If You Believe

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If You Believe Page 9

by Mya O'Malley

  “I don’t know, there’s no excuse really. I guess I just find you attractive.”

  “Stop with the lies, Oliver, just stop.”

  Oliver sat, shaking his head. “I like you, Melody, I like you. There, are you happy?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you knew Jack, that you were fulfilling a promise to him?”

  His mouth dropped as he got to his feet. Now he was the one who was pacing. Raking a hand through his thick dark hair, he stopped in front of her.

  “I think you know the answer to that, Melody. He made me promise a while ago, before everything happened, that if he ever died, to make sure you were happy, to try to get you to move on with your life.”

  “Why now? Why years later?” Melody was confused about that part.

  “Because it’s time you get on with your life and you’re not, Melody, you’re not.” How would he know that? Had he been checking in, following her?

  “How did you know? Tell me the truth.”

  “Okay, Melody. I’ve been checking on you, every so often.”

  “Define every so often.” She demanded.

  Looking flustered, he pulled at his collar. “I don’t know, at first, you know, when it happened, and then about a year ago and now.”

  “And how did you determine that I wasn’t getting on with my life?” She wondered.

  “I could tell, just by looking at you, your posture, your face.”

  Melody had more questions. “What is your last name? Your real last name?” He seemed at a loss for that question. Scratching at his face, he finally answered. “It’s Williams. Oliver Williams.”

  She had conducted an internet search for “Oliver Oliver” and nothing had turned up.

  “Hmm. From Florida?”

  He nodded. “That much is true.”

  “And Liza? Is there such a woman or did you make that up, too?” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “No, there’s no Liza. I didn’t want you to think that I was after you, so I figured you’d relax if you thought that I was attached.”

  The questions continued. “And why bother setting me up with all those guys if you were just going to turn around and try to kiss me?” That question seemed to make him the most uncomfortable of all.

  “Melody, I’m not the one for you. I know that, but it didn’t stop me from having feelings for you. You’re a great girl, I lost my head, I had a temporary moment of weakness, it passed, I’m good, scout’s honor.” Holding up the fingers on his right hand, she sucked in her breath.

  “Did you get that from him? That scout’s honor thing?”

  He fidgeted slightly before speaking. “I suppose.”

  “Just how did you say you knew Jack?” She zeroed in on him.

  “I went to grade school with Jack in New York. We were friends, our mothers were friends, we even went to the Jersey Shore and the Catskills together for vacations.” Melody did recall stories of family vacations in both places, but she had never heard of Oliver.

  “Why is it that he never mentioned you?” She was curious to hear the answer if they were supposedly so tight.

  “Melody, people grow apart, I moved to Florida when I was eleven years old. We had connected again on one of those social media sites and I came down to visit a few times, that’s all.”

  Something didn’t sit right with Melody, it wasn’t like Jack to omit something like this. There were a couple of times that he said he was out with friends from work, perhaps Oliver had joined him. It was all so strange, but Melody would let it go for now, give herself some time to think.

  “So you don’t have feelings for me?”

  “Yes and no, Melody. I’m not the one for you, besides, you have your new boyfriend. I’ll leave you alone now.”

  “Actually, I don’t.”

  “What was that?” He put his hand to his ear.

  “I said that I don’t. I’m taking some time, I’m just confused. You messed me up, Oliver.”

  “How did I mess you up?

  “You scared me, then you had my head all messed up, not sure if I wanted you to kiss me or not,” she admitted. Her feelings about Oliver had always been a little skewed, let’s face it. He was on his way to becoming one of her best friends and in so many ways he reminded her of Jack. He wasn’t her type at all, yet she was growing to love him in her own way. Perhaps they did stand a chance.

  With hands flying in the air, Oliver shook his head again and again. “No, no, no, Melody, what have I done? Don’t you see, we can’t be together.”

  “Why not? As crazy as it sounds, it just might work. The attraction could grow…”

  “No, Melody, it couldn’t. I’m going back to Florida soon, after Christmas. I don’t really have a job here.”

  “I should have figured,” she muttered under her breath. “Touch me,” she challenged.

  Looking deep into her eyes, Oliver hesitated. “Don’t, Melody, don’t.”

  “Touch me, I have to know. That’s why you’re so afraid to touch me all the time, isn’t it?” She moved closer, like a tiger narrowing in on its prey.

  “Melody, don’t come any closer.” She continued moving, drawing closer with each step.

  “Room service!” A knock at the door jolted Melody to her senses. What had she been thinking? She needed to get out of here, fast.

  She whipped past the food carrier and sprinted down the hallway toward the lobby. She didn’t stop until she was safely in her car. Breathing fast, she allowed herself to rest, for her heart rate to return to normal.

  She knew right then and there that she could never see Oliver again.

  * * * *

  He had almost succumbed to her, he had been so close. Thankful that room service had come just in the knick of time, he thought his dilemma through. This whole time that he had befriended Melody had actually made it more difficult for both of them in the long run. She only had feelings for him as Oliver because she was so smart, she had somehow sensed, without actually being aware of it, how close she was indeed to her husband. He needed to take Oliver out of the picture. Unfortunately that meant not talking to her anymore. Oliver would go. She would think that he had gone back to Florida after all of the drama. She wouldn’t realize that he would still be watching her, from afar. As far as his mission here on Earth, he was finished. There was no point in hanging around until Christmas. He had no more cards to play, he had failed miserably. He could only hope that one day, when she was ready, that she would open her heart again.

  Needing to get out of his hotel, he decided to get some fresh air. He would walk down to the river one last time and then that would be it, time to say good-bye. Pulling his hood tighter around his face, he spotted the dog first. It was running, catching a tennis ball and bringing it back to its owner. It was that man, Adrian. Now that Melody wasn’t dating the guy she had been seeing, he thought again just how perfect Adrian would be for her. If he could just pull this off then he would feel as if he had fulfilled his purpose and could leave in peace.

  “Hey, Adrian!” Oliver called out, waving his hand in the air. Adrian glanced over and returned the wave. Heading close to Adrian, the dog ran over.

  “Lanie, don’t jump on the poor guy,” Adrian called out.

  Lanie came over and apparently had forgotten all about her apprehension where Oliver was concerned. She jumped up on him playfully and licked his face as he bent over to pet her.

  “Hey girl,” Oliver gushed, stroking her fur.

  “What’s going on?” Adrian asked, rubbing his hands together briskly.

  “Not much. Just taking a walk. And you?”

  Adrian dropped his eyes down to the ground and kicked a stone. “Nothing.”

  Oliver could sense that Adrian was feeling low. “What gives? Everything okay?”

  “I know I told you that I didn’t want to talk about women, but I could really use an ear right about now,” Adrian confided.

  Oliver’s head peeked up and he stood to face Adrian. “Let’s walk.”r />
  Adrian told Oliver of his girl trouble, how she had sent mixed signals, she needed space and how he figured it was most likely over. Secretly thrilled, Oliver bit back his grin.

  “That’s too bad, tough break. But it sounds as if it wasn’t meant to be,” Oliver stated.

  “No, that’s just it, I’m sure it’s meant to be, I could feel it. I was already falling for her after only a few dates. That’s not me, that never happens.” Keeping his head low, they proceeded up the path by the river.

  “I don’t think she’s the one for you, in fact I’m sure of it,” Oliver blurted out.

  Adrian gave him a sideways look. “What makes you the expert on love?’

  “Call it experience, call it fate. I still have that friend if you’re interested.” Oliver dared a smile as he looked at Adrian.

  Grimacing, Adrian looked Oliver in the eye. “No way, I haven’t given up hope yet. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

  “I’m telling you, she’s wonderful…”

  “Nope. This guy’s going to give her some space and hope she comes around.” Adrian set his jaw firmly.

  “Well, I’m heading back to Florida, so if it doesn’t work out with your girl, do me a favor and just stop by my friend’s shop. I promise it will be worth your while.”

  “Didn’t you just get here? I mean why would you move away so soon?” Adrian inquired.

  “Let’s just say that things didn’t work out as I had planned.” Oliver gazed out at the river, its choppy waves rolling onto the rocky shore.

  “Bummer. It’s too bad,” Adrian mused.

  “Yes, it is. My friend owns Melody’s Book Café. Please try to stop by sometime.”

  Adrian stopped in his tracks, his mouth hanging open. “That’s Melody’s place.”

  “Well, yeah. That’s her name.” Oliver didn’t understand what he was getting at.

  “That’s the girl I’ve been dating. Melody, that’s her.” Adrian shook his head in disbelief.

  Oliver had thought that nothing could surprise him at this point. Adrian blew him away with his news. “Melody? My Melody?”

  “Your Melody? What do you mean?” Adrian scrunched his face and peered into Oliver’s eyes.

  “I messed up, big time,” he mumbled, gazing out at the water.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I don’t understand. Are you saying that your friend, the one that you’ve been trying to set me up with, that’s Melody?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying,” Oliver stated.

  “Wow.” Adrian simply shook his head.

  “I know. I blew it. I discouraged her from going out with you, because, well, because I wanted her to date you.” Knowing just how ridiculous that sounded, Oliver dropped his gaze.

  “You do realize that you’re not making any sense,” Adrian stated flatly.

  “What are we going to do?” Oliver spoke aloud.

  “What are we going to do? Man, can I ask why you are so bent on having her date me, specifically?” Adrian wondered aloud.

  “I can’t explain it, just a feeling. But now I’m even more sure of it. You found her on your own, it’s destiny.” Oliver was in a daze, unable to believe that this was the guy that Melody had dated all along.

  “Yeah, well, destiny or not, she doesn’t want anything to do with me,” Adrian admitted.

  “Yeah, we’ll see about that. We need to come up with a plan, a good plan.” Oliver raised a finger to his mouth.

  “You are crazy, you know that, Oliver? Crazy, but I’m in,” Adrian said.

  “Good, it’ll be much easier that way.” The wheels were turning as Oliver thought of the best way to handle this. Turning to his new friend, Oliver made a fist and threw it up in the air.

  “Stay here. I’ll get her to come to the park. She’ll see you and the dog and then you take it from there,” Oliver suggested.

  “How am I going to take it from there?” Adrian wondered. “What do I say to her?”

  “Talk about what you want, ask her questions, but above all, be patient with her,” Oliver instructed.

  “Are you going to be here?” Adrian wanted to know.

  “No, no. I can’t see her anymore.” Knowing that taking himself out of the picture would be the hardest part of his journey, he averted his gaze.

  “You’re a huge mystery, you know that? Everything you’re saying is like a big riddle.” Adrian sighed.

  “So I’ve gathered. Now, I’m out of here. You won’t see me again.” Oliver faced his friend.

  “That’s it? I’m on my own?” Panic was written on Adrian’s face.

  “I wouldn’t exactly say that’s true. Adrian, take care of her, promise me.”

  “Promise you? I don’t even know if she’ll want to speak to me,” Adrian said.

  “Just promise me.” Oliver was firm.

  “I promise,” Adrian said the words that Oliver had wanted to hear and then he was gone.

  * * * *

  “Melody!” Oliver cried into the phone.

  “Oliver? Why are you calling me? I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to see each other anymore,” she said with certainty.

  “Melody, I agree, but just listen. I need to say good-bye, I can’t leave like this. Come down to the river, meet me there in ten minutes, and I promise I’ll be out of your life.” He had to make her come down, he just had to.

  “I don’t know, it’s kind of busy here, I don’t think I should go,” she wavered.

  Oliver knew that if she wanted, she could slip out and have Cassie cover for a while. “Melody, I cannot leave without seeing you one last time. I’m going back today.”

  There was a brief moment of silence before Melody spoke. “Oh. You’re not going to be around for Christmas? I thought…” She sounded down.

  “Melody, you and I both know that my time is up here, I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

  “I don’t know, Oliver. I don’t know what to feel.”

  “I understand. Come now, please.”

  Melody acquiesced and ended the call. One part of the call was true; he was, indeed, leaving today. The more he threw it around in his mind, the more he realized that taking his allowed time on Earth was only serving to prolong the misery.

  Hustling back from the payphone, the only one left in this town, he headed for the river. He needed to do one more thing before leaving; he needed to physically see Adrian and Melody together. Counting on Adrian to make this happen, he crossed his fingers and settled in a hidden spot that allowed him a clear view of the park bench by the river. It was the same park bench that he had first met Adrian by. It seemed like ages ago. Dropping to the ground, Oliver sat and waited.

  He saw her with him, the sun hitting her long hair, turning it bright red in the light. She was moving quickly, a determined gait to her stride. Almost as if she sensed him looking at her, she turned and glanced in his direction. Stooping lower, he held his breath and was relieved that she had continued her path toward the river. Catching his breath, he saw Adrian rise, his dog by his side. Melody stopped short, glimpsed around the park and then advanced toward Adrian.

  So this is what it was like to let her go? His heart ached for Melody, his Melody who would soon be someone else’s girl. He didn’t fight the tears. He watched as Melody allowed Adrian to give her a hug hello and then she scanned the area, again, looking for Oliver, no doubt.

  “I’m right here, My Lady,” he whispered through tears. “I love you. Be happy.”

  * * * *

  “What are you doing here?” Melody glanced past him, still looking for Oliver. “I’m supposed to meet somebody here.”

  “I haven’t seen anyone else around, I’ve been here for a while. Who is it that you were looking for?” Adrian asked.

  “A friend, a friend who’s leaving town today,” she answered, still looking.

  Adrian fumbled his words. “I…I’m glad we ran into each other.”

  “Yes, it’s nice to see you. This is Lanie?�
� she asked, reaching down to pet the dog.

  “Yup, in the flesh. It seems that she likes you.” The dog was slobbering all over her, whining and jumping up on her. She adored dogs and had always wanted a boxer for her own.

  “She’s great. She’s really friendly, huh?” Ruffling the dog’s ears, she chuckled.

  “Yes, but I think she likes you a lot. I can tell.”

  Melody was sure that he was just saying that, but either way she liked it. Seeing him here like this was nice. Adrian had been on her mind a lot, along with Jack and Oliver, but still. Feeling as if her need for space was a wise decision, she would be polite but not lead Adrian on.

  “Care to walk?” Adrian offered, a small smile playing on his face.

  “Oh, I don’t think that would be a good idea. I told you, I’m supposed to meet my friend, Oliver.” Where could he be? He had made it sound so urgent, and now this? Glancing at her watch, she realized that he was now ten minutes late. She would continue to wait. She felt that it was important to speak with him, to see him before he went back to Florida. She told Adrian that he could wait with her, but that she wasn’t going anywhere. Twenty minutes ticked by and she was growing more agitated with each passing minute. He wouldn’t leave without saying good-bye, would he? It was he, Oliver, who had been so insistent that she meet him here.

  “I don’t think that he’s going to show,” Adrian spoke quietly.

  “Yes, yes he is. He wouldn’t do this to me, he wouldn’t leave like this.” She was sure of it.

  Melody gazed out at the river, Lanie lying by her feet and Adrian seated beside her. It seemed that Adrian wanted to talk. At first he kept things light, then he asked about Jack. Something about Adrian eased her; she felt comfortable with him and before she knew it, they had been sitting for another hour, just talking. Adrian had shared his feelings about his divorce, how lonely he had been. Melody opened up about her guilty feelings, about the day she had come home to find Jack lying there, about her one previous date with the man that ended with her in tears. She told him about her dreams and she opened up about Oliver. Feeling as if a weight had been lifted, Melody released a long, pent up breath. Slowly, Adrian leaned toward her, coming closer until their lips met. Melody gave in and experienced that same exhilarating feeling, the passion. Adrian stopped and fingered her cheek with his hands, softly, staring deeply into her soft brown eyes. He took hold of her hand and neither spoke for a minute.


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