by Lara Feigel
‘I picked my way’: Richard Dimbleby, in Juliet Gardiner, Wartime: Britain 1939–1945 (London: Headline, 2005), p. 674.
‘This is the crowning’: PdeM to HS, 17 July 1945 (HS PdeM).
‘I’m quite innocent’: PdeM to HS, 21 July 1945 (PdeM Mon).
‘the problems and pressures’: Let Us Face the Future, in David Kynaston, Austerity Britain, p. 21.
‘would have to fall back’: Winston Churchill, speech, 5 June 1945 (War Speeches).
‘His public appearances’: see Kynaston, Austerity Britain 1945–51 (London: Bloomsbury, 2008), p. 65.
‘lost cause’: EB to CR, 26 June 1945 (LCW).
‘Reluctantly I shall’: GG to Marion Greene, undated, in Norman Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene (London: Pimlico, 2004–5), vol. 2, p. 214.
‘For once it feels good’: PdeM to HS, 26 July 1945 (HS PdeM).
‘Damn!’: see Walter Allen, As I Walked Down New Grub Street (London: Heinemann, 1981), pp. 103–4.
‘terrific psychic shock’: EB to CR, 29 July 1945 (LCW).
‘It is the people’s’: EB, ‘Britain, 1940’, People, Places, Things: Essays by Elizabeth Bowen, ed. Allan Hepburn (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008).
‘large quantities’: see CR, diary, 22 January 1941, The Siren Years: Undiplomatic Diaries 1937–1945 (London: Macmillan, 1974).
‘Let Cartiers and the Ritz’: CR, diary, 17 December 1941 (The Siren Years).
‘Another lot’: EB to CR, 29 July 1945 (LCW).
‘all about a man’: HY to Rosamond Lehmann, 14 March 1945 (RL KC).
‘crying, dear Rose’: HG, Back (New York: The Viking Press, 1981), pp. 5, 50.
‘an echo of his’: ibid., p. 96.
‘Charley (he is called’: Mary Keene, note in her copy of Back (private collection).
‘entirely legitimate’: Manchester Guardian, in Gardiner, Wartime, p. 681.
‘as often miles’: Evelyn Waugh, diary, 7 August 1945, The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh, ed. Michael Davie (London: Phoenix, 2009).
‘further debasement’: Juliet Gardiner, Wartime, p. 681.
‘the newspapers’: see Evelyn Waugh, diary, 9 August 1945 (The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh).
‘This means the end’: HS, DaB, p. 141.
‘I was genuinely’: HS to PdeM, 16 August 1945 (HS PdeM).
‘My sweet, I was glad’: PdeM to HS, 9 August 1945 (PdeM Mon).
‘most cordial’: HS, diary, 12 February 1945 (HS NLV).
‘About the christening’: PdeM to HS, 21 July 1945 (PdeM Mon).
‘Is it possible’: PdeM to HS, 23 August 1945 (HS PdeM).
‘You know how I’: EB to CR, 24 August 1945 (LCW).
16: ‘The magic Irish light and the soft air’
‘arrived by boat’: see EB, The Shelbourne (London: Vintage, 2001), ch. 7.
‘It is impossible’: EB, ‘Ireland makes Irish’, People, Places, Things: Essays by Elizabeth Bowen, ed. Allan Hepburn (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008).
‘belong to a class’: EB to CR, 29 July 1945 (LCW).
‘Quite illicitly’: EB to CR, 24 August 1945 (LCW).
‘the action of Mr’: Winston Churchill, 13 May 1945, War Speeches, 1939–45, compiled by Charles Eade (London: Cassell & Co, 1951–2).
‘but acting justly’: Éamon de Valera, speech, 16 May 1945, Speeches and Statements by Éamon de Valera 1917–73, ed. Maurice Moynihan (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1980).
‘The sense of profusion’: EB to CR, 2 September 1945 (LCW).
‘The food in all’: EB to CR, 9 September 1945 (LCW).
‘This house’: EB to CR, 24 August 1945 (LCW).
‘It is a drowsy’: ibid.
‘I can’t dis-obsess’: ibid.
‘Like when one’s’: EB to CR, 2 September 1945 (LCW).
‘I really was’: EB to CR, 9 September 1945 (LCW).
‘To one person’: EB to CR, 2 September 1945 (LCW).
‘The hour – day’: ibid.
‘I have felt’: EB to CR, 17 September 1945 (LCW).
‘It wakes me up’: ibid.
‘fors and againsts’: ibid.
‘War brutalised’: ibid.
‘I don’t think of E’: CR, diary, 17 September 1945(LCW).
‘I came over here’: EB to William Plomer, 24 September 1945, The Mulberry Tree: Writings of Elizabeth Bowen, ed. Hermione Lee (London: Vintage, 1999).
‘cigarette famine’: EB to CR, 14 October 1945 (LCW).
‘The rooks subsided’: EB, afterword to B’s C, p. 449.
‘Yes, I have been’: EB to CR, 12 November 1945 (LCW).
‘I see now’: CR, diary, 23 February 1946 (LCW).
‘Yes, certainly’: EB to CR, 26 February 1946 (LCW).
‘That they should’: EB to CR, 6 March 1946 (LCW).
‘ramping round’: ibid.
‘Anthony Powell and’: see Jeremy Treglown, Romancing: The Life and Work of Henry Green (London: Faber, 2000), pp. 196–7.
‘You see, with a cat’: see Jenny Rees, Looking for Mr Nobody: The Secret Life of Goronwy Rees (London: Phoenix Giant, 1997), p. 120.
‘much bigger brain’: Mark Wyndham, in ibid., p. 150.
‘rapid heart action’: CR, diary, 7 April 1946 (LCW).
‘why shouldn’t one’: EB to CR, 20 May 1946 (LCW).
‘bent head and the’: CR, diary, 21 August 1946 (LCW).
‘forging, with every’: EB to CR, 6 November 1946 (LCW).
‘a feeling of loss’: EB to CR, 18 November 1946 (LCW).
‘We are confronted’: EB, review of Rose Macaulay, They Went to Portugal, Tatler, 23 October 1946.
‘Henry Green is’: EB, review of Henry Green, Back, Tatler, 27 November 1946.
‘feeling dead tired’: EB to CR, 23 November 1946 (LCW).
‘all lopsided’: EB to CR, 12 December 1946 (LCW).
‘huddled over’: CR, diary, 20 February 1947 (LCW).
‘returning to the city’: see CR, diary, 20 January 1947, Diplomatic Passport: More Undiplomatic Diaries 1946–1962 (Toronto: Macmillan, 1981).
‘Is it another’: CR, diary, 2 April 1947 (LCW).
‘The trouble is’: CR, diary, 9 September 1947 (LCW).
‘Your letter came’: EB to CR, 26 October 1947 (LCW).
‘Your beloved letter’: EB to CR, 28 November 1947 (LCW).
‘Every time I’: EB to CR, 6 December 1947 (LCW).
‘Any novel I’: EB to CR, March 1945 (LCW).
‘most cryptic’: EB to CR, 20 May 1946 (LCW).
‘If that is so’: EB to CR, 6 December 1947 (LCW).
‘What bothers me’: Rosamond Lehmann to EB, 4 March 1949 (EB HRC).
‘Selfishly speaking’: EB to William Plomer, 24 September 1945 (The Mulberry Tree).
‘new commonness’: W. B. Yeats, ‘In the Seven Woods’, 1902, Collected Poems (London: Vintage, 2009).
‘What’s equality?’: W. B. Yeats, third ‘Marching Song’, Spectator, 23 February 1934.
‘the sort now growing’: W. B. Yeats, ‘Under Ben Bulben’, 1938 (Collected Poems).
‘like I daresay’: Francis Stewart, in Clair Wills, That Neutral Island (London: Faber, 2008), pp. 370–1.
‘the ideal of those’: Francis Stuart, in ibid., p. 371.
‘sold itself out’: EB, HoD, ch. 15.
‘All Right’: EB to CR, 24 August 1945 (LCW).
‘How extraordinarily’: EB to CR, 17 June 1948 (LCW).
‘with echoes, reflections’: CR, diary, 18 August 1973 (LCW).
‘against the beating’: EB, HoD, ch. 15.
‘somehow, some place’: EB to CR, 6 December 1947 (LCW).
17: ‘Flying, no, leaping, into the centre of the mainland’
‘a branch of jasmine’: see HS, DaB, p. 138.
‘she was inclined to agree’: see HS to PdeM, 17 November 1945 (HS PdeM).
‘Kingsley Martin’s’: HS, DaB, p. 143.
‘I was flying’: HS, DaB, p. 154.
‘the last vestiges’: HS,
‘The Streets of Vineta’ (English draft of Return to Vienna), 30 January (HS NLV).
‘metallic morning sea’: ibid.
‘Humid ghostly atmosphere’: HS, diary, 30 January 1946 (HS NLV).
‘furious spirit’: HS to PdeM, 1 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘not seen a single’: ibid.
‘with an eye’: HS, ‘The Streets of Vineta’, 31 January (HS NLV).
‘barbaric ugliness’: ibid.
‘These bombs are not’: ibid.
‘Greene describes the’: see GG, The Third Man (London: Vintage, 2001), ch. 1.
‘In their Moscow’: see Hella Pick, Guilty Victim: Austria from the Holocaust to Haider (London: Tauris, 2000), p. 17.
‘Nine months after’: HS, Return to Vienna, trans. Christine Shuttleworth (Riverside, California: Ariadne Press, 2011), 8 February.
‘the spiders which’: HS, ‘The Streets of Vineta’, 31 January.
‘Darling this is the most’: HS to PdeM, 2 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘This is still the most’: HS to PdeM, 4 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘A hundred times more’: ibid.
‘where my roots reach’: HS, Return to Vienna, 6 February.
‘Heiligenstadt unchanged’: HS, diary, 2 February 1946 (HS NLV).
‘one of the most’: HS, DaB, p. 110.
‘The opera still’: HS, ‘Vienna’, The New Statesman and Nation, 13 April 1946.
‘Quite definitely not’: HS to PdeM, 1 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘The Frau Doktor’: HS, Return to Vienna, 9 February.
‘Expropriation, humiliation’: ibid.
‘In England, during’: HS, Return to Vienna, 10 February.
‘Of course, I’m envious’: PdeM to HS, 2 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘England suits me’: ibid.
‘I can just see how’: PdeM to HS, 11 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘I lead this curious’: HS to PdeM, 7 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘Those that are nice’: HS to PdeM, 15 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘sweet major’: HS to PdeM, 4 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘the pleasant, cultured’: HS, DaB, p. 156.
‘Cooked at Sam’s’: HS, diary, 9 February 1946 (HS NLV).
‘Sam didn’t appear’: HS, diary, 11 February 1946 (HS NLV).
‘Quite delightful’: HS, diary, 12 February 1946 (HS NLV).
‘Sam: end’: HS, diary, 14 February 1946 (HS NLV).
‘What an absurd’: HS, diary, 15 February 1946 (HS NLV).
‘extraordinary scene’: HS, diary, 16 February 1946 (HS NLV).
‘You don’t think’: HS, The Darkened Room (English translation of Lisas Zimmer) (London: Methuen, 1961), p. 132.
‘I feel like someone’: HS to PdeM, 10 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘precisely the kind’: PdeM to HS, 14 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘Dearest Mummili’: PdeM to HS, 20 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘most charmingly’: HS to PdeM, 18 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘as wide and full’: HS, Return to Vienna, 20 February.
‘I am on a winter’: ibid.
‘in the limp’: HS, Return to Vienna, 21 February.
‘Is it fear’: ibid.
‘with a look’: ibid.
‘Europe is a graveyard’: ibid.
‘These people have’: HS, ‘The Trek to Palestine’, The New Statesman and Nation, 23 March 1946.
‘a worldwide Jewish’: HS, Return to Vienna, 21 February.
‘even with the’: HS, ‘The Trek to Palestine’.
‘a solution must’: ibid.
‘the ozone that’: HS, Return to Vienna, 23 February.
‘with my most’: HS, DaB, p. 164.
‘most dreary thought’: HS to PdeM, 7 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘A dozen times’: PdeM to HS, 17 March 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘Our stakes in’: PdeM to HS, 20 March 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘fallen in love’: PdeM to HS, 27 March 1946 (PdeM Mon).
‘wept with rage’: HS, DaB, p. 165.
‘You have set’: PdeM to HS, 4 April 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘I feel very suspended’: PdeM to HS, 10 April 1946 (PdeM Mon).
‘I must assume’: PdeM to HS, 13 April 1946 (PdeM Mon).
‘Of course, I still’: HS to PdeM, 11 April 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘Thank God’: PdeM to HS, 20 April 1946 (PdeM Mon).
‘I have one firm’: HS to PdeM, 7 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘Darling, there’s nothing’: HS to PdeM, February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘This is such’: HS to PdeM, 10 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘The only thing’: PdeM to HS, 14 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘Absolutely. If’: PdeM to HS, 20 February 1946 (HS PdeM).
‘Already people’: PdeM to HS, 2 May 1946 (PdeM Mon).
‘it is certainly’: PdeM to HS, 4 May 1946 (PdeM Mon).
18: ‘O, maybe we’ll live a while in Killala’
‘In fact the Irish’: for an account of the Irish economy in this period see J. J. Lee, Ireland 1912–1985, Politics and Society (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).
‘take whatever steps’: Éamon de Valera, in ibid., pp. 289–90.
‘constantly recurring’: Evelyn Waugh, diary, 9 November 1946, The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh, ed. Michael Davie (London: Phoenix, 2009).
‘brief shelter from’: Evelyn Waugh to Randolph Churchill, 22 December 1946, The Letters of Evelyn Waugh (London: Phoenix, 2010).
‘total to me’: Nancy Mitford to Evelyn Waugh, 26 April 1952, The Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh, ed. Charlotte Mosley (London: Sceptre, 1997).
‘The war’s on now’: HG, Loving (London: Vintage, 2000), pp. 29, 192.
‘the dear Shelbourne’: EB to CR, 26 November 1945 (LCW).
‘impassive, cheerful’: EB, The Shelbourne (London: Vintage, 2001), p. 6.
‘a complete success’: HY to Matthew Smith, 3 September 1947 (private collection).
‘A mattress was spread’: GG, ‘After Two Years’, A Quick Look Behind: Footnotes to an Autobiography (Los Angeles: Sylvester & Orphanos, 1983).
‘at a loss’: see GG, Ways of Escape (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982), ch. 4ii.
‘a belated congratulatory’: see GG to CW, 25 September 1946 (GG GU).
‘he was keen to’: see GG to Evelyn Waugh, undated, Richard Greene, Graham Greene, A Life in Letters (London: Little, Brown, 2007), p. 139.
‘They had a drink’: see Norman Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene (London: Pimlico, 2004–5), vol. 2, p. 227.
‘an extraordinary house’: Evelyn Waugh to Nancy Mitford, 4 October 1948 (The Letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn Waugh).
‘She had a marvellous’: Belinda Straight, interview in Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene, vol. 2, p. 220.
‘a Marie-Antoinette’: John Rothenstein, Brave Day, Hideous Night: Autobiography 1939–1965 (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1966), p. 155.
‘I had no idea’: GG, EoA, book 1, ch. 3.
‘They drove to’: see GG to Marion Greene, undated, in Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene, vol. 2, p. 227.
‘to go up in an aeroplane’: see GG, in William Cash, The Third Woman: The Secret Passion that Inspired The End of the Affair (London: Abacus, 2001), p. 4.
‘The act of creation’: GG to CW, 30 September 1947 (GG GU).
‘the same kind of in-love’: see GG to CW, 12 April 1949 (GG GU).
‘Cambridge, snow’: see GG to CW, 2 September 1955 (GG GU).
‘they would have done more’: see GG to CW, 24 September 1949 (GG GU).
‘gave it away to the nuns’: see VG, interview with William Cash (private collection).
‘Dorothy was complaining’: see GG to CW, 5 May 1947 (GG GU).
‘woke up blissfully’: ibid.
‘a second-rate Ireland’: see GG to CW, 15 May 1947 (GG GU).
‘Graham led Catherine’: see VG, interview with William Cash (private collection).
felt like a cornered’: see GG to CW, 15 May 1947 (GG GU).
‘if I found anyone’: CW to Belinda Straight, 1 January 1969, in Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene, vol. 2, p. 233.
‘You know, Graham’: CW in Lady Melchett interview, in ibid., p. 260.
‘it is better to avoid lying’: see GG, HoM, book 3, part 1, ch. 1i; book 1, part 1, ch. 2iv; book 1, part 2, ch. 2ii.
‘before she appeared he used to’: see GG to CW, 25 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘the difference between peacefulness’: see GG to CW, 27 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘You are in’: GG to CW, 27 June 1947 (GG GU).
‘he was missing her obsessively’: see GG to CW, 29 June 1947 (GG GU).
‘he wanted to kiss’: see GG to CW, 30 June 1947 (GG GU).
‘Would he really see’: see GG to CW, 4 July 1947 (GG GU).
‘escape to Romania’: see GG to CW, 5 July 1947 (GG GU).
‘lazily reading on’: see GG to CW, 24 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘watching her make’: see GG to CW, 3 October 1949 (GG GU).
‘after four and a half’: see GG to CW, undated, 1951 (GG GU).
‘Irish faith to’: Sean O’Faolain to GG, 9 February 1976 (GG BU).
‘At once he was in love’: see GG to CW, 3 September 1947 (GG GU).
‘O, maybe we’ll’: F. R. Higgins, ‘Elopement’, Arable Holdings (Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1933). GG inscribed the 8 April 1949 entry of CW’s diary with this quotation.
‘Graham has just’: CW to Phillip Caraman, undated, 1951 (GG BU).
‘the first diary’: CW’s diaries are held in GG GU.
‘they only liked each other’: see GG to CW, 2 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘always quiet or gentle’: see VG, interview with William Cash (private collection).
‘his cigarette burn’: see GG to CW, 25 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘He fell in love’: see GG to CW, 21 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘He could become a pagan’: see GG to CW, 18 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘Ireland seemed to be’: see GG to CW, 27 August 1947 (GG GU).
‘romantically admired’: see GG, interview, 1981 in Henry Donaghy (ed.), Conversations with Graham Greene (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1992), p. 156.
‘an enchanting figure’: see ibid., p. 153.
‘it might be fun’: see GG to CW, 5 September 1947 (GG GU).
‘lustrous and blonde’: see ibid.
‘a flight from’: see GG to CW, 28 September 1947 (GG GU).
‘the Atlantic blowing’: see GG to CW, undated, 1947 (GG GU).