Invader iarit-6

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Invader iarit-6 Page 6

by William F. Wu

  “We will use this as our story,” said Hunter, speaking British again. “How should we make our attempt to enlist with Artorius?”

  “After breakfast, I suggest you ask the sentries at the main gate to the village.”

  “Very well,” said Hunter.

  “I can hardly believe this.” Steve laughed lightly, still whispering in English. “We rode dinosaurs, sailed with buccaneers, and ambushed Roman legions. We landed in the middle of World War II, met Marco Polo and Kublai Khan, and now we’re going to join King Arthur. Wow.”


  After breakfast, Steve followed Hunter and Harriet out of the inn to the street. Merchants had already opened their shops and stalls by now. The village gate stood open and people walked up and down the streets.

  Steve liked the idea of accompanying Artorius and his men for a while, as long as no battles with Saxons were involved. He wished Jane could see him join up; she would probably find it funny and she might even be impressed by it. Then his mood dampened as he wondered where she was.

  “Hunter,” Steve said, falling into step with him just before they reached the village gate. “How about spreading the word around the village that we’re looking for Jane before we sign up?”

  “I can do that,” said Harriet. “While you two enlist, I will spend the day asking about Jane around the village. And I will ask about our missing friend.”

  “Will you be safe here?” Hunter asked.

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “The village is peaceful,” the sentry said. “She will be safe.”

  “All right,” said Hunter.

  “Here. I’ll carry the bag today. You’ll need your hands free.”

  “Thanks.” Steve handed it to her.

  “Of course.” Harriet turned and strolled up the street.

  Steve shrugged, disappointed.

  Different sentries stood by the gate. As Hunter approached, one turned toward him, leaning on his spear.

  “Good morning, friend,” said Hunter.

  “Fair,” said the sentry.

  “My friend and I had to flee our home in Linnuis to escape the Saxons. We would like to fight with Artorius. How do we volunteer?”

  “You want to volunteer?” The sentry eyed Steve with curiosity for a moment, saying nothing. Then he turned back to Hunter. “All right, then. Step over here.”

  The sentry moved to the middle of the open gateway and pointed. On the steep slope of the tor below, Steve could see forty or fifty armed men milling around. Some were mounted; others walked horses by their reins. From this vantage point, he could also see a pen holding a few other horses on the far side of a storage building.

  “Lucius takes the new recruits out every morning,” said the sentry. “They just finished breakfast a short time ago. Go down and ask for Lucius.”

  “Thank you,” said Hunter. “If those are the new recruits, where are the others?”

  “Most of the veterans have not arrived from their winter homes. Artorius’s personal troop is at leisure today, except for those on patrol.”

  “I see.”

  Steve and Hunter walked out of the gate and down the cobbled road. The new recruits were slowly mounting and lining up, with several burly men in leather jerkins shouting orders. One man on a large bay waited silently, watching them all. Hunter walked up to him.

  “Are you Lucius? We are Hunter and Steve.”

  “Yes. What do you want?” Lucius studied Hunter with interest.

  “We wish to volunteer and ride with Artorius against the Saxons.”

  “Hmm. We can always use a man of your stature, if we have a horse to carry your weight.” Lucius glanced at Steve. “Do you speak our language?”

  “Yes, I speak British.”

  “From where do you come?”

  “From the eastern side of the Roman Empire. We have been in Gaul until recently.”


  “My wife and I fled Linnuis ahead of the Saxons,” said Hunter. “The three of us arrived here last night.”

  “Well, you are no Saxons. Do you ride? Have you fought before?”

  “We both can ride,” said Hunter. “However, we have not fought much.”

  “Do you have horses?”


  Lucius frowned. “I feared so. We are always short of good horses.”

  “You are taking new recruits,” said Hunter. “Will you take us or not?”

  “The personal troop of Artorius has its full complement of three hundred,” Lucius said sternly. “But word has gone out for last year’s veterans to come from their farms and villages. Most of them will have their own mounts and a few may bring new ones, too.” He pointed to the wooden building on the slope behind the new recruits. “I will see if you can ride or not. Go to the tack building and tell the groom to mount you.”

  “We have no weapons,” said Hunter.

  “The armorer’s store stands on the near side of the building,” said Lucius. “Stop there first and tell him to outfit you. And hurry; we will ride out soon.”

  Steve followed Hunter through the crowd of men and horses. Ahead, Steve saw the armorer standing outside a wooden building watching them come. He was a short man with long, gray hair and beard. When he turned and moved inside the building, he walked with a pronounced limp.

  By the time Steve and Hunter reached the building, the armorer had come outside again. He tossed two round wooden shields on the ground in front of them and then dropped two short swords on the shields. Without a word, he limped back into the building.

  “I guess he knew what we wanted when he saw us coming,” said Steve, picking up a sword and shield. “No swordbelts or scabbards, though.”

  “Roman short swords,” said Hunter. “British shields. I suppose the armor will be made of leather.”

  “So it is,” said the armorer gruffly as he came out again. He leaned two spears against the wall of the building. “But not for you, friend. You’re too big. I’ll have to boil a new hide and slap it on you when you ride back this afternoon.”

  “Boil it?” Steve asked.

  The armorer snickered, revealing broken teeth. “A first-timer, eh? Well, you’ll learn.” He reached inside the door and pulled out a large, rigid piece of leather, about the size and shape of Steve’s torso. It bent at the shoulders, with a hole for his head; the bottom was cut short at the waist. Thongs dangled from holes along each side. “Lace those on.”

  Steve slipped it over his head and onto his chest and abdomen. “It’s hard.”

  “Boiled leather will turn a blade almost as well as steel,” said the armorer. “It just wears out faster, over time. But if you had the money to buy steel, you’d be wearing it.”

  Hunter moved to Steve’s side and began lacing the leather armor on him.

  “How do you get the shape?” Steve asked.

  “I boil it in a vat of water till it’s nice and soft. Then I slap on your body steaming hot, and you’d better be wearing a tunic when I do.” The armorer grinned. “It takes the shape of your body and cools that way.”

  “I see. Uh, what happened to the guy this belonged to before?”

  “He died of a fever.” The armorer stepped back inside again and came out with two conical caps. “Here.” He tossed a cap to each of them.

  Steve put on the cap. A leather band inside the rim padded it somewhat. It fit him well enough.

  A boy of about ten led two horses up to them, already saddled and bridled.

  “The groom saw you coming,” he said shyly to Hunter. “We got you the biggest horse we have.”

  “Thank you.” Hunter took the reins and mounted. “He will be fine.”

  Steve slipped his shield on his’ left arm and carefully stuck a sword through the belt of his tunic. Then he mounted the second horse, which pranced and shook. He kept control of his mount, however. The armorer handed him his spear.

  “He’s a good horse,” said the boy. “But he spent all winter in pasture. He’s only thre
e and he hasn’t had a rider since last fall.”

  “I like him,” said Steve. “Hunter, the troop is riding out. We’d better go.”

  “Yes.” Hunter reached down to take his spear from the armorer. “Thank you, friends.”

  Steve and Hunter rode back across the slope and followed the rear of the troop out the main gate at the base of the tor. The morning air was still cool, but the clouds overhead had begun to scatter. Steve grinned with excitement, wondering what Lucius would have the troop do.

  They did not ride far. In the open, rolling country outside Cadbury, Lucius ordered the troop to split into squads, ordering each to fallout and drill separately. Because the squads formed immediately, Steve saw that they had already been assigned.

  Hunter and Steve rode up to Lucius, who had reined up on the crest of a hill to observe the troop.

  “We are ready, friend,” Hunter said heartily. “Where should we go?”

  “Eh? Oh, yes.” Lucius pointed to a nearby squad. “These are squads of ten, but that one is short. Your squad leader, Cynric, will drill you.”

  Steve followed Hunter to the squad. A short, stocky man had been shouting orders to the group. Just as Steve and Hunter reached them, Cynric raised his spear and turned his horse. He led the squad away in a canter.

  Steve kicked his own mount and followed. His young horse eagerly took off. Hunter’s mount also moved into a canter, more reluctantly. Steve left him behind as the squad rode across the open grassland.

  Soon Cynric took the squad into a full gallop. Then, without warning, he pulled up sharply. Just as the squad gathered around him, he kicked his mount again and took off in another direction. Steve laughed and followed with everyone else.

  This time, Cynric led the squad in a long, sweeping curve back toward their starting point. Three of the riders took the curve too fast and lost it, angling wide; two others tried to take it too sharply and lost speed. Steve watched Cynric’s movements carefully and followed him without trouble, with two other riders. Hunter remained behind him.

  Cynric stopped again on the slope near Lucius. Steve reined up behind him, and Hunter joined him a moment later. They waited for the stragglers to canter back to them.

  Steve, getting a good look at the others’ faces for the first time, saw that most of them were teenagers. He supposed they had either come from villages or shepherd families. They would know how to ride casually, but not on military maneuvers.

  Cynric studied Steve and Hunter with pale blue eyes. “Who are you, anyway?” His voice was gruff.

  “I am Hunter. This is my friend Steve.”

  “And Lucius sent you to me.”

  “Yes,” said Hunter.

  “Well…I don’t get a lot of grown men in this troop. You two ride better than most of these youngsters. Can you fight?”

  “We have never fought on horseback,” said Hunter.

  “I’m not surprised;” Cynric said sourly. He threw his spear into the ground and raised his voice to the entire squad. “Form a line and follow me. You will ride at full gallop past this spot and throw your spears into the ground next to mine-if you can.”

  Jane rode in the back of Emrys’s cart again that morning. As before, Ishihara sat in the front and firewood filled the rest of the bed; Wayne rode on the seat with Emrys. However, this time they followed almost half of Emrys’s flock of sheep. One of his dogs herded the sheep forward along the road toward Cadbury Tor.

  When Jane saw the riders leaving the main gate of Cadbury Tor, she looked up. Even at a considerable distance, she was sure that the large rider trailing the rear of the troop had to be Hunter. The fact that a man Steve’s size rode just ahead of him seemed to clinch it.

  Jane glanced up at Wayne and Ishihara. Wayne yawned and watched the sheep. Ishihara was rearranging the firewood slightly.

  “Ishihara,” said Jane. She did not know what she was going to say, but she wanted to distract him from seeing Hunter and Steve. Wayne was not as likely to recognize them, even if he looked in their direction.


  “Uh, how safe are we?” A concern about the First Law would command a robot’s attention the most.

  “What do you mean?” Ishihara looked at her.

  “Well…we’re very vulnerable, don’t you think?” Jane frantically tried to think of a specific worry she could express to him.

  “To what?”

  “To the unknown. I mean, we hardly know what’s going on around us, do we?”

  “Thanks to Emrys and Ygerna, we have food, clothing, and shelter. Neither they nor anyone in the village seem to have any pressing fears.”

  “It’s not as civilized as China was.” Jane glanced at the troop again. They had ridden away from the tor, but Hunter remained easily recognizable at the rear.

  “We are much safer here than in Roman Germany,” said Ishihara.

  “Yeah…that’s true, I guess. But maybe a war will start here, too.”

  “Perhaps. I expect to have some warning, however. We all knew that a battle would begin outside Moscow in 1941, but we survived.”

  “It’s a terrible risk under the First Law, isn’t it?” Jane stretched, and gazed casually around in several directions to camouflage another look toward the troop. Now the column of riders had divided into small groups. For a moment, she could not find Hunter. Then she saw that his group had begun to ride away, fast. She relaxed a little.

  “The searches for MC 3 and MC 4 ended in much greater danger than we face here so far,” said Ishihara. “I assure you again that I will take you and Wayne away from danger if necessary.” He patted the spot on his torso in which he had placed the belt unit.

  “I know,” Jane said quietly. She looked at Wayne. He did not seem to have noticed Hunter and Steve.

  Jane wondered if the troop would ride back into the tor while Emrys was still selling sheep and firewood there. Ifso, she might have a chance to get Hunter’s attention. She would have to hope that Wayne and Ishihara would not notice Hunter first.


  Steve moved into the line as the squad prepared to throw spears. Ahead of him, the other riders waited for Cynric to wave his arm in a sharp downward slash. Then the first rider kicked his mount, rode at full gallop about fifty meters, and threw his spear into the ground next to Cynric’s.

  When Steve’s: turn came, he hefted his spear in his right hand and looked at Cynric. At the signal, he took off and eyed his target. Several other spears had stuck in the ground near it; others had fallen flat. Steve threw his without slowing his mount.

  His spear flew forward but instead of sticking in the ground, it landed flat on the grass. He reined in near the other riders and turned. Hunter came next.

  At the signal, Hunter rode forward. As he neared the target, he threw his spear. It angled through the air and stabbed into the ground next to Cynric’s.

  Around them, scattered allover the rolling hills, the other squads conducted similar exercises.

  As Hunter rode up next to Steve, Cynric nodded approval. When the squad had finished throwing their spears, they gathered around Cynric. Steve suddenly wondered if he might be cut from the troop and Hunter retained.

  Cynric said nothing about it, however. “Leave your spears where they are. Form two lines facing each other, two horse lengths apart. When I signal, move against the rider across from you. I want to see you handle your swords and shields. Lay on hard, now-this is no game.”

  As the riders formed the lines, Steve and Hunter moved across from each other. At Cynric’s signal, all the riders rode forward. Steve found that the real challenge to this exercise was holding the reins in his left hand while using the shield on his left arm to protect himself.

  Hunter’s blows were light, at least by Hunter’s standards, and always landed on Steve’s shield, no matter how he moved it. Steve swung his own sword with more abandon, secure in the knowledge that Hunter could easily block each stroke with his own shield. On each side of them, the other squad members did the

  Cynric rode slowly behind each line, circling the squad. He shouted instructions and encouragement at times. After a while, he ordered them to halt.

  Steve lowered his sword and shield and grinned at Hunter with relief.

  “Take up your spears again,” Cynric called out. Then, as the riders moved out of their line, he turned to Hunter. “You sit a horse well for a man your size.”

  “Thank you for the kind words.” Hunter nodded acknowledgment. “Tell me something. I always heard that the Saxons have no horses. In Linnuis, I never saw a mounted Saxon. Why do you have us perform this exercise against another man on horseback?”

  “A man who fights for Artorius must be at home on his mount,” Cynric said sternly. “Besides, occasionally a Saxon patrol will take a horse or two. But you are right. In the main, a battle against the Saxons means a small British cavalry against a much larger army of Saxon foot.”

  Steve had to dismount to pick up his spear. While he was on the ground he handed a couple of the other spears up to other squad members. Then, clumsily cradling his own in the crook of his left arm, he managed to mount again.

  Hunter plucked his own spear from its vertical position in the ground and rode up next to Steve.

  “Harriet radioed me a moment ago,” Hunter said quietly. “She is well, but has seen no sign of MC 6.”

  “Is she just going to walk up and down the streets of the village all day?”

  “Perhaps not. She has seen some from the citadel come out to shop. Since Artorius probably lives there, she hopes to speak to them.”

  “Hey, maybe she can get inside somehow.”

  “Follow me!” Cynric shouted suddenly, holding spear high. “Now!” He rode away abruptly, as before.

  The squad, caught by surprise, took off after him.

  The remainder of the morning continued the same way. Cynric ordered specific exercises with weapons, often divided by sudden orders to charge across the hills. These charges sometimes were straight, and sometimes curved; the riders had to stop and wheel around quickly, changing direction. Finally, at midday, wagons came out of the tor to bring bread, cold mutton, and water to the squads. The horses were watered and rested.


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