The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10)

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The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10) Page 18

by A. M. Van Dorn

  Cassandra had continued by saying she felt El Segador had made a grave error getting as close to Cassandra as he had been when they were fighting. She doubted anyone else who had gotten that close had lived to tell about it and that had resulted in The Reaper carelessly or over confidently not taking off the ring he wore on his finger.

  Catalina had fallen silent and Cassandra didn't wish to badger her anymore about it. The pair had ridden on in silence until they reached the mission.

  "I just can't believe you're leading us down a path that's gonna make Señor Hernandez-Kelly the villain of this here ol' opry! He's been nothin' but a gentleman and a kind one at that. Except, of course, when he … we got a little too much wine in us, and he started badmouthin' Papa because Mercedes went off to marry him," she said.

  “I hope you set him straight!” she said.

  “You bet I did … but despite all of that, I think you might be reachin’ here. That ring could be anythin’. Someone else could have one with the same colors, even if the colors are associated with his family. It’s not impossible you know,” Catalina said as an alternative theory.

  “That’s true, and I hope you’re right, but honey, I’m worried you aren’t looking at this objectively because the man has been flattering you since the night they showed up at Cedar Ledge,” Cassandra was trying to be as gentle as possible.

  "Well, I do remind him of my mamacita. Turns out … it turns out he was in love with her back then," Catalina admitted, and Cassandra looked at her in surprise.

  “Hold on, did you … did he … did you?” she stammered through her question. Had Victor been trying to recreate his lost Mercedes with Catalina and how far had he taken his longing?

  "I ain't gonna lie. I'm a might choosy about the men that I give myself to because you know what I prefer. He's a good bit older than me for sure, but he's as handsome as hell. I didn't tell him this, of course, but if he made his play before he said what he did about Papacito, it might have happened. Especially with me high off that Mercedes blend wine, but no, we didn't. Now you on the other hand, with you in that robe there was no hidin' you slept with Señor Canizarra," Catalina pointed out at the end. Cassandra grinned and tossed her hair back.

  “And I would do it again, but not until we wrap this thing up. I want to prove Hernandez-Kelly is El Segador or clear his name from it.”

  They both laughed softly trying the overcome the awkwardness of being at odds and left the mission.

  "Muchos Gracias, Padre," they said to the old priest as they crossed over to Lily and Pretty Feet. "The search for El Segador is getting mighty warm. Come on Cattie. We're going to pay a call at the villa of Hernandez-Kelly."

  “Whatever you say, sister. If only to prove you wrong about Victor,” Catalina said, and they mounted up.

  "I know that's what you're hoping, and for your sake, I hope that I turn out to be wrong, Cattie, but perhaps the truth can be found at the Hernandez-Kelly estate itself. Let's get over there, Peppercorn." Cassandra smiled at Catalina's next words.

  “You know how I feel about that nickname, Cass!” she said. Cassandra laughed, encouraged that Catalina was attempting to be her old, humorous self despite the graveness of the situation.

  "I do, and I also think you secretly love it! Heyahhh!" she shouted, and they started riding. Quietly Catalina felt apprehension at what they might find. Cassandra was rarely wrong, and if that were the case here, then the task would fall to them to deal with Victor, and she honestly dreaded being placed in that position.


  It was not that long before they were outside the villa of Hernandez-Kelly and one thing was quite noticeable about it immediately.

  "His villa is not as large as the others. His family was never one of the great ones in the valley as folks sure seem keen on sayin'," Catalina said. During their wine-fueled talk on Canizarra's patio during the few times, she had turned the conversation away from herself and Mercedes she had learned this. That was in addition to having heard one of the other heads of household say it as well.

  "Let's wait here. It'll be dark in a few minutes. Then I want to look around the stables," Cassandra said. They sat in the bushes and waited patiently. After the night had fallen and it was dark, they waited another hour watching only a single light burning on the upper floor. At last satisfied there was no one about the grounds they readied themselves to make their probe.

  “This way, Cattie,” Cassandra said as they made their way around to the back of the structure where the stables were likely to be located. They made their way with stealth until they were outside the barn. After listening a moment to make sure there was no one inside they went in to do some sleuthing.

  “We need only to look at the best horse. He would only ride a fine horse,” Cassandra said.

  "Of course, Cass. He should have his coat of arms on his harness, too," Catalina said. After a few minutes of checking horses and bridle, they found what they needed. The animal was a fine specimen, black and strong.

  “This is his horse, Cat. I just want to make certain the Hernandez-Kelly colors have not changed in the decades or centuries since that book was written.”

  Her eyes fell on the bridle, and the colors were indeed the same as in the book and on the ring worn by The Reaper. She looked towards Catalina, but her sister's eyes had fallen. It wasn't wholly damning evidence, but it was pretty strong, and she knew it. Suddenly Catalina seemed to notice something. Still looking down, she pointed towards the hooves of Victor's steed.

  “Now what all is that?” she pointed, and Cassandra knelt to have a closer look.

  "It's reddish clay, Cattie," Cassandra said with some excitement, her instincts were that this was something of merit. "I wonder where Hernandez-Kelly picked that up from. Feels like we've been all over this valley and didn't see anything like it," Catalina had fallen silent as she stared down at it, but finally, she raised her head, and her eyes found Cassandra's.

  “A reddish clay. It was long ago, but Corderros and I rode from the Verde Abundante on one of our trips to show me around in this valley, that’s when I learned about the mission … and on that same trip was when I saw reddish clay just like this, Cassie. I do recollect one of the sights Uncle Hector showed my cousin Ruiz and I during that visit here because it was somethin' spectacular. On the east wall of the valley, there is an old Indian village built into the cliffs, and that's where I saw a whole bunch of reddish clay," Catalina finished gloomily.

  "Then let's go there, pronto!" Cassandra was wholly energized as leads always did that to her.

  “The old Indian villages have long been abandoned. No wonder no one could find them. They didn’t think to look in such a place … but it does make sense,” Catalina said softly as they moved back out of the hacienda’s property to their horses.

  She stroked Pretty Feet before mounting again. They were getting close to closing the noose around The Reaper's neck if this panned out. After a ride to the far side of the valley, Catalina led them to the old village. The mud walls were tall, and several long ladders were leading up to the houses proper. Cassandra was trying to decide which to start from as they tied up their horses amongst some big boulders to keep them hidden when they heard a whinnying sound. Moving along the rock face, they came to a cleft in the rock wall. Peering through it they saw a large enclave serving as a makeshift corral for several horses. The horses stamped about on the same reddish clay. There was no doubt now they had found the den of El Segador.

  "Let's get up those ladders and inside, Cat. This time we'll do the surprising. From what I know of these types of dwellings they are usually connected by passageways so that we can go from one to another in our search," Cassandra told Catalina.

  “Okay, let’s get this done,” Catalina responded with no hint of enthusiasm. They went to the far end of the cliff farthest away from the corral and scaled a rickety ladder that brought them near to the house on the end. They found one of the tunnels quickly and started moving slowly through the i
mpressive structures. About midway through the cliff dwellings, they approached another house when they heard voices. Cassandra nodded as she lowered her voice to barely above a whisper.

  “Listen, voices, they are close.”

  “You’re right, Cass. We found El Segador’s hideout for sure.”

  "Let's go, Cat. We hit em hard and fast," Cassandra said, and they both crept forward until they emerged at the entrance leading from the dwelling into some sort of open-air courtyard. Looking out, they could see bandits standing around and talking unaware as a small campfire burned near them. They looked at each other, and Cassandra smiled, then Catalina did, too. They leaped out, guns drawn and proved to be a complete surprise to the bandits.

  "All right, you murderers! We're taking you in!" Cassandra shouted and slugged the nearest unprepared bandit backward off his feet. His skull cracked off the hard ground, and he did not get up.

  "Curse the Diablo we are discovered!" one bandit cried. "Get them, amigos! They must not …" He stopped talking when Cassandra hit him in the nose. She heard a crack, and he screamed and dropped to the ground. He was the man she had clipped in the shoulder earlier. She turned seeing a man running at her. Distracted she suddenly felt an arm reach around her from behind. She instinctively grabbed it and flipped the bandit over her hip into the approaching man, knocking them both to the ground. The one she threw was groaning; his arm had been wrenched. As the other got to his feet, Cassandra kicked him in the jaw, and he went back down. She heard a sharp "crack" and then a scream. She turned to see her sister in her element.

  "Here's a little payback from our last meeting, boys! Throw me into a river will you!" Catalina shouted as she swirled her bullwhip around her head and back down. A man bringing a rifle up cried out as it was snatched from his grasp by the whip and hurled over the edge of the cliff. She spun the whip again, and it wrapped a man's legs as he tried to run and yanked him to the ground. Her sister was dangerous with that thing, Cassandra thought, amused. Thankfully, he was the last of their opponents, and they had done it without firing a single shot. That was something she thought rarely ever occurred.

  “What’s that you like sayin’ all the time? The element of surprise is a lawman’s best friend?” Catalina smiled as she regained her breath from her exertions with the bullwhip.

  "You bet! Let's tie them up and gag them. Then we can wait for El Segador to arrive. I am sure he will be here soon, and when he does we will end him forever!"

  Catalina nodded but said nothing. Cassandra slipping into her "nothing but the mission" mode was nothing new and was usually welcome. This time, however, the youngest Wilde sister was left wondering if it would be Victor they would be ending or some anonymous monster that meant nothing to her. She sincerely hoped for the latter.

  Having secured the bound prisoners in a room off the court yard Catalina worked to tie up the last of their captives. As she worked Cassandra looked around the area, trying to decide the right place to wait, setting their own ambush. Catalina suddenly cried out as the man she was tying up kicked out and knocked her over. In a flash, he disappeared down the way the ladies had come through.

  "Damn it all, Cass. That jasper must not have taken as many lumps as we thought we gave him! And listen now someone is coming from the other direction!" she said gesturing to the opening on the other side of the open court yard, altered by the sudden sound of footfalls.

  “I’ll handle that. You go after our fleet footed friend!” Cassandra told her.

  Cassandra hid in the shadows as Catalina took off in pursuit. She didn’t have to wait long as she took up position on one side of the entrance to the courtyard. The footsteps grew louder and abruptly stopped as a man walked through the opening wearing a mask. It’s him, she thought. El Segador.

  “Manuel! Pedro! Where is everybody?” the man called, and this time he had a normal sounding voice.

  "They're all kind of tied up right now. Will I do?" Cassandra said stepping out of the shadows. She had briefly thought about just shooting the man after everything he had done, but being a law woman was too ingrained in her. Don't shoot unless you must.

  “You!! I shall finish you once and for all!” he shouted regaining his now deep and gravelly voice as he rushed forward swinging, and Cassandra ducked his roundhouse.

  "Guess again. Oh, and you can drop the disguised voice. It's not going to work anymore," she scolded him. She stepped forward putting her weight into her swing and connected before he could duck. He staggered back from the blow.

  “Your days are over!” she told him confidently, connecting with another solid punch to one of his eye sockets. He staggered back again groaning and wobbling.

  “This ought to convince you of that!” she exclaimed unleashing a roundhouse kick to the jaw, and he dropped. He tried to get up but fell over. He was done, or so she thought.

  "Time to see if harpies bleed, Señorita Wilde!" The man groaned, and suddenly a rock he had cupped in his hand, snatched up unseen, when he had crashed to the ground sailed through the air striking her in the side of the head. As the pain exploded, everything started to fade to black, and she could feel herself beginning to fall to the floor, but she never felt the impact as she was out cold by the time her body thudded into the red clay that had led them there. Above her, El Segador straddled her and pulled his belt loose. He slid it under her neck and was just about to pull on it with both hands when a cry shattered the silence.


  El Segador yanked out his gun, spun around, and froze as he saw Catalina pointing a gun at him. He slowly rose and pulled the scarf from his face revealing himself. Cattie’s eyes went wide and then narrowed. Her mouth seemed to run dry at once. Swallowing hard she confronted the man who had turned the Rio Sangre Valley upside down…Victor Hernandez-Kelly.

  "So, Cassie was right. It was you. Why, Victor, why?" she begged to know, horrified by his actions.

  "You have only just met my fellows. You no doubt find them all charming and upstanding men. They do have those traits, but they also have a snobbery about them. For centuries now, the House of Hernandez-Kelly has been the smallest and the weakest of the houses. A fact my so-called friends always find necessary to bring up at any moment. My father told me it was the same with him, his father, and his father before that. I have shared several mistresses with these men, and through those women, I have learned of their mockery of me, behind my back. Enough was enough," he said, his face showing nothing in the way of remorse but rather a look of pride.

  “So, you decided to kill them?” her shoulders slumped in resignation.

  "With them dead or having fled the valley in fear, the House of Hernandez-Kelly would become the most powerful, respected, and revered. I would rule this valley," he told her proudly making her shudder. Where was the kind man from the night before? It hadn't been an act. She felt that in her bones.

  "If you were the last untouched, don't you think some might get suspicious that you were El Segador? Cassie figured it out from the ring when you tried to kill her earlier," Catalina pointed out to the man. Victor looked at Cassandra.

  "A formidable bitch that one, but what you say is true; it was careless. Still, once I had defeated the other families, I would have dispatched one of my men. His body would be identified as El Segador. Just as I used one of my men to carry out the firebombing to make you think it was El Segador when I was in your presence," he said, telling her his former plan.

  "Not that you will ever get to use it for that plan, but there is a body down at the base of the cliff. The guy I was chasin' had a knife on him. He tried to kill me, so I pushed him over the edge."

  Victor smiled broadly at this revelation.

  “Oh, you are your mother’s daughter that is clear. I see Mercedes’ strength in you, and nothing of the gringo you call your father,” he said insultingly.

  “Don’t start that again! You are loose with the word gringo considering’ how a gringo founded one half of your family! Now, why don't you dro
p that gun nice and easy? You aren't goin' to be usin' it on me, are you? Cassie was right about you goin' out of your way not to hurt me, wasn't she?"

  His eyes took on a warmness to them as he gazed at her. "From the moment I saw how so much you were like her at your Arizona home, I knew I could never let anything happen to you. I knew there was no stopping you from coming so yes, I did try to scare you away, but that failed. When we followed you, and you fortuitously stopped at the river, I saw my chance to act. You had told me what a strong swimmer you were, so I felt confident that if I had you pushed into the water, you would survive long enough for the man I sent downstream to pull you out with the rope. It seems I underestimated you, and you were able to get to shore on your own and bested him. Unfortunately for him, his anger clouded his judgment, and he tried to kill you. I would never have let that happen, so I shot him in the face. Regrettably, I had to flee before I could finish my work.”

  “Killin’ my sister you mean?”

  He did not deny it but continued, “I had planned that once she was dead while you were being swept downstream, he was to use the same rope to tie you up. Later I was going to stage some sort of rescue, hoping to endear you to me while I comforted you as you grieved Cassandra. But again, clearly the fool lost his head in anger over you besting him, so I had to kill him before he could harm you, my treasure. Now you and I can be together … my love.”

  She closed her eyes, agonizing over the aggravation of the whole situation. At this point, she just needed him to surrender. "Give up Victor. Please just give up," she pleaded, her voice breaking.

  "Didn't you hear anything I said before? I am going to be the power in the valley. Join me; give me children that I have been denied thus far in my life. Join me, and I will officially leave my loveless, childless marriage. Side by side we shall rule the Rio Sangre Valley together!" he said in a grand tone, trying his best to convince her.


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