Barrett, Julia Rachel - One Four All (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Barrett, Julia Rachel - One Four All (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Julia Rachel Barrett

What about the guard who quit and was found dead a few days later? Alcohol poisoning? Unlikely. According to Red, the kitchen staff claimed in all the years he’d worked here, the man had never drunk more than an occasional beer. Speth and his buddies had probably held him down and poured the drink down his throat. Yeah, they were sadists all right. The kind of guards a man like Regnan would surround himself with.

  Out of the corner of his eyes, Kepp caught…what the hell is that? Something shifted on the video screen. Is that movement? He blinked to clear his vision and turned his head further to the side, squinting, hoping to isolate the nearly-invisible shape he’d caught. He rubbed his eyes. Maybe I’m too sleep-deprived to see straight. There’s nothing on the screen.

  As if to deliberately prove him wrong, he heard the soft, metallic phish of a door opening on well-oiled hinges. His nostrils flared as a thread of jasmine perfume drifted his way, the same scent he’d caught earlier when he’d first met the woman.

  Rising soundlessly on his bare feet, Kepp stepped toward the shadowy figure at the precise moment she crossed the threshold between the two rooms. Moving quickly, he grabbed for her, managing to wrap one strong arm around a slender waist and press a big hand over a soft, lush mouth. He heard a gasp as he drew her body hard against his, pinning her arms, but aside from that small sound, she struggled in silence. Light sleepers, Red and Wat were by his side in a heartbeat, holding onto her, careful not to cause her any injury, but using their bulk to force her to hold still.

  It felt to Kepp like she’d swathed herself from head to toe in some kind of dark, gauzy fabric, and everything he touched during their struggle indicated she was naked as a jaybird beneath. His right arm circled her waist, his left he’d wrapped around her chest, and his hand had somehow ended up cupping her firm breast. Beneath the fabric covering her, a very erect nipple nestled in the center of his palm, bringing his cock to rapt attention. On his right, he sensed that Wat had caught hold of her arm. Red was on his left, holding tight to her hips. He knew both men had slipped out of bed, every bit as naked as she was. All four were breathing hard, and Kepp couldn’t blame that all on their struggle. Heat radiated from their bodies, circling them like a snake biting its own tail.

  Kepp swallowed around the sudden dry lump in his throat. He placed his mouth against her ear.

  “We won’t hurt you.” He kept his voice soft and slow, his words clear. “Why are you here? Why did you come into this room?”

  “I could not…” The woman inhaled, and as her chest expanded, her nipple hardened even more against Kepp’s open hand. “The guards would have seen me in the daytime. I had to come now, in the dark. I need your help. I need you.” Her words ended in a quiet sob.

  “It’s all right.” Kepp smoothed his voice, reassuring her. “We’re here to help you. Close the door, Wat,” Kepp ordered, speaking barely above a whisper. He heard the woman’s soft whimper, and he realized that as he held her, his fingers had begun to stroke her breast. His thumb flicked back and forth across that enticing little bud of a nipple. Fuck. His erection pressed uncomfortably against his zipper. He removed his wayward hand and reached between them, repositioning himself. There was no way she could miss his reaction to her presence. He guessed Wat and Red were each sporting a major hard-on too, although the four of them might as well be blind for all the light the video screen gave off.

  “Sorry,” Kepp muttered, but he couldn’t quite stop himself from returning his hand to its previous position. He buried his nose in the woman’s hair. For fuck’s sake, she smelled delicious up close, good enough to eat. He felt the back of Red’s hand brush past his stomach, moving along her lower back, testing. Shit. This close to her, his friend was experiencing the same problem he was. Before he knew it, Wat had returned, and Kepp could feel him press his body in close. He bumped heads with Kepp as he dragged his lips along the edge of her shoulder. Kepp heard his friend inhale deep, taking in her scent.

  Furious with his inability to stop his hand from stroking the soft underside of her breast, Kepp forced himself to speak.

  “We need to stop. Red…Wat …”

  At that moment, the woman arched her back and pushed her rounded bottom against his thick, hard cock. She moaned.

  “No. Don’t stop. Touch me. Please. All of you.” Her low, smoky voice dripped over them like warmed honey, and Kepp knew he was lost. From the grunts of agreement he heard on each side, he suspected his friends had already passed the point of no return.

  * * * *

  The three men stripped the black veil and tossed it aside, exposing her nakedness. The cool air of the room hit her, but surrounded by hard, hot male bodies, Lira struggled to breathe. She couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen. She knew only three men touched her, but in the dark, she had no way to keep track. Urgent hands grazed her skin everywhere. Lira found herself braced against a hard chest. Tanner Kepp, she’d recognized his voice the instant she heard it. He slid a big hand beneath her hair. Wrapping a fist around her long tresses, he shifted her curls to the side and leaned into her. His lips brushed the side of her neck, his tongue slid along her shoulder. His other arm had already slipped around her waist, but then he dipped his hand lower, across her belly.

  Fierce now, he brought her body back to him. His erection felt hard as a steel club pressed against her bottom. She heard him growl low in his throat while he ground himself against her. Overwhelmed, Lira’s head fell back into the hollow of his shoulder, and the hand in her hair followed, tilting her, holding her at just the right angle to allow him to sample her with his hungry mouth.

  His kiss stole away whatever breath she had left. The man’s soft lips rubbed against hers, nibbling, demanding that she open for him, and she did. He tasted sweet, just as she imagined he would. His tongue explored her mouth with abandon, tangling with hers, driving her wild with need. She lifted both arms up and back, feeling for his long, golden hair, threading her fingers through his heavy braids, holding his mouth locked against hers. As she did so, her breasts were lifted into another man’s welcoming hands, allowing calloused fingers to toy with her nipples.

  Lira felt a man’s mouth and tongue weave along the underside of her upper arm as the soldier she knew to be Wat kissed his way to her breast. When his mouth closed around her nipple, Lira let out a keening sound. She jerked, tearing her mouth away from Tanner’s, as Wat nipped at her, played with her, rolling her erect nipple between his tongue and palate until she thought she might scream. She heard Tanner rumble deep in his chest as his hands slipped down to her bottom, squeezing with abandon.

  “Your ass is a thing of beauty,” he whispered. “So fucking round.” His voice sounded raw, his breathing as ragged as hers. Tanner backed away a bit. Still behind her, he slid a hand between her legs.

  At that moment, Wat’s fingers left her other breast and moved lower, caressing her hips. His hand, too, reached between her legs, joining Tanner’s, and he fell to his knees in front of her.

  “God, woman, you smell so sweet. Let me taste you,” he whispered. “Kepp, lift her for me.”

  Tanner wrapped a muscular arm around her waist from behind while he slid his other hand farther between her legs, his fingers searching for the entrance to her body. Lira bit her lip to keep from screaming as his big finger thrust inside her. Without hesitation, her body responded, her inner muscles contracting around him. She knew there was no way he could miss the signals her body gave off.

  “Oh fuck,” he gritted out.

  “Let me have some of that,” groaned Red. Lira felt the other man’s finger slide inside, joining Tanner’s. She whimpered at the sensation of two fingers, two men, moving together, touching the heat inside her.

  “Fuck, yes,” mumbled Red. “You are so fucking wet, woman. Jesus.”

  The men lifted her then, two hands between her legs spread her wide, two fingers moved in and out of her body. Wat rested her thighs on his broad shoulders.

  “Don’t worry, sweet, we’ll take good care of you.” His fi
ngers were gentle as he spread her delicate folds. “God, I wish I could see you. You smell so pretty. You smell like a beautiful woman.”

  Lira felt his warm breath against her, intimately. His tongue flicked out as if he wanted nothing more than a single sample of her. But then the man leaned forward into her body, twirling a determined tongue over her clit, up and around and down to where the two other men, both from behind her now, moved their fingers within her. He used his mouth with a tenderness that brought tears to her eyes.

  Tanner held her steady on Wat’s shoulders, his teeth nibbling the back of her neck while the man named Red leaned over and took her nipple back into his mouth. The pleasure she felt was so intense Lira feared she might die. She reached out and touched Red’s cock where he brushed it against her thigh. Her hand circled the swollen head. A bead of liquid lingered there, and she had just enough presence of mind to run her thumb through it, using his own arousal to ease her motion as she slid her hand up and down his erection. She heard his breathing quicken, and he sucked hard, scraping her nipple with his teeth.

  Wat sucked on her swollen clit, and a moan escaped her as she clung, helpless, to the men on either side of her. Her back arched, her hips pressed up towards the man between her legs. Behind her, Tanner seemed to know exactly what she needed, and before she could lose all control, he covered her mouth with his, effectively swallowing her scream.

  “Yes,” Red hissed, right before he bit down on her nipple, sending spikes of electricity directly between her legs where Wat pressed his firm tongue against her clit.

  Lira jerked in their arms as her orgasm took her, Wat sucking on her clit, Red, a nipple, and Tanner’s mouth crushing hers. Fingers pressed deep within her, and she writhed, caught between them in the throes of pleasure. Tremors shook her body. Her mouth clinging to Tanner’s like a drowning woman, Lira lost all sense of time and place.

  From a distance, she heard one of the men speak.

  “Me first,” he said. “I’m about to fuckin’ come right now. I get her first. Help me.” She identified the voice. It was Wat.

  “No,” she heard Tanner say. She felt his hot breath on the side of her face. “Not without her permission.” He and Red slid their fingers out of her, sliding through her wet folds, lingering over her clit, sending small jolts of pleasure through her entire body.

  Wat lowered her legs to the floor and rose to his feet. His soft lips descended upon hers while his fingers closed on her nipples. She parted her lips for him and touched his questing tongue with her own. Tanner rubbed his rock-hard cock along her backside while Red pressed his against her thigh.

  “Ma’am,” Wat lifted his mouth from hers, “may I fuck you?”

  Lira sobbed.

  “Yes…yes…all of you. I want all of you, please.”

  “Well, just me for now,” he breathed in her ear. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Before she could say another word, Lira found herself swept off her feet once again. Tanner leaned against the nearest wall, pulling her along with him, supporting her. Red spread her long legs, and Wat stepped between them, wrapping them around his waist. She felt the head of his penis press into her. He kept his movements slow and measured, but, nevertheless, she gasped at the size of the man who filled her, wondering how she would accommodate three such well-endowed men, even if it was one at a time. The other two were equally big and just as hard. Wat invaded her, entering her a little farther with each thrust of his hips, giving her body time to adjust to him, until he seated himself to the hilt. He held a hand on each of her thighs, and at that moment, he squeezed. The groan Lira heard leave Wat’s lips touched her deep inside. It was deep and visceral and sounded as raw as she felt.

  Behind her, Tanner growled as he felt her body pushed back against his.

  “Play nice,” he ordered Wat. “Remember the bruises. Red,” he ordered, “help me hold her. I want to see how tight this little ass of hers is.” Lira whimpered at his words. She was suddenly afraid she couldn’t handle this situation. Perhaps she’d gotten in way over her head.

  “No, honey,” Tanner murmured against her lips as she twisted her head and his mouth found hers. “Just my finger. Just my little finger. I won’t hurt you, I promise. It will feel good, very, very good.” Red shifted closer to help Tanner balance her while Wat pumped in and out of her body, his every thrust tugging on her clit, pushing her closer and closer to the edge again.

  She felt Tanner’s little finger against her lips.

  “Lick it,” he demanded. She opened her mouth, and he thrust his pinky inside, making sure to wet it, then he pulled it out. He moved his hand below her bottom, feeling for her tight, little aperture. Lira choked back a cry as his finger circled her and then slipped inside. He pressed upward, pushing against Wat’s cock as it plunged into her.

  “Enjoy this.” His voice sounded low against her ear. “Close your eyes, sweetheart, and let yourself feel. Red,” Tanner muttered, “kiss her.”

  “Yes, sir,” Red replied, and he did. The big, red-haired man took her mouth the way Wat took her pussy, the way Tanner took her soul. Nearing orgasm, Lira responded to the red-haired man’s kisses, while her nails dug into Wat’s shoulders, and she pressed back against the man behind her as if her life depended upon him. It seemed to the woman that three things held her suspended above the earth, Wat’s thick cock, Red’s soft, seeking lips, and Tanner’s little finger in her back passage.

  Lira tore her lips from Red as Wat plunged into her, once, twice, three times, and he exploded with a deep, guttural groan. Tanner seemed to sense that she, too, was ready because he slid his finger deeper, and that little movement pushed her over the edge. For a few moments, Lira flew so high she felt as if she’d sprouted wings. At last, she fell back, limp, limbs shaking, her body spent.

  * * * *

  Sweat cooled their heated bodies as the four of them stood, braced against each other, panting, the woman suspended between the three men. Kepp wanted her something fierce. Feeling that tight, little ass contract around his fingers when she came…fuck, he’d almost exploded right along with Wat. He’d actually felt Wat climax inside her. He’d never done anything like this before, not with other men, but, God in heaven, he’d never wanted to fuck a woman like he wanted to fuck this one. Knowing that his friends wanted her just as bad made him hard as a bloody rock. He never thought he was the type to share a woman, but the pleasure the three of them had just given her made him hurt with longing.

  Kepp steadied the woman while Wat pulled out with a deep groan. She tried to balance on shaky legs. Standing close beside him, he felt Red slide an arm around her waist. His friend spoke in a quiet voice.

  “If you’ll have me, I’m next, sweetness, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  When the woman answered, her voice trembled, but her words were clear.

  “You are the one called Red. Your name is Redda Till?”


  “Redda Till, you may have me any way you wish. I am yours.” As she spoke, she turned her face to Kepp, brushing her nipples against his chest. “I wish to belong to each one of you.”

  To Kepp, it felt as though she intended those words for his ears alone. Her arms went around his shoulders, and he lowered his lips to hers. Without breaking the kiss, Kepp lifted her against his chest and carried her to the closest bed. He lay down on his back and pulled her over him. Red followed and stopped at the edge of the bed. In the dark, Kepp could feel Red’s knees against his as the man raised the woman’s hips and spread her legs so that she straddled Kepp’s muscular thighs.

  “Woman, it may be dark in here, but I can tell by feel alone that your ass is incredible,” Red said, admiration in his voice.

  “Red,” said Kepp, tearing his mouth from hers, “let me make her come.” The woman made a tiny keening sound at his words, and he wondered if she was afraid.

  “Shhhh,” he comforted her. “It will be all right. Red would never hurt you. It’ll feel good, I promise, just like before

  “No,” she whispered, “I’m not afraid. It’s the sound of your voice. Hearing you speak like that makes me feel as if your hands are already on me. Touch me, Tanner Kepp. Gods, touch me.”

  Kepp reached for a small, pert breast, cupping it with his palm. He lifted his head from the soft bed and closed his mouth around her nipple while his other hand sought her clit. Beneath his fingers, he found Red’s cock pressed against her opening, and he couldn’t resist. He slid a finger into her just as Red thrust inside. Fuck, she was soft as silk, hot, wet, and tight. The woman sucked in a breath at the sudden intrusion but then her lips were taken by Wat, who had moved to lie on his side behind Kepp.

  “You are cream, woman,” Kepp purred, lifting his mouth from her puckered nipple, “pure cream.” He pulled his finger out of her and wove his way back to her clit, rubbing small circles around the full bud. He listened to the soft mewing noises she made, the noises Wat muffled with his thorough kisses. Her thighs moved rhythmically against his as Red pumped into her. Fuck, he wanted a turn with her. His cock had never felt so bloody big. He ached to bury himself in this woman’s sweet heat. The warm scents of spice and musk and cum swirled around them like a cloud of enticing, delicious pheromones. The smell alone had him strung tight with lust, ready to burst.

  “I can’t wait, man, I have to come,” groaned Red. “She’s so fucking tight, God in heaven. Make her come, Captain. Now.” Kepp felt Red’s thrusts deepen, forcing the woman’s body forward, closer to his own stomach and chest.

  Kepp’s fingers circled her clit in a sure, steady rhythm. The thumb and forefinger of his other hand tugged on one nipple while his tongue played with the other. Within seconds, her tiny muscle contractions began, and Kepp slid just the tip of his finger inside her again, eager to share the satin of her body with his friend. In the darkness, he looked up and could just barely make out the shape of Wat’s hands threaded in her hair, holding her still for his kisses as he swallowed her screams of pleasure.

  Just like the first time, for a few moments, no one had the strength to move. Kepp felt the woman’s arms begin to shake.


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