Embrace The Suck (A Stepbrother Special Forces Novel)

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Embrace The Suck (A Stepbrother Special Forces Novel) Page 1

by Kenzie, Sophia

  By Sophia Kenzie

  Copyright © 2016 Hearts Collective

  All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. The ideas, characters, and situations presented in this story are strictly fictional, and any unintentional likeness to real people or real situations is completely coincidental.

  * * *

  Also From Sophia Kenzie:

  Blood of Cupids (The Blood of Cupids MC 1) by Sophia Kenzie

  Betrayal of Cupids (The Blood of Cupids MC 2) by Sophia Kenzie

  Death of Cupids (The Blood of Cupids MC 3) by Sophia Kenzie

  Billionaire Badboy by Sophia Kenzie

  Unimaginable by Sophia Kenzie

  Beautiful PRICK by Sophia Kenzie

  * * *

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  A Stepbrother Special Forces Novel

  * * *

  by Sophia Kenzie



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter One


  “Hannah Birk.” I rolled her name around my mouth as I stared at her from across the army-crowded pub. Surprised that she would choose this of all places on her last night as a civilian, I eyed her every move, trying to find the story I hadn’t read in her file.

  Her chestnut hair cascaded past her shoulders and mid-way down her bare back. She was wearing a thin, flowing halter-top that was connected by only two sets of ribbon tied in bows across her back. It was as though she was begging for me to slide my fingers down her spine and release her from the confines of her barely-there covering.

  Not to mention, each time she turned my way, her nipples seemed to grow harder and harder from the chilled night air breezing through the open windows. I could practically see her naked chest through the worthless fabric.

  My dick grew hard at the thought, but I didn’t dare try to control myself. Maybe that was exactly what she needed. A good fucking from me would be sure to throw her off her game, and guarantee that my brothers and I were right: under no circumstance should women be considered for the Special Forces. They are too emotional, too vulnerable, and most of all, I don’t have time to babysit them.

  Adding in her tight skinny jeans and her at least four inch stiletto heels, I knew just by looking at her that she wouldn’t make it through the program. Sure, after reading her all too glowing file, I had my reservations, but seeing her among people, especially how she flaunted herself around the men, I knew I had nothing to worry about. There was no way she would pass the assessments and advance through the program. I didn’t give a fuck who her father was. This girl was doomed from the start, and I would only contribute to her failure.

  Chapter Two


  Of course I noticed him staring at me; I’m not blind. And while I’m used to men staring at me, I’m not as used to them tailing me from my apartment. Sure, it could have been coincidence, but there was just something strange about him—the way he looked at me—that told me there was another thing, a bigger thing, going on. I didn’t have the whole story.

  Dear God, every time I looked in his general direction, his eyes were glued to me. If he wasn’t so damn hot, I would have been creeped out. See, that’s the thing about good-looking men: if they happen to be stalking you, you take it as a compliment. Non-good-looking men, though… well, they’re probably suffering from some sort of mental illness, and you should prepare for the worst.

  While I’m normally more of a homebody who has her face permanently glued to a book, I made a promise to myself that tonight would be different. I was about to enter what could possibly be the most grueling two years of my life, and I wanted a taste of something unusual before I surrendered to the inevitable.

  As it goes, different included a ridiculous, see-through top, jeans that were practically painted on my body, and heels so high that no woman in her right mind would ever be caught dead in them.

  Especially in Georgia.

  But I wasn’t in my right mind; at least I wasn’t allowing myself to be. Not tonight. I wanted one night of crazy, and I was going to take it. Just because.

  So I put on the flashiest outfit I owned—and by that, I mean the outfit my college roommate accidently packed away with my things when we parted ways—and I hit the ground running.

  Well, not exactly running; the heels were incredibly unc

  But I decided to hell with it. I had already put on the outfit and the air, why not go one step further? And so, with a giant burst of poise, I surreptitiously snuck up behind my secret stalker, pretending to have the confidence I clearly did not. “Army?” I hummed into his ear.

  Oh God, not only was he hot, wearing a white ribbed muscle tank that let me see every rippling ab hiding underneath, but he smelled of straight pheromones. To be honest, I had no idea what pheromones actually smelled like, until I took a breath in his presence and felt my girly parts contract with pure exhilaration. I think it’s safe to assume that was indeed the smell of pheromones.

  “Yes.” He sighed with a look of delight as he turned around to me.

  “Hmm, well that’s disconcerting.” I twisted my face, shamelessly flirting.

  “How so?” He chugged a sip or two of beer, refusing to take his eyes off me. I could have choked; his stare was so strangling. But instead I took another pheromone filled whiff and continued with my fake confidence.

  “Well,” I shrugged. “I just would have hoped the army would do a better job of training you to tail people. I thought that was part of the appeal.” I bit my bottom lip, enticing him to make a move.

  “Well,” he shrugged back, not at all fazed by my accusation, “maybe they do. Maybe I wanted you to know I was following you.” And then he winked like an all-too prideful frat boy.

  Smart. Savvy. And I couldn’t read him. I had no idea if I had caught him and he was doing a fantastic job of playing it cool, or if he really did have a plan.

  Luckily, I was playing the part of a confident, self-assured, assertive woman tonight, so I could simply ask him.

  Any other night, I would have stuck my hands in my scrubs pockets, blushed, and excused myself. Then again, let’s be honest: any other night, and I would have been at home in bed. After all, it was almost eleven, and I had a long day ahead of me.

  But not tonight. I had to remind myself. Tonight things would be different. I would be different.

  “So what’s the plan? Get me all nervous before my big day tomorrow? See if I can handle the pressure?”

  “Why would you think that?” He smirked at me.

  “Well,” I grit my teeth, pretending I hadn’t already prepared a speech for him, “common sense would tell me, since you followed me here, that you know who I am, and you know that I’m about to start the Special Forces training program. From there, I would assume, you have some sort of rank, as you were privy to my file, therefore allowing you to ascertain my home address. Next, judging by your…” I stuttered at the thought, but handed him a compliment as I gestured to his upper body, “let’s say your manliness, and your overall air of… cockiness, you would like to make sure that I don’t make it through the program, as you don’t feel as though you shouldn’t be tasked with babysitting a girl when you have more important things to take care of.” I let him sit there for a second, stunned, before I continued. “Was I close?”

  His stare deepened as a smile spread across his face. “Something like that.” He finally spoke, almost in a whisper.

  “Something like that? Or exactly that?” I egged him on.

  He squinted just a bit, but then resigned into a full smile. “Come with me.”

  Suddenly, I saw a fire run through him, and for the first time that night, I was almost frightened. I could have thought about it for a second longer, I could have made the decision to pull away, but for some reason, I didn’t want to. With that passion behind his gaze, there was no way he was taking me to the roof to stare at the stars and contemplate the after-life. And with that body, and that intoxicating scent, he didn’t need to. He could have any woman in that bar, but I was the one he had set his sights on, I was the one holding his hand, being dragged to the other side of the crowded room. Because of that, so much more than the fear I felt, was the sheer excitement of a once in a lifetime (or at least my lifetime) opportunity to do something completely crazy. This was what I wanted this whole night to be about, and I wasn’t about to pass up the prospect of seeing what this hottie was hiding.

  He squeezed my hand tightly, and pulled me through the crowd of people. Then, with a quick glace to each side, he shoved me into the bathroom, followed close on my tail, and locked the door behind him.

  “Take off your pants.”

  “Wh—what?” I stuttered, suddenly shocked.

  “Take. Off. Your. Pants.”

  Okay, now my lady parts were screaming.

  Chapter Three


  She wasn’t stupid; I had to give her that. To be able to be focused enough to pick up on her own tail, especially with no previous experience of being stalked (unless she had decided not to disclose that information in her file), was very impressive.

  And I was impressed.

  I was so impressed that my stomach churned with want. Sure, I could take her home and fuck her, but the sight of the outline of her breasts sneaking through the fabric of her shirt refused to allow me to wait any longer. I was going to take her now, and she was going to like it. Hell, she was going to love it.

  I pulled her through the crowd, heading straight for the bathrooms. I knew from previous experience that there was a line of private rooms, which would allow for easier fucking, and not require me to kick anyone out.

  She didn’t fight me, which was hot. Not that I expected her to fight me—hell, I took what I wanted and no one got in the way of that—but I expected at least a slight reservation. And maybe she had one or some, but she definitely didn’t let it on to me if she did.

  After locking the door behind us, I commanded her to take off her pants, and I leaned up against the wall, waiting for her to follow my orders. She hesitated for a brief second, but after I slowly reiterated my authority, she clumsily fumbled with her button and zipper, and then slid her skin-tight slacks down her legs, not once taking her eyes off me.

  The girl had confidence; I had to give her that.

  And yet, in a quick bat of her eyes, I saw a brief second of vulnerability: exactly what I had hoped to see during this whole charade. I might actually have the ability to break her. By the time I was done with her, she’d be begging me for an escape, and I’d happily send her packing.

  …all the way to the kitchen to make me a sandwich.

  In the midst of my little celebratory daydream, she managed to step out of her pants and kick them to the side, all the while leaving her heels on. God, she was sexy. Her long legs were tanned in a way that highlighted the lines and curves of her muscles. Her ass was plump, and would be perfect for grabbing a hold of while I pounded into her.

  My cock screamed in my pants, practically pointing at its desire. I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer just staring at her, so instead, I took two steps forward, spread my palm out on her chest, and pushed her back against the wall. I grinded my heat into her pelvis, giving her a clue of what was in store for her. She sighed a slight cry, as my hand slid up, grazing her slender neck. I wrapped my fingers around her throat and lightly squeezed, expressing to her I was in control and not to be messed with.

  Her mouth opened slightly as she surrendered, and while I had just planned on flipping her around, fucking her from behind, and being done with her so she’d be made aware that I was not in any way looking to form an emotional connection, I hesitated.

  I wanted her lips. I wanted to taste them. I wanted her to taste me.

  And so I took her mouth with mine and allowed my inner senses the freedom to feel. My breathing quickened with hers, as we both wanted more and more of that kiss.

  And then I opened my eyes just to look at her. I don’t know why I did it. I don’t have any idea. But she looked back. And so I kissed her again.

  It was breathtaking, and real, and powerful, and… well, just a little too close for comfort.

  So I pulled away, frightened by my lack of control. How did I allow that to happen? How had I fallen so quickly from the task at hand? I was on a miss
ion, and that mission needed to be seen to completion.

  Dammit, I was a Green Beret. That’s what I did.

  I wrapped my fingers around her shoulder, and with a gust of force, flipped her around so her cheek was up against the cool wall. With two quick pulls, the ribbons down her back were unbound, and her futile shirt tumbled to the ground. I slid my hands around to her front, cupping her small, but supple breasts in my palms. Her nipples were stone cold hard, a probable mix of being pushed up against the chilled tiles on the wall and the pleasure I offered that her body was beginning to succumb to.

  I thickened at the thought and decided that the foreplay was over. This was meant to be a quick fuck in the bathroom, and it had already been drawn out too long. I grabbed her lace thong between my fingers and promptly tugged up, hoping to stimulate her clit. She yelled out, as my tantalizing tease had been successful, and before her cry was complete, I ripped her thong in two, and let it fall to the ground. She was left in nothing but her heels, and I would take her just like that.

  I let my firm cock free from the confines of my chinos, and rubbed my tip up and down the smooth skin of her ass, torturing both of us at the same time. I used my knees to spread her legs wide apart, found her wetness with my fingers, and then guided my way into her warmth. She clenched around me, tightening at my thickness. With each slow push she moaned louder and louder until I couldn’t take the pace any longer. I grabbed onto her hips with my full hands, and pounded into her with every ounce of force I could muster. I rolled her wanting clit between my thumb and forefinger, begging her to come so that I could finally release.


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