Vampire Dating Agency: The Finale

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Vampire Dating Agency: The Finale Page 2

by Rosette Bolter

  “Can you see who that is?” he asked from his place behind Kendra on the roof.

  “Which one?” Kendra replied.

  “The blue car turning into the street. Looks like a late arrival.”

  Kendra steadied the telescope. “Okay. Got her.” She pulled away and turned to face him. “It’s Riley McCormick. The last of the old team.”

  “Unbelievable,” the Count muttered. “Who would have thought that little family would yield such support?”

  “You know as well as I do, that they’re not there for Jason.”

  “It doesn’t matter what’s brought them together,” the Count said. “Soon they will be after you and I. It’s time to formulate a response.”

  The Count stepped off the side of the roof and levitated back to the ground.

  He soon heard Kendra land on the ground behind him.

  “Julian,” she called to him, “what the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m going to speak with them,” he announced. “Tell them what’s really going on.”

  “Yeah? And what if they don’t listen?”

  “Then I guess I won’t be doing much talking.”

  Kendra ran in front of him. She put her hands to his chest. “Wait. Please … Please, wait.”

  The Count stopped walking.

  “I have history with them,” Kendra said. “They’re not bad people. They don’t deserve to die.”

  “We know at least one of them is working with Brock. Not to mention…”

  “You don’t have to say it. I want to get even with her too. But that’s not going to happen if you walk into the middle of their mess now.”

  “Well, what do you suggest?”

  Kendra turned to the road in front of them. “I’ll draw them out. Talk to them one at a time. Build a bridge between us, that sort of thing.”

  “And what if you fail?”

  “Then I guess we do it your way.”


  Nadine peeled her eyes away from the horizon. She sensed the vampires weren’t far. Turning back to the group, it seemed the others weren’t on edge like she was. They were so distressed, so angry about the tragedies in their lives, that there was no strategy or order for how they were conducting themselves. If they paid more attention, they might be able to see that the danger was still here.

  Nadine approached Riley, who was still hovering around her car. She’d just got done having a conversation with Luna and was staying put for the time being.

  Nadine could not detect a ray of emotion in the pretty woman’s face.

  “Hello again,” Nadine said dryly.

  “Hello yourself.”

  Nadine stood against the car next to her, leaning against it.

  “So that guy who was rude to us before – he –”

  “Don’t even go there,” Riley snapped.

  “I just want to make sure you have your story straight,” Nadine pried further. “We’d hate for it to come up with any inconsistencies. What with, a traitor on the loose and all.”

  “Last time I checked you were the traitor,” Riley said smugly.

  “But we both know that isn’t true, don’t we?”

  “What are you saying?” Riley countered. “That I’m still working with the vampires? After all this time? What possible motivation –”

  “Jason’s family’s dead. Dino’s wife. Your ‘boyfriend’. This is all about what happened before. The past is still here. The killer is still here. That’s what we were trying to tell you, before you decided to ignore us. And why was that by the way? Because you think you’re better than us?”

  “I don’t have to listen to this,” Riley sneered. “What the fuck are you doing here anyway? Did your family get killed too? Or do you just like basking in other people’s misery?”

  Riley trailed off. Jason was hobbling over to them.

  One of the ambulance drivers had lent him a crutch to lean on.

  “It sounds like you guys are arguing,” Jason said. “I thought we might be able to be a little more mature than that, given the situation.”

  “I thought so too,” Nadine said, “but Princess is still pulling bitch routine.”

  “Nadine!” Jason shouted. “Her boyfriend just died! Why don’t you lay off a bit?”

  “How do you know her boyfriend died?” Nadine said stubbornly folding her arms. “Because she says so? Isn’t it all a bit too convenient?”

  “Well, I guess you’re calling Dino a liar too then,” Jason retorted.

  “At least he brought people with him that can corroborate his story.”

  “What the fuck is your problem, psycho?” Riley hissed. “Do we have some sort of vendetta I don’t know about?”

  “Enough already,” Jason said. “Please. Both of you. We’re supposed to be on the same side here. We’re supposed to be helping one another.”

  “Do you want to start again?” Nadine asked Riley.

  “No,” Riley said. “I don’t.”

  She walked past both of them and maneuvered her way across the lawn.

  Jason looked after her a moment, before turning back to Nadine.

  “Is it just me, or did she not address you once?” Nadine asked Jason.


  “She’s still pretending like you don’t exist. The freaking nerve.”

  “I didn’t get that. What I got was that you upset her.”

  “Me?” Nadine screeched. “She started it!”

  “I don’t care who started it. We need to be civil to one another. How else are we going to…”

  Nadine put a hand to Jason’s shoulder. “You got me? Okay. I’m here for you. I’m gonna see this thing to the end.”

  “Well. Thanks, I guess. Means a lot.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  Jason hesitated. “You didn’t really mean that stuff about us not knowing her boyfriend was dead, did you?”

  “I don’t know,” Nadine shrugged. “Ask Luna. She’ll know more about it than I do.”

  “It’s probably a good idea.”

  “There’s one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  Nadine stepped in close to him. “I think we’re being watched.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The vampires are still in the area. They might make a move.”

  “How do you even – how would you know that? Did you see something?”

  “It’s my natural intuition. I used to be a top-tier investigator, remember?”

  Jason smiled. “Those were the days.”

  “They sure were.”

  They looked at each other. A moment of peace melting the night away.

  “Alright, listen up guys!” Dino’s voice rang out behind them. “Can I have everyone’s attention this way? Luna has something she’d like to say…”


  “Thank you, Dino,” Luna said, patting him on the shoulder. “I understand now that a lot of us are hurting. These attacks were of the absolute worst possible nature. We have lost the people closest to us, in the most horrendous of fashions. I can already see some of you pointing the finger at one another. But the truth is there is only one monster behind these attacks. And that monster is the Count, Julian Echo, as witnessed by Nadine Blue leaving Jason Freelaw’s home. Now, we at the Centre of Paranormal Investigation, will be doing everything we can to ensure that this man is caught and caught swiftly. You are all welcome to come stay at our facilities where you and your loved ones, should you wish to bring them, will be safe. Alternatively, we do urge caution of all of you, as there is no guarantee there won’t be any more attacks – in fact it seems to be an imminent likelihood.”

  Dino stepped round in front of her. “Can I say something?”

  “To me? Or to them?”

  “To … everyone…” Dino trailed off. He seemed uneasy. “With respect to your speech there, and how you and your team will do everything you can, I feel that you’re leaving us a bit dry.”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

  “We all came down here – me and my guys at least – we all came down here because we wanted to help. We thought there would be more that we can do.”

  “Exactly,” Nadine called out.

  “By all means,” Luna said, “do whatever you feel is necessary. We just caution you that attempting to bring the Count in will be extremely dangerous. If you come into contact with him, then I strongly suggest you reach out to us first, before you –”

  “But you’re going to help us, right?” Nadine demanded. “You’re going to provide assistance?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Nadine walked to the front of the crowd. “I mean, we’re all going to be on the same page here, aren’t we? We’re going to go over the same plan together. We’re going to put our heads together to come up with an organized strategy –”

  “Look, you can run your own investigation,” Luna said, “but we’ll be running our independently. That’s just how it works.”

  “It’s not like we’re not qualified!” Nadine persisted. “You have to let us in on this! This is personal!”

  “I don’t think I can be any more clear,” Luna said. “That’s our position. I’ve nothing more to say.”

  She backed away pushing past Dino.

  Her team of investigators followed her to their vehicles.

  Nadine grabbed hold of Dino. “She’s not seriously going is she? You have to stop her.”

  “I don’t know,” Dino mumbled. “Her mind seems made up.”

  Nadine turned back to face Jason and Riley.

  “Are you guys okay with this?”

  “Not really,” Jason replied.

  They looked to Riley.

  “I don’t understand any of this,” she said. “What’s happened that he has to come after us now? Where has he been all this time?”

  “What difference does it make?” Jason cursed. “He’s a monster. He needs to be destroyed.”

  “He’s still in the area,” Nadine asserted. “My energy’s been telling me I’m being watched. Not sure what angle from exactly. Only … I think he’s still out here…”

  “We could drive around,” Dino said. “I think there’s enough room in the cars for all of us.”

  “Some people need to stay here in case he shows up again,” Nadine said. “I’ll volunteer. I think he’s upset with me for some reason. I might be able to lure him out.”

  “A couple of my friends will stay with you,” Dino said. “Just for safety. I’ll drive around, heading to our left. Maybe Riley you can drive around, heading to the right.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Take Jason with you,” Nadine said.

  Jason glanced at Riley.

  “Sure whatever,” she said.

  She walked off.

  Jason looked at them uncertainly before hobbling off behind her.

  “Look Nadine, I know we’ve had our differences,” Dino said. “But I’m sure you can’t be involved in this madness, so I’m willing to bury the hatchet. What do you say?”

  Nadine nodded. “Sure.”

  They shook hands.

  “Okay – Josh, Lachlan – you guys stay with Nadine. The rest of you, come with me.”

  Dino and his men headed up to the car.

  Nadine looked up at the tall muscular men Dino had left her with.

  “Well, we’ll be having some stimulating conversation,” she muttered.


  The questions stared at her like a maze. Teasing her. Taunting her. His answers divided by truth and fiction, each shaping his character a little different depending on which was a lie and which wasn’t. Haley felt dizzy. She’d known the whole time he was just toying with her. He wasn’t playing by their rules either – he played by his own. Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that the killer had been honest with her. That he actually seemed to sympathize with her in some way. It would make sense enough, as it was alluded to that she knew him. But he’d told her he wasn’t Julian Echo, and the answers seemed to eliminate Brock.

  Who was left?

  Haley’s mind searched.

  If it was someone she knew, there were only two possible areas connected with this case that hadn’t been completely examined. Either the killer was still somehow sprouting from the dastardly Cyrus / Edmond Rance chain, or perhaps even worse … they had once worked for the paranormal police. And the killer and the traitor were one and the same person.

  And if that was the case, then who could it actually be?

  Who did she know that fit all the criteria?

  Haley closed her eyes. Her mind was becoming drowned. She was forgetting his answers to the questions. Forgetting the questions themselves. If only she had the time to go over each individual suspect, however unlikely, and see who could be eliminated … and who fit the profile.

  Assuming the killer had been truthful.

  Assuming the killer could keep his word.

  Haley lashed out angrily, punching the seat in front of her. She couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t take not knowing. This whole time it seemed Brock was pulling the strings, but – what if he wasn’t? What if all these years she’d been living in fear for nothing? How could – how could he ever understand…?

  But no, she did not seek Brock’s forgiveness. He had broken his bond with her.

  Somewhere, somehow, there had been a disconnect. He had been consumed by his newfound powers and was no longer available in the emotional sense that he once was. Haley couldn’t think about it. She couldn’t see straight. Even though…

  The answers were right in front of her.

  Lights were flashing now. The pilot’s voice carried across the intercom. They were approaching the landing strip.

  Haley held on tightly, drifting in and out of her thoughts.

  Waiting for it to click.

  Waiting for it to come together.

  The simple, elusive solution.

  It would come.

  It had to.

  Haley hoped it would not be too late.


  There was a knock at the Count’s door. The new Count, Brock Ferns that is.

  The servant trembled in the light of the doorway, almost afraid to speak.

  “What is it?” Brock asked shattering the silence.

  “The pilot just radioed in,” the servant said. “Madame Haley has reached her destination.”

  “Good…” Brock purred. “Have another chopper come to collect me. I am almost ready to leave.”

  “Will do, sir.”

  The servant exited.

  Brock turned back to his phone conversation. “You were saying?”

  “Luna Evans and her investigation team are dealing with the matter privately. I can’t get any closer to them without raising suspicion.”

  “What about the others?”

  “We’re all supposed to be driving around, searching the area. Nadine thinks the Count is still about somewhere.”

  “I want updates as they come in. Keep texting them to me. And stay with the others.”

  Brock ended the call.

  He remained seated in his armchair, poised with concern. While news of the dark occasion would no doubt have traveled to many a crooked place in the world of vampires, he still had not anticipated the old Count’s return. It was Brock who had stolen from him – his league of servants, his alliance with the vampire community, his coffer of riches. Brock also knew the Count was infatuated with Haley, seeing her as one of his most prized possessions. Yet despite the great history between them, after all these years the Count’s return came as a bit of a shock.

  Brock wondered if he should phone ahead, check on proceedings. Make sure Haley was being treated … reasonably. As Brock had spies throughout the world, no doubt the Count did as well. All it would take was one more traitor going over to the higher vampire’s side for things to come undone.

  The night was drifting further and further away from them.<
br />
  Brock pondered whether his place was beside Haley, or if he should set upon joining the hunt for this monster, before the monster came to him.


  There was a red carpet waiting for Haley upon her arrival. Doors were opened for her and dazzling lights reflected off her skin as photographers snapped their pictures. She was at the edge of an enormous dome shaped room, a series of diamond shaped windows with golden borders filling the ceiling and sides with a view of the starlit sky. There was a crowd of well-dressed people, a lot of them vampires, mingling with one another holding glasses of champagne and appetizers. She was and felt alone, as she did not recognize anyone present, but there was something safe about the anonymity. As beautiful as Brock said she was, she doubted she would stand out in this fashionable assemblage.

  Haley circled across the edges of the room. Occasionally she thought she might catch a glance of someone looking at her, but when things came into focus it never seemed to be the case. She plucked a glass of champagne off one of the trays and slipped it slowly, still following the circle. Her mind was not at rest.

  And no it wasn’t the killer’s threatening return that had given her the most trouble.

  It wasn’t this room full of sharks and predators sizing her up like a sack full of chocolate syrup they could bite their greedy mouths into.

  Haley had come to realize things about herself. Where once she had been a problem-solver, a go-getter of physical magnitude – her former ambitions had been left for dead.

  It was nothing recent as well. She hadn’t made the wrong turn days or months back. She had been living this lie for years, and when the true parts of herself were reflected back, it took all her strength to not break down in horror.

  That’s what he had reminded her.

  Not that he was alive and fine and coming to kill her –

  But that she had never become the woman she was supposed to be.

  Another stare.

  Haley turned again.

  This time, she could see a waiter approaching her, his face addled with an artificial grin. His eyes were hypnotic – and the longer she stared into them, she began to see they weren’t eyes at all, but flaming colorful lights.


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