Devil Hills: #1 Scarlet, Lexi & Lily

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Devil Hills: #1 Scarlet, Lexi & Lily Page 12

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Feet hit the floor and the next thing he heard were the shower doors. He’d done his sit-ups and was pulling his pants on when the whirlwind came out of the bathroom, dark curls shaking like a wolf just out of the lake. He closed his eyes at the onslaught, opening them in time to see her hopping on one leg as she struggled to get the other into her jeans.

  “What is wrong with you?” He asked with a hearty laugh, holding her waist and offering a steadying hand for the other leg to shoot forward down the pant leg.

  “Lily is never ever allowed in my kitchen!” Scarlet growled, the sincerity in the tiny bared teeth sending Lucas back a step. “That woman should never be allowed in any kitchen. Ever!” She grabbed up her shoes and flung the door wide, shooting down the stairs and coming to a skidding stop in the archway to the kitchen. It all looked normal.

  “A problem?” Jess asked, leaning up from the sofa. “Lily went to the bathroom and I made coffee. Surly doesn’t even cover her in the mornings.”

  Scarlet breathed a sigh of relief before collapsing in a stool.

  “I heard about her and kitchens, Scarlet,” Jess winked and lifted his shirt from the back of the sofa.

  “Thank you,” she went into the kitchen to see what they had that would be light.

  Scarlet was in the kitchen making toast, starting more coffee and sipping pineapple juice when Lily came down the hall from the first floor bathroom. She had to grin when a narrow eyed Lily went straight to the cups set out and poured a large mug for herself.

  “You know that’s bad for you,” Jess winked at Scarlet and grinned at the growl from the blonde holding the mug protectively in both hands. She held it beneath her nose, inhaling deeply and sighing.

  “Touch my coffee, wolf-boy and there’s nothing in the world can save you,” Lily perched on the stool, ignoring his chuckle.

  “What’s that smell?” Scarlet looked up from the juice she handed Jess, her nose twitching slightly and a wink sent to Lily. She watched a look pass between Lucas and Jess as Eli and Lexi came around the corner. Scarlet tried clearing her throat and started coughing. She knew what it was.

  “Oh my god, are you serious?” Lily took a big gulp of her coffee to close her mouth.

  “What’s wrong?” Lexi reached for a tall glass of juice, pale lashes narrowed as she looked from one to the other.

  “Can’t you smell it?” Scarlet whispered.

  Lexi bent her neck, her nose twitching. “Smells like dog. I think I’m getting used to it,” she admitted, oddly puzzled by that admission.

  “Smells like sex,” Lily corrected with a chuckle.

  “I…it does not! I most certainly do not! You’re making that up!” But the heat had already climbed into her cheeks.

  “Hmm…” Scarlet looked at her friend with a teasing grin.

  “That had to be interesting since everything she knows comes from books,” Lily went back to pour more coffee, offering to top off Lucas’s cup, who was quietly watching his guests and Scarlet’s expressions.

  “From…” Eli set the glass down, focusing on Lily. “Books?” He saw Lily look him square in the eye and nod before looking over at Lexi. “You learned that in a BOOK?”

  “I do not believe this is breakfast conversation,” Lexi informed him stiffly, scowling at Scarlet. “What happened to real food?”

  “Noon? Their mother is cooking, remember? I didn’t think we wanted to go there not hungry,” Scarlet shrugged lightly. “I made toast and there’s really good jam.”

  “Toast…” Lexi sighed and reached for a slice when her palm was grabbed.

  “Excuse us,” Eli led her off to the far end of the room.

  “Books, huh?” Lucas looked at Lily. “That’s why James is after her, isn’t it?”

  Lily sighed, striding to lean against the counter. “Yes.”

  “How the hell would he know something like that?” Jess took a healthy bite from his toast.

  “He dangles high paying jobs,” Lily explained quietly. “One of the requirements is a physical. He claims because of all the types of shifters and humans he wants to make sure his companies are kept relatively harmful disease free. Evidently the doctor checks special things in females,” she said bitterly.

  “I’m gonna be real interested in why dad let this creep live,” Lucas shook his head. He could feel the frost from Scarlet but there was time. He was wearing her down.

  “Books?” Eli had her against the wall, blocking the view from the others. He placed a hand on either side of her head.

  “What is wrong with you? What difference does it make…” Lexi frowned up at him, confused.

  “You learned how to…from a book?”

  She almost giggled at the astonished look on his face. “Several books actually. Erotic romance books are an amazing source of valuable information.”

  Eli felt his mouth opening and closing. The most erotic, sensuous woman in his life learned sex from a book. He felt his mouth going dry.

  “That means…you’ve never…” He watched her arch one eye brow patiently while the words gelled in his mind. “Damn. Why not? I mean, I’m not…that isn’t a complaint, Lexi. You’re beautiful and sexy and…”

  “No one felt right,” she said quietly, chewing on her lip. “I never gave much importance to…to the taste and smell thing. I think because I’d never experienced it before, Eli. I dated…” She shrugged. “They were fun. But it never felt right. But now I know the real reason is because all the aspects weren’t there together to make it really right, really good,” she looked up and shook her head at the grin on his face. “Don’t let this go to your head.”

  “Way too late for that,” Eli answered with that arrogant grin.

  “Don’t make me hit you.”

  “Are you going to run from me, Lexi?” Eli let the grin fade, the seriousness in too many aspects of their lives now.

  “You’re holding my car hostage,” she mumbled testily, ducking beneath his arm and shaking her head. “I need toast and a really frosty glass of juice.” She saw the looks as she returned to the kitchen area and sighed. “So now you all know why James is after me. Swell. And I smell like dog…so maybe he’ll think he’s lost his shot.”

  “We’ll see you at mom’s,” Eli took her hand and her pack from the floor. “Come on, I’ll fix you something light at the house.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to somebody’s mother’s house,” Lily drained the cup and considered more, frowning when Scarlet took it from her and shook her head.

  “Lily, if it really bothers you, we can pass on it,” Jess watched her head snap up.

  “Exactly what dimension are you living in? ‘Cause I want a ticket there,” she said sarcastically, striding into the living area and grabbing up her pack. Still shaking her head, she was out the front door before he could respond or move.

  “How far is it to town?” Scarlet asked nervously.

  “About five miles,” Jess drained his juice and gave her a grin. “I’ll take care of her, Scarlet. See you later,” he jogged off and out the door.

  “Relax,” Lucas moved behind her, surrounding her with his arms and resting his cheek against her head. She didn’t hit him or move. Distraction was now his friend, he decided. “Jess is the most patient guy I’ve ever known.”

  Jess jogged lightly through to door, his pace slowing when he saw her sitting on the bumper of the SUV. He continued toward her, opening the door and pulling it wide. He went to her and took her palm, lifting her inside and moving between her knees. They looked at one another for a long time before he spoke.

  “It frightens you, Lily. I understand. My parents would understand, too,” he said softly, groaning when he saw the moisture on the closed lashes. One palm went to her head, holding her against him. He doubted many had seen this side of Lily Gaines.

  “This shouldn’t be happening,” she said raggedly, her hands giving into the need and circling his neck, holding on like she’d never done before. Warmth, safety and so many other
things shooting through her.

  “Tell me which part so I know how to form my argument,” he said after a minute of thought. Relief flowed through him when she actually laughed, her head shaking and palms up to sweep the tears from her cheeks.

  “Let’s go to your place so I can change, please,” Lily framed his face, her head still shaking just before she covered his mouth with hers. Tasting, inhaling and feeling so much at once.

  “I probably should thank you for not shooting my car,” Jess teased, tucking her legs inside and ducking the palm she offered the back of his head. He chuckled as he ran around the front of the car, sliding into the seat and turning the key.

  “How’d you know I had my gun with me?”

  “Because you’re you, sweetheart,” Jess said with a shake of his head, finding the little pout very sexy. He watched her hug the backpack on her lap and knew he was right.

  “You don’t like guns.”

  “I’ve spent too many years fixing what they do,” he told her with a shrug. “But I understand for some people, they’re necessary, Lily.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jess and Lily separated once he unlocked the door. When he came out of his room, she was waiting by the door dressed in jeans, boots and leather jacket.

  Just for fun, her grabbed her around the middle and kissed her before she could react, his palms sliding up her sides and coming in contact with both holsters.

  “You’re not very clever with the frisking,” she pulled her mouth breathlessly from his and nipped his lip.

  “Nope…but it sure as hell is fun,” he chuckled, checked pockets and took her palm, guiding her down the stairs to the SUV.

  Jess was glad to see Eli and Lucas pulling along behind them. He wasn’t sure of how Lily reacted when stressed and having Scarlet and Lexi there couldn’t be a bad thing. He watched her jump out of the SUV and made a mental note to have a step put on the thing for her.

  Her fingers tightened on his when she realized his parents were waiting to greet them on the wide cedar porch.

  Their home was on another far corner of the ranch nearer the mountains and shielded from a lot of noise. They’d built a smaller home when Lucas had remodeled and taken over the larger house they’d all grown up in.

  Amelia had seen photos sent to her by various friends of her sons with the women around town, but the photos didn’t show the look in her sons’ eyes. Gleaming with pride and affection she’d never seen in any of them. The mother in her relaxed and smiled, taking a couple steps and hugging each man in turn.

  Introductions were made and Alex Daniels stepped up to Lily. Compared to the rest, she was definitely the runt of the litter, he thought with a little chuckle.

  “Jess tells me you come armed?” He asked, meeting the strong, wide deep green eyes. He watched her unzip her jacket and cross her arms over her. Hands moved expertly, he thought with an approving nod when the two 9mm guns were out and spun on her fingers, butts toward him and safeties in place.

  Lily watched the older man take the guns with the respect they deserved, sighted them and gave them a quick once over.

  “Nice set. Clean and well balanced.”

  “I have a couple friends who specialize in reliability,” Lily responded proudly accepting them back and snapping them skillfully in place.

  “Let’s go in the den. I’ve got a couple pieces to show you,” he walked with her at his side, their conversation lost on the others as they strode into the house.

  Amelia sighed. “You better not let her get away or your father will disown you,” she told Jess, looping her arm in his and grinning with the others.

  “I’ll add it to the list when I argue with her why she should stay,” Jess said evenly.

  “Is there a problem?” Amelia looked from one to the other.

  “She’s concerned about purists. They killed her parents,” Jess said with a sigh. “Granted, it was over twenty-five years ago, but…”

  “We don’t want to put you in danger,” Lexi said quietly. “Between them and Mitch James…it would have been best to not involve people.”

  “You don’t think we can take care of you?” Eli had been arguing with her on the ride over.

  “And if you’re hurt? How do we deal with that?” Lexi mumbled and shoved her hands in her pockets. “How do I tell myself, oh, it’s okay, Lexi, because they were protecting you! Well, it’s not alright! I can protect myself!”

  “Then why the hell were you running to Scarlet?” Eli growled back.

  “I most certainly was not…” Lexi pulled herself up sharply, suddenly remembering where she was. “I’m sorry,” she said with a half-smile at Amelia.

  “You’re doing fine, Lexi,” Amelia told her with a wink, looking at Lucas and Jess. “You guys come inside and let them work it out. So, Scarlet, Lucas tells me you love to cook? I don’t know anything less stress relieving…”

  Eli shoved his hands into his hair and grabbed. He inhaled deeply and waited for a couple minutes.

  “Why is it alright to run to Scarlet and Lily but not me?”

  “I did not run to them! And I don’t know you!” Lexi dropped to her heels and bent as far forward between her knees as she could. She heard the low growl behind her and part of her couldn’t understand his frustration.


  “Why can’t you see that it’s different?” She said slowly, cautiously.

  “How? How is it different, Lexi? Tell me,” Eli moved behind her, his hands on her shoulders and pulling her to her feet. He held her against him, his hands crossing over her shoulders and lips next to her ear.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “Okay…” Eli pushed a long breath between his teeth. “Let’s start with basics. We’re friends, right?” He felt her head move against his chest. A good sign. “What makes us friends, Lexi?”

  Lexi sighed and decided to just think out-loud.

  “You make me laugh and we talk about stuff and you think I have a sexy tail,” she raised her head and blinked up at him. “And I want to protect you as much as you want to protect me,” she whispered in disbelief.

  “Huh…how about that,” he kissed her nose. “You do have a sexy tail,” he told her.

  “Your mother thinks I’m nuts,” Lexi sighed.

  “I doubt that,” he led her up the stairs and into the house. “You think Lexi is nuts, mom?”

  “Eli!” Lexi squealed loudly, taking a swing at him and finding herself lifted in his arms for a minute. “Put me down, wolf! Now!”

  Eli was laughing and set her down, taking a quick jog past her to avoid the fist aimed at him.

  “Of course not, why in the world would I think that?” Amelia gestured to the large folding table. “Eli, take that to the porch and set it up next to the one Jess is working on, please. By the time Lily and your father finish shooting, we’ll have the table ready. I’m sure they’ll be starving by then.”

  Jess stood on the large stone back patio, the mid-fall sunshine heating everything around them nicely. Lily had taken her jacket off and stood wearing goggles and ear protection, his father showing her how to use one of the guns he owned.

  She seemed so small, her stance perfect and curves hugged by the black tank top and jeans, boots adding a little to her height, but his father was as tall as the rest of the males, about six-three and lean.

  To him, the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. He leaned against the house and just watched her. Now and then she’d nod, readjust and fire off more rounds. He could see the targets they were using and her aim was amazing.

  A crooked grin tipped his lips when he glanced at his father, standing tall and proud, just as if she were his daughter, not a small human who arrived in town on a motorcycle.

  “You’re fogging up those glasses, little brother,” Lucas teased, large hands filled with platters for the tables.

  “Ignore him, Jess,” Scarlet took a swat at him and scowled when he chuckled and
ducked back into the house.

  “Imagine that…a little blonde human,” Eli taunted with a chuckle.

  “My mother taught me not to have prejudices,” Jess tossed back, his voice low. “Meow.”

  Scarlet watched the speed Lucas moved between them and hand on each of the broad necks as they headed toward one another.

  “Gentlemen,” Lucas kept his arms out at length, hands clenched into taut fists. “The next move will be the sound of your hard heads bouncing off one another.”

  Lexi walked up to them from the kitchen, frowning at them. “What’s going on?”

  “Sibling rivalry,” Scarlet said quickly, dragging Lexi toward the kitchen again, chatting about the plates and other things that needs carried outside.

  Lucas watched the girls leave before letting go of his brothers after a sharp shake.

  “You mess things up for the girls and you’ll both end up shredded. Because if Lily and Lexi are unhappy, Scarlet is unhappy, am I getting through to you? Because if Scarlet is unhappy, I am unhappy which in turn, will make both your lives miserable.” Lucas glared at them both with a low growl before striding into the house.

  “Females make you nuts,” Eli said after several quiet minutes, watching Lexi and Scarlet carry things to the table, his gaze drifting to Lily. “She really is good with those guns.”

  “If anyone…anyone…had said I’d find a full human…”

  “Necessary,” Eli found the word his brother was struggling with and nodded. “I know. Believe me. A cat. Me. I remember all those lectures from the old man, trying to get through our young heads that it wouldn’t necessarily come down to species.”

  “And we looked at him like he’d lost his mind,” Jess said with a low chuckle. “A gorgeous blonde with guns,” his head shook. “They’re as much a part of her as our claws.”

  “Maybe they are her claws,” Eli went to the door and took the large platter from Lexi, the blinding smile making his heart thump wildly. A cat, he repeated to himself.

  “You two okay?” Lexi looked from one to the other.


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