Max Temptation

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Max Temptation Page 6

by Jackson, Khelsey

  Max closed his eyes as she took him into her mouth, and Jax slowly fucked her. He would pushed all of himself into her, and pull almost completely out of her before slamming back in her. Max took control by fucking her face, he knew how much she could take and never pushed her. She could feel both of her incubi’s power raising and she knew it wouldn’t be long before they lost themselves in her. The power of one incubus made her lose her mind but again the thought crossed her mind that two might just kill her, and that at least she would die with a smile on her face.

  She closed her mouth about Max’s cock and sucked as he fucked her face. Jax sped up his pace and each time he pressed himself in her he would hit her spot, he reached around to rub her clit and she lost it. When she came, both of the men did as well, taking her orgasm to another level. Max was the first to come, his hot release hitting the back of her throat and she held on to his ass to press more of his cock into her mouth. Jax held onto her hips as he growled with his release, she arched her back and opened her mouth to allow Max’s cock to fall out of her mouth. She screamed with her pleasure, she was right. Two incubi’s power pouring into her was incredible.

  She collapsed on Max’s lap next to his still hard cock, and Jax collapsed on top of her with his cock still pulsing in her triggering her to have mini orgasms.

  “You…are…fucking amazing,” Jax said sound breathless, and it made her smile knowing she wasn’t the only one who thought what they did was amazing. “I could feel you taking a little from me at the end.”

  Her heart stopped, she just found out she was a succubus and that meant she was also feeding from her men. Jax got off of her, and when he pulled out of her she moaned.

  She heard him chuckle as he walked away, and she sat up facing away from Max. The bed moved and she felt his hands on her shoulders.

  “Are you okay?” he asked against her ear, and she sighed.

  She wasn’t okay, she was far from it. Her psycho ex was back and he wanted one thing, he wanted her and wouldn’t give up until he had what he desired. She shook her head, and propped her knees up. She rested her elbows on her knees and dropped her head in her hands. Her whole life was a lie, her mother and father had been lying to her and now she would have to deal with her ex. She prayed that she wouldn’t lose Max or even Jax when they found out her deepest secret.

  “Sweetheart,” he said as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his lap. She rested her forehead on his shoulder and he held her as she shook with her sobs. “Shh.” He rubbed her back and kissed the top of her forehead.

  Chapter Six

  Megan passed out shortly after crying all over Max’s bare shoulder with him whispering sweet things in her ear. He was perfect and when Jax came back in the room she was cradled by both of them with each of them running their hands down her body until she fell asleep. Now she sat at the kitchen table wondering what she was going to tell them. They knew something was wrong, and she needed to get it off of her chest.

  Max set down a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her, Jax was sitting across from her staring at her over his coffee cup. She pushed her food away from her, and sighed. “Max, will you sit down please?” He did, and he smiled at her, but she didn’t return his smile. “I know you haven’t looked too far into my medical records because I begged you not to,” she said as she stared into his light green eyes. He slightly nodded. “When I was with Joe I got pregnant, I didn’t tell anyone because I knew he wouldn’t like it. He hated kids and told me that he would beat the shit out of me if I got pregnant. So I kept it to myself, until one day he noticed I was showing.” He’d been so mad at her, and she tried to hide it, but he saw what he needed to. She closed her eyes tightly and balled her hands into fists in her lap. She had been so weak with him, and she laid there trying like hell to cover her stomach, but it hadn’t work.

  “Megan, love, you don’t need to tell us anymore. We get what happen to you and if I could get away with it, I would kill him,” Max said and placed a warm strong hand on her shoulder.

  She shook her head because she wanted more with Max, and yes, Jax too. She couldn’t promise herself to him like she basically already had with Max. “No because you both need to know this. Jennifer found me, she called 911 and I was rushed into emergency surgery. The baby had already died and I was close behind him. When I woke up I found out that there was a strong possibility that I wouldn’t ever be able to have children.” Her tears burned her eyes with the thoughts of her son, she was able to hold him one time and it tore her heart out.

  Max kept his face blank from any emotions, but Jax didn’t. His eyes were a dark green and she wondered if that was a sign of anger too. She blinked a couple of times and few of her tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She turned her attention back on Max. “I knew when you told me you wanted what Jennifer and Phoenix had, I knew I had to tell you and that I would most likely lose you.” Max stood up and closed the distance between them, he dropped to his knees in front of her.

  He took her balled up fist in his hands and forced her hands open to take his. “Megan, you are the strongest woman I know. You are stronger for walking away and pressing charges on that piece of shit.”

  She looked down at her hands. She couldn’t look at him and see pity on his handsome face.

  “Please look at me.”

  She did and she didn’t see pity she saw…love?

  “You aren’t going to lose me, Megan. I know I haven’t given you a reason to think that. But I want to be with you no matter what.”

  More tears flooded her eyes, and she hiccupped. She felt another set of hands massaging her back.

  “I know I just met you, but I’m not going anywhere, Megan. You are what I need to be happy and I will find Joe Roman and I will deal with him.” Something dark clouded Jax’s normally charming voice. She tilted her head back to look at him, and he glanced down at her with nearly black eyes.

  “Please, let the police handle this, I don’t what my tainted past to touch either of you.”

  Max squeezed her hands, and Jax glowered down at her.

  “If you want I can take a second look at you to see about having children.” Max’s voice broke her staring match with the black eyed incubus and she looked at the doctor.

  She shook her head again. “I don’t know if you should be my doctor. And I really don’t want to know right now. I want to be married before I start thinking about babies again.”

  Max grinned at her, and she narrowed her eyes. “Babies, meaning you want more than one?” she rolled her eyes, and he laughed. “Megan, since you are part succubus you may have healed yourself. The meaning of our existent is to make more of us.”

  She frowned because she’d never allowed herself to think about having children…not until Jennifer had her twins. The main reason she freaked out on her best friend and left their apartment was because she should have had the first baby. She knew it was selfish and now adored Eve and Evan. Her phone rang breaking the moment and she couldn’t have been happier. She stood up to grab her phone from on the counter.

  Her boss was calling, and she glanced at the time. Crap she was late, like twenty minutes late. She answered and bit her lip. “Hey Mike, I am on my way now.”

  “Megan, you are twenty freaking minutes late. I was just about to call my cop friends to go looking for you. What’s wrong? You are never late!”

  Normally she was the first one to the office and the last one to leave. “Nothing I got caught up with my boyfriend, but I will be there in ten minutes.” Max lived ten minutes from her office.

  “Fine, and when you get here I need you in my office.” He hung up and she took a deep breath knowing she would get chewed out for being late one fucking time.

  “I don’t know if you should go to work today. You should call your boss back and tell him what happened,” Jax said from behind her, and she slowly turned around to stare at him.

  She arched an eyebrow, and narrowed her eyes at him. “Jax if y
ou want to try to be with me know one thing about me...I don’t like to be told what to do.”

  He matched her eyebrow raise and glare. “Well, I didn’t ask what you’d like. I want you safe.” He crossed his arms across his athletic chest.

  She placed her hands on her hips. “So just because we fucked once, you think you can tell me what you want me to do? Because I have news for you, you can forget that or leave. I won’t deal with someone trying to control me. I understand that you are worried about me, but don’t be. I can take care of myself! I’m not the weak girl that got the crap beat out of her anymore.” She stood straighter and took calming deep breaths.

  Jax moved toward her, but stopped about a foot in front of her and he didn’t reach for her. “You can get me leaving out of your head, because I’m not going anywhere.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to his hard chest. His lips collided with hers stealing her breath, but she wasn’t complaining. She tangled her hands into his hair to hold him to her.

  When he pulled away she swayed a little, and he chuckled. She rested her hands on his chest, and his breathing harmonized with hers. “You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you?”

  He gave her a heart stopping grin, and she could swear it made her weak in the knees. “Making women go crazy is my best quality.”

  She smiled at him, but moved out of his warm embrace. She needed to get to work, and she needed to call Detective Moore to bring him the file she had on Joe. She looked at Max, and his beauty still stole her breath. He was wearing a long sleeve button up dark emerald green shirt with black dress pants and a black tie. He had his hair slicked back and it made his green eyes stand out more.

  “I really need to go, I have never been late before.” Thankfully she had what she needed for work in the car. “We’ll talk later,” she said and kissed Jax’s cheek quickly and moved past him to Max. He lifted his arms welcoming her into a hug, but she shook her head. She knew that if she went into his arms she wouldn’t be leaving his condo that day. She did what she’d done to Jax. She kissed his cheek and moved out his reach before he could wrap his arms around her.

  He raised his eyebrows at her and smiled. “You owe me a kiss.”

  She rolled her eyes and walked past him to the front door. She’d left her keys on the little table by the door. But as she opened the door and turned to face the twins she realized she couldn’t take her car, it’d been destroyed.

  “Take mine,” Jax said handing her the keys.

  Megan smiled and took the keys. “You can both claim what I owe you later, I really need to go.” She gave them one last smile and walked out of the condo; she closed the door behind her.

  Three hours later, Megan sat in her little office, staring at her computer screen. She called Detective Moore and he told her he would met up with her at her lunch break which was coming up. The good news was she didn’t get bitched at when she finally got to the office. Her boss had had to take care of a client, but he’d left a message on her desk that said, ‘We will talk when I get back’. She frowned at the piece of paper. She had been there for over two years and had never been in trouble with the boss.

  She stood up, grabbed the red folder, walked to her office door and over to her secretary Mary. She was one of her dearest friends and in her late twenties. They had instantaneously clicked when she came in and interviewed for the job a year ago. “Hey Mary, I have a lunch meeting, so if boss man comes in, tell him I will come see him as soon as I get back.”

  Mary smiled at her and nodded. “Will do!” she said as the phone rang.

  Megan took that as a sign to get out of the office. She walked next door to her favorite coffee shop. It wasn’t some big sell out company. It was a little shop run by Joy, a sweet woman in her late forties. When she walked in the shop the smell of coffee hit her and she groaned, she loved that smell and when she went to the grocery story she always went down the coffee aisle. She walked up to the counter and smiled at Joy.

  “Megan, how are you doing, sweetie?” she asked as she started Megan’s usual. When she ate there, which was every day, she would have Joy’s famous Black Tie. It was a traditional Thai Iced Tea, which was a spicy and sweet mixture of chilled black tea, orange blossom water, star anise, crushed tamarind, sugar and condensed milk or cream, with a double shot of espresso. No one made it like she did, and Megan had tried and screwed it up.

  “I’m…good,” she said as she thought about the previous night. Her day had started out crazy when she got the text message from Max, she had missed him and her heart raced with the thought that he had missed her too. She broke her number one rule and fell in love with someone that could break her into a million piece.

  Joy glanced at her as she was mixing the Black Tie. “How did yesterday go?”

  Talking to Joy was cheaper than going to a therapist. She knew a lot about her and Max, well everything besides the fact that he was an incubus. Megan shrugged, “Good I guess. I hate that I am crazy for him.”

  Joy smiled sincerely at her and handed her the coffee. “You don’t hate it, you are just scared.”

  She wasn’t scared, she was terrified. She was about to argue that she wasn’t scared, even though she would be lying, but she turned around when the door bell sounded. She turned around and came face to chest with Detective Moore, his hands came up to her arms to keep her from falling. “Sorry,” she said and felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

  “Its fine, let me order my coffee and I will come and talk to you.”

  She nodded, and turned back around to get her red folder. Joy caught her eye and raised her eyebrows asking and unasked question. She shook her head, because there was nothing between her and the Detective. She walked past him and toward a table in the back of the coffee shop. Another thing she loved about the place was that it was never too busy, so there were always tables left. She took a sip of her amazing coffee, and waited for Detective Moore.

  When he sat down with his own coffee in his hand, she slid the red folder over to him. “This is everything I have on Joe. I have his last known address and the last job he had. I have been keeping tabs on him, I like to know where he is at all times.”

  Detective Moore never glanced at the folder he kept his light blue eyes on her. “I read the police report last night, you know I can put you in a safe house until I catch him.”

  She smiled because he was being nice, but she didn’t want to go to some safe house. She had a feeling her incubi wouldn’t be letting her out of their sight for a while. “No thank you, I think my boyfriends can take care of me.”


  Crap, she hadn’t realized she said that. But she nodded she wouldn’t be ashamed of what she, Max and Jax had. It was new, but she didn’t want to let either of them go, not yet at least. “Yes, I have more than one boyfriend. Aren’t you going to look at the folder Detective Moore?” She took another sip of her coffee, but kept her eyes on his. She had learned over the years as a lawyer not to be intimidated when a man was staring you down, especially a handsome detective.

  He opened the folder and broke their staring competition. He started to look though all of the papers. She’d paid a private detective to find and follow her ex for a year. It cost her a pretty penny to do so, but it made her feel safer to know.

  “You must have a really good private detective.” He looked back up at her, and raised an eyebrow.

  She nodded because she did. “I do, I had him followed this past year. I needed to know where he was. I just got that folder from my guy last week.” That was the main reason she forgot about him. She was too worried about what was going on with her and Max that she forgot about her crazy ex. He made her feel so safe, and loved that she overlooked all the sorrow and pain she had in her life.

  “I called his parole officer and he said that Joe hasn’t checked in with him in over two months. He’s already issued a warrant for him, and was about to contact you to let you know he may be looking for you.”

  He had found her, and not with just one man on her arm, but two. Joe had always been a jealous man and when she was modeling he would want to sit in on her shoots to make sure nothing funny was going on. She’d told him he was paranoid and nothing would happen. One time she’d had to get close with one of the male models and Joe beat the crap out of the man sending him to the hospital.

  “I guess we figured that out last night, right?” she said and shivered. She didn’t want to think about what would have happened.

  “We did, like I said I can keep you in a safe house.”

  She smiled at him again, her phone vibrated in her hand and she glanced down at it. Her heart raced when she saw Max’s name. “I will be okay with where I am.” She stood up, and he did the same with the red folder in his hand.

  “I understand, but you can call me at any time.”

  “Thank you, Detective Moore.”

  He inclined his head once and walked past her.

  She swiped across her phone to answer it. “Hello, Max,” she said and grinned.

  “Hello, beautiful, how are you doing?”

  Her heart pounded fast in her chest. She grabbed her coffee and winked at Joy as she walked out of the coffee shop. “I’m good. I just met with Detective Moore. I gave him everything I had on Joe.”

  “What did he tell you?” For once Max didn’t sound happy. He was her charmer and they never really had a fight.

  “Just what we know, that Joe is here and most likely after me.”

  Max didn’t say anything and she sighed.

  “Max, can we talk later I need to get back to work.”

  “Yeah, call me when you know what time you’ll be able to get off. Will you stay with me tonight?”

  She knew why he wanted her to stay, and it wasn’t because of sex. It was because he wanted to keep her safe, she rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said, she didn’t want to cause drama. “Goodbye, Max.” She pressed the end button without hearing him say anything back to her.


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