California Connection 2 (Califronia Connection)

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California Connection 2 (Califronia Connection) Page 9

by Chunichi

  “Fuck you say, nigga?” I stood up. If Deebo had the chance to tackle me, it would be “game over.”

  Deebo stood up now, towering over me. “Nigga, you heard me!”

  “Nigga, you better recognize what the fuck is good and step the fuck back. I run these fucking streets, nigga.” I had to man up. If I gave the slightest indication of weakness, this bully would have definitely tried to overpower me.

  “Whatever, duke. You come in this bitch talking shit like you on top of the fucking world when just the other week you was in here crying like a fucking baby talking about how Calico don’t respect your bitch ass. Nigga, shut the fuck up!” Deebo took two fingers and mushed me in my forehead.

  When Deebo stood up and mushed me in my head, he had taken shit to the next level. I knew it was either do or die at that point. So, with my reputation on the line, I knew I couldn’t back down. I pulled out my gun and gave him one big forceful strike across the face.


  One hit and the dude fell to the ground.

  “Now who’s the bitch?” I said to him as blood flowed from his lip.

  “Daaaammmmmnnnn! You just got knocked the fuck out!” Another guy jokingly quoted the words from the movie Friday when Deebo got knocked out.

  As everyone else busted out in laughter at his antics, I walked away.

  The constant joking must have been too much for him to handle because, just as I got to the door of the barbershop, I heard a lot of commotion behind me. Before I could turn around, I heard shots.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  I dove between two cars and pulled my gun out. I looked up to see dude rushing to a car. I shot back at him. Bam! Bam!

  I watched as he fell to the ground. I wasn’t sure where he was hit, but at least he was down. I jumped in my whip and peeled off, never looking back.

  Ring! Ring! Not even a whole hour after I’d left the barbershop, I got a call from one of the barbers.

  “What up, Mike?”

  “It ain’t good, nigga. You know old boy ain’t make it. The cop was up here and everything, nigga. Ain’t nobody but niggas is out to get you, duke. Deebo boys say, as soon as they see you, it’s straight gunplay, no talk.”

  “What you talking about, Mike?” I played stupid, not knowing if the cops were around or if this nigga was trying to set me up.

  “I’m just letting you know the deal. Watch your back, homeboy. Watch your back.” Mike then hung up.

  I really ain’t give a fuck if dude lived or not. As long as I was still breathing, that’s all that mattered. Fuck him and his weak-ass crew. I’d been bitched out for the last time and wasn’t backing down from no nigga, so any cat who wanted could bring it.

  And, as a matter of fact, fuck Mike too for calling me with that shit. There was no way he was gonna get me to talk about that shit on the phone. Like I told that nigga, I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about. Right at that point, permanent amnesia had set in. I had no recollection of those events. Who’s Deebo? And what barbershop?

  Chapter 21

  “Get Your Boo”


  An entire week had passed, and I hadn’t seen or heard from Touch. He didn’t even come to the house to collect his things. I felt so depressed and hurt. I’d spend days in bed. I didn’t even bother to bathe or put on clothes. I barely ate anything, and I’d completely stopped taking my birth control. I figured, What’s the use? There was no longer a man in my life anyway.

  I would’ve never guessed in a million years that Touch and I would’ve ended like this. Part of me wanted to fight for my man, but another part of me hated him. I couldn’t understand how he could move on to the next chick so quickly. No matter now much shit we went through, being with another man had never crossed my mind.

  I began to think about this new chick sitting on my throne. If another chick came in, where would that leave me? What about this empire that Touch and I had built?

  The reality of things was really beginning to settle in. The fact of the matter was, without Touch my entire life would change. Sure, I had the connection with TMF and could get my hands on all kinds of coke, but it was Touch who knew how to push that shit and bring the money in, and who invested in real estate and made our money legit.

  Truthfully, I knew nothing about the business and wouldn’t be able to survive without him. One thing I did know for sure, there was no way I could go from the top to rock bottom—all at the hands of another bitch. The more I thought about things, the more panic began to set in.

  Desperately needing someone to talk to, I called up Misty. She was the only person I had in my corner.

  Misty answered the phone in her usual perky voice, “What’s up, girly?”

  “Touch still hasn’t come home, Misty. I haven’t even spoken to him since that night at the restaurant. I don’t know what to think or do. I really think it’s over between us,” I said, bursting into tears.

  “Oh, you poor baby. I’m so sorry. Do you want me to come over?” Misty was so comforting.

  “No, Misty. I don’t want to keep dragging you into my affairs. I shouldn’t have even called you.”

  “Jewel, I’m here for you. That’s what friends are for. Talk to me, honey. For some reason, I feel like there is more to your pain. What’s the matter, Jewel? Are you pregnant?”

  Between tears, I sobbed. “No, I’m not pregnant.”

  “Well, then what is it?”

  “It’s just that . . .” I paused, pulling myself together enough to slow up the tears.

  I wasn’t sure how to explain my dilemma, but Misty was being so kind, so understanding. Maybe because I hadn’t been close to any other woman since Sasha, the next thing I knew, I had blurted out my whole life story. I told her all about me and Touch from beginning to end. I told her how we started off as friends and how we built our empire. I explained to her how Calico and Touch used to be partners in the game and how Calico and I hooked up. I even told her about how Sasha was my friend turned lover and how she turned on me.

  “Anyway, I’m afraid without Touch I will have nothing. My life will completely fall apart, and I will lose everything I’ve worked so hard for.” I started wailing with a whole new fresh set of tears.

  Meantime, Misty didn’t say a word. I didn’t know if she was shocked by my story, or what the deal was. Then finally I heard a sniffle that broke the silence.

  “Misty, are you crying?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m supposed to be supporting you. It’s just that you’re so much like me. Everything you’re going through, I’ve experienced. I feel your pain, baby. Matter of fact, I’m on my way over.” Misty hung up the phone before I could protest.

  In thirty minutes flat Misty had arrived. I looked a mess as I opened the door. I hadn’t had the energy to do anything to myself. My normally long, thick, curly hair sat in a tangled mess on top of my head.

  “Hey, boo.” Misty hugged me as soon as I opened the door.

  “Hey, girl,” I responded in my most depressed tone.

  “Wow! You really look stressed,” Misty said, noticing my ragged look. “I know what you need right now.”

  “I need Touch here with me right now telling me we’re still going to do the damn thing and get married. He acts like he don’t even give a fuck about me. How can he treat me this way? It hurts to the core.”

  Misty stroked my tangled hair. “Everything will be all right.”

  I called those five words “the girlfriend’s anthem.” A true girlfriend sure could tell you that everything would work out, no matter how bleak shit looked. I was grateful that Misty had moved up from acquaintance level to being one of my girls.

  “No, it won’t,” I said, seeing no light at the end of this dark, dark tunnel.

  “Yes, it will. We’re gonna get your man back,” Misty said. “Now, this is what you’re going to do.”

  “What?” I said between sniffles.

  “You’re going to stop by Victoria’s Secret and buy the sexiest negligee
you can find. You’re going to cook his favorite meal and plan to have a romantic candle light dinner.”

  “But I haven’t heard from him in a week. How can I get him home?”

  “You call him and tell him you want to talk. When he shows up, you let him be the man, and think everything is his idea, but then you screw his brains out.”

  “Oh God. It hurts so bad. I hope this works,” I said, feeling hopeless.

  “Hon, I know it hurts. I’ve been there too a few times myself. There aren’t too many men who can say they’ve had my heart. I know you want Touch back in your arms; it’s what we both want. But right now, I’m going to get you a cup of herbal tea, so you can relax a little. I brought some over from my place. Give me five minutes, and I’ll be right back.”

  Misty headed toward the kitchen and came back five minutes later with a cup of steaming hot tea.

  I took a sip. “Misty, this tea is good.” It soothed my scratchy throat.

  “I figured you would like it. I drink it when I’m stressed. Next, let’s get you cleaned up,” she ordered, heading into the bathroom to run bath water for me.

  After a few minutes, my bath was ready, and Misty ordered me into the bathroom.

  It was like a load had been lifted off my back as I soaked in the tub with the jets blowing. While Misty washed and combed through my hair ever so gently, I closed my eyes, trying to relax. Although it was sort of awkward at first, once I relaxed, it felt good. Misty washed my hair and bathed me as though I was her patient and she was my nurse.

  Since I’d been taking care of Touch for a while, it felt good for someone to finally take care of me for a damn change. All washed up and totally relaxed, I climbed out of the tub.

  After directing me to lay face down on the bed, Misty didn’t hesitate massaging my body with Oil of Olay lotion. Suddenly finding myself in another awkward moment, my body immediately tensed up.

  “Relax, Jewel,” Misty said. “Everything I’m doing for you, you should do for your man. Consider this a lesson and take notes.”

  I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to relax. I closed my eyes and indulged in the moment. I must say, once I was relaxed, I was able to realize Misty was a damn good massage therapist. Her caress was slow, deep, and an enjoyable pain.

  “How does this feel?” she whispered in my ear.

  I could feel the heat from her breath on my neck. It sent a sexual sensation down my spine. “Mmmm! Better than any massage I’ve ever had.”

  “Good. It only gets better.” Misty started caressing my neck with kisses and then licking my ears with her tongue. She turned me over to face her.

  I knew exactly where this was headed. Part of me couldn’t believe what was happening, but then another part of me wanted so badly to continue.

  I gave in to my sexual urge, and we began kissing. While our tongues met, Misty took two fingers of her right hand and starting massing my clit. For a split second, my mind couldn’t help but to drift to Sasha. She’d once touched me in this same way, and we’d shared similar sexual experiences.

  Once our tongues drifted apart, Misty’s tongue found its way to my left breast. She went back and forth sucking on my nipple and gently biting it. By now my pussy was dripping wet.

  Misty started licking my clit, and before I knew it, I came in her mouth.

  “Misty, what the fuck just happened?” I said between breaths. I’d cum so hard, I was nearly out of breath.

  “Ssshhh! Don’t worry, baby,” Misty said gently.

  I obeyed and didn’t say anything more. I wasn’t sure where things were headed next, and honestly, I wasn’t too concerned. For the first time in days, I was totally relaxed, and I’d just released a load of tension.

  As my worries drifted away, I dozed off to sleep.

  Exhausted from all the events of the past days and busting a huge nut the previous night, I didn’t wake until the next day.

  I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs. I walked in the kitchen to see Misty cooking up a grand breakfast that included blueberry waffles and omelets. With Touch on my mind, a fresh burst of energy, and Misty by my side, I decided to do just as Misty had advised the night before and called Touch.

  “Yeah,” Touch greeted me on the phone after I dialed his number.

  I was nervous as hell. I didn’t want to take no for an answer of him seeing me. But Misty was right by my side, coaching me along.

  “Hey, baby,” I said.

  He sighed. “What you want, Jewel?”

  “Well, um, I was wondering if you could come over to the house for a bit. I just want to talk,” I suggested, keeping my fingers crossed.

  “I’ll be over in a few hours. I need to get a few things anyway,” he responded and hung up the phone in my ear.

  I didn’t even care that he’d hung up on me. I was just happy he’d agreed to come over.

  Three hours gave Misty and me plenty of time to go to the mall to Victoria’s Secret and to the grocery store to get two fresh T-bone steaks and a few sweet potatoes to bake. I planned to smother them in apple butter, cinnamon, and nutmeg, just the way Touch liked it. Next, I planned to cut up a tossed salad topped with French dressing and croutons. For dessert, it was going to be apple crumb cobbler.

  Walking around in my black lace teddy and five-inch stiletto heels gave me confidence. I felt sexy, like every man on earth wanted a piece of my pussy. I began to rehearse in my mind what I would say to Touch, remembering to watch my tone. The last thing I wanted to do was get him mad and then have him storm off on me like the last time.

  Chapter 22

  “When a Man’s Fed Up”


  Jewel greeted me at the door, “Hey, boo.” She tried to kiss me on the lips, but I turned, and she caught my cheek instead.

  While walking in the house, I was on my cell phone patching up things with Lisa. I didn’t know what Jewel had in mind, but this one night wasn’t gonna change how I felt about things between us.

  I went into the kitchen to grab a Heineken from the fridge then glanced over at the food that Jewel cooked. Damn! My favorite, I thought as my mouth began to water, but I refused to voice it. Instead, I acted like it didn’t even faze me.

  I noticed Jewel let out a big sigh, I guess, to refrain from getting pissed and going the fuck off on me.

  I grinned to myself and continued my phone conversation. “Yeah,” I replied, walking over to the living room to sit down on the couch.

  “Baby, how was your day?” Jewel inquired.

  “A’ight,” I responded.

  “Well, maybe I can make it end on a wonderful note.” Jewel began to massage my shoulders.

  She poured vanilla-scented oil in to her hands, rubbed them together to get the oil nice and warm then caressed my shoulders deeply. I couldn’t deny, that shit felt damn good too.

  “How’s that?” Jewel asked, after giving me a five-star full body massage.

  “That was on point,” I said, finally relaxed enough to notice how enticing her nightie was.

  My dick began to rise as I watched Jewel’s ass bounce in her thong as she walked over to the bar to make me a Grey Goose on the rocks. I turned on the television and flipped through the channels as I gulped down the drink she’d made me.

  “Uuummm . . . is this for me?” she asked, rubbing my now fully erect dick.

  I didn’t respond. I just gave her a grin and swallowed the rest of the liquor I had in the glass.

  Noticing my glass was empty, Jewel immediately grabbed it and headed back to the bar to make me round two. This time before returning she turned on R. Kelly’s and Jay-Z’s The Best of Both Worlds CD, lit some candles, and dimmed the lights. Upon returning to the couch, she took the remote from my hand and turned off the television.

  As I sipped on my second glass of Grey Goose, Jewel slipped off my pants. She grabbed my dick and started to lick the tip of my head, gently getting it nice and moist. Then she moved down the shaft, licking it up and down a couple of times the
n continuing to my balls. A tingling sensation filled my body as she engulfed my balls in her mouth one at a time.

  By this time my dick was so hard, it felt at though it was gonna explode. Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, Jewel gripped my dick and began deep-throating it just the way I liked it. I spread my legs, grabbed a handful of her hair, and pushed her face deep in my lap. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back as I absorbed each second of this goodness. One thing for sure, there was no denying that Jewel gave a hell of a blowjob.

  “You like that?”

  “Suck that shit, bitch!” I grabbed Jewel’s hair even tighter, forcing her head down farther onto my rock-hard dick.

  “Aaahhh fuck!” Jewel started to gag as my cum rushed out the tip of my dickhead and hit the back of her throat. She sucked off every drip and swallowed like she was eating her favorite ice cream.

  That shit was just foreplay for me. I grabbed Jewel and ripped her lingerie off. I pinned her to the carpeted floor and forced three of my fingers into her soaking wet pussy.

  “You giving my pussy to another nigga?”

  “No, baby. You know this is yours.”

  “Maybe you giving the ass up.” I forced my thumb in her ass.

  She screamed out in pain. “Aaaaahhhh! No, baby. No, I’m not!”

  Instead of sucking on her nipple, I bit it. There was no fucking lovemaking this night. To make love, a nigga had to be in love, and honestly I felt no love for her at the time. The thought of her betraying me killed all feelings of love I had for her.

  “Ah shit!” Jewel cried out. “Touch, you’re killing me, baby.”

  I pushed in even deeper and harder as I began to reach my peak. “Take the dick, Jewel.”

  “Baby, please pull out. Don’t cum in me, Touch.”

  “Where you want it? You gonna take it on your titties or on your ass?”


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