The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10)

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The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10) Page 14

by A. M. Van Dorn

  “Don’t tease, Juan. I was a detective in Philadelphia, and that fuels a curiosity that I can’t shut off,” she told him with a glance.

  “A detective? I can’t say I am surprised. Every account I have heard about you is that you are a remarkable group of sisters,” he responded.

  “And my brothers, too. Don’t forget them. Two of the finest men on this earth, but the river … who was fighting?” she pressed eliciting a smile from him at her tenacity.

  "It is a battle cloaked in legend. In fifteen-twenty, our Spanish ancestors, the conquistadors, overran Mexico City. It is said that when Cortez went to seize the fabulous treasure of the King Montezuma, it was gone. He dispatched forces in all directions in pursuit of those who were rumored to have fled with the treasure. A band of conquistadors caught up with a group that did indeed have treasure in this very valley. The battle raged, and the conquistadors fell to one man. The legends continue to say the Indians made their way north with the treasure pursued by the sole survivor they did not know survived the massacre. Neither that soldier, the Aztec warriors, and, of course, the treasure was ever seen again," he explained.

  “Of course,” Cassandra said with a smile as any tried and true story about lost treasure always ended with its mysterious disappearance into legend.

  Easier down than up, Honor thought encouragingly to herself. As they scuffled down from the mesa top, they could hear shouts from below.

  “They see us,” Katie said nervously, scared for their chances. Honor nodded.

  “Marquita, Valencia?” came a call up from below. Katie held her gun up and fired two shots skyward as Honor timed her shouts in Spanish.

  “Si, we escaped when the boulder fell. Get them, they have the money, climb, climb,” Honor shouted. Immediately a man’s shouting voice carried up to her.

  "Do as they say. Waste no time here, amigos, climb!" Fernando shouted from below. The four remaining men, not counting Fernando, who remained below began to scramble up the trail amongst the large rocks and thin shrubs. Suddenly Marquita appeared at the top unwilling to quietly sit there and let the women escape. As they swept past the men, one of them fired at her, thinking she was Katie or Honor. Marquita ducked back out of sight. Somehow Marquita had loosened her gag because shortly after that Honor could hear her voice.

  "Stop shooting, you idiots! It is a trick, they have killed Valencia!" she shouted from above, and Honor knew the jig was up. The men were actually higher up now than Honor and Katie, so they froze and looked down at them. They ducked for cover behind a pair of boulders. Honor wasted no time returning fire. She smiled to herself as the muzzle flare from the men's shooting told her where to aim. They were completely exposed. She hit two of them right off, and they collapsed into bloody heaps with gurgled screams. One man managed to find refuge behind a boulder of his own while the fourth man was not returning fire but instead sought to climb higher to put himself out of harm's way.

  Meanwhile, Katie was trading fire with Fernando who was crouched down at the base of the bluff. However, between the dim light of the stars and her inexperience with a pistol, it was amounting to a standoff. The man fleeing up the trail ran into Marquita trying to come down.

  “Where are you going? The fight is down there!” she said to her brother’s man.

  “When I awoke this morning, we were ten strong. Now we are three. I ain’t gonna make it two,” he said forthrightly.

  “If you are too cowardly, give me your gun. I will kill those black bitches myself for what they have done to me and Valencia,” she said and lunged for his gun.

  "No, I will not give up my only protection," he returned, and she lunged again striking him this time. The force of the impact knocked him back, and he teetered a moment, and then fell down the trail with a scream, taking his gun with him. His cries were cut short as his neck broke somewhere on the way down.

  Honor's last man jerked backward, crashing to the ground as one of her bullets ricocheted off a nearby rock and struck him to Honor's relief and delight. She quickly re-loaded for the third time since the gun battle began. She had been immensely thankful the Mexican bandits had been using the same model of gun as hers that remained at the bottom of the deep water hole. Looking at her belt she saw it was the last of her ammo meaning it was time to wrap this up, she thought to herself. She dashed across the open space to join Katie behind her boulder. Fernando below took a few shots but missed by a large margin. The darkness was almost complete now.

  “You got a plan for killing this rascal, Honor?” Katie asked eagerly.

  “I do not intend to kill him if I do not have to. I am going to end this though,” she answered as her companion’s mouth fell agape.

  "Not kill him, why not? If that bandit had his way, we'd be getting raped something fierce right about now. Then he would send us to be whores in South America," Katie's words were bubbling out from her rapid fire. Honor knew she had a point but still didn't want to do it.

  “I have my reasons,” she answered trying to think of the right words in Spanish that she now needed.

  "Fernando! Give yourself up! Your men are dead. Keep fighting and you will join them," she called out to the man below.

  “That’s your plan? Simply ask him to give up? That sure don’t seem like a plan Cassie would come up with,” Katie said.

  “It surely does not, does it? I do believe it will work though. Truly, he must be a coward at heart to murder innocent children and sell women into sexual slavery. Without his numbers, he shall surely lack courage. Besides, we are between him and where their horses are. He is cut off without a means of escape.” Katie murmured agreement but added her two cents.

  “He ain’t given up so far.”

  "Perhaps he needs more incentive," she said pausing, thinking again of the right Spanish words. "How many bullets do you have left, Señor? We have many, and once you are out you will feel them burrow into your flesh unless you surrender!" she cried out to the man. A long moment of silence followed and finally a voice called out to them in Spanish.

  “What did he say?” Katie asked.

  “I give up,” she answered with a smile. “Hands up, Señor, and toss the gun!” she shouted to Fernando. They emerged from their hiding place as he did the same and tossed his gun.

  “Kick it away, good. One of those bandits must have some rope on their horses. Could you find some Katie? I’ll keep him covered.” she asked her friend.

  "Yes, ma'am," she responded. Suddenly she heard a galloping of a horse out of the darkness. She pushed Honor out of the way as Marquita galloped past them. She had made it down the bluff in the inky blackness, and they hadn't seen her.

  “Marquita! I had forgotten about her. I was hoping she had caught a stray bullet. Thanks, Katie.”

  “Stop, Marquita, take me!” Fernando shouted to the horse and rider that had disappeared into the night. Katie cocked her gun and pointed it at Fernando.

  “Halt right there, hombre!” she called to him. Knowing he was truly beaten, Fernando came to a standstill, his shoulders sagging in defeat.


  As she galloped across the desert, Marquita had tears streaming down her face. They were tears of sorrow and frustration. Grief for the loss of her beloved sister and for abandoning her brother like a coward. The frustration was for not having been able to locate any weapons in the dark so that she might have been able to exact revenge then and there. Who were these women that could have destroyed their entire operation the span of a few hours? She asked herself. Marquita had never met a woman of her equal beyond her sister, yet this Honor Elizabeth Wilde clearly was not only her equal but had surpassed her in a devastating fashion. Soon, as she rode deeper into the badlands, she found her sorrow turning to a deep fury. She vowed that someday she would avenge Valencia. She would make sure that the ringleader Honor Elizabeth Wilde died slowly and painfully. As would her friend Katie, who would merely be a bonus. Marquita clenched her teeth, focusing on revenge as the miles disappeared behind her.<
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  At the base of the bluff, Honor had found a small lantern tied to a horse belonging to one of the deceased bandits. She lit it to provide some light as they worked. In short order, they had bound Fernando and wrestled him up on his horse. As Honor worked to tie his horse to her Nina, she saw Katie looking at her quizzically.

  “Honor Elizabeth, why?” she asked.

  “Why did I let him live when I can barely stand to be anywhere near such a loathsome creature? It is like this Katie … there could be families out there wondering what happened to their loved ones, and he is the only one who knows for sure. Only he knows who got sold to South America. If they stand any chance of rescue, he must come before the authorities. Tough choices are something Cassandra talks about sometimes. Now that he is trussed up though, I am going to have a look around for my knife,” she said.

  Katie watched as Honor took the lantern and went hunting for her blade. As blackness came around her, she could only think to herself that the more time she spent around her once dear friend, the more Honor was making it very hard to stay upset with her. She remembered loving to listen to Bessie bad mouth Honor and compare her to the yellow house nigrahs. She was beginning to feel sorry about that. It also, for the first time, occurred to her that when her brother's heart had broken, maybe Honor Elizabeth's had as well.

  Casually, Cassandra leaned against the railing of the veranda and listened to Juan finish his story of the lost treasure of Montezuma after he returned from fetching them each a cocktail.

  “There are those who persist in the notion that it lies buried somewhere to the north, just waiting for the day it is rediscovered. I take no stock in that notion of course,” Juan said after taking a sip.

  “Still, there is no denying that there was a battle here,” Cassandra pointed out.

  “Yes, the river ran red with the blood of the Spanish and Aztecs alike, so the name remains to this day … I see you are cold, Cassandra. Come now; let us retreat within the villa,” Juan said, and Cassandra knew he had noticed her shiver.

  She did not mention she wasn't cold. The shiver was her response to the beautiful river below having once having been turned red with blood. Holding their drinks, they made their way down from the bell tower and into the residential part of the villa. They came to a hallway, and he stopped in front of two magnificent double doors with artistic engraving.

  “You must be tired after your day’s ride. This room will be yours, and the next one will be Catalina’s,” Juan told her with a gracious smile.

  “Thank you. You do know that Cattie and I could share a room,” she informed him.

  “Nonsense. There are more empty rooms in this home than I care to count. Perhaps someday, when I find a beloved, I could fill them with family. For now, it is only I and my younger brother and sister,” he said as if revealing a longing he had.

  “There is nothing like family. Nobody knows that more than I,” Cassandra told him.

  “Yours is unusual, is it not?”

  “To the outside, perhaps, but the six of us grew up side by side. To us there are no colors, no different races, just family that love each other beyond all measure, Juan,” she told him proudly.

  “Admirable,” Juan responded with a nod to which she nodded in return.

  “Well, to you I promise that Cattie and I will do everything we can to stop this madman and keep you and yours safe. I gather your parents are no longer in this world,” she asked softly.

  “Si, we are all that is left,” he said. Cassandra could understand how the subject of deceased parents would be awkward, so she gestured to the banners over the doors.

  "Those banners, they are gorgeous, what do they stand for?" she asked of the red and white hangings.

  “Those are banners of the house of Canizarra. In the days of Cortez every noble house had its own banners as well as its own colors,” he said and held up his hand to show her a ring. It had four squares, two red and two white. “See this ring, Señorita? Tradition and custom decree that the head of the house must always wear such a ring. Each house has distinct colors. Mine happens to be red and white. Enough of this history, it is late,” he said as Cassandra grinned.

  "That's the second time you mentioned that, but I am accustomed to making due with little sleep. There are other ways I might prefer to spend my time just now," Cassandra admitted. Juan showed interest, and he set down his glass on a nearby stand, and she did likewise.

  “Is there?” he asked with a slow smile.

  "You remember what I said about making do with what pleasurable circumstances you can make for yourself? I say we make some pleasure for ourselves. You suffered a terrible loss in the murder of your friend …" Cassandra took his hand and drew close to his mouth. "Let me give you comfort for a while," she said and kissed him eagerly. His lips were soft and arousing to her. They broke apart, and he smiled.

  “I have never shared passion with an American before. Are all the women as alluring and forthright as you are, Cassandra?” he asked.

  “Not a chance. We, Wildes, are a special breed of women," she told him mischievously.

  "Then it seems this vile El Segador has done one positive thing and that is to bring you into my path, Cassandra Wilde," he said holding her hands firmly. Cassandra leaned into him.

  “I said something like that to my sister on the way down here. Now then, Señor, why don’t you show me the master bedroom?” she said in a sultry voice that just came out of her when she was interested in someone. He swept her off her feet and carried her down the hall. He kicked open his door and continued to a massive, luxurious bed. Laughing, they tumbled into it as Cassandra felt her usual urgency and eagerness embracing her, excited for the pleasure and passion she knew was about to take place.

  He quickly undid her blouse and trousers while she opened his pants, with much pleasure. Anticipation always got her heart palpitating, and it was game time now. She slid her hands up his shirt, enjoying the feel of his manly chest as he caressed her womanly assets. Cassandra moaned with her rising need for his lovemaking and they kissed, exploring each other's body with their hands and lips. Burning with desire they quickly finished stripping each other nude as both their eyes registered delight at the allure their partner’s naked body held. He rolled her over, so he was on top and buried his face into her breasts, and she arched her back to accept his offerings of lust.

  "You are an exceptional woman Cassandra Wilde. Never have I encountered such bounty from endeavors such as this." He said huskily, bending his head again to taste her own offerings. She laughed and while holding him to her tight with one arm her other hand slid down to his attribute between his legs. He gasped, and it was her turn to roll him, so she was now on top.

  "You have no idea Señor! You're about to find out though." She told him and kissed his chest. Her long blond hair fell around him. His hands gripped that hair as she moaned her own lust and felt him harden in her hand.

  She began to stroke him softly with her hand proceeding up and down on his shaft. Cassandra saw the look on his face – the way he bit into his lower lips when she increased the pace of her hands. He could not hold back his desires anymore and she knew it. She noticed the way his hands were slowly pushing on her head to readjust her position…down between his legs leaving little doubt as to what he wanted.

  In the hot springs behind Cedar Ledge where the sister frequently traded stories about their many dalliances Lijuan often boasted how she liked to be in complete control. As far as Cassandra was concerned she could go either way. Sometimes it was fun to dominate, and other times being dominated gave her butterflies in her stomach. It was an easy decision to let Juan guide her, Latin men she knew loved to be in charge.

  Cassandra lowered her head between his legs, taking his member in her mouth almost entirely while her right hand toyed with his balls and her left gripped his shaft. “Oh, lady……Damn…. don’t stop…. don’t.” Juan moaned. His eyes were beginning to roll in lust, and his hands
were jerking and trembling as they still gripped her head.

  She had no doubt she was sending one thousand and one shivers down his spine, causing him to raise his back as she sucked him, Cassandra finally lifted her head, wiped away a long string of drool and then moved back up his body and locked lips with him.

  For a moment, both lovers just tongued before moving on to draw on each other’s lips as though their lives depended on it. He was rock hard, and she was lost in lust as well. Juan looked into her green eyes that sparked with the pleasure of dazzling sexual excitement and in his eyes, she could tell he wanted her now. He began to trail his hands from the sides of her cheek where he had secured them hitherto down to her hips. Cassandra shivered as his hands sent shocks into her naked body and she longed for him never to stop. She wanted to tell him that he was making her crave for more, but she found no words left in her mouth.

  Then he freed his lips from her soft, succulent lips and began to nibble her neck softly. This time around, Juan moved his hand between his legs and positioned his rock-hard member to her opening and she began her slide into ecstasy. Cassandra gasped immediately. She felt how big he was, the way his well-endowed cock was rattling the opening between her legs. Once he had finally filled her hole completely, he rested on his back yet again, sledded his hands around her cupping her smooth ass and then he began to rock in and out of her.

  Their ears rang with the sound of his thighs slapping against hers and the sound of their frenzied panting that grew louder with each stroke and the excitement that shot through the American and the Mexican.

  Her eyes rolling in her head she knew alerted him how fast he was driving her crazy and Juan increased his pace. Now he was pumping faster and faster making love to her like there was no tomorrow, jacking his huge rod in and out of her with all his strength leaving the pair enwrapped in their desire. Every time he emerged from within her his cock was slick from her orgasmic juices that spilled from her body.


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