The Virgin of Zesh & the Tower of Zanid

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The Virgin of Zesh & the Tower of Zanid Page 10

by L. Sprague De Camp

  Yuruzh went over to the washstand to remove some of the blood with which he was smeared. Much of it came from his own cuts and scratches. Althea asked, “How did you get here?”

  Yuruzh smiled. “As soon as you boarded the Ta’zu, I put to sea in one of my galleys and hung off this ship’s quarter. When the skipper signaled, asking what we wanted, I flagged him back to go on and pay no attention. As we had a catapult loaded with a fifty-kilo rock, aimed at his waterline, he was glad to comply.

  “When nobody shot at us, I figured Gorchakov must have taken you below. I’d brought Bishop Raman along, pretending I’d meant merely to put him on his ship, and he told me he and Gorchakov had the two passenger cabins aft. He didn’t realize Gorchakov didn’t want him aboard at all, because he didn’t wish any Terran witness to your murder.

  “So, knowing the lay of the land, I rowed my ship in close, threw a grapnel over the Ta’zu’s rail, and swung over to the ledge below the stern windows. I got the idea from a motion-picture I saw on Terra, something about pirates.

  “I didn’t dare warn Gorchakov so long as he carried that gun; not even I can fence or wrestle a bullet. I originally meant to climb in Raman’s window, but then Gorchakov threw that bottle out—just missing me—and left his window open. So here we are.”

  Yuruzh wiped himself with the bloody towel and glanced at Gorchakov. Althea asked, “What shall we do with him?”

  Yuruzh jerked a thumb toward the stern window. “Out.”

  “That’s what he was going to do with me.”

  “Ironic justice, eh? Let’s hope he’s not too big to go through.”

  Before Althea had left Earth, she could not have imagined that she would someday be helping to dispose of a corpse in this manner, let alone the corpse of a husband slain in a brutal brawl. The mere idea would have made her sick. Now she grasped a wrist and an ankle with no more revulsion than one has about picking up a chicken leg. She helped Yuruzh to drag the body to the window, heave it up, and shove it through.


  She glimpsed the body bobbing in the ship’s wake, then turned away from the window. Yuruzh picked the pistol off the cabinet.

  “This will be useful,” he said. “I wonder if the scoundrel didn’t have a second bottle of kvad?”

  “Look in that cabinet, lower right,” said Althea.

  “Ah, here we are! Good old Afanasi. Have some?”

  Althea was about to say that, as a missionary, she couldn’t when she remembered that she was no longer a missionary. The feeling was both of desolation and of relief. Now at last she could believe, as Bahr had taught her to do, what the evidence showed, not necessarily what Getulio C&aTilde;o said. If anybody ever deserved a drink, they did now.

  The liquor burned her throat and made her cough. Soon, however, the throb of her welt and the aches in her limbs subsided.

  Yuruzh drank deeply and said, “What are you going to do now? Your mission job seems to have blown up, and Bahr won’t be on Zesh more than a few ten-nights taking his tests. What’ll you do then?”

  “I don’t know. I might try to get back to Earth, but that means going through Novorecife, where Glumelin might make trouble for me.”

  “Bahr was looking at you with that hungry-wolf expression. For that matter, so was Kirwan, but the fool got himself killed.”

  Althea said, “Gottfried has been asking me to marry him; that is, when I could get Gorchakov annulled.”

  Yuruzh glanced toward the window. “He’s annulled now, all right,” he murmured. “Have you accepted Bahr?”


  “May I ask why not?”

  “I don’t know . . . he’s intelligent and much easier to get on with than that crazy poet was. But he’s cold and colorless. Besides, he ran out on me. I’m afraid he just hasn’t much physical courage, and you need that here. Brian Kirwan at least was brave.”

  “I have an alternative suggestion.”

  “What?” said Althea.

  “You might marry me.”

  “What! But you’re not—not—”

  “Not human, you mean to say? Of course I’m not. But it’s possible for a Krishnan and a Terran to live quite happily together. Been done.”

  “But—but we couldn’t have any children . . .”

  Yuruzh smiled. “I couldn’t anyway. Sterile hybrid, you know, though in other respects quite—ah—normal.”


  “I trust you’re not letting yourself be influenced by the fact that I have a tail? I believe the god Pan had one, which didn’t prevent his being held in high esteem by the ancient Greeks. In fact, every unaccountable pregnancy was attributed to Pan’s having caught the girl while she was watching the family sheep and demonstrating his love of humanity on her.”

  Althea said, “Let me think a while. My goodness, I’ve only just met you! The idea makes me dizzy. Nobody’s offered to marry me for years, and here as soon as I land on Krishna . . . Listen, Yuruzh, what’s the secret of Zá? What about this amazing intelligence?”

  “Simple. While I was at the Institute at Princeton, a psychologist gave me the Pannoëtic treatment, telling me it would either drive me hopelessly mad, as it does Terrans, or make me a genius, as it does apes. And it had the latter effect. I’m not bragging; I went right through the ceiling on all their tests.

  “When the time came for me to return to Krishna, I pretended that the effect had worn off, knowing they’d never let me go home otherwise. The Viagens had introduced the Saint-Rémy treatment to keep Terrans from spilling technical secrets to Krishnans. But it doesn’t work very well on Krishnans, and how would they keep me from using all the knowledge I’d picked up? So I acted dumb enough to fool them, and they never even conditioned me by the Saint-Rémy method.”

  “What are you doing now?”

  “Turning all the Záva into people like me, by the same method. I have a fourth of them converted, and the rest will be done in a year.” He laughed. “We’re doing the opposite of the Roussellians: making civilized beings out of savages.”

  “What’s the Virgin of Zesh?

  “A vestigial organ. When the Záva were all stupid primitives, they consulted an oracle for advice, the more incomprehensible the better. We still maintain old Khostova in her tower so as not to alarm the unconverted Záva, who don’t know what Pannoëtics is all about.” He leaned forward. “You know, if you take me up, you’ll find yourself in a position to be very useful. While I don’t think much of C&aTilde;o’s theology, some of his ethical ideas aren’t bad. And when you suddenly convert a dumb primitive to a fellow with an intelligence like that of Newton or Einstein, you need ethical indoctrination to keep him from misusing his new brain. Besides, ever since I laid eyes on you, I told myself: that’s the mate for you, my boy. How about it?”

  Althea thought: What if he is not human? She, too, had always been something of a misfit among her own kind. He thrilled her as no man (correction, male organism) had in years. And he was really but little hairier than Kirwan or Halevi.

  So, not without lingering qualms and apprehensions, Althea made up her mind. “Why—I—ah—well—yes!”

  As his muscular arms closed around her, she felt as if she had come home. When they separated, Yuruzh said, “We’ll go up and tell the captain that his passenger has committed suicide by jumping out the transom window. Then I’ll order him to put about and sail back to Zesh. He can marry us, too, unless you want the bishop brought over from the galley in a boatswain’s chair.”

  “The captain will suit me,” said Althea. “Bishop Harichand Raman can go jump in the Sadabao Sea for all I care.”

  “Fine. And until we get back, let’s use the bishop’s cabin next door. This one’s a mess.”

  Hand in hand, they went out into the sunshine.



  Dr. Julian Fredro got up from the cot, swayed, and steadied himself. The nurse in the dispensary of Novorecife had removed the attachments from him. The l
ights had stopped flashing and things had stopped going round. Still, he felt a little dizzy. The door opened and Herculeu Castanhoso, the squirrel-like little security officer of the Terran spaceport, came in with a fistful of papers.

  “Here you are, Senhor Julian,” he said in the Brazilo-Portuguese of the spaceways. “You will find these all in order, but you had better check them to make sure. You have permission to visit Gozashtand, Mikardand, the Free City of Majbur, Qirib, Balhib, Zamba, and all the other friendly Krishnan countries with which we have diplomatic relations.”

  “Is good,” said Fredro.

  “I need not caution you about Regulation 368, which forbids you to impart knowledge of Terran science and inventions to natives of H-type planets. The pseudo-hypnosis to which you have just been subjected will effectively prevent your doing so.”

  “Excuse,” said Fredro, speaking Portuguese with a thick Polish accent, “but it seems to me like—what is English expression?—like locking a stable door after cat is out of bag.”

  Castanhoso shrugged. “What can I do? The leakage occurred before we got artificial pseudo-hypnosis, which was not known until Saint-Rémy’s work on Osirian telepathic powers a few decades ago. When my predecessor, Abreu, was security officer, I once went out with him to destroy with our own hands a steamship that an Earthman had built for Ferrian, the Pandr of Sotaspé.”

  “That must have been exciting.”

  “Exciting is not the word, Senhor Doctor Julian,” said Castanhoso with a vigorous gesture. “But the wonder is that the Krishnans did not learn more: guns, for instance, or engines. Of course some claim that they lack the native originality . . . Speaking of Prince Ferrian, are you going to Sotaspé? He still rules that island—a very vivid personality.”

  “No,” said Fredro. “I go in opposite direction, to Balhib.”

  “So—yes? I wish you a pleasant journey. It is not bad, now that you can go by bishtar-train all the way to Zanid. What do you hope to accomplish in Balhib, if I may ask?”

  Fredro’s eyes took on a faraway gleam, as of one who after a hard day’s struggle sights a distant bottle of whiskey. “I shall solve the mystery of the Safq.”

  “You mean that colossal artificial snail shell?”

  “Certainly. To solve the Safq would be a fitting climax to my career. After that I shall retire—I am nearly two hundred—and spend my closing years playing with my great-great-great-great-grandchildren and sneering at work of my younger colleagues. Obrigado for your many kindnesses, Senhor Herculeu. I go sightseeing—you stand here like Dutch boy with a thumb in the mouth.”

  “You mean with his finger in the dyke. It is discouraging,” said Castanhoso, “when one sees that the dyke has already broken through in many other places. The technological blockade might have been successful if it had been applied resolutely right at the start, and if we had had the Saint-Rémy treatment then. But you, senhor, will see Krishna in flux. It should be interesting.”

  “That is why I am here. Até a vista, senhor.”


  It was the festival of ’Anerik, and the fun-loving folk of Zanid were enjoying their holiday on the dusty plain west of the city.

  Across the shallow, muddy Eshqa, a space of more than a square hoda had been marked off. In one section, lusty young Krishnans were racing shomals and ayas—either riding the beasts or driving them from chariots, sulkies, buggies, and other vehicles. In another, platoons of pikemen paraded to the shout of trumpets and the smash of cymbals while Roqir—the star Tau Ceti—blazed upon their polished helms. Elsewhere, armored jousters nudged each other off their mounts with pronged lances, striking the ground with the clang of a stove dropped from a roof.

  On the ball field, the crowd screamed as Zanid’s team of minasht players beat the diapers off the visiting team from Lussar. King Kir’s private band played from a temporary stand that rose amid a sea of booths where you could have your shoes patched, your clothes cleaned, or your hair cut, or buy food, drink, tobacco, jewelry, hats, clothes, walking sticks, swords, tools, archery equipment, brassware, pottery, medicines (mostly worthless), books pictures, gods, amulets, potions, seeds, bulbs, lanterns, rugs, furniture, and many other things. Jugglers juggled; acrobats balanced; dancers bounded; actors strutted, and stilt-walkers staggered. Musicians twanged and tootled; singers squalled; poets rhapsodized; storytellers lied, and fanatics orated. Mountebanks cried up their nostrums; exorcists pursued evil spirits with fireworks; and mothers rushed shrieking after their children.

  The celebrants included not only Krishnans but also a sprinkling of folk of other worlds: A pair of Osirians, like small bipedal dinosaurs with their scaly bodies painted in intricate patterns, dashing excitedly from one sight to another; a trio of furry, beady-eyed Thothians, half the height of the Krishnans, trimming the natives at the gambling-games of a dozen worlds; a centaurlike Vishnuvan morosely munching greens from a big leather bag. There was a sober Ormazdian couple, near-human and crested, their carmine skins bare but for sandals and skimpy mantles hanging down their backs; and, of course, a group of trousered Terran tourists with their women, and their cameras in little leather cases.

  Here and there you could see an Earthman who had gone Krishnan, swathed from waist to knee in the dhotilike loin garment of the land, and wearing a native stocking-cap with its end wound turbanwise about his head. A few decades before, they would all have disguised themselves by dyeing their hair blue-green, wearing large pointed artificial ears, and gluing to their foreheads a pair of feathery antennae, in imitation of the Krishnans’ external organs of smell. These organs were something like extra eyebrows rising from the inner ends of the true eyebrows.

  One particular Earthman sauntered about the grounds near the bandstand as if he had nothing on his mind. He wore the usual oversized diaper and a loose striped shirt or tunic wherein several holes had been neatly mended; a plain Krishnan rapier swung at his hip. He was tall for an Earthman—about the average height of a Krishnan, who, through Earthly eyes, seemed a tallish, lean race of humanoids with olive-greenish complexions and flat features like those of the Terran Mongoloid race.

  This man, however, was of the white race, with the fair coloring of the Northwestern European, though his uncovered hair, worn nape-length in Balhibou style, was graying at the sides. In his younger days, he had been outstandingly handsome with an aggressively aqualine nose; now the bags under the bloodshot eyes and the network of little red veins spoiled the initial impression. If he had never taken the longevity doses with which Terrans tripled their life span, one would have guessed him to be in his early forties. Actually he was ninety-four Terran years of age.

  This man was Anthony Fallon, of London, Great Britain, Earth. For a little while, he had been king of the isle of Zamba in Krishna’s Sadabao Sea. Unfortunately, in an excess of ambition, he had attacked the mighty Empire of Gozashtand with a trainload of followers and two dozen smuggled machine guns. In so doing he had brought down upon his head the wrath of the Interplanetary Council. The I.C. sought to enforce a technological blockade on Krishna, to keep the warlike but pre-industrial natives of that charming planet from learning the more destructive methods of scientific warfare until they had advanced far enough in politics and culture to make such a revelation safe. Under these circumstances, of course, a crate of machine guns was strictly tabu.

  As a result Fallon had been snatched from his throne and imprisoned in Gozashtand under a cataleptic trance. This continued for many years, until his second wife, Julnar—who had been forced to return to Earth—came back to Krishna and effected his release. Fallon, free, had tried to regain his throne, failed, had lost Julnar, and now lived in Zanid, the capital of Balhib.


  Fallon wandered past the prefect’s pavilion, from the central pole of which flowed the green-and-black flag of Kir, the Dour of Balhib, straining stiffly in the brisk breeze from the steppes. Below it flapped the special flag of this festival, bearing the dragonlike shan from the equatorial forests
of Mutabwk, on which the demigod ’Anerik was supposed to have ridden into Balhib to spread enlightenment thousands of years ago. Then Fallon headed through the tangle of booths toward the bandstand, whence wafted faintly the strains of a march which a Terran named Schubert had composed over three centuries before.

  Schubert was hard put to it to make himself heard over a loud voice with a strange Terran accent. Fallon tracked the orator down and found another Earthman speaking wretched Balhibou with impassioned gestures from atop a box:

  “. . . beware the wrath of the one God! For this God hates iniquity—especially the sins of idolatry, frivolity, and immodesty, to all of which you Balhibuma are subject. Let me save you from the wrath to come! Repent before it is too late! Destroy the temples of the false gods! . . .”

  Fallon listened briefly. The speaker was a burly fellow in a black Terran suit, his nondescript face taut with the tensions of fanaticism, and long black hair escaping from under a snowy turban. He seemed particularly wrought up over the female national dress of Balhib, consisting of a pleated skirt and a shawl pinned about the shoulders. Fallon recognized the doctrines of the Ecumenical Monotheists, a widespread syncretic sect of Brazilian origin that had gotten its start after World War III on Earth. The Krishnan audience seemed more amused than impressed.

  When tired of repetition, Fallon moved along with a more purposeful air. He was halted by a triumphal procession from the minasht field, as the partisans of Zanid bore the captain of the local team past upon their shoulders, with his broken arm in a sling. When the sports enthusiasts had gotten out of the way, Fallon walked past a shooting gallery where Krishnans twanged light crossbows at targets, and stopped before a tent with a sign in Balhibou reading:


  Astrologer, scryer, necromancer, odontomancer.

  Sees all, knows all, tells all.

  Futures foretold; opportunities revealed; dooms averted; lost articles found;

  courtships planned; enemies exposed.


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