Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition)

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Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition) Page 9

by Johnson, James

  Jena was on top of the world. Steven had unleashed himself, body and soul. To make her hot, sexy man cum was the ultimate. Her walls soaked up their sticky treasure. She wanted to absorb his essence, what made him a man. The rest of his thick, hot juice found hers, smothering them both in their creamy prize.

  They lay there silent for a long minute. Steven stayed deep inside of her. He never wanted to leave the moment. The wetness of their consummated lust flowed from their union. He could feel it dripping from his balls and onto her ass. It was slippery and sensual. He reached underneath and pushed a drop onto his index finger. He brought it up and held it between them.

  “Let’s taste it together, baby,” he said softly. “Let’s taste us.”

  They both stretched out their tongues. The tips met at his finger. Together they shared the gift of each other. Together they devoured their sensual reward. Together they were one forever.

  Steven rolled off of her and pulled her in tight beside him. Jena rested her head on his chest. Nothing was said, but nothing need be. Their minds came together as they lay there. Each knew what the other was thinking. Yes, this was hot, incredible mind-blowing sex, but it was much, much more. This was truly making love. This was two humans sharing each other to the fullest, giving and receiving, caring for the other’s needs, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Love was the special potion of eroticism, the magic ingredient that melded two into one. Intimacy had no bounds where love ruled.

  Jena closed her eyes. There was no way Steven was getting away. She wasn’t going to let it happen. No way was he going to walk away and disappear for another twenty years. He was too perfect. He was too hot. He was too damn much fun.

  Chapter 17

  Jena rolled over and wrapped her arm around him. It fell limp onto the bed. Where was Steven?

  She raised her foggy head and looked at the clock. It was 7 a.m. Then she remembered that Steven had left an hour ago. He had to prepare for a busy workday. He had kissed her goodbye and whispered something sweet in her ear. She couldn’t quite remember exactly what he said, but she knew it was something of the sensual nature.

  Jena tried to recollect the previous evening. Once again it had been a fest of lovemaking. At least they had managed to get up and grab some nourishment. They each had a couple of slices of pizza and a glass of wine. And this time they actually managed four hours of sleep.

  Jena rolled out of bed. She was still sleepy, but no way would she have traded her Steven time for more rest—no way! The weekend was right around the corner anyway. She would be able to sleep in.

  Then it hit her like a brick wall. The dream was half over. There were only two more days to go. Then the nightmare of withdrawals would begin. Steven would be leaving! In two days he would be heading back to Dallas.

  The two of them had never really discussed it. They were too busy enjoying the present to worry about the future. But now there were only 48 more hours of bliss. And he would be gone! The last two days had been pure heaven. Was it about to turn into a living hell?

  Jena couldn’t bear the thought. Dallas was halfway across the country. How could they feel each other’s touch from 1400 miles away? Would her prince fly away and never return? Would he leave his princess drowning in her tears?

  Go away! Those awful feelings of insecurity and abandonment had to leave. There was no doubt that Steven had feelings for her—powerful feelings. That much was a fact. Neither of them could deny the fervent emotions that bonded them.

  Jena resorted to her secret weapon. Positive thinking was the key to getting what you want. Look through the clouds and see the sun. Let it beam down upon you. Love would conquer all. Yeah, that’s right. Love was the force that would keep them together. That’s the way it has to be.

  Jena had two more wonderful days. Steven wasn’t going anywhere today. She would ride the high of his presence from nine to five. Then they were meeting at James Café. Odds were that it would culminate in another steamy evening. Then she would give him something to remember. Yeah, she would give him something so hot it would burn holes into his soul. He would think twice about whatever he’s got going on in Texas. This California girl would make sure of that.

  Jena made her way into her tiny kitchen. A big cup of coffee was what she needed. What was that beside the coffeepot? She wiped her eyes and focused. It was the romance novel she was currently reading. How did it get there? She always kept it by the bedside—a faithful companion that got her through many a lonely night.

  Jena picked it up. It was Naked Emotion by Joan Dixon—her favorite author. Nobody wrote like her. No one could mix heartfelt romance and down-and-dirty sex like Joan Dixon. The combination of raw emotion and primal lust heated the heart and the groin. And they always had happy endings. One day she would meet her in person.

  So how did the book end up here? There was only one logical answer. Steven must have browsed through it. Come to think of it, some of his more adventurous lovemaking moments were spot-on. They could have come straight from the pages of Joan Dixon. Jena made a mental note to ask him about it.

  Chapter 18

  Jena took a deep breath. It was time to focus and go to work. Vicki greeted her at the door. She didn’t have to speak. Her eyes asked for her—so, how did your evening with Hot Guy go?

  “Good morning, Vicki,” said Jena. “How are you today?”

  Vicki smiled. “Probably not as good as you. You might as well tell me now. You know I’m gonna dig it out of you sooner or later.”

  “Tell you what?” asked Jena, halfway pretending she didn’t know the question.

  “You know what,” answered Vicki. “The new guy, Steven’s his name right? How did it go?”

  “Yes, you’re probably right,” Jena replied with a chuckle. “You’ll eventually get it out of me anyway. We had a nice evening together.”

  “Come on,” said Vicki as she gave Jena a gentle poke with her elbow. “I saw what he did to you yesterday. Any guy that can heat up a woman like that must be incredible. Tell me the good stuff.”

  Jena thought for a moment. Why not? Why not tell her some spicy details? There were very few women whom she trusted enough to share intimate secrets. She had learned the hard way. When you tell a woman how perfect a man is, how good in bed he is, how charming and handsome he is—she’ll want him for herself. They simply can’t help it. It’s the nature of a woman. Most will race off to try to snag the prize for themselves.

  Vicki was different. Vicki she trusted. And she instinctively knew Steven wouldn’t mind her steamy disclosures. He would most likely get off on it. He didn’t have hang-ups about that sort of thing. What guy wouldn’t like being promoted as a great lover? He had to know what he had is special.

  No one could please a woman like Steven. No other man could keep a woman on an orgasmic wave all night long. No one could rock a woman’s world like the master of sensuality. No one was Steven.

  “Come outside,” said Jena, nodding towards the outdoor patio. “We’ve got five minutes.”

  Vicki followed her outside. The morning sun beamed down upon them. A warm breeze whistled its way through the garden area. A bluebird chirped away from a nearby tree.

  Jena’s senses seemed to be heightened. Two nights of passionate lovemaking could probably do that. Jena took in a deep breath. Even the air had an element of sultry eroticism to it—warm and sticky like Steven.

  “Okay, lucky girl,” said Vicki. “Tell me about this guy. Who’s responsible for the sparkle in your eyes?”

  “Oh, Vicki,” said Jena. “I still can’t believe it. He’s an old friend from years ago. It still seems like a dream. He’s… he’s… he’s…”

  “Wow,” said Vicki. “He really has done a number on you. You can’t even find words to describe him.”

  “Yes, I can,” responded Jena. “Handsome, charming, sensitive, intelligent, funny, creative…”

  “That’s some basket of traits there,” said Vicki. “No wonder you’re head-over-heels for t
his man.”

  “Yes, I have to agree,” said Jena. “But there’s more. Vicki, I have to tell you he’s the sexiest guy I ever met. I mean incredibly sexy.”

  “Oh yeah,” said Vicki. “Care to explain?”

  Jena had once again provoked Vicki’s interest. This was the good stuff she had been waiting for. She eagerly awaited Jena’s reply.

  Jena took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Where in the world could she start? Could words even describe him? Steven was the epitome of sexy.

  “Vicki, it’s difficult to explain. All I can say is he consumes me in every conceivable way. He has this smile, this charm, this easy manner in which he carries himself. It’s a sexual energy that surrounds him. He just makes you want to rip off his clothes and take him right there.”

  Jena closed her eyes. She was momentarily silent. Then she continued.

  “He’s so sensual, so damn sexy. Even though he’s incredibly handsome, it’s not really his looks that carry him. It’s this other something that he has…this inner rawness that cuts you up into little pieces. He scatters you all over the floor, then he puts you back together again. But you’re not the same girl anymore. You’re changed forever. You’re now under his magical spell. You want his touch so bad you can’t stand it.”

  Once again Jena paused. She seemed to enter a dreamlike state. Vicki dared not interrupt. Finally Jena spoke again, her eyes still closed.

  “And those unbelievable eyes…they’re so gorgeous. When he stares at you, his eyes speak to you. They compliment you. They tell you how beautiful you are, how sexy you are, how good it is to be a woman. And they’re speaking the truth. He means it! Steven sees beauty in every woman. He bypasses any imperfections and focuses on the sensuality within. He melts away the tension and inhibitions…he just makes you feel so damn comfortable.

  “Steven stokes the fire that resides in every woman. It might be a simple line, a compliment, or a look that pierces the walls around your heart. He sets you ablaze. He sends you spinning and twisting in crazed passion. You want to do things to him that you would never think about with another man.

  “Yeah, Vicki, he’s incredible. He’s pure sex. He strips you down and rids you of your emotional baggage. He burns your insecurities and inhibitions at the stake. He delves into your inner being. Underneath lies the raw nerve endings of the female psyche, something most men never know exists. This is the place where dark desires hide, where raw fantasies take cover, where the animal resides. Steven takes this intangible, but very real piece of a woman into his hands. He massages it, soothes it, tells it how beautiful it is, and places it back inside. Now you’re a changed woman. Your animal has been set free. It’s wild and hungry and has a taste for Steven.

  “Steven lives for the touch. Sensuality is his life force. That’s his outlet. He lives and breathes it. To feel his hands, his mouth, his cock—nothing compares. Making love is his essence, his art. That’s what he was put on earth for, to make love to a woman. And that woman is me.

  “Steven puts me on a cloud and tucks me away in fantasyland. But it’s no fantasy, it’s real. The pleasure that he gives me, that he makes me want to give him…it’s indescribable.

  “Steven sends me to the heavens. It’s a never ending euphoric ride into the stars. Each one greets you with a wave, showering you with pleasure as you pass them by. They smother you in the essence, bathe you in the bright white light of passion. They breathe hot kisses upon you, lavishing you with their lusty mist. They tempt you and tease you and watch you squirm with the need. Then they wave their mystical wand of pleasure, spray you with magic, and smile as you burst in ecstasy.

  “When you finally think it’s over, here comes another blast of stellar bliss. The pleasure never stops. They blow you further up the ladder and on to another star. It’s a stairway to heaven that just keeps going and going. It’s a starry elixir of love and lust. It’s passion and pleasure that roll on and on and on. Stars are forever and Steven is a star—My Star.

  “Vicki, you know I’m speaking the truth. When a woman is stripped down to the core, that’s when the sun shines in. That’s when the truth sets you free. Steven has undressed my soul, freed me to fly. When you’re raw and exposed, that’s the high, girl. That’s when you’re really free.

  “I hope you can experience this, Vicki, I really do. Love and lust are powerful forces. Combine the two and the universe is yours. Nothing rocks the soul like naked emotion. You become immortal. Your energy is eternal, electric—forever free to wander through space and time. Nothing can touch you. Nothing can hurt you or make you cry.

  “What you saw yesterday was real. I had an orgasm just thinking about making love to Steven. Just try to imagine what the real thing must be like. I can tell you it’s out of this world. It’s like admiring a beautiful painting and being able to walk inside it. You can smell the flowers. You can reach out and touch the people. You feel the passion all around you. You’re charged with the energy and emotion that went into this divine creation. It really is beyond words. It’s so beautiful.”

  Vicki watched in stunned amazement as Jena finally opened her eyes. They beamed with life. They radiated confidence and excitement. They gleamed with happiness and gratitude. They reflected an inner peace. They exposed the new Jena, the real Jena.

  “Vicki, I tried to answer your question as honestly as I could. To me Steven is the sexiest human being on the planet. I don’t really know what others might think. And I don’t really care. All I know is I’m very fortunate to have found him again. I’m a very, very lucky girl. I hope one day you’ll be so lucky. Dreams do come true.”

  A long moment passed. Vicki dared not speak for fear of interrupting the message that flowed from Jena’s heart. It was poetry from the soul. Jena’s emotional release came not from an intellectual source, but from a spiritual realm. Maybe the universe really was hers. Maybe she had discovered the truth behind the mysteries of love and life. Whatever it was, it was truly magic. Maybe one day, like Jena said, she too could experience this feeling. Maybe one day she would find her own star. Maybe she could find her Steven.

  “Come on, Vicki,” said Jena. “Let’s go to work.”

  At that moment Jena looked into Vicki’s eyes. She must have been reading her mind. Jena’s eyes sent a message loud and clear. They relayed hope. Yes, Vicki could fly to the stars. She could find her soulmate. She could find her Steven. Her dream could come true.

  Chapter 19

  The James Café logo above the entrance never looked better. Steven had called her earlier in the day. They had agreed to meet once again at their favorite place. Inside her favorite pub would be her hot man. It still seemed like a dream. If it was she hoped she would never wake up. If this was a reverie fantasyland that she was living, then so be it. She would rather sleep forever than lose this feeling. If this was too good to be true she didn’t want the truth.

  Jena took a deep breath and reflected. She could hardly believe it had only been 48 hours since they first met here. In only two days her whole life had changed. That’s when her average ordinary life turned upside down. Her entire perspective of the world had been shaken and stirred.

  Jena had nearly given up hope on romantic relationships. It seemed every kiss was nothing more than sweet icing covering a harsh reality. She had lost faith in love. That all ended two days ago when he jolted her heart back to life. That all ended when he crowned her Queen.

  Actually it all started with his surprise phone call a few days before. That’s when her mindset instantly changed. A few words out of his mouth were all it took. That’s when her body heated up. That’s when her libido caught fire.

  Jena opened the door and entered. Her eyes automatically sought out her favorite seat, the booth where it all started. There he was. Steven was sitting in the same place as before. His eyes met hers as she walked in.

  He stood to greet her. God, he looked so good.

  Instantly her insides sprang to life. A heated flash surged through
her body. Electricity raced across her skin setting her hairs on end.

  One look at him and she had already surrendered. It had only been twelve hours since she had seen him. Just a few hours ago he had left her in contented bliss. She had been sated with his love. When he left her this morning she was a rag doll of fulfilled desire. Steven had extracted every drop of pleasure she had within her. Now it seemed like forever. She wanted more.

  She walked to the table. There was a glass of Chateau Kiss waiting for her. Steven wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her on the lips.

  “How is my Jena girl? Did you have a good day at work?”

  “Yes, I got through it okay,” replied Jena. “All I wanted was for the day to end so I could see you again.”

  “The same here,” said Steven. “All day long I was thinking about you and us and how much fun we’re having. It was difficult to concentrate on work. That’s for sure.”

  They both slid into their familiar seats. Steven put his arm around her shoulders.

  “Thanks for the wine,” said Jena as she took a long sip. “That’s so good.”

  Steven smiled. “You’re welcome, baby. Maybe I’ll get lucky tonight if you have a little alcohol.”

  “Yeah, right!” cried Jena. “You’re lucky I’m not laying you out on the table right now. That’ll be the day when I don’t put out for you. I’ll be dead!”

  Steven chuckled. “Yeah, you’re probably right. You’re as hot-blooded as I am. That’s for sure.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” said Jena. “Vicki’s gonna meet us here for one drink. She’ll be here in a few minutes. She works with me. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not,” answered Steven. “I want to meet all your friends. That’s a good way to learn more about you. I’ve got to catch up on twenty years.”


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