Gabe’s Fortune (Prospect Springs Shifters Book 3)

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Gabe’s Fortune (Prospect Springs Shifters Book 3) Page 6

by Mandy M. Roth

  When Gabriel lifted his head, his chin glistened with the aftermath of her pleasure. He made no effort to wipe it from himself. Instead, he reached down and undid his trews. When he freed his long, thick cock, Adeline leaned up, her eyes widening at the sight of him. Two fingers had been a lot to adjust to. His cock would surely break her in half.

  He pressed the head of himself to her and then bent and pushed her nightgown up and over her breasts. His lips found her nipple as he inched into her, painfully slowly to start, increasing slowly. It seemed as if it took forever for him to fully enter her, and when he did, she had to gasp and dig her fingers into his shoulders to keep from screaming and bringing the whole of the carnival into the tent with them.

  He settled in deep and lifted his head, his mouth coming to her neck. He trembled, and she caressed his arms.


  “If I move, I’ll come,” he whispered. “You feel so fuckin’ good.”

  She wiggled under him, wanting more. Gabriel’s eyes flickered and he growled, the sound low and loud. He pushed in, holding steady, his body still shaking.

  “I bind you to me, Adeline Carpenter. Should you try to cross over, my spirit will follow yours. As it once was written, so it shall be,” he said, his lips finding her neck. There was a sharp pinching, as if someone had dumped hot water on them. It felt as if it were splashing between them, soaking through to her bones before coating him. When Adeline realized it was magik, she gasped, moving her lower body, stealing pleasure from their joining as what felt like small strings formed between them. The pain in her neck ebbed away.

  Gabriel kissed her ear. “Mine.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, the urge to repeat the words he’d spoken to her so great that she did just that. Upon completion, he began pumping hard and long into her, moving the table, rocking her body.



  Gabriel could barely think through the mating fog circling in his brain. All he knew was he’d found heaven within Adeline. He didn’t want to ever leave her body. Her pussy was so tight, he worried about hurting her, but the wanton minx kept countering his movements, as if as hungry for him as he was her. He couldn’t stop himself as he lifted her, his cock still deep in her. He held her to him, her legs going around his waist as he continued to ram in and out of her.

  The words of mating had been spoken, and he’d bitten her. The only thing left was to spend his seed in her, and nothing would stop him from the goal. She was his, and no one would take her from him.


  She cried out, her pussy clenching around his cock even more. He knew she was coming again, and manly pride welled in him. She clawed at his upper arms, drawing blood, making his beast rise. That only served to make him fuck her harder and faster. Soon he was like a piston, and she sank against him, spent as he roared, his balls drawing up a second before seed shot forth from him, filling her.

  It was done.

  She was his.

  Chapter Eight

  Gabriel kissed Adeline’s bare shoulder and drew her sleeping form closer to him on her bed. He’d made love to his woman twice more before he’d finally admitted he could sense her exhaustion and need for rest. She’d drifted off quickly after he’d carried her into her wagon and crawled into bed with her—his wife.


  The word bounced around in his head. It didn’t cause panic like he feared it might. Each time he thought of how she was now his—forever—he had to bite back a full-on smile. He was happy. The happiest he could ever remember being in his life. She was perfect. He couldn’t have asked for a better mate.

  He kissed her skin again, his cock stirring to life once more. It didn’t seem to tire of sex with Adeline, and he doubted it ever would. She needed to sleep. His cock would just have to wait. Instead, he inhaled deep, letting her scent wash over him once more. He’d been doing as much since she’d fallen asleep. He knew he looked like a lovesick young pup, but he didn’t care.

  He was one.

  Adeline stirred, twisting in his arms, pressing her bare front to his. She opened her eyes a bit, a sexy grin spreading over her face. “Hey you.”

  “Go back to sleep,” he said sternly.

  “You’re very bossy.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose, wanting to be sure she was properly cared for and that included making sure she got enough rest. “Sleep.”

  “I was, but your desire woke me,” she said, reaching down and running her hand over his hard cock.

  He hissed. “Addy, you need to sleep. My needs can wait. We have a lifetime to see to them.”

  Her brows met, and she kept her hand on his shaft. “What do you mean by a lifetime?”

  He bit his lower lip. “You understand what happened between us, right?”

  “We had amazing sex,” she replied nonchalantly.

  Yes, they had, but there was much more to it than just that. He swallowed hard, the alpha in him tucking tail and running to hide rather than try to explain the truth of it all to her. “I’ll take you to meet my momma and aunts come sun up. They’ll be able to explain it all to you better.”

  She gave him a pointed stare. “MacSweeny, what did you do?”

  He blushed. “Nothin’.”

  The look on her face said she didn’t believe him in the least. Smart woman. “Spill the beans, right this instant.”

  He put his hand over hers and moved up and down the length of his shaft. “I’ve changed my mind. My needs require seein’ to right this minute. They can’t wait.”

  She giggled. “You’re yellow.”

  “In this case, hell yeah I am.” He did not want to have to explain he’d laid full claim to her. That she was now his mate, his wife, and that they’d be bound together for their immortally long lives. What if she didn’t want forever with him? What if she didn’t feel as strongly for him as he felt for her? What if she didn’t want him?

  Her expression softened, and she leaned in, kissing his lips gently before drawing back somewhat. “I feel the same as you.”

  He tensed. “You’re reading me?”

  “You’re sort of leaking concern all over the place. It was hard not to,” she whispered.

  He kissed her forehead. “I’m a bit scared to confess what I did. I don’t want to lose you, Addy.” He cleared his throat. “Let me rephrase that. I can’t lose you.”

  “You won’t,” she said.

  He took a deep breath and then proceeded to do his best to explain what a mating fully meant to his kind. He waited, assuming she’d slap him or demand he leave her bed. When she pushed him onto his back and eased up and over him, it was his turn to look puzzled. “Addy?”

  She took hold of his cock and aligned it with her body, settling down on him, taking him deep into her tight cunt. His teeth clenched as he fought the urge to spill his seed in her already, she felt that good. She began to move, and he stayed perfectly still to start, knowing he needed a moment to collect his composure.

  She bent, her lips meeting his, stealing the last of his resolve. Gabriel pushed up hard, ramming into his wife as she moved on him. The moment was sheer perfection, and she shattered above him, her body tightening on his. She bit his lower lip and drew back somewhat, her gaze smoldering.

  “Use me to find release, husband,” she said, her words sparking something deep and primitive in him. He roared and flipped her over and onto her back, driving down hard into her. She cried out, her fingers raking down his arms as she countered his thrusts. Gabriel pounded into her until sweat dripped down his back and Adeline had come another two times. He then lost all control and rammed in deep, letting his seed spill freely into her, knowing she was fertile and accepting what he was offering.

  She locked gazes with him, her eyes wide, her fingers digging deeper. He didn’t need to be a mind reader to know she’d sensed it too—that their joining was creating life.

  “Wife, you’ve made me the happiest and luckiest man in the world,” he said, kissing her gently, w
anting to chase away any fears.

  She touched his cheek. “But, Gabriel, we’re so new as a couple. This is too soon. Too sudden. You’re not ready.”

  He let her keep going, knowing it was she who wasn’t ready for it all just yet. He was damn ready and damn happy. Though, he wasn’t so sure a traveling carnival was any sort of place to raise a little one. They’d have that talk later. He suspected his woman wouldn’t be so quick to want to leave what he was fast learning was family to her, though, he knew the carnival people would want whatever was best for Adeline. They loved her that much.

  He loved her too, but she wouldn’t be ready to hear that just yet either. Instead, he kissed her with all the passion he could gather. As he pulled free from her body, he caught the faintest of sounds in the distance, coming from the direction of his tent. It took his mind a moment to catch up to what he was hearing, mostly because he was still basking in the afterglow of being with Adeline again. When he did register the sounds, his wolf came to life in him.


  And he was in trouble.

  Adeline gasped, pushing on Gabriel’s chest, scrambling out from under him. She made a move to go for her wagon door without a stitch of clothing on her. He grabbed her tenderly and drew her back, shaking his head.

  “No. You stay. I’ll go.”

  “But Lawton is in danger,” she said, touching her chest lightly. “I can feel it.”

  “Me too, darlin’,” he supplied. He pointed to her discarded clothing. “Get dressed and then don’t you dare leave this tent. I’ll call for Pete and Gusto to come keep an eye on you.”

  “But, Gabriel,” she protested.

  His eyes swirled with the change, his beast close to the surface. “Woman, I’ll not have you in harm’s way. I love you, and I don’t want anything happin’ to you or our little one. Am I clear?”

  She froze, her eyes wide. “Crystal.”

  “Good.” He rushed out of the wagon, grabbed his bottoms, pulled them on and then ran with all his speed towards his tent.

  Chapter Nine

  Adeline wasn’t sure how long it was she waited within her wagon. It felt like ages. Neither Pete nor Gusto showed to watch over her. She’d dressed as Gabriel had instructed her to do, and she’d obeyed his command to stay put, but she couldn’t wait any longer. Lawton might need her healing help. Worse yet, Gabriel might be hurt.

  A wave of unease settled over her, and she gave into the burning need to seek out her mate. She lifted her skirts and darted out of her wagon, through her tent and out in the open. It was still dark out, though she could sense sunrise wasn’t far off. She made it just a few feet in the direction of Gabriel’s tent when suddenly Betsy was there, her eyes wide.

  “Adeline, come quickly!” Betsy shouted, motioning towards Gabriel’s tent.

  Adeline’s heart leapt to her throat as she tried to keep pace with Betsy’s long strides. As they rounded the side of the tent, she found the flap being held up by Pete and several of the other freaks. Gusto was in the tent, standing near a battered and bruised Lawton. Two of Marvin’s crew of men lay at their feet motionless.

  Gabriel’s snarls filled the area as he circled Marvin, who was holding a long knife and a pistol on Gabriel. Adeline opened her mouth to scream, but Betsy grabbed her, covering her mouth with her large hand.

  “No, sweetie, you’ll distract him,” Betsy said. “When I came to get you Marvin didn’t have the gun on your man. This changes things.”

  Adeline trembled, unable to look away as Gabriel paced around Marvin as if he didn’t have a care in the world or a gun trained on him. Moreover, his cousin didn’t look like he was worried either.

  Pulling at Betsy’s hand, Adeline managed to free her mouth. “Help him!”

  Lawton glanced in her direction and grinned, the side of his lower lip split and oozing blood. “Ah, shucks, ma’am, he’s fine. It’s just a gun. Bullets aren’t gonna kill him.”

  “Silver ones will,” barked Marvin.

  Lawton tipped his head and shrugged. “Well, yeah, those would, but you’re forgettin’ one thing, Mister.”

  Gabriel grinned, his white smile looking downright menacing when focused on Marvin. “Shifters can smell silver and you ain’t packin’ silver, asshole.”

  Adeline stopped struggling against Betsy’s grasp when she noticed Marvin wetting himself. The evidence was clear as day on the front of his pants, even with the dim lighting of the lanterns the freaks were holding to illuminate the area. Marvin was terrified of Gabriel.

  “You came here to try to kill me,” said Gabriel, sounding more amused than annoyed.

  “Got me instead,” added Lawton from the side. He touched his lip. “Managed a few good licks before I was alert enough to fight back.” He glanced in Adeline’s direction. “My thanks for the herbs. They do help me sleep sound. I’d love to know all you put in the tea. Interesting combination.”

  Gabriel continued to circle Marvin. “What was your plan after killin’ me? Huh? Was it to go for my woman? Were you gonna make a play for my wife?”

  “Wife?” echoed Gusto, his gaze narrowing.

  Betsy laughed and released Adeline. “Oh, good. I was worried the two of you wouldn’t get on the same page. Stop with the bluster, Gusto. You know you’re happy for them.”

  Gusto huffed.

  Lawton smiled wider. “His momma will want to hear the good news. But mine is gonna be at my brothers and me to get our acts together and get mated. Thanks a lot, Gabe.”

  Marvin’s attention left Gabriel and moved to Adeline. “You let it tie you to it?”

  “I love him, so yes. I did tie myself to him,” she said, her ire rising at hearing her husband referred to as an it.

  “Monsters. That is what they are. Filthy animals. Me and my boys already had to kill three of them several stops back. They were sniffin’ our women folk here. Gettin’ too friendly. Fuckin’ animals.”

  Adeline gasped. Marvin and his boys were who had killed members of the carnival? Just that quick Marvin turned the pistol from aiming at Gabriel to aiming at her. He fired and everything seemed to slow as Betsy yanked her up and out of the way just as Lawton threw himself before her. Lawton’s body jerked back and he stumbled and then fell to the ground.

  Adeline barely had time to register the action when she caught sight of Gabriel shifting partially, making short work of Marvin. As what was left of Marvin fell to the ground, she knew he’d never hurt anyone again. She also knew her husband would be considered a hero among the carny family.

  She rushed to Lawton’s side and bent, worry racing through her. He’d taken a bullet for her. She gasped as she spotted the blood on his upper-right shoulder. She tried to apply pressure, but Gabriel was suddenly there, lifting her off the ground and staring down at his cousin.

  “Get up. She ain’t babyin’ you anymore,” he said sternly.

  “He’s been shot,” protested Adeline.

  Gabriel grunted. “Big deal. Get up, Lawton.”

  Lawton groaned. “You take the fun out of everythin’, cousin.”

  Adeline’s eyes widened as she realized Lawton was fine. The bullet actually popped out of his shoulder like magik and his skin healed over before her very eyes. He hissed and then smiled wide. “Sorry. Burns when it does that.”

  “Oh my,” said Adeline softly.

  Gabriel laughed. “My wife is in shock. I’m gonna take her back to her wagon and make her rest. I don’t want anythin’ taxin’ her system. Especially not with a little one on the way.”

  Lawton groaned. “Now I’ll have to explain to my momma why I’m not expectin’ little ones too. Thanks, Gabe.”

  “My pleasure.”


  Books in recommended reading order

  Prospect Springs Shifters Series

  Blaze of Glory

  Parker's Honor

  Gabe’s Fortune

  And more…

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  About Mandy:

  New York Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author Mandy M. Roth is a self-proclaimed Goonie, loves 80s music and movies and wishes leg warmers would come back into fashion. She also thinks the movie The Breakfast Club should be mandatory viewing for...okay, everyone. When she's not dancing around her office to the sounds of the 80s or writing books, she can be found designing book covers for New York publishers, small presses, and indie authors.

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