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Jock's Baby

Page 28

by Roxeanne Rolling

  I’m having my doubts though, because if he was, why would he invite his American drinking buddy to the palace to stay? And why is he paying this Liserian floozy so much attention? I think her name is Belinda.

  After lunch, Luke takes my hand in the passageway as I’m headed back to my room. I think at this point I’ve finally started to get my bearings in the castle.

  “Hey,” he says. “Are you still mad I invited Sebastian?”

  I nod my head. “I thought this time was just for us.”

  “It is baby,” he says, his voice pleading. Is he just trying to use his princely diplomatic charm on me? If so, I have to admit it’s already working. There’s only so long I can stay inches away from his gorgeous chiseled face and not want to just pull him into bed with me.

  I look behind us to see if we’ve got the hallway to ourselves. Fortunately, we do.

  “I think it’s working,” I say, reaching out and grabbing his cock, which is about one third erect.

  “What’s working?” he says.

  “You’re princely charm,” I say.

  He laughs. “But, really, Rebecca. I honestly just feel bad about leaving Sebastian over there and not saying goodbye. I mean we did get up to some horrible stuff. A lot of bar fights… But he was my first real friend in a long time.”

  “It’s hard to have friends as a prince, huh?”

  He nods. “And I mean I beat him up and left him there. The least I can do is invite him to the palace for some fun.”

  I nod. “That makes sense,” I say.

  For the first time, I can see that there’s a kindness towards others (not just towards me) in Luke. And it only makes me want to fuck his brains out even harder than I did just a few minutes ago.

  “Come on,” I say. “We’re going to my room.”

  It’s been a long, long time, since I’ve felt this assertive and confident. My anxiety is gone. I nailed that lunch, charmed a king and queen, and now I’m going to fuck a prince. All before dinnertime!

  I pull Luke by the hand.

  “It’s my turn to initiate things now,” I say.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says, doing a spot-on Texan accent that makes me laugh.

  I pull him into the room and quickly shut the massive wooden door. Luke bolts it closed. I’m pretty sure the locks are as old as the castle themselves, and since they’re made to resist invading armies (not that that was ever much of a thing, given my brief and summary understanding of Liserian history) they’re going to work well enough to keep out Eugene or any prying maids.

  “Come here,” I say, pulling Luke towards me as I walk backwards to the bed, which I flop onto.

  “I like this dress,” he says, his hands on my breasts before I know it.

  “I’m not crazy about it,” I say.

  “You look fucking hot in it,” he says. “You can make anything look hot.”

  “So it’s not the dress itself? It’s just that anything that shows my body is kind of hot?”

  “Pretty much,” he says, pushing his mount down to mind.

  But I have something else in mind.

  I take his head between my hands and, with a strong grip, push him down to my crotch, so that his head his resting between my legs.

  “The prince wants to eat me out, doesn’t he?” I say, using my sweetest, most seductive tones, and pursing my lips.

  “The prince really does,” he says. “It’s going to be a real meal fit for kings.”

  Despite the silliness of it, I giggle, but the giggling doesn’t last long. I’m simply too turned on for jokes right now.

  I push his head so that it’s buried beneath my dress, which falls over top of him. I keep my grip on his head, and he begins licking me.

  Fuck does it feel good. It’s not bad having a real live prince between your legs, let me tell you.

  “Stop,” I say, pulling his head up. “I want to come with you inside me.”

  He smiles at me. A wicked princely smile that makes me even wetter. “OK,” he says, moving up across my body.

  His cock is already out, with a condom coming onto it out of nowhere. He really is fast with those condoms. I wonder if there’s a royal supply of them somewhere.

  Luke rubs the bottom of his cock across my naked pussy, hitting all the right spots without entering it.

  It takes all of my self-control to keep him from entering me right here and now. I just want his cock inside me so much. But I want to take control. I want to ride him.

  “I want to be on top,” I say.

  “Fine by me,” he says.

  “Get up here on the bed,” I say, guiding him to the bed, where I push him lightly into a lying down position. He kicks off the remaining clothes he has on, and I climb up onto his strong thighs, straddling him, letting the royal dress fall down around me.

  “We’re going to mess up the dress,” he says.

  “I don’t care,” I say.

  “Me neither,” he says, running his hands up under the dress, caressing my nipples. He leans forwards and bites my neck lightly.

  Now we’re kissing on the mouth, with me leaning down, my hair falling all around him. His own dark hair looks fucking beautiful. It’s perfectly combed, parted, but just a little wild looking right now. He has an intent look in his eyes that tells me he really wants me.

  I was planning on teasing him, but as I slowly lower myself onto his throbbing erect cock, I realize I’m not going to be able to take the temptation myself. I was hoping to put it in a little ways, and then pull up, making him work for it by thrusting upwards as best he can. But I don’t have the strength to resist him—as soon as the tip is inside me, I want nothing more than his whole princely cock.

  I settle myself down around his cock and he lets out a sigh of pleasure. I moan, and my back involuntarily arches. My head goes tilting up towards the ceiling.

  “Is this what you wanted?” he grunts, as he thrusts his hips powerfully up, shoving his cock deep inside me.

  “Oh yes,” I moan, as I grasp the headboard behind him for more support.

  I continue riding him, increasing the pace. Soon I’m riding him hard, and I mean fucking hard.

  I completely lose track of time, and we’re both making all sorts of sounds. It’s a good thing these walls are really thick and made of stones.

  I’m moving my hips as fast as I can as I ride him.

  “You look fucking sexy,” he manages to say, apparently with great effort due to the pleasure.

  “So are…”

  But it’s too late. I’m already coming, and my vision’s going all white and I’m barely aware of what’s happening—just aware that I’m still riding him, hard and fast, as fast as I possibly can.

  I hear Luke groan as he comes too, his cock spasming inside me.

  We collapse onto the bed. Or, really, I’m the one that collapses, practically on top of him.

  I nestle my head instinctively into the crook of his arm, and realize after a minute (as I’m catching my breath) that this is the first time we’ve really cuddled like this—I think it is, at least. It’s the first time in the palace.

  Either way, this cuddling session just has a completely different feel to it.

  “It sort of feels like we’re a couple,” I finally say, venturing into the unknown with the words, unsure of how he’s going to react.

  “I like that,” he says.

  “You do?” I say, tilting my head up a little to look at him.

  He gazes back at me with his beautiful eyes and I see something different in them.

  “There’s really something more inside there other than just the crazy party boy prince, isn’t there?”

  He nods his head and laughs. “I think so,” he says. “Although sometimes I haven’t been so sure, especially over the last few years.”

  “Tell me about your childhood,” I say, suddenly curious about what it was like as a prince here. I want to know another side to
him. I want to know everything there is to know about him, whether or not it’s flattering or ugly.

  “I don’t know where to begin,” he says, but soon he’s telling me all about everything that happened. There are a couple hilarious stories, but most of what I hear is about a confused kid whose parents were unfortunately distant. He went off to boarding school at an early age, and was promptly kicked out of it for acting out. Over the years, his rebellious streak grew stronger and stronger.

  From what I gather, the private boarding schools of Europe really don’t like kicking out royalty, no matter how bad their behavior his, so by the time he was 18, he was well-versed in getting into some serious trouble, just so he could be kicked out of school.

  But soon the trouble took on a life of its own, and Luke was spending a lot of time getting into actual trouble.

  I laugh at some of the stories, like the time he smuggled a kilo into Liseria to sell to a lower-level drug dealer, right under his father’s nose.

  “They couldn’t search the royal family, you see,” he says, laughing at his own ingenuity.

  “Of course, I doubt you needed the money,” I say.

  “Well, actually,” he says. “I kind of did.”

  This surprises me, to say the least.

  “I get an allowance now, if you want to call it that.”

  I giggle. An allowance. “A princely allowance,” I say.

  He nods. “But it didn’t always used to be like that. In Liseria the custom is for it to not kick in until the age of 25. So before that, I had to earn my own money. And I found that I really, really didn’t like working. Especially not the office jobs my father set me up with. So smuggling drugs was a hell of a lot easier. Of course, I’ve left that all behind. And when I look back on it, I’m not particularly proud of it. But I only ever smuggled hashish, a form of marijuana, and it’s not like the people of Liseria didn’t have access to that already. If they wanted it, it was already there. I was merely bringing in a purer product that wasn’t contaminated with anything.”

  “Wow,” I say. “I can’t tell if you’re putting me on or not.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s the truth.”

  “How many times did you do it?”

  “Oh, not too many. I’d say more than five but less than ten, just enough to get me through without working. I actually lived in a cheap beater apartment for a year with a roommate. We constantly trashed the place, throwing crazy parties. I didn’t need much money. This was when I was about 22. After I got the royal money, I really started to go a lot more wild with it.”

  “We say beater car, but not beater apartment,” I say, smiling at him.

  “What do you call a bad apartment?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It’s not like there’s an official term or anything. But you could say ‘shithole apartment.’ That sounds very American.”

  “Shithole apartment,” he says, practicing the phrase, looking incredibly cute as he does it. So cute that I have to lean in and kiss him on the mouth.

  He kisses me back, and soon we’re making out again.



  “I really care about you, Rebecca,” I say, caressing her naked thigh. Her dress is finally off, and she looks so beautiful lying here naked.

  Our belies are full from the royal lunch, and I feel like our hearts are filling up too. This isn’t something I’ve ever felt before. I wonder briefly whether I love her? Well, shit, that’s not anything I’ve had to deal with before. I better push it to the back of my mind.

  My phone rings.

  “What’s up?” I say, in French, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

  “Who is it?” says Rebecca, biting my neck slightly.

  For once in my life, my cock feels completely drained. It felt like absolutely everything came out of me. Rebecca has a way of doing that to me. Of course, the condom with the royal seed is already tied up and back in my pocket. I have a whole technique for making sure she never sees me do it. I imagine it’d look quite strange to her.

  “Is this Luke? It’s Sebastian.”

  “Dude,” what’s up, I say in English.

  “Didn’t know it was you for a second. Never heard you speak Liserian before.”

  “It’s French,” I say. “Basically the same thing.”

  “It’s Sebastian,” I whisper to Rebecca, putting my hand over the mouthpiece for a second.

  She makes a face and flops back on the bed, blowing air out of her lungs. I can tell she doesn’t like having our tender moment interrupted, and to tell the truth I don’t either. I’d much rather spend more time with Rebecca, and maybe going on a day trip into the woods with her, or maybe do that camping trip she was talking about. But I owe it to Sebastian. After all, I really left him in a bind back in Texas. I wonder briefly how the hell he ended up in Europe, but don’t think much of it. He’s a guy of means, and has a way of sort of lightly scamming people to get what he wants. I’m sure he just met some chick who hooked him up with a sweet trip that he couldn’t pass up on.

  “Where you at, man?” I say into the phone.

  “I’m on the fucking Liserian border, dude!”

  “No shit? That was fucking fast.”

  “You know how it is. Listen, man, I need some help getting across the border.”

  “What’s the issue?”

  “I dunno, man, but they’re giving me a hard time. You think you could put in a good word for me or something?”

  “Hmm,” I say, briefly weighing my options. “I don’t know if I have much political pull right now. I mean normally I could just send a letter, but my dad’s pretty much cut me out of everything. The only one on my side right now is Eugene, and it’d be pretty hard… Well, here what I’ll do it just show up and escort you across the border myself. That way there’s not going to be any trouble.”

  “Shit, that’d be awesome man. We’re going to tear shit fucking up in Liseria dude. I hope you know all the best spots.”

  “No doubt,” I say, but inside I’m thinking that I really don’t want to be headed to all the titty bars in Liseria with Sebastian. I want to be with Rebecca, and I don’t think she’s going to like the places that Sebastian wants to go to. Maybe I can find some bar that’s sort of in the middle between super sleazy Sebastian-style and more upscale for Rebecca.

  Sebastian tells me he’s right outside of Le Blanc, one of our many border towns, and I tell him I’ll be there in about two hours. Liseria isn’t too big, and we’re sandwiched between a shitload of other countries.

  “So you’re going?” says Rebecca, looking up at me, looking impossibly beautiful.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “But I really owe it to him. I really would rather go camping with you or something.”

  “It’s OK,” she says, slowly, as if she’s changing her mind right here and now, or maybe choosing her words very carefully. “I just want you to know you mean a lot to me, Luke, and I hope… Well, I hope that this is really going somewhere between us.”

  “Me too,” I say. “And it’s the truth. I’ve never felt this way towards anyone before.”

  She smiles at me. “Have fun with Sebastian,” she says. “Maybe we can go on a camping trip after he leaves.”

  “Don’t forget you’re coming with us,” I say. “You think I’m going to be able to tolerate a couple nights out in Liseria with Sebastian without you? If so, you’re crazy.”

  “But he’s your friend.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer,” I say. “You’re coming with us.”

  “Good,” she says, kissing me.

  “So this was just a test?”

  “Something like that. I don’t know.”

  We’re kissing, and my hand instantly moves down onto one of her perfect breasts. My cock is hard again, and she squeezes it in an incredibly sexy way.

  “Fuck,” I say. “I really should get going. You want to come pick him up with me?”

  She shakes her head. “Not really, and anyway I can’t. Your mom promised to show me something in the royal library, something I might be interested in.”

  “Huh,” I say. “I wonder what the hell that could be.”

  She shrugs. “Dunno, but I don’t have a lot of opportunities to examine ancient Liserian artifacts or anything, so I took her up on it.”

  “You also don’t have many opportunities to get fucked by a real prince,” I say, smirking at her.

  “Well actually I do. And hopefully I have many more in the future.”

  “I hope so, too,” I say, slapping her ass as I get up. She’s now lying on her stomach, with her knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Her butt looks so fucking cute and sexy, I just want to jam my cock right inside her perfect little American pussy right here and now. But I’ve got to get going—fuck me.

  I head out to the palace garage, a modern building outside of the West Gate. I take one of the sports cars from the late 1990s—it’s always been one of my favorites, a deep cherry red and only two seats.

  I put the top down before revving the thing and burning rubber on my way out of the garage. I give a little mock salute to the guards who are standing by. They can’t do anything but salute me. I’m the fucking prince, after all.

  This might be fun, hanging out with Sebastian, but, fuck, I just want to be with Rebecca. Hopefully she’ll at least come hang out with the two of us, although Sebastian isn’t exactly the most girlfriend-friendly friend. I’ve just got my fingers crossed that he doesn’t try to get into her pants—I don’t want to have to punch him the fuck out again.

  The wind’s blowing through my hair and I catch my image in the mirror—ugh, I’ve been looking more and more like a Liserian prince ever since getting back here. Gone are all my American clothes, the cheesy camo, the ridiculous sunglasses. I liked looking like a regular guy, but all I have here in the palace is expensive tailored clothing.


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