Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition)

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Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition) Page 3

by Johnson, James

  “Jena girl, how I’ve missed you.”

  Steven wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight. She could feel his muscular chest pushing into her breasts. Finally he released her and gazed into her eyes. His hazel eyes pierced through any barriers she might have had. Her insides were on fire with a lusty desire. She could have ripped off his clothes right there in the bar.

  “Oh, Steven. I can’t believe this. You look great. How did we go so long without contact? Wow!”

  “Forget about it, Jena,” Steven said softly. “The important thing is that we’re here—now. I’m only here until Friday. Come on, let’s have a seat. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

  Steven led the way back to his table. That’s when she realized she had forgotten about his number one feature. That hot butt! He had the best ass she had ever seen on a man. And it wasn’t just her that thought so. She remembered tons of girls in the past that had salivated over his sexy behind. It was firm and round and all muscle. Every step he took was a joy to watch. He had that perfect amount of bounce that only a woman could appreciate. It was difficult to describe a perfect butt, but you knew it when you saw it. Steven’s ass was perfect! It gathered glances from women of all ages.

  Jena knew what she was going to do with that ass if she got the opportunity. She was going to lay him out on his stomach and drip red wine on it. Then she was going to savor those fruity, delightful cheeks. She would lick up the wine wherever it fell. Hopefully it would fall everywhere. She would spread out that sexy butt and squeeze with both hands as hard as she liked. Maybe a little slap or bite to show him her appreciation.

  What! Jena caught herself shaking her head in disbelief. She didn’t normally think this way. Actually she was pretty conservative. But Steven had her shedding her panties in the parking lot, fantasizing about feasting on his hot butt—what was next? What was this man doing to her? He had her so…so…so primal.

  Steven turned as he reached the table. Actually it was more of a makeshift booth than a table. It was situated perfectly for people watching, a relatively private spot in tiny James Café. It was Jena’s favorite seat in the whole place.

  “Have a seat, Jena. Is this okay?”

  “Yes, it’s great,” answered Jena. “I’ve sat here a few times. I love this spot.”

  Jena slid into the booth and Steven slipped in tight beside her. She couldn’t believe how comfortable she felt. One minute with him and everything just came back. It was if twenty years had been a blink of an eye.

  A voice called from around the corner. “What will it be, Jena—the usual?”

  It was her friend Melissa. She had been waitressing at James Café from the very beginning. As a matter of fact, she was the only full time employee. Melissa was another who had supported her through her emotional divorce. She was a firsthand witness to Jena drowning in tears and wine. Her humor and optimistic outlook on life had been instrumental in lifting her out of her dark funk.

  Melissa’s mischievous smile said it all. She wanted to know who the hot guy was sitting beside her.

  “Hi Melissa,” replied Jena. “Yes, I’ll have my usual glass of wine. How are you today?”

  “I’m fine,” said Melissa. “You sure look happy with that big smile.”

  Jena blushed. “God, is it that obvious? Yes, I’m happy today. My old friend is in town.”

  Jena turned towards Steven. “This is Steven from my hometown. We haven’t seen each other in twenty years.”

  “Well,” said Melissa. “It’s nice to meet you, Steven.” She stretched her arm over the table.

  “It’s a real pleasure to meet you, Melissa.” Steven reached with both hands and gently clasped them around Melissa’s hand. Jena then remembered. That had been Steven’s special handshake for females. She had always thought it was so sexy.

  Melissa smiled. Jena could tell she was already a victim of his special charm. “What can I get for you, Steven? What would you like to drink?”

  “I’ll have a Lagunitas beer if you have it,” said Steven.

  “Sure we do,” said Melissa. “A glass of Chateau Kiss and a Lagunitas coming right up. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Melissa walked away, but not before flashing a quick wink at Jena. The wink said it all—you’ve got a very hot man there.

  Steven grasped Jena’s hand underneath the table. “So, you’re a wine drinker, huh?”

  Just touching his hand was so sensual. Another wave of energy shot through her. Damn, he turned her on!

  “Oh yes, I really like the red wines. I guess you could sort of call me a wine snob. Chateau Kiss is my favorite.”

  “That’s funny,” said Steven. “I’m the same way about beer. I’m pretty picky about what I drink. Did you know that I work for Total Beverage?”

  “No way,” said Jena. “That place is huge. They must have thousands of wines there. I shop there regularly.”

  “They also carry tons of beers. It sounds like we have a common link there.”

  “What’s that Lagunitas beer?” asked Jena. “That sounds interesting.”

  “It’s actually one of the best craft breweries in the country. Their beers are excellent.”

  Steven was now ever-so-gently rubbing her wrist with one finger. She never knew her wrists could be so sensitive. His light touch sent shivers through her.

  “So, tell me Jena. How are you? Fill me on the last twenty years.”

  “Oh, where would I begin?” said Jena. “It’s been a roller coaster. I’ve just been experiencing the highs and lows of life.”

  Steven smiled and slipped in tighter beside her. “Tell me about it.”

  “Well, I had a long relationship with this guy. It fell apart—thank God. Looking back on it, he was not a good person. Then I met my future husband. We were married eleven years before he decided to take off with one of his coworkers. That’s been rough. On the positive side, I’ve got a great job that I love. I’m healthy and relatively happy. That’s the nutshell version of my life. What about you?”

  Steven took a deep breath. “As you know, Shelly and I drifted apart during our college years. That was my fault. I don’t know what made me go to school in Florida. We were just too far away from each other to make it work. I’m glad she’s happy. She’s in Chicago with a good man and two beautiful kids. I’m sure you know all that.”

  “Yes,” said Jena. “We still occasionally call each other. It’s been several years since we’ve seen each other though. So what else? You’ve always had this mysterious element about you. I’ve heard rumors of you living in Oregon, Colorado, even Russia! Is that for real?”

  Steven laughed. “Actually it’s worse than that. I’ve been married twice and I sort of went crazy after my first divorce. I had some savings and I proceeded to blow it traveling the world. I spent a lot of time in Japan. And yes—I did stay in Russia for a couple of years teaching English. That’s where I met wife number two.”

  “Here you are, folks.” It was Melissa. “Wine and beer to celebrate old friendships—and this round’s on me.”

  “Oh, you’re so kind,” said Jena.

  “Thank you so much,” said Steven.

  “Nothing to it,” said Melissa. “I’ll let you guys catch up on everything. Let me know when you’re ready for another one. Enjoy!”

  Melissa smiled and walked away.

  “She’s great,” said Steven.

  “She sure is,” said Jena, as she took a long sip of wine. “Okay, back to your story, mystery man. I’m not letting you slide out of this one. Tell me more.”

  “If you insist,” chuckled Steven. “But it’s not all pretty. After recklessly spending all my money adventuring, I came back to America with my new Russian wife. She was thirteen years younger than me so…”

  “Thirteen!” cried Jena. “You really went for a young one, didn’t you?”

  Steven smiled. “Well, I have to say she was very mature for her age. More mature than me if you wanna know the truth.”

  “Yeah,” said Jena, “and probably very hot too. I’ve heard about those Russian girls. They’re famous for their beauty.”

  “That’s for sure,” admitted Steven. “She was pretty. Anyway, that relationship lasted four years. We’re still pretty good friends. She’s now involved with some bigtime political guy. I wish her well.”

  “What about that period several years ago when you disappeared off the map? Nobody knew where you were. Were you traveling then?”

  Steven stretched an arm around Jena’s shoulder. “I’ll have to explain that one later. There’s a real story behind that one.”

  “Alright,” said Jena. “You get a reprieve for now, but you can bet it’s not going away. So what else do you do—any hobbies?”

  “Actually, yes,” replied Steven. “I like to write. I’ve got a couple of pen names that I write under. One of them is Reed Kindle. He’s written three mystery novels. The name itself grabs some of Amazon’s Kindle readers.”

  “That’s clever,” said Jena. “What else…”

  Steven leaned in and gently kissed her neck. “God, you smell great, Jena. Did you ever know how much you turned me on back then?”

  WOW! Jena melted with his surprise sensual ambush. The lust immediately kicked in. Her whole body was flushed in heat and her pussy went instantly wet—really wet. He had lit her animal fuse. At this point she lost all control—and didn’t care. A primal impulse overtook her.

  “Oh, Steven, You have no idea…”

  Jena turned to him and put her hand behind his head. She pushed him into her and kissed him—good and hard. She wrapped his tongue up around hers. Finally she released her grip and slowly withdrew from his mouth, sucking his tongue as it slipped away from her lips.

  Jena looked deep into his eyes. They were full of lust. Hungry energy flowed from them. She could see it. She could taste it. She could feel the sensual flow between them—it permeated her essence. It reached deep down to her uncontrollable primal core. Her own eyes blackened with raw desire. She was on fire.

  “How’s that baby?” she whispered. “Do you think you turn me on? I’ve always wanted you and I want you now.”

  “Oh god,” breathed Steven. “Jena baby! You are so erotic. Damn, you’re incredibly sexy!”

  Jena was possessed. “Oh yeah, you think so. I want you to taste something.”

  She gripped his hand and guided it underneath the table. She lifted one leg up and rested it up on the seat corner. Lifting up her ass, she arched her midsection upwards. She pulled up on her skirt. She inserted two of his fingers inside her. For three long seconds his fingers brushed the walls of her wet pussy. Then she pulled his hand away and raised it to his lips. They were dripping with wetness.

  “Taste it, baby,” she murmured. “Taste me, taste my juices—enjoy my sweetness. I know you love it.”

  Steven opened his mouth and plunged the two fingers inside. He sucked them and circled his tongue around them. His eyes closed in ecstasy. Sexy Jena had him in another world. He was beyond turned on. His state of arousal was off the charts. All rational thought and self-control were long gone. He pulled his fingers from his mouth and looked deep into her eyes—her beautiful green eyes. They begged him to free her from the primal prison of unfulfilled lust that encaged her.

  “Let’s go, Jena. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 7

  Room 314—that was it.

  Steven slipped in the key and unlocked the door. Jena stood behind him with her arms locked around his waist. They entered the room.

  Steven locked the door behind them. He then turned back towards Jena and grasped the back of her thighs. At that same moment she jumped into him.

  He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him. Her eyes met his as she looked upwards. They gazed into each other for a long moment. Both saw the fiery desire that had possessed them. Their eyes reflected passion and uncontrollable lust—a need for each other that had to be fulfilled.

  “Oh baby,” whispered Steven. “You’re so sexy, so hot.”

  Jena moaned. He softly kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms tight around his neck. With one hand she pushed Steven’s head to her face. Their mouths locked and pressed tight against each other. He stood there holding her as they kissed.

  Time seemed to stop as their tongues explored each other. Twenty years of mutual lust would finally be freed. Two sensual souls who craved the touch of each other would soon come together. With their tongues intertwined they were finally getting a taste of their dreams. Their lusty, deep hunger was a need, not a want. It was animalistic and primal to the bone.

  And this kiss was only the spark. They both knew it. It was a taste of what would come. They would share each other in every conceivable way—body, mind and soul. They would give and receive the greatest gift—each other in their entirety. They were on the edge of a sensual cliff from which they were about to jump. Soon their bodies and their minds would be spinning out of control, lost in a world of fiery pleasure. Soon they would both explode in a full blown animal display of sexual energy and pure, absolute, raw pleasure.

  Steven slowly released her tongue, wrapping his lips around it as it slid from his mouth. He was in no hurry to let it go. It was slow and sensual and hot as hell.

  “Oh baby, you’re the hottest, sexiest woman on the planet,” he said as he gazed deep into her eyes. “Give me another taste of you.”

  “Ohhh,” moaned Jena. She was lost to the world and she loved it. She opened up and once again Stephen gently locked onto her tongue.

  He ever so gently sucked it into his mouth as he kissed her. It was slow and deliberate and sexy as hell. He gently probed the base of her tongue with his. She heard him moan a slow, lusty growl. She knew he was genuinely taken by her. He was making love to her tongue, enjoying it to the ultimate. He was expressing his appreciation of her and it turned her on so much.

  He truly believes I’m the hottest girl on the planet!

  Jena’s pussy was on fire, but Steven wasn’t finished with his tease. He’d just gotten started. Once again he slowly pulled his mouth from hers, latching onto her tongue until the last moment. When he finally reached the tip he held it between his lips. He gently massaged it before releasing it. He swallowed, savoring the moment.

  “Umm, Jena, you taste so good,” he whispered.

  Jena was speechless. She was in another world. Steven’s kissing had put her in subspace. Where did he learn how to kiss? Unbelievable!

  Steven carried her over to the bed. He gently placed her on the edge and slowly pushed her down on the bed. She tried to raise her head to kiss him.

  “No baby,” said Steven softly. “Relax and think of nothing. Just enjoy.”

  He quickly untied his shoes and flipped them off his feet. He gently removed her shoes, massaging her feet and toes as he did so. Then he lifted himself upon the bed and straddled Jena’s waist. He looked into her eyes—those sexy, green eyes so full of raw sensuality. They shined honest and pure.

  Steven’s hands reached for her shoulders, gently rubbing them. They slowly worked their way down both her arms, massaging her biceps. He oh-so-sensually began massaging her elbows, slowly progressing down both arms until he reached her fingertips. He rolled his fingers around hers. Jena had never experienced such a patient and attentive lover. So damn sexy!

  Steven gently slid his hands upwards along the same path. He massaged her forearms, leaning in to kiss each one. Oh, so hot—Jena felt it down below. Steven ran his tongue up her arm, stopping at her shoulder. He did the same with the other, massaging and softly kissing her smooth skin. Steven was in a zone of adoration, enjoying himself, enjoying her, enjoying the moment—there was nothing but now.

  Chapter 8

  Jena was in heaven. Steven continued his spontaneous sensual lovemaking. There was no thought, just body on body, skin against skin—the fire of unbridled passion.

  Steven slid his tongue over her neck, kissing it gently. He reached under her chin and eve
r-so-gently nudged it upwards. With her neck fully exposed he massaged it with his tongue, lapping up the sweetness, the saltiness, the essence of her inner being.

  Steven softly grasped Jena underneath the armpits. Using his open palms he slowly slid her up into the middle in the bed—so smooth, so sexy, so sensual.

  Jena’s body was a combination of rag doll and caged animal. She was on fire inside, yet her previous aggressiveness had given way to submissiveness. She was being made love to in a way she never thought possible. She would let her man lead the way. This was pure heaven. The world could end and she could care less—as long as he was with her.

  “Give yourself to me, baby,” said Steven softly. “I want you.”

  Jena closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Steven grasped her hands with both of his hands and pulled her arms up and out. He held them firmly. He had her pinned down. She couldn’t have moved them even if she wanted too—and she didn’t.

  Steven then engulfed her tongue with his mouth. He twirled his own tongue around hers. He seemed to be gathering her juices, searching for more. She heard a groan of pleasure. He was truly savoring her.

  Jena had never felt so sexy, so wanted, so good about herself and her body. What a turn-on! This man genuinely hungered for her. He desired every ounce of her being. He wanted to experience her in totality. Words couldn’t describe the feeling. She was Steven’s queen and he was having his way. I’m yours, baby!

  Steven’s silky lips slid up her tongue as he gently sucked all around it. The sensation was incredible. Jena extended her tongue to its limits into his hot mouth. Steven hungrily took it in. Damn! Jena had always loved kissing, but this was off-the-charts volcano hot.

  Steven’s mouth slid off of her with a slight pop as he sucked up her moisture—a precious treasure slipping away. Jena ached for him. She wanted him like she had never wanted anything before. The physical need was so strong that it was nearly unbearable. Her insides were on fire, her walls soaked with juice, her clit ready to explode at the slightest touch—a captive prisoner subject to the desires of her sensual maestro. Now she finally knew what Shelly was talking about so long ago. Steven really was the hottest man on the planet—blistering hot!


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