White Magic Woman

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White Magic Woman Page 5

by Ju Ephraime

  “My God,” he whispered, still feeling the presence on top of him. His body wouldn't respond, wouldn't move. He felt the usual paralysis that had been holding him for several months now, weighing him down.

  “Get out! Get off me!” he shouted.

  But the witch reached down and began massaging his balls again. Against his will, his body started to respond. He could feel his erection growing.

  This was a violation of his body against his wishes. Dear God. I'm being raped.

  “Get off me!” he shouted again.

  Anger welled up in him, giving him the strength to fight the paralysis that always seemed to cripple him when the witch was using his body. He was so angry he propelled himself out of the bed with sheer brute will.

  “Get the hell out of my home!” he shouted. “Get out! Out!” Anger had him seeing red for a minute, and, if he could get hold of the witch, he would’ve beaten the living daylight out of her.

  He was so angry he was trembling as he walked to the bathroom preparing to clean the residue of the witch from his body. But looking down, he was shocked to see his penis still semi erect but as clean as a whistle. He pulled on his pajama bottom as he walked back into the room. He could not stand that witch looking at his body any more if he could help it.

  As he stood there, not knowing what to do next, he felt a cool breeze blow over his face, and his body temperature dropped. He began to shiver, as he heard a voice close to his left ear, “Todd, Todd, you belong to me. You're mine.” And without any warning, the chillness left his body, and he knew he was once again alone.

  That did it. He was not concerned with whether or not his replacement was already on the island. He would be on the next flight out of here.

  He was happy it was a woman because he was sure the witch wouldn't go after a woman like herself. It was just not possible. He began throwing his things into his suitcase haphazardly, not bothering to fold anything. He was ready to run from the house in his pajama bottom, but he knew he had a reprieve until the night, and he intended to be as far away from this place as he possibly could by nightfall.


  By 9:00 A.M. Todd had his suitcases packed and his flight booked and confirmed to fly back home on the 8:00 P.M red eye. He had one brief stop to change planes at JFK International Airport in New York, then on to LAX where he would fly direct to Sydney.

  He always dreaded both the flight going and the one coming, which is why he’d made so few trips back home. It took a good twenty-one hours of flying direct, with no layovers, and that was if he was going to Canberra. If he was going to his hometown in Albury, he had to add an additional hour, going through customs and the thirty-minute flight on the small commuter plane to his hometown. He would be in the air for quite a long time.

  He had to stock up on his supply of snacks and books, as those were the only things that made the flight doable. He got into a good mystery novel, and he did not constantly look at his watch. He’d tried the in-flight movies, and he’d found they didn’t hold his interest for long enough to forget the time. The only thing that worked was a mystery novel. So, he was taking three. John Grisham was one of his favorite authors so one of his books was definitely going to be one of them.

  He drove to the facility prepared to say his good-byes to Sharon. Walking into the lab, he was surprised to hear voices coming from his office. The voice did not sound like Boris. He’d never worn the silver cross he had bought from Boris. Neither had he remembered to look for the palm branches he had promised to leave in the garage.

  He’d been so naive in thinking if he went home in the wee hours of the morning, he could escape the witch’s nightly visit. She’d fixed him good. She’d done a number on him that was more intense than anything she’d done up to that point. He was not going to give her another opportunity like the one this morning.

  Walking into his office, he was surprised to see a woman sitting in the lounge. This must be my replacement.

  “Good morning, Mr. Montgomery. This is Ms. Toni Harman. She’s your replacement.”

  “Oh, welcome, Ms. Harman.”

  “Please call me Toni, Mr. Montgomery.”

  “I will if you return the favor and call me Todd.”

  His mood had lifted like a dark cloud had moved away from the sun. “Your timing is perfect, Toni. I had intended to remain a few days to show you the ropes, but I have a bit of an emergency back home, and the sooner I leave, the better. I’m afraid I’m booked on the 8:00 P.M. tonight, but I’ll spend the rest of the day with you, and after I’m gone, Sharon should be able to help you get settled in. She’s terrific.”

  “I was looking forward to shadowing you for a couple of weeks at the least before taking over completely,” she responded.

  “I’m so sorry, but you’ll have no problems with Sharon. As a matter of fact, Sharon is familiar with all aspects of this research. She’ll fill you in on anything I may have inadvertently left out. I also have very detailed notes. I’ll leave a copy with you.”

  “I guess it is what it is,” she said in a huffy voice.

  Quite frankly he didn’t give a damn. She should be able to come in and step into the job. After all, this was what he had to do, and he’d had no Sharon. At least she would be getting an excellent assistant. It had taken some effort for him to get Sharon. So he would make no further apology for his leaving so soon.

  “Have you been able to arrange for somewhere to stay?”

  “Yes, I did that from home. I also have to pick up a vehicle I’ve had set aside for me. Could you take me if you have the time?”

  “Normally, I would have no problem doing that, but given how pressed we are for time, I’ll do something better. I’ll have Sharon call and have the leasing company drop off the vehicle here so all you’ll have to do is sign for it. How’s that?”

  “That will be wonderful, thanks, Todd.

  “You are welcome.”


  He soon found out that Toni Harman was smart as a whip. She asked all the right questions. She did not need anything repeated to her twice. He was a bit concerned about that and was about to point out that she should be taking notes, but after watching her, he had to admit that her recall memory was phenomenal. With a memory like hers, she certainly didn’t need notes. He saw why she had qualified for such an important assignment. She looked to be no more than early to mid-thirties. She was a tall, graceful woman, who wore no makeup. Her skin was fresh and clean. He could not tell the length of her hair because it was under the protective hat they had to wear while in the lab.

  The most remarkable thing about her was her eyes; they were the most unusual color. If he had to pick a color, he’d have to say sapphire. It was a shade of blue that he’d never seen on another human being. He thought they were colored contacts because she wore glasses when she had to read anything that was not directly in front of her.

  He couldn’t see her figure because she had on the loose-fitting lab coat. So that he would have to guess at. He hoped she knew what she was in for on the island. Hopefully, a Black Magic Man would not be smitten with her. He would hate for her to have to go through what he’d endured.

  But enough of these depressing thoughts. He wanted to be in a good mood when he arrived home. So, he got busy going over what seemed like a million and one things with Toni. He hoped everything would work out well for her.


  It was finally the end of his day on the island. He stayed long enough for Toni to get her vehicle. She had selected a red Chrysler Sebring. After everything was settled, he and Sharon accompanied her to her new home. Sharon was going to take her to the local supermarket so that she could stock up on some food items. She couldn’t decide whether or not she wanted house help. She would in time, and Sharon could help her, or she could use one of the placement agencies on the island.

  They provided a very good service. They screened their staff very carefully. He had a great girl from them, but she was not a great cook, which w
as why he ate at Josephine’s often. He’d miss the place. After all, it wasn’t Josephine’s fault that her one of her help was not only a witch, but a witch that had taken a fancy to him.

  “Okay, Toni, I guess I’ll say goodbye now. Don't forget, if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. I've also instructed Sharon that she should try to help you out as much as possible, and she's agreed.”

  “I'll be okay, Todd. Sharon and I will work things out. Have a safe trip and I hope everything works out okay for you back home. I can't hug you. I don't know you well enough to be so familiar, but I can certainly shake your hand.”

  “Bye, Toni, and good luck to you too.”

  Todd was so anxious to leave that he drove straight to the airport. He had paid for a room in one of the hotels there, where he was going to try to catch up on some sleep, get a bite to eat, and shower before boarding his flight. That way, he wouldn't be too exhausted when he finally arrived home.

  Home. Just thinking about it was enough to make his heart rate accelerate. He hoped he was able to resume his life as it was before. Part of his excitement was due to that prospect, and part of him was justifiably apprehensive. He didn't think he could get away with not being able to perform by giving Simonia a health problem story like he had the last time he was there. She wanted to try for a baby, and not being able to perform was not going to make that a reality. She'd almost accused him of not wanting to give her a baby when he was not able to perform. She believed it was a psychological reaction. He wished that were the case. He had no control over his Charlie any more. It was as if it had a mind of its own.

  Enough of the grim thoughts.

  He had to tell himself he would be fine. Otherwise, unless he could show proof of health issues, his marriage to Simonia might as well be over. She was a very passionate woman. It was one of the things they had in common.


  He hadn’t realized how exhausted he was. He slept for three hours and was barely able to shower and dress before his flight. He had to take a snack with him. There was no time to have a sit-down dinner. But he felt better. There had been no disturbing dreams. Nothing interrupted his rest. Had he not had the presence of mind to put in a wakeup call, he would have overslept, and then he would have been in deep shit.

  The flight was a bit crowded, but the two seats next to him were empty, so he didn’t feel boxed in. Things were getting better and better because just then the pilot announced that they would no longer need to stop over in Atlanta. Breathing a sigh of relief, he stretched out with his mystery and relaxed. Things were definitely looking up for him, and he took this as some sort of good omen. He must have relaxed too much, because he did not recall falling asleep, but he slept almost the entire flight. His body must have been more beat up than he'd realized.

  The additional sleep did him a world of good. He felt alive and well by the time the plane touched down in Canberra. Usually, he'd resent the fact that he had to take an additional plane before he was finally home, but today, he didn't mind it. He was so happy to be on Australian soil that he could have bent down and kissed the ground.

  The flight to Albury was short and uneventful. Pulling out his phone, he put in a call to Simonia to let her know he was in Canberra.

  “Hello, darling, guess where I am.”

  “Todd, Todd, please don't joke about this. Are you in Australia?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I can't think. Please, just tell me.”

  He could hear the excitement in her voice, and his body was responding to it. Good!

  “Take a guess, darling.”

  “Todd Montgomery, I'm not going to guess. Oh, all right, Canberra?”

  “See, right the first try. I should be home within the hour.”

  “What?” she screamed into the phone. “I have to go get ready for you.”

  “You should be ready for me any time, darling. I'll take you just as you are. Don't trouble yourself.”

  “Todd, I have to get off this phone. I'm going to kill you if you are walking up the driveway now while you are keeping me on this phone. I wouldn’t put it past you.”

  He had to grin. She knew him too well, his Simonia, but he was not walking up the driveway. He was in the taxi and within fifteen minutes of his front door. He could see her now, in his mind’s eye, rushing to her bathroom to run her bath to prepare herself for him. He intended to walk in while she was in the bath.

  His home was set on a secluded and verdant 100- acre parcel of land with a two-road frontage. The home was built to impress with its elegant and intricate iron lacework, large shady verandahs, and grand rooms.

  The grandeur of bygone years filled every room from the original marble fireplaces and high ornate ceilings to the rich ambience of cedar timberwork. The house had four bedrooms, but the master bedroom was by far the most luxurious. With an en suite bath and a separate dressing room, French doors that opened to the inviting verandah, and a grand open fireplace, it was truly a room to cherish.

  The formal rooms were inviting with large windows allowing natural light and peaceful views of the garden to complement the exquisite workmanship of the ornate ceilings and woodwork.

  With a formal entrance and grand staircase centerpiece, it was a home that offered an opportunity to enjoy a grand, yet relaxed, lifestyle. It suited both his and Simonia’s tastes.

  The grounds were private and lush. There was a two-car garage located at the turn of a circular driveway, which had guest accommodations upstairs. The property was surrounded by ornately designed iron fencing. In the time they’d lived there, the only change they’d made to the home was the addition of Simonia’s greenhouse.

  He was right; he timed it beautifully. He walked into his home to find her in her bath. He stood there watching her for a good couple of minutes before she was aware of his presence. She had placed a quick mask on her face, so her eyes were closed and she had a damp washcloth on her face. He could not see her entire face. Only her mouth was visible; he’d always loved her mouth. The dark areas of her nipples were peeking out of the mounds of suds surrounding her.

  The response of his body was immediate. In no time, he had his shirt off. She opened her eyes as she heard the rustling of his clothes coming off. She gave him that sexy smile that was all Simonia's. Letting him know she was ready for him.

  He made love to her in the tub, and it was just like old times, although he had a difficult time concentrating on the matter at hand and not the witch back in St. Lucia. The only thing that saved him was his ability to kiss and fondle his wife. These things he couldn’t do with the witch.

  After he’d brought her to her first release, he lifted her out of the tub, and they finished their bathing in the shower, another one of their favorite places to make love. He couldn't seem to get enough of her, and he was determined not to seek his own release until she was well and truly sated.

  “I'm glad to see you are back,” she said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “What do you mean, ‘back’?” I wasn’t aware I’d gone anywhere.”

  “The last time you were here, you weren’t really here. For a minute there I thought of donating you to charity.”

  “Donating me to charity, were you? You are not getting rid of me that easily.”

  Nipping her on her neck, he’d thought to give her a bit of pain and then soothe it over with his tongue, but the minute he did it, he realized he’d made a mistake. This was one of the witch’s favorite things to do while she used his body. He lost his erection immediately. One minute he was as stiff as a board, and the next, he had gone as soft as a wet noodle.

  Not wanting Simonia to notice it, he quickly turned away from her and reached for the towel hanging on the warmer. Tying the towel around his waist, he reached for the other one and began drying her with it. He was too nervous to continue on his marathon lovemaking path, so he deftly changed the subject from lovemaking to food.

  “I'm starving. Do you think C
ook would have lunch prepared? If she hasn’t, I'll go make myself a snack. But I've been having so many snacks lately; I really don't feel for another one. I’ve been looking forward to some decent, home-cooked meals ever since I stepped on the plane.”

  “You poor hungry baby. Let me go see what Cook is preparing for lunch. I'll bring something up to you. You didn't give me enough time to prepare a feast for you. You like playing games.”

  “I liked the feast you prepared for me. It satisfied one of my hungers. Now I have need for sustenance. Let's go. I know Cook will be surprised to see me.”

  He didn't want her to notice he was not erect, which he usually was whenever she was in the nude. Hopefully, this was just some residual effect from his time with the witch. Somehow, he didn't believe it was, but he would tell himself it was so until he could say otherwise. After all, that witch had given him a good workover.

  “Okay, let’s go to the kitchen.”

  He pulled on his sweats that were always hanging on the bedroom door. Finally fully covered, he felt a little less vulnerable. Simonia, on the other hand, didn't have such qualms. She wrapped her robe around her and went with him to the kitchen. Cook was used to seeing her go about the house in her robe. He, on the other hand, was a totally different matter. He didn't want to scare the woman out of her mind, and besides, he didn't feel comfortable being caught with no pants on.

  “Todd, you are home! Are you home for good? Simonia has been very lonely without you. Is your project in St. Lucia done with now?”

  “Whoa, so many questions. Allow me to answer one at a time. I'm home for a time. I don't know for how long. I don't anticipate returning to St. Lucia anytime soon, unless something unforeseen happens. The project is going very well. I believe we’ve made a breakthrough. I couldn't stay to see it to the end though. I missed you guys too much.”

  “You missed us too much? Are you believing him, Simonia?” she asked.

  “No, I'm not, but I have no doubt he’ll tell me in his own time. Nonetheless, I am ecstatic to see him and to have my husband back. We can continue our honeymoon now,” she said, giving him a quick wink.


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