My Bestfriend's Man

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My Bestfriend's Man Page 17

by P. Dotson

  I walked over to the printer and snatched the paper off. I reread the article again and shook my head. I wasn’t about to tell my husband. He would only think that I’m crazy and a little too over protective of Savannah, but I had every right to be. I already had to bury one child. I wasn’t about to bury another.

  Moving as quietly as I could, I peeped into the living room to see what my husband was up too. As usual he was in his recliner with the remote control in his hand passed out. I clutched the piece of paper I held in my hand close to my chest and grabbed my keys out of the kitchen. I didn’t need my purse.

  I looked back over my shoulder as I tip-toed towards the front door. This is silly I know, but like any mother I needed to protect my baby. As soon as I opened the door I almost had a heart attack. I rolled my eyes and looked towards the ceiling. What the hell was she doing here at this time of night?

  “Roxie, what the hell are you doing?” I snapped. I didn’t mean to come off harsh, but every minute I wasted could mean Savannah was in danger.

  “I’m sorry momma Karen, I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by to see how you and pop Gerald are doing. Is this a bad time?”

  I looked her over shaking my head at what she had on. Tiny shorts and a t-shirt. This girl had no level of respect. I’ve told her on plenty of occasions whenever she comes over to my house she needs to dress appropriately. Yes, me and my husband raised her as our own, but the facts still remains she isn’t ours. These young girls now days have no shame when it comes to another woman’s husband and as sad as it may seem Roxie is no exception.

  “As a matter of a fact, it is a bad time. I have somewhere to be. You can stop back by in the morning,” I said attempting to walk past her, but she didn’t budge.

  “Well, is it okay if I say hi to pop Gerald?”

  “Not dressed like that,” I answered shaking my head no. “I already told you when you come to my house you will respect it and you dressed like that is very disrespectful.” She had the nerve to look like I hurt her feelings, but as a woman what I’m telling her is only right. Savannah should have put her friend in check a long time ago because I had no bones about doing it.

  “I’m sorry. The last thing I would want to do is disrespect you and pop Gerald. You guys are like family. I would never do anything to hurt either one of you.”

  For some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to believe her. Her presence made me sick to my stomach. An image of Gabby danced around in my mind as I looked at her. Maybe this Brian and Savannah situation had me paranoid. I couldn’t help, but remove the negative thoughts that had clouded my head.

  “I know Roxie and I’m sorry, but right now I’m in a hurry. I’m on my way to Savannah’s house. I have to talk to her about something important.” My patience was wearing thin. I didn’t want to stand here and prolong this unwanted visit any longer than I had too.

  “You want me to come with you?” She offered.

  “NO!” I snapped. I could feel my pressure rising and my heart rate quickened. “Roxie, just please leave,” I said barely able to catch my breath. I could see the hurt in her eyes and I felt guilty. “I’m sorry Roxie, but now is not a good time,” I said softening my voice. “Come back tomorrow okay.”

  “Okay,” she said leaning over and forcing me to give her a hug. “I love you mom.”

  The way she said mom sent chills down my spine. “I love you too, Roxie,” I said removing myself from her strong embrace before I slowly backed inside of the house.

  I closed the door in her face and locked it. It got hot all of a sudden and I needed a drink of water. Before heading to the kitchen, I peeped in the living room. I breathed a sigh of relief because Gerald was still knocked out. I made myself a quick glass of water and headed back towards the front door.

  Before I made it there, a knock came at the door. I shook my head. It was probably Roxie again. That girl just didn’t get a clue. I was tired of playing nice. My baby girl needed me and I wasn’t in the mood for any more distractions. Things were about to get ugly. I walked to the front door and snatched it open. Before I could respond a blow to the head sent me flying backward.

  They moved so fast I didn’t even have time to call out for my husband. Within mere seconds, I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my throat. I couldn’t see my perpetrators face, but I recognized the voice. I clawed at the hands that gripped my neck, but it was no use. My life was about to end and I never got a chance to warn my daughter.

  As I drifted in and out of this life, I said a silent prayer before joining my daughter Gabby in the afterlife.

  Chapter 28


  The loud banging coming from downstairs and the constant ringing of my phone rocked me out of my dream. It was a good dream too. It was about me and Brandon. We were happily married with twins. I shook my head at the thought of having twins.

  I jumped at the banging coming from downstairs. My phone constantly sang and vibrated against my dresser. The banging downstairs had me paranoid and I was a little apprehensive in answering. My mind drifted to Brian and I thought back to the night he came banging on my door because he had a bad dream. I rolled my eyes at the memory.

  I grabbed my baseball bat that sat beside my bed and threw on my robe. My heart anxiously beat in my chest. I picked up my phone. Roxie’s picture flashed across the screen. I wondered what she wanted this time of night.

  “Hello,” I answered as I walked towards my bedroom door. The banging stopped.

  “Savannah!” Roxie squealed into the phone. The tone of her voice put me on edge.

  “Roxie, what’s wrong?” I asked as I placed my hand on the knob of my bedroom door.

  “You need to open the door now. The police are here.”

  “What the hell is going on?” I asked swinging my bedroom door wide open.

  “They won’t tell me. They keep saying they need to get in touch with Savannah Lee.”

  “I’m coming now.”

  I quickly ran down the stairs nearly tripping and busting my ass in the process. My mind went haywire trying to figure out what was going on. I opened the door and two uniformed police officers along with Roxie stood on my front porch. As soon as my eyes landed on them I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “Are you Savannah Lee?” One of the uniformed officers asked me.

  “Yes,” I said nodding my head. I could feel myself near tears and I had the slightest idea why they were even there. Roxie pushed her way past them and stood by my side.

  “I’m afraid we have some terrible news. There’s been an accident.”


  “There was a fire?”

  “A fire?” I repeated. He was prolonging what he had to tell me. I could see it in his eyes the news wasn’t good.

  “I’m sorry to tell you this, but your parents were killed in a fire.





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