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Pervikar Page 27

by John Evans

"Ivin," said Adelpha, touching her forehead.

  Per shuddered at the coldness of her tone as Ivin's head and neck unfroze. The priestess found herself staring into the stony countenance of her goddess.

  "Divine One, you've come to save us!" exclaimed Ivin.

  "Why?" asked Adelpha, coldly. "I saved you once before and you twisted that favor to set yourselves above the people of this town. I ordered you to watch over and protect Per. You saw fit to kidnap and enslave him. I founded this town and it was dedicated to me. Your actions caused worshipers to forsake my temple. Why? Tell me why should I help you?"

  "F... Forgive me, Divine One," stammered Ivin, her face white with fear. "I... I..."

  "Silence!" Adelpha's voice boomed throughout the temple. "I have changed the hatred of these men to lust. You will each willingly service that lust, three men at a time each, all night long. At dawn, the other priestesses and the men will not remember anything that has happened tonight. You will, and you will bring this temple back to my teachings. The next time I will not be so... lenient. Do you understand?"

  "I hear and obey," cringed a shaking Ivin.

  "See that you do," warned Adelpha. "I will be watching very, very, very, very closely. Any transgressions will be dealt with... violently."

  With that, she disappeared and everyone unfroze. As the room filled with the sound of heavy breathing and smacking of naked flesh, Per turned his back and returned to the inn. It was deserted, except for Karlto, Octavia, Alana, and Pawl, who were the only people in the room.

  "Anything to drink?" asked Per.

  "What happened?" asked Alana as Pawl went behind the bar to pour a large mug of ale for Per. "We have the horses saddled, just in case."

  "Unsaddle them," Per told her. "Adelpha appeared up and showed the priestesses the errors of their ways."

  "Adelpha, old boy?" exclaimed Karlto. "By the Gods, what I wouldn't have done to meet her."

  "I don't think so," said Per. "She was not exactly pleased by what the priestesses have done." Per went on to tell them exactly what had happened in the temple. "So I think we are safe," he said, finishing up. "Adelpha promised dire consequences if the priestesses stray again. I wouldn't even want to think of what she would do if they disobeyed her again."

  "There are a lot of things worse than death," commented Karlto.

  "It's been a long day," said Per, standing up. "Let's see how things look in the morning."

  The next day, the group met in the taproom again for breakfast. As they were finished eating, the innkeeper bustled in. "Ladies, gentlemen," he gasped, a little out of breath. "The four priestesses of Adelpha are here and have humbly requested to see you."

  They all stared at each other. Finally Per shrugged his shoulders. "Show them in," he told the innkeeper.

  Everyone stood up warily as high priestess Ivin walked in followed by Andie, Calla and Dorna. Their eyes were downcast and their demeanor was anything, but the haughty, arrogant attitude they had exhibited yesterday.

  "We came to beg your forgiveness," said Ivin softly. All the priestesses fell down on their hands and knees, their foreheads touching the ground. "We perverted the teachings and commands of Adelpha. We came to submit ourselves to you and to be your servants."

  The innkeeper was staring at the four prostrate women in open astonishment and making choking noises. Karlto quickly ushered him out of the room and closed the door, whilst Per went over and lifted Ivin effortlessly to her feet.

  "Adelpha did not see fit to remove you from your post," he told her. "So neither can I by taking you as a servant. She obviously needs you where you are and groveling on the floor does not befit a high priestess. Please, have a seat."

  Ivin backed away from the chair as if it were a snake. "No, thank you, I prefer to stand," she said. "But I must speak with you in private. I have messages from Adelpha, but they are for your ears only."

  "Per, you can't go with her!" exclaimed Alana. "It's a trap!"

  Per stared at Ivin for awhile. "No, Alana," he finally said. "She'd dare not offend Adelpha again. This way, high priestess."

  "Thank you, but please call me Ivin."

  They adjourned to a small meeting room in another part of the inn. Per closed the door behind them and held a chair out for Ivin.

  "I can't sit down," said Ivin, tartly. "Everyone came back for seconds, thirds and even fourths."

  "I'm sorry. I was just trying to be polite," said Per. "Do the others remember?"

  "No, though they must be confused." said Ivin. "I'm sorry, Per, I didn't mean to be rude. I was fucked so many times that I can barely walk. The others must be feeling the same. They will sense that Adelpha has punished them, but they can't remember how.

  "Andie went to the armorer today to apologize for her behavior and pay him for the mace. He does not remember what happened, either, but he accepted her apology with good grace and forgiveness."

  "Sounds like everyone here is on the mend," said Per.

  "You are wrong," disagreed Ivin. "We have a long way to go to undo the damage we have done. Anyway, the goddess Adelpha would like you to go to the city of Cific. There, one of your companions will leave you and you will find two others at Adelpha's temple in the city. Be warned. An old enemy will confront you in the future."

  "Who will confront me? Who is leaving our group?"

  "I don't know who the enemy is," said Ivin. "But the one who are leaving is Alana."

  "Well, who are the two that will replace her?" asked Per.

  "I'm sorry, I don't know. All I know is that you will find them at the temple in Cific."

  "Thank you, Ivin," said Per. "We had better head back before Alana starts carving up the other priestesses. I don't understand why Adelpha is interested in me, though."

  Ivin smiled as she walked out the door. "My understanding is there are a couple of women who pray to her to watch over and protect you. After last night, I see why they want to keep you safe."

  Chapter 12: Companions On The Road

  Per stepped outside the inn. His breath frosted as he exhaled in the cold fall air. "I left home in early spring and now it's fall," thought Per. "No assassins since Dorthea's farm and Alana hasn't been able to dig up anything about people being after me. Perhaps Tenan managed to have the Overlord remove the contract Queen Shara ordered to have me killed. Hmm, I wonder how mom and Tenan are doing?"

  "I say, old boy," commented Karlto, stepping outside and interrupting Per's thoughts. "Bit nippy for a ride. What say we wait until spring?"

  "Only if you want to croak on a lily pad for the rest of your life," said Per with a chuckle. "I have no intention of irritating Adelpha, but feel free to do so, if you wish."

  "Ah, no thanks, chap," said Karlto. "I'm a priest of Zaius and she's his daughter. A family dispute is one thing I don't want to cause. When do we leave?"

  "After breakfast," said Per. "I'm not so gung-ho as to travel on an empty stomach."

  "And it's such a big stomach," quipped Alana, coming out of the door to join them.

  "Watch it," warned Per, jokingly.

  "What? It's not my fault that you eat like a horse," argued Alana.

  "Ha!" snorted Per. "You should talk, I've seen you eat!"

  "I'm still a growing girl," answered Alana snidely. She then turned serious. "Per, I've made up my mind - I'm going to stay in Cific. It's time for us to part."

  "Part!" exclaimed Karlto. "Why? We make a terrific team."

  "Let's not talk about that now. Alana gave me her reasons several days ago," said Per. "While I may not agree with them, I have to respect them."

  Per sighed. He knew this was coming, but there was still the sense of loss. Alana was a close friend who had been with him since he had started adventuring. Adelpha had told Per that two other people would be joining the group in Cific, but he had not shared that information with anyone. The separation would be hard enough without Alana knowing that she had already been replaced.

  "Well, I'm hungry," said Per, putting such thoug
hts from his mind. "We have a week's travel to Cific and it's time for us to go."

  * * * * *

  Four days of travel later, they came upon two wagons. It had been a gray and blustery day, one to be ridden in silence and meditation. The huge freight wagons loaded down with goods, and three men and a woman stood by the broken wheel of one. They were all dressed in leather armor and carrying long swords, and watched Per and his friends warily as they rode up.

  "I say, spot of trouble, what?" asked Karlto as they stopped.

  The woman stepped forward. She was about five-foot-eight and her long black hair was tiedback and hung down past her shoulder blades. "You might say that," she said. "I'm Nesbra. We were just getting ready to unload the wagon. Any assistance would be welcomed."

  "Per?" asked Karlto, turning in his saddle.

  Per was not ready to give up the solitude he had found during the ride. Instead of answering, he got down off his horse and walked over to the wagon to help unload it. The others followed suit.

  "Whew, grow them big where you come from, don't they?" inquired Nesbra as Per's large, muscular frame moved past her. He just smiled at her as he grasped a heavy box and lifted it easily.

  "Strong, too," she said. Nesbra turned back to Karlto. "We appreciate the help. Where ya'll heading?"

  "Cific," said Karlto as he and one of the wagoneers moved a barrel. "Yourself?"

  "Same place," said Nesbra, picking up another box.

  By nightfall, the repairs were finished and half the cargo had been reloaded. As Per was setting up his tent, he saw Nesbra going around and talking to each of her men. She then sat down on a stone, chewing on a blade of grass, deep in thought. Unwilling to disturb her, Per left Nesbra to her thoughts.

  Later that night, Per was awakened by the sound of someone walking by his tent. Rising silently with his sword, Dorgeth, in his hand, he looked out of his tent flap. He saw a shadowy figure hunch down in front of Karlto's tent and then go in. Per noiselessly padded over to the tent and peeked in between the flaps.

  The shadowy figure had been Nesbra, wrapped in a blanket. She had now thrown this off, revealing her glorious nakedness. Her mouth was glued onto Karlto's as her melon-shaped breasts hung free. Her hand had slithered under Karlto's own blanket and was grasping and massaging his rapidly swelling member. Per eased back from the flap and moved quietly away.

  "Karlto's going to be happy in the morning," said a soft voice to his left.

  He turned to see Alana standing beside him. "No," chuckled Per. "He's happy right now. He'll be exhausted in the morning."

  "True, true," commented Alana. "Goodnight, Per."

  "Goodnight, Alana. You know I'm going to miss you."

  "I know, but it's for the best."

  Per went back to bed, but it seemed like no time at all until he was awakened in the early morning by the sounds of harness jingling and horses being led around. Stumbling out of his tent, he saw Nesbra and her men hooking up horses to the other wagon.

  "What's going on?" Per asked, walking up to Karlto.

  "Nesbra told me that the wagon they are hitching the horses to has perishables in it, old boy," said Karlto. "She did not want to delay it anymore, so she's sending it on ahead."

  "Told you that last night, did she?" quipped Per knowingly.

  "Aha, um, err... a gentleman does not discuss such things," said Karlto loftily.

  Two of Nesbra's men hopped up onto the wagon's bench and, with a hearty shake of the traces, moved off down the road. Nesbra turned and walked over to where the pair of them were standing.

  "They're off and yesterday's delay shouldn't affect the cargo," she said. "So, Karlto, what do you think of my proposal that we travel to Cific together?"

  "I'm afraid you'll have to ask Per, my dear," said Karlto. "We generally follow what he says."

  "Per?" asked a startled Nesbra, looking astonished. "I thought you were the leader of this band of adventurers."

  "I'm afraid not, my girl," said Karlto, sounding a little down.

  Nesbra reached over and touched Karlto's cheek softly. "Don't worry," she said. "My mistake. Well, Per, me and Ned would like to travel with you and yours to Cific. What do you say?"

  Karlto looked at Per with such pleading in his eyes that he almost broke out laughing. "As long as it doesn't slow us up too much," he told her.

  "Likewise," said Nesbra, looking at Per's unpacked tent. "We'll be ready to go as soon as the rest of the cargo is loaded."

  It was a couple of hours before the tents were struck, the cargo loaded and everyone was ready to go. "I like wagons," said Nesbra to Octavia as they finished striking camp. "Stop, unhook the horses, roll underneath the wagon with a blanket. It's a ready-made shelter."

  "Slower, though," said Octavia.

  "Only if you're in a hurry. My wagons make about the same distance as you on that warhorse can make in a day normally. Of course, if you want to get somewhere quick, you have me beat…unless, of course, you use magic."

  As they started out, Per saw that Nesbra handled the reins of her four-horse team with the assurance of long practice. They settled into a moderate pace and the miles fell behind them.

  "Will we catch up with the other wagon?" Pawl asked Nesbra.

  "No," she said. "They have orders to push on to Cific as fast as possible. That means stopping late and leaving early. The faster they get to Cific, the better price we will get on the goods."

  They stopped for the night and set up camp. Ned had been a crude traveling companion, making numerous off-color jokes to Octavia and Alana, but it turned out that he was an excellent cook. The meal was one of the best Per and his friends had eaten in quite a while.

  "This is the main reason I put up with his behavior," Nesbra said to Per, as he finished off his second bowl of stew. "Every now and then, I have to save his bacon, but the food is worth it."

  "I'll get the dishes," said Alana, standing up.

  "I'll help," said Pawl. "For a meal like that, it's worth scrubbing pots."

  "Well, I'm going to turn in then," said Nesbra.

  Per checked on the horses and turned in himself. He was just about to fall asleep when he realized someone was at the flap to his tent.

  "Yes?" he called out.

  Nesbra pulled the flap aside and stuck in her head. "Can I come in?" she asked.

  "Um, sure," said Per, a little uncertain.

  Nesbra came into the tent, wrapped in a blanket, and she knelt down beside Per. "I came in to thank you for letting us stay with you. It was a kind thing to do. I also wanted to apologize for not recognizing you as the leader of this group."

  Per snorted abruptly. "How could you?" he asked. "Karlto spoke to you first. Anyone would have assumed he was the leader and..." Per held up a finger as Nesbra opened her mouth to speak. "I'm not one of those fops who get upset every time someone isn't fawning all over them. At times, it's advantageous to be in the background. You know, I never asked to be leader. They just foisted it onto me."

  Nesbra smiled knowingly. "Then all they did was recognize your natural talent."

  As she finished speaking, she leaned over and kissed Per passionately on the lips. The tent suddenly seemed very hot as her tongue darted into his mouth and her cool hands rested on his chest. His cock twitched as if it had a mind of its own. As she broke the kiss, Nesbra looked at Per with her smoldering blue eyes.

  "Uh..." stammered Per, uncertain of this turn of events. "What about Karlto?"

  "Oh, he's asleep," said Nesbra nonchalantly. Her tone changed as her hand slid down past Per's stomach. "Oh, my! You are big everywhere!"

  "I... I mean, you and him..." gasped Per as Nesbra's hand stroked up and down his rapidly hardening cock. "You two were... ha... together."

  "We still are," cooed Nesbra. "I stopped by his tent before I came here and sucked him off until he came."

  Nesbra took in the astonishment on Per's face and then smiled wickedly as his cock twitched and throbbed in her hand. "Ooooo, I think you like
to hear it dirty."

  "But you and he..." stammered Per, now even more confused.

  "Per, I'm a teamster. No permanent attachments. I do what I want, when I want." Nesbra dropped her blanket, revealing her nudity. She cupped one breast with her free hand and squeezed it, pointing the nipple right at Per's face. "Or don't you think I can handle two or three men in one night?"

  "I... ah," sighed Per as her hand expertly squeezed his cock, sending jolts of pleasure down between his legs.

  "No more arguments, I see," said Nesbra, slyly.

  She pulled back Per's blankets, exposing his twelve-inch long cock. Grasping it with both hands, a significant portion of shaft still protruded and her fingers had trouble meeting round his huge girth. Nesbra kicked his blankets aside and moved over so she was kneeling between his legs. She never let go of his cock and, now she was in position, began to pump it in long, even strokes.

  "Oh, your cock is so big and so hard," cooed Nesbra. "Karlto's cock was just as hard until he filled my mouth with his hot cum. Of course, he wasn't this large. I expect a flood of white, creamy sauce from yours."

  With that, Nesbra leaned down and her tongue licked up the entire underside of his cock from the base up to the head. Her tongue flicked back and forth on the super-sensitive skin on the head causing Per to gasp in pleasure. His hips involuntarily arched upward slightly in response. Nesbra smiled up at him, her face framed by her black hair, as her blue eyes locked onto his violet ones.

  "Ooooo, I think you like that," she murmured seductively, while pumping his cock faster. "I hope you're good for more than once a night."

  "I'll fuck you until you tell me to stop," growled Per as the tension built in his balls.

  "The things you say," chided Nesbra. "It'll take a lot to make me say stop. I want to feel all of your cock packed into my wet cunt. I want to feel you squirt and squirt and squirt."

  Copious amounts of pre-cum was leaking out the tip of Per's cock. Nesbra gently squeezed his cock, causing more to leak out. She rubbed the palm of her hand over the tip, coating the entire head with his clear pre-cum. She then rubbed the pre-cum up and down the entire shaft, making it slick. Her hands now slid easily up and down his hard prick, and she began to stroke him faster. Per's breath was coming out in gasps as his passion flared.


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