Hot, Quick & Dirty: 12 Steamy Short Stories

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Hot, Quick & Dirty: 12 Steamy Short Stories Page 1

by Cleveland, Eddie

  Hot, Quick & Dirty

  12 Steamy Short Stories

  Eddie Cleveland


  Follow Me

  1. Riding Double

  2. Over His Knee

  3. Umasked Passion

  4. It Was Always You

  5. What Lies Beneath

  6. Open Road Connection

  7. Not Just One of the Boys

  8. Liquid Courage

  9. Burning Desire

  10. Fan Not Fiction

  11. Backstage Pass

  12. Silver Bells


  1. Between the Covers

  2. Three’s Company

  3. Reel Love

  4. Read Between the Lines

  5. Pole Position

  6. Wounded Hearts

  7. Total Package

  8. Rock Hard

  9. Constructing Love

  10. Naked Canvas

  Ready for a Quickie?






  1. Ella

  2. Jackson

  3. Ella

  4. Ella

  5. Jackson

  6. Ella

  7. Jackson

  8. Ella

  9. Jackson

  10. Ella

  11. Jackson

  12. Ella

  13. Jackson

  14. Ella

  15. Jackson

  16. Ella

  17. Ella

  18. Jackson

  19. Ella

  20. Ella

  21. Jackson

  22. Ella

  23. Jackson

  24. Ella

  25. Jackson

  26. Ella

  27. Jackson

  28. Ella

  29. Jackson

  30. Jackson

  31. Ella

  32. Jackson

  33. Ella

  34. Ella

  35. Jackson

  36. Ella

  37. Ella



  Follow Me

  Follow Me

  Editing by Lawrence Editing




  * * *

  Cover created by Mayhem Cover Creations

  Copyright © 2017 by Eddie Cleveland

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For all the ladies I’ve shared these Quickies with, this one is for you.

  …Especially you Jan F. ;)


  Riding Double

  Chapter 1


  I glance in my rearview mirror at a billowing cloud of dust threatening to engulf the back of my car as I drive down the dry, dirty road.

  Glenda fucking Delong.

  This is all her fault.

  I pull my sun visor down and push my oversized sunglasses up my nose, squinting as I focus on keeping on my side of the road. Not that it matters. Not that any of this matters.

  I was supposed to be flying business class to Oahu right now. I let my thoughts travel to an alternate universe where I’m sipping a glass of white wine, enjoying the buzz in my head and the rush of heat flushing over my cheeks as the increase in altitude makes the alcohol hit me quicker than I’m used to. I imagine the handsome stranger I would’ve been seated next to. The one who not so subtly keeps checking me out until he finally asks me why I’m heading to Hawaii. He would be so impressed to hear that I’m going to cover a story at the hottest new resort up on the North Shore. Isn’t that funny? That’s where he’s going too. It’s the grand opening, after all, and he did design the entire building.

  It would’ve been the perfect beginning to my weekend away. Of course, my sexy architect and I would do more than just explore the resort together. He’d make the Brazilian wax I got done worth the pain and money, and he’d suck on each and every one of my perfectly polished toes while I ate fresh pineapple and whipped cream in our luxury suite.

  But no. I blink my eyes hard and the dreamy resort evaporates like a mirage, replaced by the dusty landscape before me. What was supposed to be my story for Unbeaten Path Adventures Magazine was stolen from me by my fellow reporter and company whore Glenda Delong.

  My knuckles bleach out as I grip the steering wheel of my little Chevy Aveo tight and clamp down my jaw. “Bitch.” I seethe through my gritted teeth. “I hope she gets crabs.”

  The sun is setting, slowly slinking down my windshield as I navigate my way to my replacement story. I’m practically blind as I drive to the Starlight Acres Ranch, where my relaxing, sexy weekend at a diamond rated resort has been transformed into some kind of hard labor vacay where I’m supposed to go on a private cattle run with the owners.


  You know, the worst part is I thought Glenda and I were friends. I mean, not like we’d ever be bridesmaids at each other’s weddings, but definitely work friends. I was the one who told her that if she wore dresses and flirted with Mr. Wilcox a bit she would get assigned better destinations to cover for the magazine. Of course, when I confided that, I didn’t think she’d stab me in the back and get our assignments switched at the last second.

  Then again, it probably didn’t help that at our last company cocktail hour I skipped on the tacos so I could look my best in my new Victoria’s Secret bikini on the white sand beach of Hawaii, but I may have doubled down on the margaritas. Bad idea.

  So I was telling my boss, Byron Wilcox, that he looked like a human bowling pin. My cheeks flush as I remember how much I giggled at the comparison, rubbing my hand over his bald head and tapping my fingers against his bloated belly. Not professional. Not even close.

  But neither is sleeping with the boss to get a better story, which is what Glenda did. If Byron is a human bowling pin, then she bowled a strike. She swooped in and soothed his ego, telling him she liked distinguished, older men. The last I saw of them, they were hunched over their drinks, flirting like a couple of teenagers while I had to leave my car behind and get an Uber home. The next thing I knew, I’d been reassigned to this crappy story and my exotic, luxury vacation…I mean my story, was stolen.

  I squint under my sun visor, trying to blink away the glaring sun, and focus on the sign on the side of the road. Starlight Acres Ranch. I’m here. I pull off the main road and travel the twisty trail up to the glorified farm I’ll be doing my story on. At least I’m not driving directly into the sun anymore. I can actually see the ranch sprawling out in front of me as I make my way past the fields of fenced in cattle and the separate area with horses grazing on grass.

  The tension I’ve been carrying with me this entire way slides from my shoulders as I take a deep breath of the sweet backcountry air. It’s not half bad here, really. I mean, it’s no North Shore Hawaiian resort, but it kind of reminds me of the simple family visits we used to take to my grandparents’ farm when I was a child. I used to love running around in the wheat fields, disappearing among the tall grasses as my brother and I played hide and seek. It was a less complicated time, one I barely have glimpses of in my mind. That was when I was little and hadn’t yet traded my bare feet for gladiator sandals or long, lazy drinks from the hose for Venti lattes.

  Not that I’m giving up my lattes anytime soon. I chuckl
e at the thought and lift my almost empty salted caramel latte to my lips and suck back the last salty sweet drops. Just as I lick the last drops from my lips, a man on the back of a horse catches my eye. Mostly because he’s galloping up right beside my little car, towering over me like some kind of bronzed statue. I slam on my brakes and my jaw drops open as I stare at him. The horse itself is impressive and huge, but the guy on its back looks like a giant from where I’m sitting. His broad shoulders narrow down into the tight V of his waist and I can see his cut muscles as he reins in his horse, popping in his arms.


  I put my car in park and compose myself as I unclick my seatbelt and self-consciously wipe my fingers over the corners of my mouth to make sure I don’t have latte on my face. I step out of my Aveo and stand tall, doing my best to let all my yoga training lengthen my body and make me appear willowy as I push my breasts out shamelessly. They say you only have one chance to make a first impression and I want to make the best one I can on him. My voice is caught in my throat as I look up the shiny black stallion at the real stallion on the back. His dark hair peeks out from under his large cowboy hat. His startling blue eyes meet mine and I breathe in sharply as my nipples pebble beneath my shirt.

  “Howdy.” He tips the brim of his hat with a smirk and I think I might melt into a puddle. “You must be the reporter.” His ice-blue eyes travel over me, licking every inch of me so thoroughly my breath hitches in my throat and I have to slide my hand over my hip just to reassure myself that I am, in fact, still wearing clothes. Because with the way he’s assessing me, I feel completely naked.

  “Uh, hi.” I swallow hard. “Yes, I’m Lacy.” I boldly step forward and raise my hand out for a handshake.

  “Chase.” His voice is velvety soft as he leans down and lifts my hand gently. For a second I think he’s going to kiss the back of it, but he gives it a gentle squeeze and lets it go. “We’ve got a busy weekend planned for you.” He still hasn’t looked away from me and I’m hypnotized by his gaze, which is impossible to break free from.

  “We?” The word slips from my tongue somehow.

  “That’s right.”

  I turn toward the new voice as another man on a horse flanks me on the other side. “I’m Levi, his business partner.” He nods over to Chase. “We were wondering when you’d show up. I made you a nice meal and tomorrow we’re heading out on a cattle run. So we should probably get this party started.” He smiles at me and two dimples appear in a flash in his caramel cheeks as he lifts his hat, revealing a shaggy head full of blond hair that he pushes back before placing his ten-gallon hat back on his head.

  Double damn.

  I get to spend the weekend alone with these two gorgeous cowboys? For only a second I let myself imagine them chasing me down with a lasso and tying me up. I don’t mean to bite my lip, or for the flush of heat to travel over my cheeks, but it happens. This weekend just got a whole lot more interesting.

  Eat your heart out, Glenda.

  Chapter 2

  “How about you give the lady—I’m sorry, I didn’t hear your name.” Levi swings his leg over his chestnut brown horse and lands steadily on both feet next to me.

  For a second, I don’t remember a name to give him. I’m breathing harder than I should be and letting my eyes travel over his strong, lean body.

  “It’s, uh.” I search my brain for a name I’ve had for twenty-nine years now, but I come up blank.

  “This is Lacy.” Chase hops off his stallion, keeping it under control with the reins.

  I smile up at him, thankful that he stepped in for me and flattered that he remembered my name better than I did.

  “That’s right.” I run my hands over my long hair, twisting it up and letting it fall back down over my shoulder. “I’m Lacy,” I parrot Chase’s words. “I think I’m a little tired from the drive, so a nice, home-cooked meal and an early night sound really good right now.

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” Levi touches the brim of his hat and a trillion butterfly wings tickle my insides.

  Normally I’d hate to be called “ma’am.” It seems like a nice way of saying “old lady.” But the way it rolls off Levi’s tongue almost makes me giggle like a little school girl. My imagination runs wild as I picture other times he could call me ma’am, like with my arms and legs tied together and him fucking me feverishly from behind. “Oh, ma’am, your pussy is so tight you’re gonna make me cum before I have a chance to fuck that sweet little ass of yours.”

  I blink.


  I push away the dirty thoughts that are making me slick with desire. Focus, Lacy. You’d think you’ve never seen hot guys before! I have, obviously. However, there’s something different about these two. Chase and Levi aren’t like the shirtless guys I’ve seen running down city blocks with their Fitbits clinging to their wrists and their iPhones attached to their arms. These guys are rugged and their bodies are hard, not from lifting at the gym. I scan the visible, bulky ridges of Chase’s muscles threatening to burst from his tight plaid shirt and then peer over at Levi’s tight swimmer body and smile. These two are chiseled from manual labor on the farm and it just makes them so much sexier. Either of them could easily toss me over their shoulders and take me any way they wanted, and there’s something about this ranch, something about being removed from the city like this that makes that possibility so exciting.

  “How about you give Lacy here a tour of the place while I get cleaned up for dinner?” Levi nods at his business partner.

  “Sure thing,” he answers. “Do you have any bags I can bring inside for you, ma’am?”

  There’s that ma’am thing again. It doesn’t bother me coming from either one of them.

  “Bags? Oh, yeah, I do.” I turn on my heel and pop my trunk open, jerking my suitcase out and onto the packed dirt.

  “Here, Levi, can you take Milly back to her stall?” Chase hands the reins to his horse over and Levi grabs them.

  “Sure thing, I’ll catch you two inside.” He smiles and those dimples appear again, making my heart skip a beat.

  I’m lucky I’ve still got these sunglasses on because I can’t help the way my gaze has slid over his body and rested for too long between his legs. Is that bulge real? There’s no way…is there? Because if it is, I’m all for saving a horse and riding a cowboy!

  “This way.” Chase interrupts my moment and probably saves me from myself.

  I’m not sure what’s going on with me. Maybe it’s the fact I haven’t gotten properly laid in almost a year. Maybe it’s the fact I was fully ready and willing to fix that situation with some random fling in Hawaii. Whatever it is, I’m like a horny teen again, barely capable of containing my overwhelming desires.

  I follow Chase into the house and wish I could say what my first impression of the place is. I mean, I’m going to need to write it down for my article later. Yet, I have no freaking clue. All I can see, all I can watch is the way his firm, full ass fits those tight jeans. As we walk in through the door Chase lifts his cowboy hat from his head and hangs it on a hook by the door. I hover my hand next to my sunglasses, quickly sneaking a shameless peek down over the thick bulge dangling below his huge belt buckle. I push my sunglasses up over my hair like a headband and force myself to look away, but I can’t help the smile tugging up the corners of my mouth.

  “This is a nice place you have here.” I try to make small talk and get my mind out of the gutter for two seconds. “How did you and Levi end up going into business together?”

  Chase lifts my heavy luggage and tilts his head as he ponders the question. “Thank you, we’ve tried to keep just like it was over a hundred years ago. This was my great-grandfather’s ranch back then and it was passed down through the generations,” he begins, walking up the old pine stairs, and I follow him.

  “Oh, so are you and Levi brothers then?” I raise an eyebrow, wondering how so much sexy can be in one family.

  “Well, sorta. He’s my stepbrother.
My mom passed when I was eighteen and Dad always said there are two types of men in the world.” He makes it up the creaky stairs and waits for me on the landing.

  “What kinds are those?” I realize I’m actually a tiny bit out of breath after making my way up the steep steps. This working weekend might just kill me. But then, if it does, at least I went to heaven.

  “He said there’s the type of men who love their wives so much that they die of a broken heart not long after the women go, and there’s the type who love their wives so much they can’t stand to live alone in the void they leave behind. I guess he was the latter.” He shrugs again and leads me down the wide hallway to a bedroom.

  “That’s sweet.” I smile, hoping someday to find someone who loves me that much.

  “What can I say? Dad was a romantic. So this is your room.” He walks in through the doorframe and the top of his head almost brushes the frame. If he were still wearing his hat, he’d lose it.


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