down to 30%. Max fired another burst into the darkness, but must have missed. “Keep firing!” Alexander yelled. “Aim low, in case she’s on the ground!”

  Max fired low, and sure enough, Lainey’s hp went up a good bit. He fired again, and she was back to nearly full health.

  Taking a chance, Alexander pulled out his light wand. Fitz had said it would damage friendly targets, but that it would also dispel dark curses and spells. Aiming for an area he hoped was above Lainey, he fired the wand.

  Instantly, the darkness disappeared. Lainey was on one knee, gasping for breath. She looked at Alexander. “You… you… shot me!” Max grinned, shooting her with the wand again and bringing her back to full health.

  “BWAHAHA!” Brick laughed. “Serves ye right. Payback for them free shots ye took in the forest!” He continued to stomp on the now helpless tank. At this point he was just doing it for fun.

  Lainey snorted and looked at the three totally unapologetic men. “Idiots.” She smiled.

  The sound of guards rushing up the stairs brought them back to the business at hand. Alexander directed the guards to give a healing potion to the mage. She had somehow held on at 3% health. Then he bade the guards strip them of their armor and weapons, and their inventory bags. He had to send the guards downstairs to the room below, then let the two players fall through the floor, before their armor could be removed. Max, of course, took all the loot.

  The captain arrived, and put them formally under arrest, ensuring that their bind points were transferred to the prison. As the guards
rounded up all the prisoners, the group met up in the street outside. The captain gave them an update.

  “There was a dozen in total, including Ceasar. The guards entering from the back surprised three of them. They captured two, and one fled into the basement. My men pursued him, but he used an escape tunnel, and lost them in the sewers. I’ve stationed men at all the known exits inside and outside of the city, and sent a request to the mages guild for assistance in hunting him.

  “The two you fought upstairs had been in the main room. They fought my men who’d come in from the back, taking down three before Brick stepped in. He chased them upstairs, and you know what happened from there.”

  He turned to Alexander. “Thank you, by the way, for healing those three. We’d have lost them if it weren’t for you.” Turning to Sasha he bowed his head. “And my men tell me you saved half a dozen of them yourself. Thank you.” Sasha gave him her best smile.

  “As for the others, the mage that nearly killed Alexander was killed. But not before being arrested. So, his respawn will be in prison. When my men saw he’d attacked you, they… reacted badly, I’m afraid.”

  Alexander chuckled. “Please thank them for me.”

  “Yes, well. The healer, archer and warriors outside were captured without more than minor injuries. All of these adventurers were level 50 or higher. The highest was level 65. That’s the one who hit you, Alexander.”

  “Just so I know who to thank, who healed me after I fell off the platform?” Alexander asked. “I’d have died if not for them.”

  The captain smiled. “That would be Lydia. She healed you, and when she saw you were going to live, she stomped off to kill any of them she could get her hands on. I had to physically restrain her. My lovely wife has quite the mother bear instinct these days!”

  A runner rushed up to the captain, handing him a message. He read it quickly, then handed it to Alexander, who read through it quickly.

  “HA! Seems we found our twelfth bad guy. It was a rogue. He was apparently spotted by a couple guards coming out of a manhole in an alley. They engaged him, and were losing, until Master Baleron came flying out of his shop and struck the rogue with a staff that turned him to stone!” Alexander began to laugh hysterically.

  The others looked at him. Finally, he stopped laughing to explain. “Baleron is a gnome. Or at least, mostly gnome. He’s only about shoulder high on Brick. He’s an enchanter. Very fond of his dwarven spirits. He’ll be drinking for free, telling this tale for years!” He smiled.

  Max and Lainey moved around collecting the loot and bags from all the prisoners. Sasha and Jules went in search of Lydia. Brick headed back inside, very interested in the enemy tank’s armor. Alexander took a moment to find a private spot in an alley.

  “Odin, I’d like to speak to GM1,” he said.

  Odin appeared before him. I’m afraid GM1 is occupied at the moment. He said to tell you that the FBI has brought in local police and national guard units, and are attacking the keeps of each one of these servants of the Dark One.” They are already inside the keep of the one named Ceasar, though he does not know it yet.”

  “Thank you, Odin. I appreciate you passing along the message.”

  “I heard what that one said. That the Dark One is behind the attack on Olympus. That is not acceptable.” Odin growled. Lightning flashed in the sky.

  “No, Odin, it is not. We will root out this Dark One and destroy him. Both in the game, and out. Do not worry,” Alexander reassured the AI.

  “I will assist where I can, without violating my directives.” Odin said. Then he was gone.

  Oh, shit. The Dark One’s gone and pissed off Odin. I wouldn’t want to be him!

  Stepping back out into the street, he found Max waiting for him. “Was that Odin?” he asked.

  “Yup. Message from dad. The FBI’s on it. I’ll update everyone together back at the house.”

  Max handed him three more communication rings. “Here, mister enchanter. I figure if you can find out how these work, we can set up a whole communication network outside the guild.”

  “Good thinking!” Alexander said. “Please give all the loot to the captain to be distributed to those who lost folks in the other attacks.”

  In guild chat, he said, “Okay, everybody. We’ve still got business to handle today. Get your shopping done. Your training. I’m going to the Ogre to talk to volunteers. Sasha, if you haven’t already been there, I’ll take care of that.”

  “We were headed there when we got your call. I’ll leave it to you.”, Sasha answered.

  Alexander walked back over to Captain Redmond. “I should have asked sooner. Did we lose any guards? Any citizens?”

  “None. There were some injuries. Mainly among the guards. Two civilians took wounds from the rogue, but are recovering. Lydia went to see to them.”

  “Thank you, Captain. That’s a big relief. Can I ask a favor?”

  “Of course, Alexander. I owe you many. If you hadn’t caught on to Ceasar’s look and found these others, things could have gone very badly.”

  “These prisoners are what I want to ask about. If, in your questioning, you discover that they are all of one guild, especially if that guild is not PWP, I’d ask that the king not make a general announcement of their status as enemies. I learned my lesson last night at the keep. Please ask the king to declare them enemies, but to do so quietly. That way, they may feel free to walk the streets again until spotted by a guard. Maybe we can capture more of them?”

  The captain nodded. “I’ll bring your idea to the king.”

  “Thank you, Captain. I’m headed to the Ogre now, to see about volunteers. Do you think Caleb might want to join us?”

  “Try and stop him!” The captain laughed.

  Alexander stepped back into the square. Making his way to the platform, he lowered it back down, and smoothed all the surrounding stone. As he worked, people began to applaud. At first, just a few. Then more and more. There was no yelling or cheering. Just applause. And a few slaps on the back as he walked toward the Ogre.

  Entering the Ogre a few minutes later, he was pleased to find Baleron already there, and well into his story of capturing the rogue. Stepping up to the bar, Alexander called out, “A round of drinks on me! In honor of Baleron, hero of Stormforge and scourge of the Dark One’s minions!” There were enthusiastic cheers and raised drinks around the room. Martin O’Malley winked at Alexander and stepped toward the kitchen. The barkeeps began filling drink orders as fast as they could.

  “The boy warned me you were coming. He didn’t say you were bringing half the city!” Martin clapped him on the back.

  “Yes, well, a few things happened I didn’t plan for.” Alexander smiled sheepishly.

  “I heard what you’re doing, lad. I want to help. When the time comes, I’d like to open a tavern at your keep. Guards are guards, they need a place to drink!”

  “Actually, you can help today, if you’re willing,” Alexander said. “I’m throwing a feast at our guild house tonight for the volunteers who will be coming with us. I’m expecting… well, it was a hundred. Now I’m guessing more like two hundred people. Can you provide the food? Nothing fancy, just food that’ll fill bellies. Brick will be serving dwarven ale and spirits. We have a large kitchen at the house, you’re welcome to make use of it.” He paused as Martin looked thoughtful.

  “Aye, we can do that, if we close down the restaurant tonight…”

  Alexander could see him calculating the lost profits. “I’ll also need to rent as many rooms as you can give me. For those who can’t make it home after the party. I’ll deliver them by wagon if necessary. There might be a large number of dwarves.”

  Martin smiled. “Aye, lad. We can manage that. I’ll have some boys ready with wagons to help bring ‘em here and tuck ‘em in.”

  Alexander handed Martin a pouch with 1,000 gold. “This is for the food, the rooms, the loss of business from closing the restaurant, paying the extra help, and any possible damages.”

  Martin’s mouth dropped open. “This is 1,000 gold, lad! That’s three times what I’d ask of ya.”

  “Consider it an investment. Use whatever’s left to buy what you need to start another Ogre at Dire Keep when the time comes.” He smiled at Martin. “Now, do you have a room where I can talk to volunteers? Oh! And I promised them a meal if I accept them. Can I send them to you?”

  “Aye, lad. Right this way.” Martin led him to a private dining room off the currently empty restaurant. “Since the restaurant be closed for the day, I’ll have them wait in there while you talk in here. Just grab the next one as you’re ready, and I’ll feed the ones that come out smiling.”


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