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Pervikar Page 12

by John Evans

  "We think he was an assassin and that he was after Per," replied Tenan.

  "Per!" gasped Karina. "Why Per?"

  "You three haven't left the farm, let alone angered anyone. Nothing has changed in your life here," said Tenan. "The assassin may have been after me, but I doubt it. Per is the only one here who has significantly angered one person enough to want him dead. That person is Queen Shara."

  "That bitch?" asked Karina, angrily. "I'll cut out her heart with a dull knife."

  "You'll do no such thing," commanded Tenan. "The Overlord will have to take action on any threat against the Queen, real, implied or even idle. Right now, we have to decide what to do about the threat on Per."

  Per, who had been thinking on this since last night, knew what he had to do. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave," he said.

  "Leave?" cried Karina. "Why? Where? This is your home."

  "The first assassin failed, but there will be others," said Per. "Queen Shara seems to be one to hold a grudge. Tenan is going to govern this barony and will be too busy to protect me unless he surrounds me with a squad of soldiers. If I stay here, sooner or later, an assassin will catch me alone and unawares. They might kill Rolph, Dagmar or even you, mother, to get me."

  "He's right, you know," said Tenan, sadly. "Where will you go?"

  "I thought I'd just see what's out there in the wide world," replied Per.

  "It's too dangerous," argued a frightened Karina. "He'd be safer here."

  "Karina, you have to let him go," said Tenan. "The time away will give us a chance to alleviate this threat."

  "There is still one more threat," interrupted Per. "If the Queen can't strike at me, she may strike at you, mother. You need protection."

  Tenan's eyebrows came together in thought. "I can station some guards here, but we still have the same problem as if you were going to stay. The chores need to be done and your mother will be vulnerable at times."

  "I wasn't thinking of guards," said Per. "I was thinking of her living at the castle as your wife."

  Tenan's and Karina's mouths both dropped open and they stared at Per wide-eyed while Rolph and Dagmar guffawed with laughter.

  "C'mon, Rolph," laughed Dagmar. "This is a family discussion." They left, leaving the other three people at the kitchen table in silence.

  "Per, that was a terrible thing to say!" snapped Karina. "Tenan may not want to marry me."

  "Mother, Tenan's been in love with you for years," said Per. "I know you care for him deeply. You're happier each time he stops by. You do extra things to make his stay special. You two belong together."

  "You love me?" asked Karina, turning to Tenan. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I loved you since the first day you knocked me to the ground," answered Tenan, softly. "The reason I didn't tell you was because my life was too dangerous. I couldn't take you with me and I didn't want to leave you a widow. I should have told you long ago. Will you marry me?"

  Karina smiled. "Tenan, we are already married."

  "What!" cried Tenan and Per together.

  "Of course, it was an ogre ceremony, but I think it's still valid," she said.

  "When?" asked Tenan, suspiciously.

  "The first day we met," Karina replied. "You stated you would be my Shappa. Now, out! I've got to clean up in here and you have packing to do. Out!"

  Karina chased both men out the front door and closed it. Tenan took three steps, whirled, and stared at the closed door. Spinning around again, he stomped off towards the barn, swearing and cursing the entire way. Per followed after him.

  "Your mother is the most devious... the most exasperating... the most... the most...," sputtered Tenan to Per.

  "She has you now and she's not going to let go, is she?" asked Per with a smile.

  Tenan opened and closed his mouth like a fish. Then a smile formed and, before long, both he and Per were laughing. Had they looked back at the house, they would have seen Karina watching them from a second floor window.

  "We'd better not get too close. It may be catching." Per and Tenan looked up to see Rolph and Dagmar standing nearby.

  "Think a bucket of cold water'll snap 'em out of it?" Dagmar asked Rolph.

  "Worth a try," said Rolph, sniffing. "Even if it doesn't bring them to their senses, they could use a bath."

  "Ha, ha," commented Tenan, getting up off the ground. "Very funny. I asked Karina to marry me..."

  "It's about time," muttered Dagmar, under his breath.

  "But…," Tenan shot Dagmar a hard look. "She just told me that we are already married by ogre standards since the day we met."

  Dagmar looked like he had been pole-axed. Rolph just tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow. "Seems like it took you a long time to get around to the bridal night," he commented.

  Per doubled over in laughter. Dagmar snorted and tried to stifle his laughter. Tenan turned beet-red, causing Per to laugh even harder. Rolph cast a sideways glance at Per. "I don't know what you're laughing about," he said. "It's your mother and father we're talking about."

  "Enough already," commanded Tenan, with a smile. "We have a lot of work to do. Per and I are going to my house to pack my possessions. I have to leave here tomorrow morning. I need you two to pick up the trunks at my house in a wagon and bring them to the castle. Rolph, please take the body into town. Someone might know him. Have them bury him there."

  "I'll need money," said Rolph. "They won't bury him for free."

  "Take the money he had on him," said Tenan. "Anything else?"

  "Is Karina going with you tomorrow?" asked Dagmar.

  "I don't know, I'll ask her later."

  "Better ask 'er now," commented Dagmar. "Not unless you wants to 'ear it for the entire trip from here to the castle bouts 'ow you didn't give 'er time to prepare. You'll probably 'ear it anyway, but it may 'elp if you asked ahead of time. Don't order 'er, mind, ask 'er."

  "Thanks," said Tenan, dryly. "Any other martial advice from a man who has never had a wife?"

  "Nope, but if's I think up some, I'll let you know."

  Dagmar was right on the money because when Tenan asked Karina to go with him, she agreed, but let him know in no uncertain terms how she wouldn't be prepared to leave by tomorrow morning. However, when Per went to his room to get his sword, he was relieved to look through his mother's open bedroom door and see that she had started packing.

  Per and Tenan left the farm and traveled the short distance to Tenan's house in the woods. Once there, Tenan packed his saddlebags and Per filled two large trunks full of Tenan's other possessions. As the sun started sinking, they rode back to the farm for supper.

  After dinner, Tenan left the table, only to return carrying a heavy cloth bundle, which clinked when he set it down in front of Per.

  "You're leaving tomorrow to go adventuring, Per. You've always been the son I never had," said Tenan. "If you are ever in need, contact me. This is my farewell gift for you."

  Per unwrapped the cloth and discovered the cause of the metallic sound. Inside the bundle was a chainmail suit and a large helmet. He held up the heavy chainmail and immediately noticed that it was his size.

  "It's wonderful, but it must have cost a fortune," said Per, staring at the gleaming armor.

  Dagmar leaned over and whispered something to Rolph. Rolph excused himself and went outside. "Tenan won't tell you what it cost," said Dagmar. "Stand up and I'll shows you how to gets in and out of it."

  Per stood and put on the padded shirt. With Dagmar's help, he struggled into the heavy chainmail and buckled it down. Dagmar adjusted the straps and padding in the helmet until it fitted snugly. As he was climbing back out of the amour, Rolph returned carrying a halberd and a shield.

  "This halberd is the first one I owned," said Rolph. "I want you to have it. The shield is from Dagmar."

  Per picked up the black lacquered shield. "Thank you. I hope I can do honor to your gifts."

  "One last gift," said Dagmar. "The assassin's dagger. Don't worry, I washed
the poison off of it. Keep it to remind you that there is danger all around and be careful."

  They all went to their beds soon after that but Per was restless and could not fall asleep. He was scared and thrilled at the prospect of traveling alone. He laid awake imagining all the horrors and wonders he would be seeing.

  Towards midnight, he heard a creaking in the hallway outside his door. Creeping over to his door, Per heard someone tapping on Tenan's door across the hall from his. Silently, he cracked his door open slightly. In the hallway was his mother wearing her blue robe. The door opened and Tenan stood in the doorway, wearing a nightshirt and holding a dagger.

  "Tenan, I need you to come with me," whispered Karina.

  "Now?" Tenan asked quietly.

  "Yes. Now," she replied.

  Tenan shrugged, put the dagger down, and followed Karina downstairs. Per's curiosity got the better of him and he followed them outside. A sliver of moon hung in the sky, barely illuminating the countryside. Per, with his ogre infravision, could easily follow Tenan and Karina, but he was very careful not to alert them to his presence.

  Eventually, Karina led Tenan down to a pool in the nearby stream. "Well?" asked Tenan questioningly.

  "I love you, Tenan," Karina replied. "I think we have wasted enough time, so we are here to complete the ceremony. First we wash, then you ask me if I will take you as a Shappa."

  "Wouldn't the marriage ceremony at the temple do?" asked Tenan.

  "We have wasted too much time," she replied. "Will you do this for me?"

  "Yes, of course," he said affectionately.

  "Good," said Karina, stripping off her robe to reveal that she was naked underneath.

  Per's and Tenan's eyes both bulged. Farm work had kept Karina's body toned and trim and her huge breasts showed no sag in the faint moonlight. Per turned away from his mother's nudity when he heard a low-throated rumble behind him.

  Looking around, Per saw a nine foot tall creature walk towards him. He was ready to call out to Tenan when the creature stopped and held up a hand.

  (Hail, Pervikar. I am your sire, Gar,) he said in ogre, the voice deep but quiet.

  Per's mind whirled. (My sire?)

  (Yes,) said Gar. (I heard news that you were in danger and would see how you did.)

  (Then the man last night...?) asked Per.

  (Yes. He was sneaking towards house. He did not see me until too late,) replied Gar.

  Per turned back towards Tenan and Karina to find them both were naked and waist-deep in the pool. Embarrassed, he turned quickly away.

  (Come. Let us go,) he said to Gar, anxious to be away.

  (No,) said Gar, sitting down to face the pool. (Sit. Learn. It is necessary.)

  Per sat down next to Gar, unsure of what to do. Gar motioned him to keep quiet and pointed at Tenan and Karina. Per watched as Tenan walked out of the pool and shook the water off of him before turning to Karina with a questioning look.

  "Stand with your arms and legs apart and ask me," she said.

  Tenan did as he was bid. "Will you take me as your Shappa?" he asked.

  Per heard Gar hold his breath as his mother waded out of the pool and walked up to Tenan. She reached down and grasped his cock.

  "I take you," she said. "Tenan."

  Tenan's arms enfolded Karina and he kissed her passionately. Karina responded in kind and began stroking his cock. Per, deeply embarrassed, started to get up, but was forced back down when Gar clamped a meaty hand on his shoulder and motioned him to stay. Per knew his own strength, but Gar's well exceeded his.

  Although Per felt uncomfortable, it was also fascinating to watch two people make love. His new step-father was well hung for a human and Per watched as his mother stroked Tenan to his full eight inches. Not breaking the kiss, Tenan slid his hands down to grasp Karina's soft breasts. She moaned as Tenan massaged her tits and played with her nipples. He nuzzled Karina's throat, causing her to gasp with passion, before reaching down between her legs.

  She continued to moan as Tenan skillfully fingered her pussy, heightening her passion. Regretfully, Karina then broke the embrace and made Tenan lie down. Per saw his mother reach into her robe and pull out a small bottle which she then unstopped. She poured some liquid onto her hand and then smeared most of the liquid between her buttocks and over her asshole. Karina then reached over and began fondling Tenan's cock again. Per heard Gar chanting softly.

  His mother stood and made Tenan follow her over to a tree. Bending over, Karina grabbed the tree and spread her legs wide, exposing her wet pussy. Tenan stepped up behind her and, holding her hip, sank his cock into her cunt in one smooth stroke. Per watched as Tenan fucked Karina, his own cock hardened as his emotions warred. He was disgusted and embarrassed by watching his own mother have sex, but was excited and aroused at the same time.

  "Fuck me! Harder! Harder!" cried Karina.

  Per watched as Tenan rammed his prick deep into Karina's pussy. Her huge breasts danced and swayed as their hips met each time with a wet smack. Both of them were soon moaning and gasping as their passion intensified. With a final lunge, Tenan held his cock deep in Karina's pussy as he shot a load of hot cum into her. Karina stiffened and then quivered as her orgasm overtook her.

  Per heard Gar say, (Ahhspah), as Tenan and Karina climaxed.

  Karina reached slowly behind her to hold Tenan's cock. Moving it up slightly, she positioned it at the entrance to her rectum. "Push it in," she said huskily. "You need to fuck me up the ass."

  Tenan, his cock still hard and lubricated with their juices, needed no further encouragement. He slid his prick slowly, but easily, into her ass. Karina gasped and groaned as Tenan gradually worked his cock deep up her virginal ass. He was soon balls-deep in her ass and began to gently pumped his cock in and out. Karina gripped the tree tightly as Tenan started to increase his pace. Their breathing became heavier and Karina moved back and forth to match the cock plunging into her ass. She suddenly arched her back and collapsed onto the tree as she climaxed. Tenan bellowed and fired off his seed into her bowels.

  Gar again softly said, (Ahhspah.)

  Tenan's cock popped out of Karina's ass. She turned, kissed him and then led Tenan down to a grassy plot where she made him lie down on his back. She then retrieved a cloth from the pocket of her robe and wetted it down in the pool. Kneeling down beside Tenan, she cleaned off his cock and balls.

  "Is that the ceremony?" he asked. "If it is, I'm going to have to become an ogre."

  Karina smiled and rolled over on top of him. "No, there is still one more thing left to do," she said.

  She stretched up and kissed Tenan softly on the mouth. Then she kissed his cheek and nibbled on his ear. She moved down, kissing his chin and throat. She caressed Tenan's shoulders and suckled on his nipples. Tenan groaned and moved his hands to caress Karina's back and head, running his fingers through her hair.

  Karina licked and kissed her way down Tenan's whole body. She brushed her large breasts over his semi-flaccid cock and then kissed all around it. Rising up slightly, her face inches away from his cock, Karina cradled it with both hands. Tenan's sharp intake of breath told Per volumes about the sensations he was feeling. Soon Tenan's cock stiffened under his mother's ministrations.

  Karina grasped the now rock-hard cock at its base and pointed it straight upwards towards the sky. Tenan's hips arched upward as Karina's tongue snaked out to lick the tip of his prick. She laved the cockhead with her tongue, causing Tenan to shudder in excitement. Suddenly she stopped. Tenan's eyes moved to hers in desperation and Karina smiled at him and opened her mouth. She took half his cock into her mouth, locking her lips tight around the shaft. Holding his cock at the base, Karina bobbed her head, sliding it in and out of her hot mouth. Tenan's legs moved together, squeezing Karina's breasts between them. Karina took more and more of Tenan's cock in her mouth until she had all of it lodged in her throat. Tenan's gasps came faster and faster. Suddenly, with a gurgled cry, he arched his hips upward and climaxed. Per watche
d as his mother kept her mouth locked onto Tenan's spurting cock and swallow the jism he was pumping out.

  (Ahhspah. The nectar of life. Come,) whispered Gar, standing up.

  Per stood up and quietly followed Gar. (You are grown now,) said Gar. (You must go your way into the world. Karinagar has a new Shappa, so she is taken care of. Remember what has passed here. It is important. It is time for you to go and let the people of the world know who you are.)

  (Where will you go?) asked Per.

  (I return to my tribe. May your enemies not live long enough to fear you.)

  With that, Gar turned and walked off into the woods. Per watched him leave and then walked back to the farmhouse in a daze. He went to his bedroom and sat there with the door open just a crack. Soon, he heard Tenan and Karina come in, and go to their separate rooms. After waiting just a moment, Per crossed the hallway and knocked lightly on Tenan's door.

  Tenan opened the door with a big smile, which immediately fell when he saw Per. His expression was so comical that Per burst out in laughter. Biting his lip to hold in his laughter, Per motioned Tenan downstairs. Tenan followed with a puzzled expression on his face.

  "Gar was here," said Per, as they sat down at the kitchen table. "He was the one who killed that man last night."

  Tenan took a moment digesting the information and then said, "Well, that clears up one mystery. What was he doing here?"

  "He said he heard that I was in trouble and was in the area. He saw the man sneaking towards the house and killed him. Tenan, what is Ahhspah?"

  Tenan's eyebrows shot up and he looked hard at Per. "Where did you hear that?" he asked very quietly. "Never mind. I know where you heard it. Tell me everything that you saw tonight."

  "I... uh... er... well...," stammered Per, suddenly embarrassed again.

  "Per, quit stalling," ordered Tenan. "And don't leave anything out."

  Haltingly, Per told Tenan everything he saw or heard. At the end, he fell silent, afraid of Tenan's anger.

  "Per, how do you feel about your mother and me?" asked Tenan, after a brief silence.

  "I made up my mind a little while ago that you two should be married," replied Per. "I'm happy for you. You've always been a father to me."


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