Defiant Company (Company Men Book 5)

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Defiant Company (Company Men Book 5) Page 2

by Crystal Perkins

  The words barely sting, because he says much worse to me on a daily basis, but as I allow myself to look out over the crowd, I feel a spark of that hope I’d thought I’d lost forever.

  “Matt and Reina Corrigan just walked in.”

  He immediately whips his head around, until he spots them. “Let’s go.”

  I knew he couldn’t resist the chance to try and impress the most influential couple in the world. Social climbing is an art I’ve never had the inclination to master, but my husband has no shame in his game. He thinks they’ll elevate him to the top, but I know they hate him almost as much as I do.

  “Hello,” Reina says as we approach, her smile tight.

  “Good to see you, Matt,” Christon says, ignoring her in favor of her husband. It’s the wrong thing to do, but he doesn’t see it.

  “Vivienne, it’s wonderful to see you,” Matt tells me, ignoring my husband. I know I’ll pay for that later, and I just can’t do it anymore.

  As Reina leans in for the obligatory air kiss, I take the only chance I have. “Please help me,” I whisper.

  Anyone watching wouldn’t notice her stiffen, but I do. There’s no hesitation in her actions, as she moves to the other side of me, but her hands tighten on my shoulders. The Corrigan & Co. Foundation she runs helps women, and no matter what happens, I know she’s going to help me. I’m betting my life on it.




  M y sister has been trying to get me to take a job at Corrigan & Co. ever since rescuing me in Norwich last year. Despite the fact that I have a place waiting for me at our family’s company, she’s wanted me here with her. Not exactly with her, because I’m not a female spy, but working in the same building. I don’t know if it’s just because she wants to keep an eye on me, or if she wants me away from our family, but right now it doesn’t matter.

  I’m here for answers, and I’m not going to give up on getting them. One month ago, Vivienne disappeared, and rumor has it, she was last seen with Reina Corrigan. The talk of the town is that she not only got a restraining order against her husband, but she’s divorced him as well. Or rather, she’s trying to divorce him. The bastard’s fighting her—and looking for her too.

  That’s where I come in, but not really. My parents tried to pressure Rhieve for info, but she wouldn’t break. When they called me I pretended to go along, but I’m here for me, and not them. No way in hell am I going to tell them where Vivienne is when I find her. I will find her, and ask her to tell me what Christon did to her, and then I’m going to kill him. Whatever he did to make her run and hide has to be bad, and for that, he’s going to pay.

  “Rhys,” my sister says, running past the security desk to hug me. “I’m so glad you’re finally here.”

  “So am I.”

  “You’re going to love working with X. I mean, he’s a little quirky and rude sometimes, but you’ve been working with computer guys long enough to know how to deal with that.”

  “Yeah. Some guys are just more comfortable with a keyboard than a human, but there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Xavier James is arguably the best hacker and programmer on this planet. He came out of his own hiding to work here, and I can almost guarantee he’s helping to hide Vivienne—and other people the C&C Foundation, and the Society protect. The foundation does it publicly, while the Society is the secret part of this place; the place spies, like Rhieve, inhabit. Yep, my sister’s a spy, and she loves every second of it. But she loves me more, and I’m going to get her to tell me what I need to know.

  “Where is she?” I ask, as we get on one of the elevators.

  “Who?” she counters, looking straight ahead.

  “You know who. Vivienne.”

  “I have no idea where she is.”

  She turns to face me as she says it, and I see the truth in her eyes. She doesn’t know, but she knows who does.

  “Who hid her?”

  “I thought you were here because you wanted to finally get away from them, but you’re here for our parents.”

  “No, I’m here for me. You know what she meant to me back then. Hell, you helped us sneak out together more than once.”

  She sighs. “A long time ago, I thought you’d be the one she’d marry.”

  “So did I.”

  “I wish she had.”

  “Please, Rhieve. I have to know she’s okay.”

  “I honestly don’t know if she is. I don’t know anything.”

  “I’m going to find out on my own then.”

  “Rhys,” she implores, putting a hand on my forearm. “No.”

  “I love her. I’ve always loved her, and I need to know she’s safe. That’s all.”

  “You cannot poke around here to try and find out information. X will be watching you, and Reina won’t be forgiving if either of them catch you.”

  “It’s a risk I’ll have to take.”

  She looks up, and I know she’s looking towards a camera I can’t see. I don’t care if whoever’s watching knows. I don’t care if X and Reina know. All I care about is Vivienne. I wasn’t man enough once to fight for what I wanted, but now I am—I have to be, because I think she needs it even more this time.


  “Order up, Viv.”

  I drop my order pad into my apron, and walk over to grab the food. Three weeks ago, I could barely walk after a long day of waitressing, but now I’m used to it. Spinning classes and yoga can’t prepare you for being on your feet all day and I’ve gained a new appreciation for those in the service industry, while hiding out in this small town.

  Gone are my blonde hair, blue eyes, pearls, and designer clothes. They’ve been replaced by brown hair with caramel highlights, green contacts, cutoff jean shorts, and tank tops. Oh, and let’s not forget the tennis shoes on my feet, which are definitely not of the designer variety. I love it all, and wish I’d been strong enough to break free long before I did.

  I knew Reina would help me, but I had no clue how fast things would move, or how thoroughly her organization would hide me. After excusing ourselves to use the Ladies Room at the gala, I was whisked out a side door and to the C&C building. There, Stella, who’s a famous stylist and married to a rock star, met me and gave me my makeover. By the time we’d picked out a new wardrobe for me, I had a new driver’s license and credit cards in the name we’d chosen. Viveca Moore is far enough from Vivienne Sloan, and they knew I needed something I could answer to, so that’s who I am now.

  Once the new look and identity were created, Ainsley Martin and Xavier James met with me to go over a backstory, and job history. I’d never seen hackers in action before, and while I don’t understand what they were doing, I all of a sudden had a credit history, job history, and an education I never completed. I felt a small pang of loss over not being an Ivy League grad any longer, but not enough to override the relief at getting my freedom.

  From there, I was taken down into an underground garage, and transported to a safe house. It was small and sparse, but no one found me, and that was more important than having a fancy couch. We let a few days pass before I was brought one town over from here, and given the keys to an old pickup truck by X himself. I know I owe him so much, and I don’t know that I’ll ever see him again. But again, my freedom is worth more than anything else right now.

  “Here you go,” I say, setting the plates on the table in front of some regulars at the diner. I hear the bell on the door, and turn to tell whoever it is that I’ll be right with them. The words die in my throat as I lock eyes with Calum Benson. He shouldn’t be here.

  I grab the coffee pot as he takes a seat in one of the booths lining the windows. “Thanks,” he tells me, as I pour him a cup.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, because I know it’s no coincidence for him to be here.

  “The Eclipse.”

  “What about it?” I know it’s passing through here, but so what?

  “Some scientist mentioned this tow
n as one of the best places to see it, and the world is listening. This town is going to be filled with media in a few days.”

  My heart sinks as I realize what that means. “And this is the only diner in town.”


  “When do I have to leave?”

  “As soon as your shift is up. I’m going to stay here with you, and Camari’s at your place, packing everything up.”


  “She’s part of the Foundation.”

  “I know who she is, but why isn’t it Rhieve here with you?”

  He looks away, and I know the answer before he says it. “They’re watching her. She could slip away, but that would only make them look harder at her.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. We’re both happy to have you safe, but there is one other thing you need to know. Rhys has taken a job with X at C&C. He swears he’s there because he’s worried about you, and not because his parents sent him.”

  “I want to believe that.”

  “So does Rhieve, but she didn’t tell him anything.”

  I nod. “I’ll think about what to do. In the meantime, I need to get back to my customers, and tell my boss I’m quitting. Do you want something to eat?”

  “A slice of pie would be great.”

  “You got it.”

  I walk away, trying to process what’s happening. I have to go somewhere. I don’t know where yet, but I don’t doubt I’ll be safe. What I doubt is Rhys really being at C&C for me.

  He was the first boy I ever loved, and we were so happy together, until we weren’t. I once believed he was on my side, but he proved he wasn’t, and I don’t know if I could survive a second betrayal from him.



  “Where’s X?” I ask Seriyah, his right-hand woman.

  “He had a last-minute trip he needed to take. Is there something I can help you with?”

  A few months ago, I would’ve asked the exotic beauty for a few different things, but all I can focus on now is Vivienne. Besides, there’s no missing the hungry and possessive look X gets on his face when he looks at her. There’s only one woman I’m willing to fight him over, and while Seri’s great, she’s not her.

  “I finished all the work he gave me, and I’m not sure what he’d like for me to do next.”

  She looks at her computer screen, and closes her eyes. We both know what he gave me was grunt work, and far beneath my skill level. I may have appeared to have been living off my inheritance for years, but in reality I was taking online classes and learning everything I could about computers. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. My mind understands computers and codes. I don’t know why, but that’s just the way it is.

  “I don’t know what I’m allowed to assign you, Rhys. There are projects we need done, but I can’t give them to you.”

  “Can you call him?”

  She shakes her head. “He’s unreachable at the moment.”

  “Come on,” I say, letting my frustration show.

  “The good news is you can go home early today.”

  “At ten in the morning?”

  “I’d apologize, but it’s not my fault.”

  “I know it’s not, but you have to admit this is all fucked-up.”

  “If he checks in, I’ll ask him if I can assign something else to you.”

  “Thanks. I’m just going to go up, and bug my sister.”

  “Good plan.”

  She would say that. Seriyah doesn’t know about the Society, which completely shocked me when I realized it. She’s around them all the time, and she’s best friends with Camari’s boyfriend, Lennon, but she thinks they’re just a foundation with unlimited resources. They are—but they’re so much more.

  She may not be aware of them, but there’s no way X isn’t, and I can’t wait to see the fallout if she ever realizes how much he’s keeping from her. Not my problem, though. A week into this new job, and my problem is no closer to being solved. Vivienne is still missing, and my anxiety is getting higher and higher every day.

  “Hey Alex,” I say, walking into the lobby of the C&C Foundation.

  “Hi, Rhys. Was someone expecting you today?”

  “No, but I was hoping to hang out with my sister.”

  “Hang out?” she asks, quirking an eyebrow. “You know better than to think we do nothing all day.”

  “Shit. Yeah, I know but since apparently, I’m expected to do nothing, I thought I’d see if I could keep her company.”

  “You don’t have any work to do?” Reina asks, walking out into the lobby.

  “Let’s not bullshit each other, Reina. You and I both know why X is giving me no access to anything.”

  “Give me one good reason I should trust you after your immature behavior in the past, and the agenda you walked into this building with?”

  “You see only what you want to see, just like everyone else.”

  “I see what you want us all to see.”

  “We all do what we have to survive, Reina.”

  “Yes, but I also do what I have to do to make sure others survive. Or do you not remember that?”

  “How could I forget when you’re so eloquently throwing it in my face. I know I’m less than you. Believe me, I know.”

  Her face softens. “I did not say that, Rhys.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  I turn to the elevators, and start stabbing the down button, because I need to get out of here. Out of this lobby, out of this building, maybe even out of this city. I was stupid to think I could overcome my past.

  “Rhys,” Reina says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m leaving Reina. Just let me leave.”

  “She’s safe.”

  I whip my head around to look at her. “Thank you.”

  The elevator opens for me, and I step in. I have so many questions I know won’t be answered, so I have to accept what she told me, and allow it to be enough. Vivienne is safe, and that’s all that matters right now. It’s everything.


  Moving me back to Vegas went a lot faster than moving me away. I’m not in Vegas proper, though. Instead I’m inside the compound X created for himself near the mountains. There are houses nearby, but he’s assured me no one can see in, even where there’s open sky. I’m not afraid of an air attack, but I’ve still stayed inside over the last couple of days.

  It’s just me, X, and his little boy here. Micah is almost three, and just adorable. I’m acting as his nanny, but he keeps asking for “Seri” and I don’t know who that is. When I’ve mentioned it to X, he’s waved me off and told me not to worry about it.

  “How did you sleep last night?” he asks, when I walk into the kitchen.

  “I slept well.”

  He nods, and gives me a half-smile. “I have some news you’re not going to like.”

  “What is it?” I ask, gripping the coffee cup I’d picked up tightly in my hand.

  “Christon found a judge who is demanding you be present for mediation with him.”


  “I’m sorry, but yes. Stella has a wig for you, and you’ll have to take your contacts out for the day, and throw some designer clothes back on, but you’ll be okay. You have no choice, but to go.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You won’t be divorced,” he says, cupping my face in his hands. “I want you to be divorced, so I can kiss you.”

  I want him to kiss me too, if only so I’ll know I’m still wanted. Being wanted by this hot, sexy, nerdy man who at least half the women in the world want isn’t a bad thing at all. I need that, even though I don’t really want him in that way. He helped saved me, but I’m not romanticizing that. I just want a divorce, and safety. But, a kiss wouldn’t be so bad.

  “Isn’t it enough that I’ve filed?”

  “Is it enough for you?” he asks, moving his face lower.


  Our lips meet, and I f
eel…nothing. Nothing at all. I’m not sure I really expected to, but it’s a little disappointing anyway.

  “That was not what I expected,” he tells me.

  “Yeah, let’s not do that again.”

  “Glad you agree. Friends?”


  “Daddy, can I have breakfast?”

  We both turn to see Micah standing in the doorway, looking confused. “Sure, little man. Seri will be here soon, but I can get you some cereal.”

  “Seri’s coming?” the little boy asks, his eyes lighting up.


  “You know he keeps asking for her. I don’t know who she is, since you’ve been blowing me off whenever I asked about her.”

  “She’s my assistant. She used to babysit him for me sometimes, too.”

  “Before I came here, and took that away from them.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “It’s exactly like that.”

  “It’s really not a big deal, Viv.”

  “Seri!” Micah yells, stopping the face-off I’m not sure I would’ve won, but wasn’t going to back down from.

  “Hey! How’s my favorite man?”

  The woman who walks into the kitchen is stunning. She has olive skin, slightly slanted brown eyes, jet black hair, and a body that curves in all the right places. I’ve never been into women, but she makes me reconsider my life choices. Especially when I see the obvious love between her and Micah.

  Turning, I see I’m not the only one affected by her. X is looking at her like she’s his salvation, and I know now why our kiss meant nothing to him. He loves her.

  “Hi, I’m Viv,” I say, moving over to her with my hand held out.

  She stands, and shakes it. “Seriyah. You must be my replacement.”

  “Seri,” X says, a warning in his tone.

  “Xavier,” she responds, the ice in her eyes and voice sharp enough to cut.


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