Hyacinth, Scarlet - From the Ashes [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 7] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Hyacinth, Scarlet - From the Ashes [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 7] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 1

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 7

  From the Ashes

  What is the value of a law long considered obsolete? How does one decision affect the course of the entire history?

  Most people never get the chance to find out, but Phoenix and Rachen do. Much to their dismay, they find themselves in a reality torn apart. The draechen emperor, Shtamakarein Tersain, rules the world with an iron fist, but he doesn’t realize his mate is the man he considers his worst foe, Sari. His brother Hareematek hunts the nearly extinct werewolves, not knowing that his other half is among them. The entire world—paranormal and human—is at war.

  Phoenix now faces the hardest decision of all—having to choose between the life of his mate and that of countless others. And when his powers disappear, the situation grows even more hopeless.

  Will love be enough to fix the broken bonds? Can the world be reborn from the ashes, or will it collapse into ruins of a mutated history?

  NOTE! You are purchasing Siren's newest imprint, the Siren Epic Romance collection. This is the final book in the Chronicles of the Shifter Directive series. The series shares an overall story arc with many crossover characters playing major roles in each book. These books are not stand-alone and should be read in their numbered order.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 94,016 words


  Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 7

  Scarlet Hyacinth



  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Siren Epic Romance, ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by Scarlet Hyacinth

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-403-7

  First E-book Publication: September 2013

  Cover design by Siren Publishing

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Welcome to the last book in Chronicles of the Shifter Directive. I will be brief. Thank you to all the readers who were with me throughout this journey. Special thanks to Rachel, who kicked my ass when I needed it. And thanks to everyone who sent me questions, comments, or reviews. Even if the first arc of the story is complete, the story is not over. Your favorite characters will be back soon.

  And without further ado, enjoy my own version of “what if”…


  Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 7


  Copyright © 2013


  The Directive of the Shifter Castes always existed for one simple, powerful purpose—to protect the paranormal world. Its creators strived to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and made sure to even add provisions that would remind those in privileged positions that their role came with responsibilities.

  The Directive was meant to be a tool crafted to rebuild the world and create a better future. It failed.

  Or did it really? What can the world expect from a law meant to curtail the rights of several classes of people? For those unfortunate enough to suffer under its yoke, the answer was easy. The Directive meant tyranny. There was no way around that. But what if it had never existed? What if the Directive hadn’t been created? Would the world have been better, freer? Would cooperation between the paranormal species have spawned naturally? Or had the Directive been an alternative for something even worse?

  After having to fight the abuse of the draechen, the werewolves and vampires would have likely said that they were more than willing to risk it. But what if the cost of freedom was too high? Exactly where does one draw the line when referring to the price paid for liberty?

  And what if all of these questions and their answers depended on one man whose choices were not his own? What would happen then? Did the world have any chance of being reborn from its own ashes?

  Chapter One

  The first time Rachen had stepped onto Draechenburg soil on his own feet, he’d experienced a strange sensation of wrongness. Countless times, he had walked through the Draechenburg halls, but he’d been in his brother’s body. Taking it in with his own senses was different.

  He felt that way now, like he was somewhere familiar, yet very foreign. The sky seemed bluer and the air crisper. Rachen would have blamed it on his near-death experience, but that really didn’t explain his brother’s peculiar behavior.

  “Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my palace?” Karein asked, staring straight at Rachen.

  Rachen stared right back, unable to believe his ears. “Karein, what is this all about? What do you mean? And what are you doing with Caelyn?”

  Karein narrowed his eyes at Rachen. “I have no idea what kind of game you’re playing here, stranger.” He turned toward Phoenix and glared. “And you. I’ve already settled things with Elusia. I don’t want sprites in Draechenburg. You’r
e trespassing. I don’t care whose son you are. I can and will throw you in jail. I’m not amused by you playing with illusions that look like me.”

  Rachen couldn’t understand anything anymore. Had the world gone completely mad? By his side, Phoenix remained deathly silent, his mind whirling as he attempted to figure out an explanation to these developments.

  For his part, Rachen clearly remembered summoning the full extent of his abilities. He distinctly recalled feeling his blood boil and his body finally surrendering to the overwhelming pain. At one point, everything had gone black, and then, the next thing he knew he was on the cliffside with his mate.

  It was more than obvious that they had to address the issue somehow. Still hoping that this was a huge misunderstanding, Rachen said, “Karein, we seriously need to talk to you in private. This is important.”

  Karein shot him a disbelieving look. “You must be joking. Guards…”

  His voice trailed off as his glance fixed on Phoenix again. For a few moments, he didn’t say anything at all. One draechen soldier finally dared to ask, “Your Imperial Majesty?”

  At that, Karein seemed to snap out of his trance. “Accompany our guests to a cell. I believe they’ll find that coming into Draechenburg uninvited is a bad idea.” He hummed thoughtfully, scanning Phoenix from head to toe. “On second thought, take the sprite to my quarters. I want a word in private with him.”

  Rachen didn’t like the way Karein was looking at his mate at all. He took a step forward, shielding his lover from sight. Phoenix still seemed in shock, and he barely even acknowledged Karein’s comment at all. That lack of reaction worried Rachen, a lot.

  Nevertheless, he had no intentions of allowing anyone to touch his mate. He had no idea what had happened and why his brother was acting like this, but until he figured it out, he’d guide himself following one very simple rule. Protect Phoenix.

  “Over my dead body,” he said.

  “If you insist, I assure you that can be arranged,” Karein shot back.

  At that, Phoenix finally recovered from his shock. “No, it can’t.” He dropped to his knees and pressed a hand to the rock. Rachen just watched his mate, waiting for Phoenix to figure out exactly how fucked they were.

  He sensed Phoenix’s connection to the earth, but oddly, it didn’t feel as strong as before. Phoenix released a lost little sound, obviously not understanding any of it either.

  The guards didn’t seem to care much about Phoenix and Rachen’s opinion on Karein’s command. They fanned all around Rachen and his mate, surrounding the couple like a particularly malevolent cloud.

  Rachen attempted to shield his mate with his own body. He’d eagerly sacrifice himself for his mate if need be. He’d done so once before, and he wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. In truth, he had no idea what in the world could determine his brother to act like this. He considered changing shapes and attacking them, but he was vastly outnumbered, and Phoenix seemed very weak.

  As the draechen soldiers gathered around them, Phoenix got up once more. Going around Rachen, he faced Karein and Caelyn. “Please tell us,” he whispered. “Where is Imperial Consort Sareltae? I’d very much like to speak to him.”

  His voice trembled, a million thoughts rushing through his mind and into his connection with Rachen. Karein’s glare grew even fiercer. “Sareltae?” he repeated, as if in disbelief. “An Imperial Consort? If you’re referring to the person I think you are, you truly have no sense of self-preservation.”

  Karein’s eyes started to glow with interest once again when he took in Phoenix’s body. Since Rachen and Phoenix had been in shifted form, they were both naked. While normally, neither of them was too self-conscious, the appreciative look in Karein’s eyes changed that.

  Caelyn tensed visibly. “Your Imperial Majesty, I humbly request an audience with you,” he told Karein.

  “Perhaps later on, Caelyn,” Karein said. “Come now. Go to your quarters.”

  Caelyn’s shoulders slumped. He turned to go, and once again, Rachen was stricken by the wrongness of the dynamic between them. Then again, nothing was quite as strange as Karein’s reaction upon hearing Sari’s name.

  Karein was supposed to beam sappily. His gaze was supposed to go distant as he spoke with Sari through their mate bond. More importantly, he was supposed to be at Sari’s side, with his arm wrapped possessively around the fae’s pregnant belly.

  There had to be someone here that had preserved sanity. “Is Hareem here?” Rachen asked, all the while doing his best to shield his mate’s nudity from sight. “Kaelezrin?”

  The ancient warrior would surely be able to talk some sense into Karein. Kael had survived death and come back after centuries of being trapped in a damn obelisk. Surely, he must have some idea as to what craziness seemed to have gripped Draechenburg.

  Oddly enough, the mentioning of Kael’s name finally caused a different reaction in Karein. Or it could have been Hareem’s. Either way, Karein lifted a hand, stopping the draechen soldiers just as they were about to pounce.

  He didn’t address the question in any way. In fact, he seemed to ignore everything Rachen and Phoenix had asked. Instead, he said, “It might be a good idea to speak,” he said. “Guards, escort them to a temporary holding cell.” His gaze fixed on Rachen. “Don’t try to resist. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll obey.”

  There was something really threatening about Karein’s demeanor. Caelyn turned, gaping at Rachen, obviously knowing something Rachen didn’t. Meanwhile, the guards grabbed Rachen and Phoenix, already trying to take them away.

  The moment one of their hands landed on Phoenix’s arm, Rachen snarled and summoned his magic. Fortunately, in spite of everything, his dragon responded, as did the fire in his blood. The guards pulled away, some of them starting to change into dragon form, others readying themselves to cast spells at Rachen.

  Rachen would have thought that he’d completely fucked up, but then something unexpected happened. Karein stepped forward, right through the circle of fire Rachen had managed to create. As he touched Rachen’s blaze, the black in his hair and eyes suddenly washed away, turning completely red.

  Phoenix gasped, clutching his chest. Rachen just stared at eyes identical to his own. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that he was staring at himself.

  “Enough,” this new Karein said. “It seems our new guests are expecting preferential treatment.” Smirking at Phoenix, he added, “Perhaps it would be a pity not to oblige.”

  He crooked his finger at Phoenix, beckoning him forward with a seductive smile. Rachen’s hackles immediately rose, but before he could do something very stupid, Phoenix’s hand clenched around his arm. “Don’t,” Phoenix whispered through their bond. “This is… It’s insane, but it feels like he’s my mate. Like he’s you.”

  Rachen immediately bristled. Here Karein was, trying to steal his mate again. It hadn’t been genuine the first time, since Sari belonged to Karein, but now, it was definitely real. He growled at his twin, letting Karein know that he would not allow further overtures.

  He pulled Phoenix close, wrapping his arm around his lover. Karein didn’t seem very happy about that. For a few moments, his eyes glowed red. The draechen guards backed off, obviously wary. Much to Rachen’s surprise, it was Caelyn who intervened.

  He plastered himself to Karein’s side and knelt. “Your Imperial Majesty,” he said. “I’m sure this is a very big confusion.”

  Karein stole a look at Caelyn. A heartbeat later, black hair replaced red. He pulled Caelyn to his feet. “Wait for me in your room,” he said bitingly. Caelyn winced, but hastily fled into the palace. Meanwhile, Karein turned toward Rachen and Phoenix. “You two, follow me. I believe it’s high time I found out who you really are.”

  Without another word, Karein turned and headed inside. Rachen shared a look with Phoenix and finally followed him. As they walked through the corridors, they passed various other guards, and Rachen noted in dismay the way everyone stopped what they were
doing to fall to their knees in front of Karein. Even as they humbled themselves, they stared at Rachen in doubt, suspicion, and sometimes, shock.

  Upon Karein’s command, two of them provided Rachen and Phoenix with cloaks. But even as the guards complied with this order, they still avoided Karein’s gaze, like they were afraid he was going to attack them or something.

  It was like the whole world had gone positively insane. Rachen couldn’t make any sense of their behavior. The hardest thing to understand was Phoenix’s claim that Karein was his mate, too. That couldn’t be right. Just what in the world was going on?

  Karein led them to the throne room, bypassing his own guards without even acknowledging them. As Karein, Rachen, and Phoenix stepped inside, Rachen blinked in surprise. The thrones were once more where they had always been before Hareem had decided to change Ornoz’s political system.

  Karein sat down on one of them and crossed his legs. “Now, Lord Cyraltin,” he told Phoenix. “Exactly who is your companion and why did you bring him here? I told your father I have no intention to attack Elusia again, but neither do I plan to take the truce further. That doesn’t mean that I appreciate your presence here, or the tricks you’re trying to pull.”

  “We’re not trying to pull any tricks,” Phoenix argued. He bit his lower lip, and Rachen could tell he was debating explaining his true identity. Just the very thought that he had to do so boggled the mind.

  “Oh?” Karein arched a brow. “That’s the only thing that could explain my sudden attraction to you. As for your companion…” His piercing gaze fixed Rachen with another one of those glares. “I don’t like having a copy of me running around, and I don’t appreciate anyone screaming Draechenburg secrets from the proverbial rooftops. Exactly where did you hear that name?”


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