Married to a Dragon (No Such Thing as Dragons Book 4)

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Married to a Dragon (No Such Thing as Dragons Book 4) Page 64

by Lauren Lively

  With that he turned and walked over to the camp he set up, leaving me sitting on the ground in a shocked stupor. I had been auctioned off like a piece of property, and almost raped. I couldn’t hold back the tears as they started slipping down my cheeks. Hell, I didn’t even try.


  I was so pissed when I walked back to the campfire that I felt like I could have split a boulder in half just by looking at it. That is until I heard this tiny sound. It was so low that it took me a second to recognize it but when I did, my heart shattered.

  I looked back to where I had left Aleeka on the ground, to see her curled up with her knees to her chest, sobbing. She was trying to be so quiet but I saw her frame shake with every breath. I shouldn’t have been that harsh with her. Damn, I am such an idiot; how could I just throw it in her face like that. She had every right to be suspicious of me, I would have been if the tables had been reversed.

  Looking through my pack I found an extra blanket and walked over to her. Kneeling beside her I place the blanket over her beautiful body. “I’m sorry precious, I shouldn’t have done that.”

  When I touched her shoulder, she turned and looked up at me. Hearing her crying was one thing but to see her golden eyes wet with tears and her pale cheeks flushed from her sobs, I was hit with such pain in my chest that I almost doubled over. Then she surprised me by throwing her arms around my neck and putting her head on my chest. I held her against me as tightly as I could without hurting her. Picking her up I made my way over to the campfire and nestled down on my own blanket with her in my lap. I held her, rubbing her back until she had cried herself out.

  Suddenly she looked up from her place on my chest, looking deep into my eyes, then moving to my neck and inhaling deeply. A few seconds later Aleeka raised her head, confusion clouding her eyes.

  “Yes little one, I’m the same as you. Have you never met another dragon before?”, I asked, her eyes widened even more as she shook her head.

  “No. I was very young when my father left for the war. He never returned.”, she said softly. “Mother and I stayed hidden in our mountain home until she too passed away. She grieved for my father till her last breath.”

  “I have often heard of that in mated pairs. Were you still young when she passed?”

  “She held on as long as she could to make sure I could fend for myself. It has been two years now that I have been alone.”, lowering her head as if the tears might come back.

  “That will not happen again, you are mine now. I will take care of you.” I put my fingers under her chin to raise her face to mine. Staring into the beautiful golden depths of her eyes, I lowered my lips to gently taste of hers. When I made contact, she let out a tiny squeak of surprise. Slowly, I increased the pressure until her succulent lips opened to me. I lightly let my tongue trace the inside of her bottom lip, and was rewarded with the sweetest sound I had ever heard. At her little moan, a growl of pure masculine approval surged from my chest. I wanted her, to taste her, to feel her writhing under me. I could feel my dragon just under the surface, urging me to take what was mine, to claim her for us both. Moving from her lips, I left a trail down the side of her neck. The scent of her was driving me crazy, her dragon was close too. I lightly nipped where her shoulder met her neck then I felt her hands on my chest pushing me away. When I pulled back it was not desire that greeted me in those glowing eyes but fear.

  I let her pull away from me and stand. She backed away with confusion and fear still etched on her face.

  “What are you doing to me?”, she whispered as she moved.

  “Aleeka, I didn’t mean to frighten you. Come here darling.”, as I stood up, I held my hand out to her but she backed away further.

  “No, stay back.”, her eyes wide as she looked at me.

  Maybe I had been rougher than I though. She seemed to have been enjoying it, could I have read her that wrong?

  “Baby, tell me what’s wrong. Did I hurt you? Talk to me.”, I pleaded with her. The last thing I wanted was her terrified of me.

  “I don’t understand…”, she softly answered, “how I feel when you touch me.”

  As understanding dawned on me, I walked over to her and this time she held her ground.

  “Sweet one, your body is responding to mine. It is preparing for our mating. There is nothing to be afraid of, I promise.”, as I stoked her cheek. For all her fire and spirit, I had forgotten to take into account just how innocent she was. How secluded her life had been.

  “How about something to eat, huh? Sound good?”, as I reached for her hand. To say I was happy when she put her delicate, little hand in mine and allowed me to lead her back to the blankets, would be a complete understatement.

  “I don’t suppose you have anything else that I could wear, do you?”, she asked with a shy smile on her tender lips. I nodded and dug through my pack to find something.

  “I’ll be back in a moment, I’m going to find something for supper. You can change while I’m gone, okay.”

  I returned to find her stoking the fire and dressed in the clothes I had given her. I had to hold back a chuckle at the sight of her in my pants and shirt. The poor thing was drowning in my outfit but at least she was dry and warm. When she saw me approach she turned and smiled. I’m still not sure if that smile was for me or for the wild hog I had managed to bring back for supper but I wasn’t about to overthink it.


  I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until the smell of the roasting hog hit me. My mouth was watering by the time Galen carved me up some of the meat. Oh My God, the taste was astounding, I had never had meat so tender and juicy before. My manners entirely left when that first piece hit my tongue and the juice slid down my throat. I actually growled when he accidently got too close to my plate. Where the hell had that come from? Luckily a broad grin broke out on his face and he brought me more food. When I was so full I felt like I was going to pop I finally let him have the plate back.

  “I’m sorry about my manners”, as I licked the juice from my fingers, still relishing the taste, “I can’t believe I growled at you.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for precious, you were starving. Hell, most of the dragons I knew would have taken a chunk out along with the growl.”, he declared while smiling at me. “Just let me keep my fingers and I’ll feed you whenever you want.”

  “I can live with that, I suppose.”, as a laugh bubbled up in me. It felt good to laugh and to see him laugh. I was glad to leave the intensity of earlier behind and just relax. Galen seemed to realize that I needed time to work through my feelings first. And he did everything in his power to put me at ease.

  I could listen to Galen talk about the places he had been and things he’d seen for hours. Even though I didn’t know what some of the stuff he was talking about really was, it was fascinating to hear about it. I laughed the most at some of the antics he and his pals had pulled while in training camp for the war.

  Finally, the food and lightheartedness got to me and I was stifling a yawn.

  “Come here sweet, lay down and rest. I won’t do anything but lay beside you alright.”, as he stretched out on the pallet and lifted the blanket for me to curl up next to him.

  Laying next to him, his scent seemed to permeate my senses. It was spicy and male, of trees and something that was just him. It comforted me and overwhelmed me all at the same time. Earlier when he was kissing me it felt so good, too good. Then when he bit my lower neck, I felt my dragon right under my skin. She hadn’t done that in years. In fact, it was only since my capture that I had even felt her again. I knew that she wanted Galen but I didn’t understand what she wanted with him. Mother had never discussed such things with me, most of the time she was only physically there, her mind was back when father was still alive. I was so afraid of the way he made me feel, and of the heat that spread over my body. If I did mate with him what would he do to me? Would I even want to? My dragon was screaming yes, let him have you, surrender to him. But my mind kep
t saying no, I will not be owned.


  I awoke with a start the next morning. It took a minute to get my wits about me and when I realize Galen wasn’t beside me or in the camp I started to panic. He hadn’t left me, had he? No, his stuff was still here, that was a good sign, right? When I heard a twig break off to my right, my dragon chose that moment to make a decision, and spit a column of fire in that direction. That was not the best decision she could have made. Especially when I heard who was on the receiving end of that fire.

  “WHAT THE EVER-LOVING FUCK!!!”, Galen screamed as he walked into view, his clothes still smoking in places. He was darkened head to toe from the flames but thankfully not otherwise hurt. A little singed yes, but not hurt.


  I had awoken that morning from the best sleep I’d had in ages, mostly in part to who was sleeping next to me. I watched her sleep for a while before nature called and I had to get up. Since we had finished off the hog last night I figured I would surprise her with a deer for breakfast. When I turned the corner heading back into the camp I looked up just in time to see a column of fire shooting straight for me. Fortunately, I was able to dive out of the way of most of it. She had tried to fucking roast me. Thank God, she hadn’t been in dragon form or I would have been a very crispy goner.

  “WHAT THE EVER-LOVING FUCK!!!”, I screamed as I walked into the camp. I was still trying to put out some of the smoking places when I looked over to find her on the pallet. If I hadn’t been so shook up I might have thought she was cute sitting there on her knees, with her big doe eyes and her hands over her mouth. But hell, I was barely in better shape than that hog from last night.

  “I’m so sor…”, she started but I cut her off with a “DON’T” and left it at that. I made a mental note right then and there to always announce my presence and to never startle her again.


  After breakfast, I figured that we should start moving. I was never sure if it was just my restless sprit or the army training but I never liked to stay in one camp for very long.

  “We should be able to cross into Lonean Provence in a day or two, as long as the weather holds up. Being from the mountains, you will probably feel more at home there.”

  “Lonean? Really?”, she asked as surprise colored her expression. “I didn’t realize I was that far from home. I never thought I would leave Calda Falls, much less be traveling to Lonean. Is it true there was once a great dragon population there?”

  “Yes, it’s true. It was once my homeland but most of my town was destroyed in the war. It’s still has some beautiful places though. I really think you will like Kales. It reminds me of Calda Falls, as it has the same lushness to its forests and the waterfalls.”

  “You’ve been to Calda? When?”

  “Oh, many years ago, when I was still a green recruit. We passed through there on a training expedition.”

  We continued to make small talk as we finished packing up the camp and loaded the transporter. She seemed to have bounced back from her earlier embarrassment about trying to barbeque me and was looking around excitedly at everything we passed as we rode by. It was as if I was getting to see the world through a new set of eyes when I watched her expressions. I had traveled this route hundreds of times but I saw the wonder of it for the first time as I watched her. Even with everything those mongrels had put her though, she was still able to open up to the wonder around her. I had to admit, she was a lot stronger than me. Even with my training I don’t think I could have been as resilient as her.

  We traveled for most of the day, only stopping when necessity dictated. I wanted to put as much distance between us and Demarie as possible. Finally, as dusk approached I found us a little area near a stream that would make a nice campsite for the evening. We were making excellent time and there was no reason to push any further into the night.

  As we set up with only what we would need for the night, something in the air felt off to me. Aleeka seemed to feel it also as she moved closer to me and nodded. I caught a strange scent just as a dart flew past me almost hitting Aleeka. She let out a small scream as I pushed her to the ground behind a large boulder and scanned the area for our threat. I saw something move out of the corner of my right eye and spun around just in time to miss another dart. Alright you bastards you want to play, let’s play. I rolled to the ground and behind a bush to hide my advance to the tree line where our attacker was hiding. He didn’t even hear me coming as I snuck up and grabbed him around the neck in a choke hold. His spindly legs thrashed about as I lifted him off of the ground. Suddenly Aleeka’s scream broke the air. I quickly dispatched the piece of shit I was holding and ran to help her.

  She was surrounded by four of the bastards and when I came crashing through to her it was enough of a distraction for her dragon. I had never seen someone shift so quickly. One minute she was standing there trembling, the next a magnificent golden dragon held her spot. It had happened in the blink of an eye and completely through off her attackers. She sent two of them flying into trees with a meaty thud when her long, thick tail swished between them. The two in front tried to run but there wasn’t enough time, as an arch of fire rained down from her. Their screams were quickly silenced as the flames consumed them.

  I had never seen a more glorious creature in all my life. In human form, she was a beauty to behold but her dragon was divine. She was massive with deep golden scales that had red tinges on the edges, giving her a copper sheen and large wings that shimmered in the remaining sunlight. With a long, supple neck and two horns on the top of her head that curved back toward her neck. While my dragon was even bigger than hers and built for power, she was more agile in her movements, more graceful, but just as powerful. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

  When she turned to look at me, I was hit with such an intensity of feeling. My dragon clawed at my skin to get out, to be fully in the presence of this wondrous beauty, and I could deny him no longer.


  I hadn’t taken to dragon since I was a little girl. Once I had learned to control it mother had insisted we stay in human form. But I was not about to let those sons of bitches get me again. She had wanted revenge ever since I had woken up from the drugs and now we would have it. I let her have full reign to protect us and she used it. I barely felt anything as my tail sent the two mongrels at the back of me flying. I knew I would no longer have to worry about them when I heard their bodies crash against the trees. As for the two in front, I recognized the voice of one of them and he was going to pay. While in human form my flame was intense to say the least but as a dragon anything that touched my fire would be reduced to ashes in short order. And that is just what they are now, ashes.

  I was basking in my retribution when I turned to find Galen staring at me with a look of pure astonishment on his chiseled face. Of course, after seeing him my dragon preened at the look he was giving her. He took in every detain from the top of my head to the tip of my tail and I felt like a goddess as his eyes worshipped me.

  Then he fell to the ground, where a dragon five times the size of me took his place. He was enormous, with green scales that had black edges and large, leathery wings tucked into his side. His horns were longer and curved up into deadly points, where mine were duller and curved down. The scar under his left eye was even more apparent now and made him look all the more intimidating. My dragon was entranced with him and took every chance to preen and bow her head to him. With a mighty roar that shook the very ground, Galen walked over to me. I couldn’t think but my dragon let out a low rumble from deep in her chest and bowed low before him. Then he reached his long muzzle out and nuzzled my neck. My dragon was going crazy and making little chortling sounds. She wanted him and she would have him.

  The next thing I knew we were both human again and both very much naked. But this time I didn’t feel shameful without clothes in front of him. I wanted him to look, to take his fill of me and to take my fill of him. In clothes, he was a wondrous sight to se
e but without them he was an utter masterpiece. More scars traced his broad, muscular chest and tight abs. His thighs were powerfully muscled and lead to thick claves that had obviously walked hundreds of miles. But it was what was between those strong thighs that held a fascination for me, as I had never seen a male in full glory before. As my eyes traveled back up the luscious landscape of his hard body, I was rocked by the white-hot desire flaming in his dark emerald eyes. That look sent a heat racing over my body strong enough to make me weak in the knees. I still didn’t understand what was happening but trusted Galen enough to lead me.


  As her golden eyes roamed over my body, it was all I could do not to grab her and mate her right then and there. I knew I would have to go slow with her, or else I could frighten her. But when she looked back up into my eyes and I saw the heat that was in them I couldn’t resist her any more than I could have quit breathing. I reached out for her hand and pulled her close enough for our bodies to touch. It was like paradise to feel her satiny smooth skin against mine. I groaned as she placed a hand on my chest and ran it up to my shoulder to hook it around the back of my neck.

  “Do you know this means you are mine and I am yours? We will be bonded for life.”, I asked her one last time before I got to the point I was running on instinct alone.

  “I know. I do want you for my lifemate, only you Galen.”

  A surge of possessiveness welled up from my dragon as she said those words. MINE. He kept chanting over and over in my ear as I picked her up and carried her to the blankets we had unpacked before we were interrupted. As I laid her gently down on the blanket, I couldn’t resist placing a soft kiss on her plump lips. As my lips touched hers, my fingers ran through her hair holding her to me. Her hair was like touching fresh spun silk as it moved across my hand.


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