Fake Marriage Act

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Fake Marriage Act Page 44

by Lulu Pratt

  “Oh, yeah, baby. Just like that,” he groans with both of his hands in my hair, balancing his weight on his elbows.

  “God, you feel so good, Logan.”

  It’s unbelievable how amazing he feels inside of me. After so much sexual tension and build up, this is still more than I expected, and my body begins building for another climax.

  “You’re so fucking wet,” he growls, his face buried in my neck as he increases his pace, pumping me harder and faster.

  “Yes, yes! Oh God!”

  “You’re gonna come again for me,” he groans in my ear, and the sound of his pleasure makes my stomach tense so deliciously, I know I’m just seconds from another explosion.

  “Yes, right there! Please don’t stop!”

  “I’m not stopping until you come, baby,” he growls, and I fall over the edge of inexplicable delight, my body light as a feather, as he continues to pump into me, and then my body tenses, clenching on his hardness.

  “Fuck, you’re squeezing my cock, babe,” he growls, turning over to flip me on top.

  I want to tell him to watch his mouth as he did me, but all my sass has left me. I’m a ball of emotions, with half useful limbs. My body feels like pudding as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me flush against his body so my breasts are squished against his defined pecs.

  “Logan,” I moan, unable to do or say much more. My body is spent, I don’t know how he thinks I can manage being on top.

  “I got you, Ava,” he whispers as I sit up. Moving my hair to look me in the eyes as his hips slowly begin rocking into me, I can’t bring myself to ask him to stop, it feels too good.

  “I can’t move,” I smile bashfully.

  “Shh… come here, I got you,” he pulls me close to him, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “We’re just going to go slow,” he whispers before tracing the outline of my ear with his tongue.

  His hips rock a little faster and his hands drop to my hips to control my movement, while his mouth sucks and kisses along my neck.

  My body is energized by his seduction, instantly hungry for more as I feel small waves begin to build within me. Without thinking, my body begins to rock along to his rhythm, my ass moving up and down, sliding my slickness on his cock.

  “Mmm… there you go,” he groans, one of his hands moving from my hip to the small of my back, pressing down to reach another angle.

  “Ahh,” I moan quietly, my body fully awakened to his movements.

  “You want more, don’t you?” he whispers in my ear. His control is nothing short of amazing. How he’s able to maneuver through all of this and remain calm is beyond me.

  “Yes,” I cry helplessly, unable to deny how good he feels.

  “Good,” he nibbles on my neck, and his speed increases as I continue to bounce up and down on his length.

  “Logan,” I moan into his ear, my stomach vibrating with tension as another orgasm ripens within me.

  “Fuck, you feel so good.”

  It’s knowing that I’m pleasing him that turns me on so much. Hearing the shift in his tone, the inflection of his voice, as he struggles to maintain control. That’s what drives me wild. I have to drive him crazy, because that’s just what he’s doing to me.

  Moving my hands behind his head, I run my fingernails along his scalp while gripping his hair between my knuckles. Raising faster, and falling harder, our bodies begin to crash into each other, so hard a clapping sound announces every collision.

  “Fuck, slow down,” he growls, his hand gripping my thigh, but I don’t listen. Instead, I move my hips in circles while sliding up and down so that I’m swirling around his stiff cock.

  “No, I want you,” I moan into his ear, biting his earlobe roughly.

  “You want more?” He repeats my request as if it’s a challenge.

  “Yeah, baby. Give me more.”

  “You’ve got a greedy little pussy,” he growls before running his hand along the length of my body, passing between my breasts before wrapping his fingers around my neck, and pulling my head up until we’re eye to eye.

  “Give me a kiss,” he orders, while his hips continue to rock upwards and our bodies collide mercifully.

  Obeying without a second thought, I lean down, offering my mouth, and he takes it. Moving my head to best accommodate his tongue with his grip on my neck, he wraps his free arm around my lower back and begins to pump me harder and faster.

  “Oh God!” I pull away from the kiss to voice my pleasure, my face falling to his neck.

  “You’re gonna come again, Ava,” he grunts, telling me what he wants, but I want the same from him.

  “Give it to me, Logan.”

  A low growl escapes his lips as both of his hands drop to my hips, pulling me to him as he surges into me. We’re moving so fast and rough, the entire bed is rocking to our rhythm.

  “I want it, Logan.”

  “What do you want, baby?” he asks in almost a moan, and I know he’s close to the edge too.

  “I want you to fuck me, Logan,” I cry loudly, and his body goes haywire.

  His heels are pressed into the mattress, surging him forward as he pulls me onto him while bucking like an animal. “Aww, fuck!” He groans loudly.

  I can sense him losing control, and it makes me feel like the most powerful woman in the world. Throwing all my weight back, I bounce my ass up and down, sliding on and off his hard cock as he clenches shut his eyes, undistinguishable sounds escaping him, the pleasure seeping right out of him.

  “Baby, fuck!” He grunts, his body betraying him as I push him closer and closer to his orgasm.

  “Logan, yes! Logan!” I cry, my own orgasm right on the brink.

  “Fuck, Ava!” My name is a cry, a plea, a prayer and I feel him explode within me, his body stiffening, as he grips me tightly, moaning my name as he releases.

  Seeing him lose control and feeling him climax is the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced, and I come again, so turned on from pleasing him. Our sweaty bodies slowly rock to a stop until I’m resting on his chest as we pant in sync with one another.

  “Holy fuck!” he sighs, looking over at me when I roll from on top of him.

  “You’re amazing,” I sigh, my hand covering my eyes in disbelief of how good that was.

  “That was all you. I knew it was gonna be explosive, but… holy fuck!” He shakes his head, rolling over to get out of the bed before walking to the bathroom.

  His absence alarms me a bit, and I begin to wonder if he’s subtly asking me to go to my room now by leaving the bed. When I hear the water running from the bathroom, I know he must be taking a shower, so I climb out of the bed, gathering all my clothes as quickly as possible.

  “What are you doing, Ava?”

  “Oh, I thought you were going to shower, maybe you want me to…” I fade away, as he stands there naked, holding a hand towel.

  “You think you’re going to do that to me and then leave?” he asks, walking to me with the sexiest smirk.

  “You did that, Logan,” I scrunch my eyebrows together as his hand reaches my hip pulling me flush against him.

  “No one has ever made me lose control like that. You’re not going anywhere,” he leans down, pressing his lips to mine, before lifting me. The towel is hot against my hip as he sets me on the edge of the bed before kneeling between my legs.

  Using the warm towel, he gently cleans my sex, glancing up to check my facial expression, ensuring he’s not hurting me. It’s almost as intimate as the sex itself. Almost.

  Once he finishes, he stands and uses the towel to wipe his still erect length. After tossing the towel into a wicker basket, he sits on the bed next to me.

  “This feels really weird, but will you sleep with me tonight?” he asks.

  “What’s weird about that?”

  “Well, I’ve never actually asked that. I’m usually asking women to leave, but I see you want to go, and I don’t want you to,” he glances down at my dress in my hand.

>   “I was only leaving because that’s what I thought you wanted,” I assure him with a smile, tossing my dress to the floor before jumping into his arms and rolling on the bed as our naked bodies press against each other.

  Chapter 16


  The sun begins to shine through the window, and I dread the inevitable ending of my new favorite hobby – watching Ava sleep. Somehow, she’s even more beautiful in this state, and I’ve spent most the morning watching her chest rise and fall as her arms lay splayed out on the bed.

  Last night feels like a dream. I knew she was going to be incredible, and the buildup was sure to make for an exciting evening, but my God, that was magical. I’ve slept with a lot of women, but never have I felt such a connection with someone like I do with her.

  I’m torn between not wanting her to wake so I can continue to watch her, and an intense excitement to hear her voice again.

  “Are you watching me?” she asks softly, her eyes blinking into focus.

  “A little,” I smirk, wiping the stray hairs from her face as she stretches her arms before covering her mouth while she yawns.

  Sitting up, she looks around the room, before looking down at her naked breasts and frantically pulling the sheet up to cover herself.

  “You can’t still be bashful.”

  “So, that wasn’t a dream, huh?”

  “It felt like one,” I shake my head, knowing exactly how she feels.

  “Whew,” she sighs before adding, “I need a shower.”

  Stepping out of the bed, she begins to look for her dress, and inside I panic knowing she’s planning to leave me. My mind races with reasons for her to stay as she picks up her dress and spots her lace panties.

  “Take a bath with me,” I hear myself say.

  Ava freezes, looking up at me with shock.

  “Really?” She asks, tilting her head, but I’m just as surprised as her.

  I’ve never taken a bath with another person in my life. My desperation to be near her has reached new drastic levels.

  “Yeah,” I say, silently pleading with my eyes.


  Walking behind her, I wrap my arms around her small frame, kissing her neck as we make our way to the bathroom.

  “Yours is nicer than mine,” she says, looking around the marble bathroom.

  “I thought you would want that sauna thing,” I explain my reasoning for giving her the other room.

  “You don’t have one?”

  Shaking my head, I lean down to kiss her soft lips, and she lifts on her toes to press into me further.

  Ava handles the bath, running the water and going through the basket of toiletries to add what she wants, while I excuse myself to make a quick call to Rodrick to set up the plans for the day.

  When I return, bubbles fill the deep oval soaking tub as Ava hangs two towels on the warmer.

  “Ready?” She smiles at me as I watch her and nod, despite the nerves rushing through me.

  The fact that I’m about to do something romantic is tripping me out, but knowing it was my idea really blows my mind.

  After helping her into the tub, I follow, sitting behind her as the water instantly begins to loosen the tension in my body.

  “Come here,” I pull her close to me, and her body melts into mine, making me feel like the luckiest man in the world. Unable to contain myself, I gently kiss her neck, again and again, as she leans against me, smiling.

  “I don’t care what you say, Logan. You are definitely a romantic.”

  “Only for you,” I kiss her neck once more. It sounds like a cheesy line, but it’s God’s honest truth.

  “I can’t believe how comfortable I am with you,” she sighs, leaning into my arms as I surround her.

  “I feel the same way, and I don’t get close to anyone,” I stress the final word, because it’s such a huge part of who I am.

  “Why not?” She looks up to me with concern in her eyes.

  “It’s nothing to worry about. I’ve just had a very disingenuous life.”

  “And that’s nothing to worry about?”

  “It just comes along with the territory,” I say with a shrug, grabbing a washcloth from the side table, dipping it in water and then running the cloth up her arm.

  “And what territory is that?”

  “When you have a lot, people want a lot from you.”

  “Is that what you think? Everyone wants something from you?” She asks with a sadness in her voice.

  “They do. My whole life people have tried to get close to me just so they could ask me for things, or use me for this or that. It’s just best to stay to myself and trust no one. At that party, someone stole from my grandma. It’s absurd – it was a charity event for crying out loud. Like, who would even do that? All the measures of security are worthless, because nothing will stop someone who’s determined to get you. Plus, I’ve missed out on this type of connection,” I pull her so close that there’s no space between us, burying my face in her neck.

  “I don’t want anything from you, Logan,” she moves her neck so that I’m forced to look down at her.

  “I know. That’s why I trust you. Believe me, I wouldn’t be in a bathtub holding onto you for dear life if I thought you were after something.” I nibble at the soft skin on her neck.

  “Although you’re always trying to give me things. Freaking me out with your generosity.”

  “Yeah, you were kind of weirding me out with your refusals. I’ve never had that not work before. It’s kind of my only game,” I chuckle as her head falls back against my chest, a loud laugh escaping her.

  “So that was your game?”

  “Well, it didn’t work.”

  “No, it didn’t. I still have all that money in the same envelope you gave to me.”

  “Do I get to spoil you now?”

  “What do you mean?” She tries to turn to face me, but I’m gripping her too tight for her to move freely.

  “I mean, will you accept my gifts, now that, you know,” I avoid stating the obvious.

  “I prefer these type of gifts, Logan,” she looks up at me.

  All she’s said is that she’d rather have me than my money, but it’s profound, and I’ve never felt more attracted to anyone than I do in this moment. Leaning down, I take her mouth, sliding my tongue against hers as her eyes slowly close and my hand cradles the side of her face.

  When she pulls away, I hold her face to mine, gently kissing her lips over and over, as my forehead rests against hers.

  “Tell me about your tattoos,” she whispers and I smile at her randomness.

  With her fingers moving along my arms, I explain every tattoo, when and where I got it, and what it means to me. She’s the most attentive person, listening to my pointless stories and laughing at my less-than-funny jokes.

  Once I’ve finished telling her the story of my artwork, we relax in silence, our breathing in sync as she rests against my chest, our fingers interlocked beneath the water.

  “Logan, I need you to know something,” she finally breaks the silence, and I feel my chest tighten, not wanting to hear anything that could break this moment.

  “Tell me,” I say, but my mind wants to insist she keep it to herself, knowing it can’t be anything good.

  “I didn’t steal anything from you when I met you that night at your house. I’m sorry that happened, but I swear I was only looking at the photos,” she turns to face me and I have to strain to bite back the smile.

  “I know, Ava. There was nothing for you to even steal over there. That part of the house is empty besides the artwork. There’s a whole other wing on the backend, away from the front. It’s kind of like a servants’ quarters, you have it for your maid and nanny to live with you. But I don’t have any of that, so I’ve been using it to store my grandmother’s things.” I try to simplify a complicated and unorganized mess.

  “Oh, okay,” she nods, but I can see she’s mulling over a thought, and before she can relax again, s
he turns so fast water splashes out of the tub.

  “So, you knew I didn’t have anything, and you still patted me down?”

  “I just wanted more time with you,” I admit, a smile spreading across my face as she splashes me with water.

  “I knew it!” she yells, and we both burst into laughter.

  Eventually we calm down, and Ava sinks back into my chest, where she belongs. It feels natural having her body pressed against mine. My hands find hers, and I slide my fingers between her thin fingers, leaning down to kiss her shoulder.

  “After this, we’ll both pack and then we can leave,” I kiss her between words as she smiles, leaning into my lips.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Did you forget about Greece?” I whisper and her body jerks.

  “We’re still going to Greece?”

  “Ava, when I tell you we’re doing something, you can guarantee we’re going to do it, baby,” I promise her as she turns to me with pure joy in her eyes.

  “We’re going to fly out to Santorini, then we’ll spend two days on a yacht. It’s not huge, but big enough for staff. Rodrick is coming, of course, plus there’s a chef, a massage therapist, who can also instruct yoga if you do that. Of course, the captain will be there – all in all including us, there’s nine people in total. Eight or nine,” I look up trying to remember the details as Rodrick explained them to me earlier.

  “Yeah, you can spoil me,” she says, biting her bottom lip like a giddy kid.

  “Oh, these are the type of gifts you like?”

  “Yeah, this is my style. Keep your cash. Give me you, and take me to new places,” she gushes, wrapping her arms around my neck before reaching for a washcloth and bar of soap from the small table she’s prepared for us.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “I’m getting us out of here. How long until the flight?” she asks, dipping the cloth under the water.

  “The jet will be ready when we are,” I chuckle, remembering she’s used to commercial flights.


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