Coffee in Common

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Coffee in Common Page 15

by Dee Mann

  Silently, she cursed the fates for toying with her. She finally found someone with whom she could let down all her barriers, someone who could know all her secrets and not use them to his advantage, someone she knew she could count on for help and comfort whenever it might be needed, someone who could make her feel like a woman and a person, but she'd only been allowed to discover he'd been right under her nose a day after it was too late.

  I wonder if he knows what kind of friend he's found? Probably not. Men are so clueless. They really aren't very good at sensing feelings or reading body language…unless the hints were as obvious as rocks hitting them on their stupid hard heads.

  Again, she sighed.

  I guess it's for the best. He'd probably get all weird if he knew. And that would be the end of the friendship. And kill any chance of being friends with her. I wonder where they are now? They must be on their way to the restaurant. Will he think of me at all, tonight? Right. Don't be stupid.

  Again, she tried to relax and clear her mind, but memories of that kiss kept intruding.

  It was a mistake to kiss him…no…it was wonderful, and now I won't wonder every time I see him. I'll get over it soon…and neither of them will ever know how I felt.

  Priya realized she would not be able to get him out of her thoughts tonight, so she stopped trying. With the toes of her right foot, she turned on the hot water and let it run until the bath was toasty warm again. Then she closed her eyes and indulged in her favorite fantasy, only this time, her lover wasn't faceless.

  6:55 PM

  Jillian knew they could not have traveled far when the limousine rolled to a stop.

  Paul jumped out when Gary opened the door, then reached a hand inside to assist her. As she stepped out, she saw a red carpet leading up to massive wooden doors on which had been carved a beautiful, detailed moon.

  Ohmygod he's taking me to Casa de Luna! How? It takes weeks to get a reservation here.

  She turned to him in disbelief, but Paul offered only a smile and his arm.

  The inside was even more wonderful than she'd heard. If she hadn't just walked through those famous doors, she would have sworn she was standing in an outdoor café somewhere in Italy.

  At first, it appeared the only light in the room came from the candles in fancy lanterns casting a soft glow on each table. But when her eyes adjusted, she noticed the high domed ceiling twinkling with thousands of points of light, like stars in a night sky, complete with a softly glowing moon. The effect was breathtaking.

  Scattered around the fountain that commanded the center of the large room, were square, wrought-iron tables, spaced far enough apart to ensure conversations were not overheard. They were covered with crisp, white linen tablecloths, and set with fine china, crystal, and silver. Each had four sumptuously padded wrought-iron chairs around it.

  The floor appeared to be stone and brick. On three sides of the room, false stone facades rose to meet the sky while the fourth was a magnificently detailed fresco that gave the impression the whole room overlooked a large bay partially ringed by hills.

  Even in the dim light, she could see all the tables were occupied.

  "Mister DiLorenzo, Ms. Marshall, buona sera! Welcome to our humble café. My name is Gino." The heavily accented greeting came from a slender, distinguished looking man in a tuxedo who approached them from an unnoticed doorway to their right.

  "Thank you, Gino," Paul replied as Jillian removed her wrap and draped it over her arm. "And please thank Mr. DiBenedetto for his kindness."

  I wonder how he knew who we were. Must be the time we arrived.

  "Si, certo! Of course. Please, give me a moment and then I will show you to your table."

  Jillian watched as he spoke with a tall, similarly tuxedoed young man, then turned, the wonder still in her eyes. "This is amazing, Paul. How did you…"

  "I'll tell you later," he promised, nodding to indicate the maitre d' was returning.

  Gino led them across the center of the room. Paul was aware of the many male eyes following Jillian. Part of him felt proud to have someone so lovely by his side. But another part wanted to bare his teeth and glare as a warning to stay away from his woman. Fortunately, the civilized part kept him moving forward, calmly ignoring the stares.

  Jillian could not imagine where Gino was leading them since it was obvious there were no open tables. Her question was answered when he led them to one of the false building fronts and opened the double doors to reveal a cozy, private dining alcove that had been constructed to resemble a terrazzo.

  The table was set for two. In keeping with the walls of the main room, these appeared to be wide, ivy covered arches and railings with beautiful frescos of lush gardens overlooking the same bay as did the main room.

  "Oh my! It's so lovely." Jillian's head was spinning. Paul said this would be a memorable date, but she never imagined he'd be taking her here, and to a private room!

  She slid gracefully into the chair Gino held for her as Paul took the seat to her right. Gino stepped back a pace and, as if they had been signaled, several waiters appeared to fill water glasses from a crystal pitcher, place on the table a silver basket of warm breads and breadsticks and a matching tray with assorted olives and dipping oils, and to present them with beautiful leather-bound menus.

  As quickly as they'd appeared, the waiters vanished. "Please, take your time," Gino said. "Nothing is ever hurried here. When you are ready to order, or if you need anything, anything at all, just press the button at the base of the lantern in the center of the table."

  Paul nodded. "Thank you, thank you very much."

  Gino bowed slightly before he backed out, pulling the doors closed to give them complete privacy.

  Jillian's gaze drifted slowly around the room again before focusing on Paul. She felt like she was dreaming. "This is so lovely, Paul. It's like a fantasy. How did you ever get reservations?"

  "I wish I could say it was because of my charm and good looks, or that I know powerful people in important places, but the truth is, Rob's girlfriend knows the owner. She overheard me talking about where to bring you tonight and offered to help. When she told me she'd arranged reservations here, I thought she'd wrangled us a table near the kitchen or something. I had no idea she'd managed this."

  A gleam came into his eyes.

  "You're right, though, this is a lovely room." He reached over and traced the line of her cheek with his finger. "But it's nothing compared to how beautiful you are tonight."

  Jillian could feel herself getting all soft and fluttery inside and it made her a little nervous.

  I shouldn't be feeling this way so soon. I hardly know him. Sure he's…

  A short knock interrupted her thought. A few seconds later, Gino entered carrying an ice bucket and two champagne flutes. He set one down in front of each of them, removed the bottle from the bucket, and displayed the bottle for Paul's approval. It was a 1996 Dom Pérignon.

  "Thank you, Gino, but we didn't order this."

  "Si, I know. It is a gift. I am not permitted to tell you from whom, but I am to tell you…" He paused and removed a small card from his pocket. "If you do not behave like a perfect gentleman tonight, instructions will be provided to Ms. Marshall on how to make you suffer in ways you can't begin to imagine." He shrugged apologetically.

  Chuckling, Paul shook his head. "Thank you, Gino." He turned to Jillian. "It has to be from Lisa. She said the same thing this afternoon."

  After Gino opened the bottle and filled their flutes, Paul explained Rob's ‘coffee girl' joke, Lisa's threat, and how she made good on it.

  "I am liking this Lisa more and more," Jillian said when she stopped laughing. "Rob. That's the guy who was with you in the coffee shop Wednesday, right?"

  "Yes, ma'am. He's my best friend."

  "I would think he'd have to be to pick up the tab for the limo."

  "Well, Lisa didn't give him any choice, but I don't think he'll care right now." He chuckled at her quizzical expression. "It's k
ind of a long story. How about I tell you later, while we're eating?"

  Jillian agreed and they picked up their menus.

  Casa de Luna served a classic Italian six-course supper – appetizer, soup, pasta, main course, salad, and coffee and dessert. There were no prices on the menu because there was only one per-person price that included everything except beer, wine and spirits.

  The menu changed irregularly, but frequently. Each of the four brothers who owned the restaurant took turns scouring the cities, towns, and countryside of Italy for new recipes. The current menu featured dishes from Tuscany, particularly the cities of Florence, Sienna, and Pisa.

  "I'm having trouble choosing," Jillian confessed. "Everything sounds so delicious."

  "Me, too. If it wouldn't completely bankrupt me, I'd have them bring one of everything so I could take a bite of each."

  Jillian laughed and touched his hand. "I'm afraid if you did that, by the time we left here this dress would be tighter than spandex on me."

  "And that would be a bad thing?"

  The implication pleased her even as it caused her cheeks to take on a rosy glow.

  Jillian had indeed planned to play the game Shandra mentioned at dinner last night and order a salad and maybe a piece of fish or something. But as she read the menu, she realized she wasn't experiencing the same anxiety, the same need she usually felt on first dates to make the guy think she ate like a bird. Paul was a virtual stranger yet she sat with him as if they were old friends. Despite her misgivings, she could not help feeling comfortable with him.

  She snuck a glance at him studying his menu.

  He seems so relaxed. Why isn't he nervous? He's the one who chased me. He's the one who has to make a good impression…who's being judged here. But he looks so calm, so…content. Maybe that's why I feel like this, like I can just be me. No games, no watching every word like with Patrick. This is nice!

  She returned her attention to her menu, and a few minutes later, they compared the selections they'd made.

  Jillian decided to start with Involtini di Melanzane e Zucchini, eggplant and zucchini slices wrapped around a filling of bread, ham, pine nuts, currants and cheese then covered with a light tomato sauce and melted cheese. For his appetizer, Paul selected Formaggio con le pere,diced ripe pear tossed with small cubes of peccorino romano cheese and sprinkled lightly with freshly ground black pepper.

  Both selected the same second course, Pappa al Pomodoro, a tomato and country bread soup with sweet onion and basil. Paul's pasta choice was Cavatelli with a spicy bolognese sauce. Jillian decided to try the potato gnocchi with a simple marinara sauce.

  Her main course would be Pollo in Porchetta, chicken stuffed with ham, bacon, and herbs while Paul would enjoy Stufato Manzo e Funghi, a thick beef and mushroom stew prepared with garlic and white wine. Both dishes would be accompanied by Spinaci alla Fiorentina, spinach sautéed with olive oil and garlic, and Risotto all'Uva e Chianti Rufina, rice sautéed with onion, butter, and red wine, then mixed with parmesan cheese and ripe red grapes.

  They each opted for a simple garden salad and shared a smile when they discovered they'd both selected the same dessert, Zuccotto, a rich cake made with chopped toasted almonds and hazelnuts, cognac, maraschino liqueur, Cointreau, semi-sweet chocolate, and whipped cream.

  "Shall we order?" Paul reached for the button.

  They had been sipping the champagne and Paul found the bottle getting low as he refilled their glasses. "Would you care for some red wine with dinner?" he asked, picking up the wine list.

  There was a knock on the door and Gino entered. After taking their orders he said, "Wonderful selections, wonderful! I think you will be quite pleased…" A look of rapture came over him. "…especially when the Zuccotto arrives. Be sure to save room for it."

  Both assured him they would.

  "Would you prefer your salads before the main course or after?"

  "When would it be served in Italy?" Paul asked.

  "Almost always after."

  Paul glanced at Jillian who nodded her approval. "After then, please. And would you also bring us a bottle of the ‘96 Ruffino Chianti Classico?"

  Gino's eyebrows shot up in appreciation of the choice. "Of course. It is an excellent wine! You will find it perfectly compliments the meals you've selected."

  He excused himself and retired to place their order.

  When the doors had closed, Jillian asked, "Are you a wine aficionado or just a lucky guesser?"

  She hadn't thought the question all that funny, but Paul, who had been taking a sip of his champagne, had to choke back his laughter so he wouldn't completely spit out the bubbly liquid. Then Jillian couldn't contain her own soft laugh as she watched him blotting the drops of wine dripping down his chin.

  "So suave, so sophisticated," she teased.

  With his mouth and chin free of wine, Paul glared and grinned. "I am so going to get you back for that."

  Jillian threw him a sassy oh see how frightened I am look, then touched his hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to be funny. I really was curious if you knew a lot about wines or just happened to pick a good one."

  The glare softened but the grin remained. "I know a little about wines, but mostly I like to drink them. All that ‘nose' and ‘legs' and ‘finish' and stuff doesn't really interest me. The tastes interest me. I can usually tell the difference between a good wine and a cheap wine, but for the life of me I can't tell you what flavors I'm supposed to be tasting." He raised his hands, palms up, and shrugged. "I guess I'll never be much of a wine snob."

  They kept the conversation light and filled with humor until the arrival of the wine and their first course detoured their attention back to the food.

  The appetizers were delicious and they found themselves sharing commentary and bites - either one feeding the other or simply reaching into the other's plate with a fork - as naturally and effortlessly as if they'd been doing it for years.

  The soup, too, was marvelous and they both drained their bowls, using small pieces of bread to sop up the last drops.

  Jillian set down her spoon and glanced at her watch. Eight-twenty! How could the time have flown by so quickly? She told Paul she had to powder her nose and he rose as she did. She suppressed a smile at the old-fashioned courtesy and wondered if he'd be so gallant the next time they went out. As she opened the door to the room, she realized what she had been thinking.

  The next time? I'm already wondering about the next time? Will he even want there to be a next time?

  She entered the ladies room and sat on one of the cushioned chairs. Removing her cell phone from her purse, she dialed Liz and could hardly contain herself when she answered.

  "Girl, you will not believe where I am. Casa de Luna. He picked me up in a limo and took me to Case de Luna."

  "No way. On your first date? That place costs a fortune! Either this guy has a serious problem or he really, really likes you. Or maybe that is his problem."

  "Ha ha ha. You're sooo funny.

  "Oh Lizzie, it's so beautiful. It's almost like being in Italy. And get this, we have a private dining room."

  "A private…"

  "And he's been so charming and funny and sweet. And the food is unbelievable." She paused. "Lizzie…"


  "I, ahh, I think I'm glad I shaved my legs."

  "Hold on girl. It's way too early to be thinking like that. It's only eight-thirty. Anything can happen and…"

  "I know, I know, but I can't help it. It keeps getting better and better."

  "You be careful girl. Just because he drops a pile of cash on you doesn't mean he's worth dropping your pants for."

  "Hah. You're one to talk. Need I remind you about a certain blond Adonis named Timothy?"

  "Okay, point taken. But seriously, Jilli, don't rush into anything. Don't let him hurt you. You've had enough hurt for…"

  "I'll be careful. I promise. But I have to get back. I'm sitting in the ladies room and I haven't even peed yet."
  8:30 PM

  With a well-practiced smoothness, Liz's thumb released the END button and speed-dialed Jenna. On the second ring, she heard, "Hello?"

  "Hey! I expected voicemail. I thought you and Roy were going to a movie tonight."

  "We were, but he's sick. He didn't even show up at work today. What are you doing?"

  "Nothing. Kevin had to work a double tonight."

  "Bummer. You want to do something?"

  "Sure. Beats sitting around thinking about Jillian and… Oh! You will not believe where coffee boy took Jilli tonight!"


  "Casa de Luna."

  "No way!"

  "That's what she told me not five minutes ago. She called me from the ladies room and told me he picked her up in a limo and they were in a private dining room at Casa de Luna."

  "Holy crap. Is this guy rich or something? But that is soooo romantic. Casa de Luna." Jenna grunted. "Looks like coffee boy's getting laid tonight."

  "Don't laugh. She told me she was glad she shaved her legs." Her voice became serious. "But I'm worried about her. She's had such a run of bad luck with men since college. I don't want her to jump into something with this guy and end up hurt again. Especially after what happened last night." She paused for a second and sighed. "I think she feels really bad about spying on him and everything. I hope she won't end up sleeping with him because she thinks she owes it to him or to make up for some guilt."

  "Jillian's not like that."

  "Not usually, but something is different with this guy. I mean, she hadn't even gone out with him and she was crying over him last night. Whatever is going on, I…well, I hope this guy isn't playing her."

  "I know, I know…but there's not much we can do about it now. So what do you want to do tonight?"

  They'd run through several options when Jenna said, "Hey, you know I talked with Holly a while ago and she told me she and Jamal, and Gloria and Chuck were going for drinks and dancing to some new place Chuck found. She asked me and Roy to go, too, but with Roy sick, I didn't want to go alone. What do you think?"


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