Her Healing Touch

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Her Healing Touch Page 11

by April Zyon

  “I know, but it feels so good.” She hummed in pleasure. Leaning in, she pressed kisses to the side of Owen’s neck and bit him gently when Nolan began to push into her anus. She breathed through the slight pain and nodded when she was finally ready for him to continue. She trusted these men, implicitly.

  Pressing a hand to her back Nolan pushed his cock in deeper. When he filled her completely, he pulled out and thrust a couple of times. He slid his hand up her back slowly to grip the back of her neck. Giving it a squeeze, he began to push.

  This was exactly what she needed, what she wanted. The way that both men filled her fully she was in her own personal heaven. “Yes, right there. That’s perfect.” She was moving along with both men now, finding that rhythm quickly.

  Nolan landed a smack on her ass followed by another on the other cheek. He was the one driving their pace. His thrusts picked up the pace so they were all jolting together, and drawing apart. He gave her another set of smacks.

  She moved along with the men, letting Nolan set the pace and loving every single moment that he had to give them. She had her hands braced beside Owen’s head and licked her lips as she looked down at him. “Kiss me.” Not a question, it was a demand pure and simple.

  He puckered up his lips as much as he could, his eyes laughing up at her. Lifting his head, he gave her a pitiful peck before letting his head fall back to the bedding. Owen grinned knowing full well she would have much to say about that kiss or lack thereof. The men did know her after all.

  “You are so bad.” She leaned in and brushed her lips to Owen’s again. “You should really kiss me again. I would like that a lot.” She felt her pussy clenching on Owen’s dick and moaned as she did so. “God, that feels so damn good.”

  Chuckling, he moved a hand to the back of her head to hold her in close to him. This time, Owen gave her the kiss she wanted. His mouth sealed to hers, his tongue twining around hers in a dance, and each breath shared making the moment more intimate than a mere joining of bodies.

  Hailey moaned when she got the kiss she needed and wanted. She shifted slightly and moved when the men asked her to. They controlled her body, not with words but with their bodies. Together the three of them were moving as one.

  Nolan slapped her ass twice more driving his cock in deeper. He gripped each cheek tightly and spread her wider to take him even more. Like some switch going off, they both moved faster, harder, in alternating rhythm while holding her perfectly still between them. She could only take what they gave, and they were giving her everything.

  She didn’t speak. She only felt. She didn’t know how long they moved together as they were, but soon, far too soon, she found herself crying out loudly with her orgasm. She pressed her mouth to Owen’s shoulder as she came a second time.

  Both men came moments later, first Nolan in her ass, and then Owen a two count later in her pussy. Nolan’s fingers flexed on her ass, and Owen’s tightened around her legs. Shuddering slightly Nolan pulled free from her to collapse on the bed next to where she and Owen were panting hard.

  “Gods,” she whispered and dropped so that she was flat on Owen. “I needed that.” She had needed it, had to have what they had just shared. She loved being between both men. Her eyes were closed, her body completely limp, and she relaxed in the curve of her men’s embrace.

  “We should do this often,” Nolan wheezed out.

  She felt Owen chuckling. “Maybe if we bring in a supply of oxygen,” he said between pants of air.

  Nolan let out a laugh before groaning. “Fuck that, you know Mik would clue in. I don’t think I could survive any additional training to help our stamina. The gods only know what that fucker would plan.”

  “Good thing that I never have to worry about him trying to increase my stamina then, huh?” Hailey panted aloud. “Because I think that I would likely shoot him if he tried to make me do a run or whatever he will make you guys do to increase your stamina.”

  “Lots of cardio,” Owen said. “So much cardio that your lungs feel like they are on fire, your muscles turn to liquid, and your heart tries to climb out of your chest. Which include the runs, the hand-to-hand combat, and various other activities. All designed to make you beg for mercy, and collapse into bed at night, every night. You are very lucky, baby.”

  Once they had all finally found their bones they got up and cleaned up once more. After that they slipped into the bed and yawned. When both men wrapped her up in their arms, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. She was safe, she was happy, and life was damn good.


  Hades looked at his conspirator and fumed. “There are only two keys left. The one you are watching over—are you certain that she’s the final key?”

  The woman looked back at him and threw another vase at the wall. “Don’t take that tone with me. I am the one who is helping you. I am the one with more to lose than you can possibly imagine so don’t fuck with me, you asshole. Now, I know who the next key is. It’s time for you to send your people to Hollywood. The next key is a movie star, so they should be fairly easy to get to.”

  “A movie star you say? She will be very easy to bend to my will. I think that’s been the issue before. These women have all been homegrown country bumpkins and have had morals. Good, thank you for telling me.” Hades smiled and reached out to touch the barrier between him and the woman. “I will send people her way and ensure that she’s swayed to our side. That will weaken them and will make them fumble so that when I take the final key that you are watching over they won’t know what has hit them.”

  “No, they won’t. If we do this just right we will steal the fifth key from them and then you can come and take this bitch from me. She’s driving me fucking crazy, and if my hands weren’t tied I would have killed her when she was born. I can’t stand this little bitch.”

  “Well, you aren’t allowed to kill her, especially if she is who you tell me she is. She’s the one that will free me, so hands the fuck off of her or I will send someone to hurt you, bitch.”

  “Oh, shut up,” she told him and waved her hand in front of the mirror, which effectively cut the connection. Hades stewed, but he had to trust his outside contact because she had gotten him close, and if she was correct he would get to the next key before anyone else did. Yes, life was looking up and the final key was all but his, so that was good. He just had to bide his time because of some sort of lock the fucking Fates put on the little cunt.

  The End


  Other Books by April Zyon:


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  Space Wars, 1

  April Zyon

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  The voices were getting closer. “…can see with this one here. Designated C-12, this prisoner is a Craegin female. We’re unsure of her age, but guess it to be around twenty or so years upon capture.”

  “How long have you had her here?”

  “She was our first successful capture. She’s been here for six years now. Our research involving her was highly instrumental in ensuring an easier capture of our other subjects. Keeping her alive was a struggle, though. Our world’s atmosphere affects the Craegins oddly. We’ve been able to get close to a reasonable facsimile of their world’s atmosphere, though. It’s not precise, so it keeps them weak, not all bad in our opinion.”

  “Not at all, Doctor. This is very impressive, as have been all your reports over the last few years. We’ve learned more through your experimentation on these vile creatures than in any conflict. Do you think we could use our atmosphere as a weapon?”

  “Perhaps one day, Vice-Admiral,
but at this time we’re still unclear as to what on our world causes the reaction. We know their world is darker than ours, of course. They circle a red dwarf while we are circling a white. Their eyes don’t like the additional light our world has, so that’s always something to consider. They are used to a much darker climate. In the light of our world they are practically blinded.”

  “I had read that in one of your reports. Unfortunately we’ve yet to come up with a way of using it effectively. They are technologically more advanced than we are, so we need something of a long-range weapon to regain the balance.”

  “Perfectly understandable, Vice-Admiral. If you’ll come this way I’ll show you some of the things we’ve been testing on our prisoners. I think you’ll particularly like the…”

  The voices faded off down a corridor. Now that the Craegin being held captive against the laws of the Imarian people had been shown off, the zoo tour would go on to other fun parts.

  Rubbing at his eyes, Fintan Daykin let out a breath. He’d lost track of the days he’d been on the Imarian home world. He knew for a fact they were on an island off one of their main continents. The only way on or off the island was either by one of their watercraft or in one of their crawlers. If he could get to one of the little shuttle crafts, he might have a prayer of getting off the island and even off the planet.

  Not that they were going to let him just walk out of there. No, he knew they had another round of torture disguised as testing for the afternoon. The guards had been all too happy to share that news with him. According to the one, Fin was in for a world of pain. A fact that didn’t surprise him in the least.

  Since his arrival he’d been poked, prodded, electrocuted, had items shoved places no item should ever go, and of course had hands of all sorts touching his entire body. If not for the fact that they drugged him to move him between his cell and the room for the testing, he’d have found a way to kill them all. On the plus side he was building up a pretty good resistance to their vile concoctions. He didn’t know what that would mean to him in the long run, but right then it gave him hope that he might be able to break free one day soon.

  He’d prefer immediately, but wasn’t about to hold his breath on that hope. Not when he was already having trouble breathing on the hellish Imarian world. The air grated into his lungs, making them hurt with every breath. They were pumping something into his cell, though, something that eased that pain, but it wasn’t nearly enough.

  How a Craegin female had endured six years of such hell, he’d never know. But she was undoubtedly the stronger of the two of them. Then again he also knew if you were to endure something long enough you could grow accustomed to it. Fin could only hope he didn’t stick around long enough to become accustomed to the thin, brackish Imarian air. Oh what he wouldn’t give to take in a deep lungful of Craegin air. Thick, humid, and so very fragrant.

  The sound of the lock on his cell door turning yanked him from his musings. Bracing himself, he flinched at the dart that hit him. He yanked it from his leg, but the drug was already speeding through his system.

  “Time for the doctors to play with you again, Craegin freak.”

  Fin may have made a slightly impossible physical suggestion, but he truly couldn’t be sure. Not with how the world was fading out around the edges, turning black. Then the floor rushed up to meet his face.


  He woke up naked and strapped down to one of the examination tables. Easing his lids up, Fintan took stock of where he was. Not one of the observation rooms, thankfully. Only those in the room with him would be witness to his humiliation.

  Fin could see, and feel, a number of leads attached to him. Including on places nothing of the sort should ever be placed. It took every ounce of his training not to flinch at the feeling of a sticky pad on his ball sack, and whatever the fuck was wrapped around his cock. He knew now he really wasn’t going to have all that great of a day.

  “All right, we’re set here. Give him the serum, and let’s wake him up. We have a long afternoon of testing to get done so we can include these latest findings in the packet for the vice-admiral before he leaves today.”

  A sharp stick in his arm. He counted in his head for a time before giving a low, sluggish-sounding groan.

  “Get on the monitoring equipment. We need to see how much juice he can take before we start on the pain testing.”

  Letting out another groan, he rolled his head slightly. He’d been right. This was not going to be a good day.


  When he woke next, he was being dragged through a hallway back to his cell. His entire muscular structure was still twitching from the massive amounts of electricity they’d pumped through his body. Fin had to hide a flinch at the memory of when they’d focused all that through only one part, one very sensitive part, of his anatomy. He hadn’t been able to hold in the scream of pain then, but he seriously doubted if his superiors would ever fault him for that.

  Slowly he licked his lips as he tried to gain his bearings. The lights were dimmed, which meant it was after sunset on the planet. The night shift of guards would be on, good. That meant fewer of them to have to get through in his present weakened condition. He just needed the right moment, and a burst of energy, to take these two Imarians down.

  One man stumbled with a curse. “Hold up. He’s bloody heavy,” the guy muttered. “Let’s put him down for a second. I think I wrenched my shoulder.”

  They dropped him to the floor without any warning. Biting his tongue, he held the grunt of pain in. Holy hell did his body hurt. Flashes were coming to him of what had happened after the electrical treatments had ended. Blades, shallow cuts, burning, ice, so much pain wracking through his body.

  “You okay?” the other guard asked.

  “Yeah, I think so. I may need to get that cute little intern to give me a massage, though,” the first guy said.

  “Still seeing her?”

  “Hell yeah, did you see the tits on her? They’re much better without that nasty smock covering them up.”

  “How is she in bed?”

  “A wild woman. And the way she can suck a cock, damn, it’s unreal.”

  All right then, that was more information than he had needed to know. Taking a few deep breaths, he let his anger build. When they reached for him again he let them haul him back up, using that momentum to regain his feet, and punched the first guy in the nose. As he howled, holding on to his face, Fin went after the second guy fast.

  He wasn’t going to play by any rules either. He fought dirty, especially when he could already feel his strength beginning to wane once more. Knee to the balls, fist the throat. Whipping around to guard number one, he threw a fist into the guy’s throat to silence his high-pitched whining.

  With a hand to the wall, he took a moment to regain his breath. He was in much worse condition than he’d thought. But he couldn’t stop now, not when freedom was only feet away. Quickly he grabbed up the guards one at a time and hid them in a supply closet. He collected their weapons and got changed into a pair of the medical scrubs kept in the storage closet. Pulling on one of the lab coats, he stuffed the weapons into the pockets. Fin froze for a moment; he thought that he heard a sound. His hand moved to the weapon once more, his ears listening to every single sound in the area surrounding him. The dim lighting in the area was working against him. While he might see better than most, the abuse that his body had suffered was enough that it was creating issues for him to focus in the dangerous halls of his enemies.

  Map, he needed one of the maps. Finally Fin spotted a map hanging on one of the walls, his stupid enemies having to have maps to get around their own facilities. He made his way to it quickly, keeping an eye out for any of the cameras. Thankfully there weren’t any down in the areas surrounding the cells. In the cells there were four each, and in the areas around the exam and surgical bays. But from what he could tell, there weren’t any in the halls leading to and from, which was odd, considering the size and scope of the facilit
y. Soon he had his path mapped out in his head. He only hoped he wasn’t mistaken, that there weren’t any cameras in the halls. It was the only unknown he had to deal with since the only time he’d ever traveled these halls was when he’d been under the influence of heavy sedatives.

  Better dead while trying to escape than cut into little bits on a sterile table, to his way of thinking. Either way he’d be free and no longer under their control. Maybe he’d get lucky and he could kill a few of them on the way out.

  End of sample chapter





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