4-6—NovaCon, 379 Myrtle Rd., Sheffield S2 3HQ, UK. novacon.org.uk. The Park Inn, Nottingham (Birmingham) UK.
11-13—WindyCon, Box 184, Palatine IL 60078. windycon.org. Westin, Lombard (Chicago) IL. C. Asaro, Frank Hayes, Joe Bergeron.
12-13—HalCon. hal-con.com. World Trade and Convention Centre, Halifax NS. SF, fantasy, comics. Actors, authors, comics people.
18-20—PhilCon, Box 8303, Philadelphia PA 19101. philcon.org. Crowne Plaza, Cherry Hill NJ. Doctorow. Celebrating 75 years.
18-20—SFContario, 151 Gamma, Toronto ON M8W 4G3. sfcontario.ca. Ramada Plaza. John Scalzi, Gardner Dozois, Karl Schroeder.
18-20—Anime USA. animeusa.org. Hyatt, Crystal City VA (near DC). Laura Bailey, Trina Nishimura, Travis Willingham, DJ Sisen.
25-27—LosCon, 11513 Burbank Blvd., N. Hollywood CA 91601. loscon.org. LAX Marriott, Los Angeles CA. J. de Chancie, J. Hertz.
25-27—DarkoverCon, Box 7203, Silver Spring MD 20907. darkoverconorg. Near Baltimore MD. Music and alternative spirituality.
2-4—SMOFCon. smofcon29.org. Park Plaza Victoria Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Where convention organizers meet to talk shop.
9-11—Starbase Indy. starbaseindy.com. Marriott East. T. Todd, J. Acovone, J. Billingsley, D. Downey. Commercial Star Wars event.
13-16—Arisia, Box 391596, Cambridge MA 02139. arisia.org. Westin Waterfront, Boston MA. Phil and Kaja Foglio. 3000+ expected.
30-Sep. 3—Chicon 7, Box 13, Skokie IL 60076. chicon.org. Chicago IL. Resnick, Morrill, Musgrave, Scalzi. WorldCon. $155+.
29-Sep. 2—Texas in 2013, Box 27277, Austin TX 78755. texas2013.org. San Antonio TX. The World SF Convention for 2013.
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Asimov's SF, December 2011 Page 21