Beginning with Forever

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Beginning with Forever Page 15

by Lan LLP

  “Good morning, beautiful. My shirt never looked this sexy on me. Did you sleep well last night?” He leans into my tender swollen lips and gently kisses them. I can taste the saltiness of his sweat, but it doesn’t bother me. Normally, perspiration would gross me out, but it’s different with him—everything is different with him.

  “I did, how about you? I missed you this morning.” I tell him in disappointment. For once, I just wish he would stay in bed with me, so I can wake up in his arms.

  “I couldn’t sleep last night. You gave me such a priceless gift. How will I ever be able to give you anything equal in return? Why didn’t you tell me, Lil?” His tone saddens, his eyes scurry away from me.

  I’m assuming he saw my blood stain on his sheet this morning. “I didn’t think it would change anything between us.” I defend my decision of not making a big deal about my virginity even though it is to me.

  “But it does, Lily. I’m guilty of taking something you’ve saved all these years for your Mr. Happy Ending. How do you know I’m him?” He shifts his eyes back to mine, searching for forgiveness.

  “I believe you are him, Carson. Please don’t spoil our morning with this kind of talk. I don’t regret anything we did last night. In fact, I enjoyed every minute of it.” I’ll be damned if I let him blame himself for something we both consented to doing.

  “I promise you that your gift is already securely sealed in my heart,” he reassures me, grasping the nape of my neck to bring our foreheads together. Our lips meet, and my insides are once more yearning for him. He lifts me up so my legs are wrapped around his wiry waist. Gently, he presses my back against a tall glass window, allowing me to feel the coolness against my naked bottom. “You don’t know how wild you drive me,” he utters in his deep, commanding voice. “I want you again, but the fragile look on your face tells me you’re still suffering from last night.”

  I run my fingers through his hair, pulling him into my lips. “I would hurt more if you don’t take me now. I need you, too,” I gasp and watch our heated passion reflect off the surrounding mirrors. He’s ultra-gentle with me, remembering that I’m more delicate this morning. His strokes are deep, penetrating, but tender. There’s something mesmerizing about watching your own reflection or even better, the reflection of a man who exudes sex and perfection. My eyes attentively explore his defined back side as he thrusts waves of bliss into my core and discover one tiny imperfection on his body, a faded scar on his left hip. My curiosity begs me to inquire the origin of it, but the timing is all wrong. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of opportunities later on when I’m not pinned against a window, being pleasured until I fall apart under his will.


  The food smells are welcoming to me since I’m famished. The last of my energy was zapped out of me in the workout room, but I have no complaints. I could eat a whole cow right now, figuratively speaking. Carson insisted that I drape a terrycloth robe around me before entering the dining room. Thankfully, I listened because there’s a stranger cooking in the kitchen, wearing a professional white toque on his head as well as a chef’s uniform and a name tag on his chest. He has beautiful dark features and a round midsection, indicating to me that his cooking skills should be impressive.

  “This is Chef Calvino. He’s really the one responsible for last night’s delicious dinner,” Carson confesses his secret with a simper, not really telling me something I don’t already know.

  “I knew it.” I glance at Carson and turn to address our visitor, “Hello Chef Calvino. I’m Lillian, thank you for your delicious food.”

  “No problem, Miss. It’s my pleasure,” he replies with a heavy Italian accent and then resumes cooking our breakfast. I just love his accent.

  Carson is surprised when I down two whole servings of frittatas, fresh fruits and a tall glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. “I must’ve worked up someone’s appetite with a long night of love making,” he teases me.

  “Shh, Chef Calvino can hear you,” I whisper, embarrassed and guilty at the same time.

  “Let him. I’m not ashamed of people knowing how happy you make me.” I give him a heart-warming smile, feeling the exact same way.

  After breakfast, we jump into the shower with the intent of washing off our fervent night of carnality. However, with the fusion of hot water and Carson’s irresistible, warm skin touching my body, it’s impossible for me to curb my appetite for him. I coax myself to agree to just one more time until tonight. I take his arms and circle them around my waist, so my back is nuzzled against his chest. It doesn’t take much to stimulate Carson. His breathing is already altered, more labored. He presses my front against the glass wall while kissing along my back side, grabs his erection and thrusts it inside me. Oh god, it’s so deep. I bite down on my lower lip, trying to hold my whimper in, but couldn’t. My cries feed his hunger. He laces his fingers through mine and secures my hands in front of me while sliding his rod in and out of me. His hardness fills me, massaging my tender velvet walls.

  “Lily, you feel so good,” he mumbles, softly nipping my shoulder, trying to hold back his aching urge to climax until I reach mine. He frees my right hand to stimulate my clit with his fingers. I can’t hold on much longer. All he needs is to hear my loud moans to know that I’m climaxing, dissolving under his control. “Carson…ah.” He pulls himself out and pumps his hot fluid down my lower back and bottom, completing his climax with his hand.

  “I don’t think I can ever get enough of you, Carson,” I exhale, falling back against his hammering chest. I didn’t expect to spend my entire weekend with him inside me, but I can’t imagine it any other way now that I know what a Carson-induced orgasm feels like. “I think we both need a power nap. I’ve drained every last drop of energy out of you.” My aching, exhausted body begs me to give up.

  “A nap sounds good, but you’re wrong about draining me, Lily. I have an endless supply for you,” he clarifies, suggesting there’s more to come.


  The nap was definitely what I needed, replenishing me with energy I depleted last night and this morning. This is a first; Carson is still knocked-out. I do my best not to disturb his sleep by skillfully untangling my body from his arms and legs, spider wrapping around me as I quietly sneak out of bed.

  I pull out my cell phone to call my two best friends via three-way to share the most spectacular night of my life with them. “Holy laughing Buddha! Belle, Emi, I finally did it! He’s the happy ending in all my romance movies,” I excitedly, but quietly yell into the phone.

  “Holy shit Lil, I can’t believe you finally did it! How was it? Are you hurting? My first time sucked. It didn’t feel good at all because he didn’t know what the hell he was doing.” Belle’s voice is always high pitched and shrieking when she’s excited.

  “Belle, you were with a teenage boy, and Lily is with an experienced man,” Emma differentiates our situations. “You are satisfied aren’t you, Lily?” she worriedly confirms.

  “Emi, you can say that I was satisfied at least five times already since last night,” I boast, trying to contain my excitement, so I wouldn’t wake Carson up.

  “OMGeez, I’m jealous!” they both scream in unison, sharing my high with me. “What’s he like?” Emma wants details of his physique and looks. She’s all about that, being an aspiring model.

  “His name is Carson Bradley. He has gorgeous, green eyes, a sexy, dimpled smile and a killer body. He’s ten years older than me. Don’t you two dare say anything about his age,” I warn them before they can attack me with their concerns.

  “Where’s he from? What does he do for a living? What’s he doing in St. Croix?” Emma immediately interrogates me, and it doesn’t surprise me. In ranking from most to least responsible, it’s me, Emma and then Belle. The difference between us is Emma isn’t extreme like me. She dates and enjoys relationships like normal young women.

  “I can’t go into too much detail right now.” I lower my voice to a whispe
r. “He’s sleeping around the corner and might wake up any minute.” I dodge their questions, feeling ashamed that I don’t have any answers for them or myself. “I miss you guys. The distance is driving me crazy. Why can’t we be closer?” I whine about being far away like I always do, attempting to change the subject.

  “I miss you, too. The distance sucks ass,” Belle complains. “Hurry up and finish your schooling, so we can all move to the big city and live it up.” This was Belle’s plan from eighth grade for the three of us after we graduate from college.

  “Yeah, Lil, hurry up, so we can be together again,” Emma chimes in. She’s never been really thrilled about Belle’s plan. Emma is more of a small town girl who wants to get married and have kids as soon as possible.

  “Don’t tell my mom, but I might try to come home for Christmas to surprise her and see you guys. I saved one of my scholarship checks for a plane ticket home. Talking to her once a week is not enough. I just miss the three of you so much that I can scream.” I spoil my surprise to them sooner than I want to. I was planning on telling them around the end of November. “Remember, mum’s the word,” I remind them again.

  “You’re secret is safe with us,” they reply in unison.

  “I have to go now, but keep me posted via emails and Facebook. Love you guys.” I attempt to end our call.

  “Lil, be careful and be safe. You’re too far away for Emi and me to help you kick some asshole’s ass,” Belle advises me, making me giggle. “I second that,” Emma adds.

  “I will. Hope to see you both in December. Bye.” I swipe the screen to end the call. For the first time in my life, I sound like a bubbly, young girl, crushing over a boy or in this case, a matured and experienced man. The thought of it makes me giggle again and smile ridiculously to myself.

  “What’s so funny?” His deep masculine voice startles me, interrupting my little crushing moment. Carson is awake. I crank my head around to see his well-rested, handsome face. My heart stalls a beat, admiring his hotness as he stands butt-naked behind my chair. Oh crap, I wonder how much of my conversation he’s heard. I immediately feel embarrassed and panicked.

  “How long have you been standing there, Mr. Eavesdropper?” I’m wondering if he heard my entire conversation.

  “Just long enough to hear that you miss your mom and want to see her and your friends. I’ll take you the next time you’re able to visit her. Save your scholarship money for yourself. You’ve earned it.” His tone is tenderly sincere.

  “Carson, I appreciate your generous offer, but you already know how I feel about your money. I’m a big girl. I can handle this without your help,” I proudly back myself up. I was fine before him, so I don’t expect anything to change just because he can afford more than I can.

  “Alright, I’ll drop it for now.” His tone is slightly perturbed.

  “How about forever?” I taunt him, feeling bolder.

  “Don’t push your luck, Miss Ly. I can be quite intimidating.” He smiles and narrows his beautiful green eyes at me. “Remember being tickled?” he smirks. I stick my tongue out and crinkle my nose at him, recalling how awful it was. I better not push him just in case.


  “Hiking and swimming are the fun activities planned for today. Are you all ready to go, Angel?” he hollers from the kitchen while packing our goods. I’m not quite sure what method he’ll use to teach me to swim because I’ve failed miserably to master it for the past twenty-two years.

  “Yes, you’re the tour guide. I’m just going along for the ride.” I try my best to sound enthusiastic.

  With picnic lunches tucked into his backpack and a couple of water bottles, he leads the way through a thick foliage path with vines, hanging from every which way. He never once looked lost and only occasionally glanced at the compass on his watch for direction confirmation. He was probably a well decorated boy scout, I jokingly think to myself. I, on the other hand, have no clue where we are at or how I’d never return to civilization if I got separated from him. Just the fearful thought of it, makes me want to squeeze his hand and arm even tighter. I know I would die if I got lost in this scary jungle all by myself, especially with my unexplainable fear of snakes, real or fake. I swear we must’ve hiked for at least an hour or longer. I’m worn out, but he doesn’t even look the least bit tired. Damn, he’s in great shape.

  “Hey Jailbait, can’t you keep up with this Senior?” he banters me with my own age harassment.

  “Ha, ha, you’re funny,” I respond with a frown. I’m breathlessly tired and terribly out of shape as I heave over, resting my hands on my thighs.

  “I promise it’ll be worth the trouble when we get there,” he convinces me while rubbing my back.

  “I hope so because these mosquitoes are eating me up like a Thanksgiving feast,” I reply bluntly as I smack another mosquito off my thigh. He better be right about this being worth it or…and then he interrupts my thoughts.

  “Lily, your sassy sense of humor is something else,” he laughs, shakes his head and then drags my hand to follow.

  Carson was absolutely right. It’s truly worth the long, grueling hike. We’re standing in front of an awe-inspiring waterfall, cascading down hundreds of feet into a clear, blue, spring-water pond. I can hear loud splashing echoes like thunder from water, crashing against rock cliffs.

  “OMGeez, I’ve never seen anything this awesome. Thank you for sharing this with me,” I tell him with my shrilling voice while my eyes remain fixed on the entrancing waterfall which looks like silky, white clouds, flowing over rocks and boulders.

  “You’re welcome. I love seeing your beautiful smile. It motivates me to find more ways to capture them.” There he goes again, saying the perfect things to make my heart flutter.

  “OMGeez? I’ve never heard that expression before,” he inquires in amusement.

  “It’s a Midwest thing I guess. My two friends and I coined it in high school. I know it’s silly, but I never outgrew it.” I shrug my shoulders and grin.

  “I see. We have much to learn about each other.” He looks at me as if he’s trying to read me by the cover.

  “Indeed we do Mr. Carson,” I respond coyly. There’s plenty I still need to know about him. Ever since he told me he rather discuss us instead of work, I haven’t really pushed him to share anything about his employment. I figure he will tell me when it comes up again.

  He helps me unload my backpack and lays a blanket down for me to rest and catch my breath. I absorb the picturesque view in front of me as I chug down an entire bottle of chilled water, thanks to Carson for being so prepared.

  Carson walks towards the edge of the water and begins to undress down to his swimming trunks, shirt first and then his shorts. Oh yeah, keep taking it all off, handsome. I’ll never get tired of looking at his slender, ripped body. He signs for me to do the same, but I shake my head. He takes an abrupt plunge into the water and splashes me. “Lil, come on in. The water feels great.” He lures me in with his waving arm.

  “It feels cold to me.” I wrap my arms around my body, pretending to shiver.

  “Don’t be a prude. Take your clothes off and join me,” he encourages me, shaking his head impatiently.

  “Okay!” I shout back as I reluctantly slip out of my top layers. His mesmerizing, green eyes remain focused on my barely-dressed body, courtesy of Carson for buying only skimpy bathing suits. I apprehensively walk towards the edge of the pond near him and slowly sink my body into the water. The initial coldness is a shock, but as soon as I adjust to it, I welcome it.

  He swims towards me and offers me his hands, “I want you to hang on and trust me.”

  “I do trust you Carson,” I assure him even though the endless depth of water terrifies me to no end. He takes me across the pond and underneath the waterfall. The water around this area is shallow, so he attempts to have me float with the support of his arms. I’m distracted by his defined chest, rippling abs and toned shoulders. There’s no chance I’m ever go
ing to learn how to swim from him. He’s way too distracting. My bikini string tie accidentally gets caught on his fingers, and I find myself topless. With this terrible mishap, my swimming lesson immediately comes to an end.

  Carson’s eyes turn a deep, lusty shade of green and pure blue due to the reflection from the water. I’m quite familiar with this look now. He easily glides my body closer and presses it tightly against his. My legs straddle around his fit waist under water. He nestles his face into the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent. “Lil, I’ve never known this kind of affection. With you, I see the world differently, brighter, fuller.” His tone is serious, confident and sincere. There’s no doubt in my heart that these words came directly from his. He seals his delicate emotion into an intense kiss.

  I reluctantly pull away from him and place one finger over his lips to silence them. “Carson, I can’t imagine it any other way, now that I know what it’s like to have you in my life.” My eyes stare into his, wanting him to understand that I don’t want to be without him.

  “Good, because I don’t plan on letting you go.” He unlaces my bikini bottom, removes his swimming trunks and tosses them on top of an adjacent rock. He dives deep into my flesh, lodging my buoyant body against a smooth boulder.


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