Carrington's Letters

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Carrington's Letters Page 47

by Dora Carrington


  Bell, Anne Olivier (editor): The Diary of Virginia Woolf, vols 1–4 (Penguin, London, 1985)

  Bingham, Emily: Irrepressible: The Jazz Age Life of Emily Bingham (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York, 2015)

  Blythe, Ronald: First Friends (The Fleece Press, Huddersfield, 1997)

  Boyd Haycock, David: A Crisis of Brilliance (Old Street, London, 2009)

  Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan: Interior Castle: A Life of Gerald Brenan (Sinclair Stevenson, London, 1992)

  Gerzina, Gretchen: Carrington (John Murray, London, 1989)

  Hill, Jane: The Art of Dora Carrington (Thames and Hudson, London, 1994)

  Holroyd, Michael: Lytton Strachey: The New Biography (Chatto and Windus, London, 1994)

  Holroyd, Michael: Augustus John: The New Biography (Chatto and Windus, London, 1974)

  Knights, Sarah: Bloomsbury’s Outsider: A Life of David Garnett (Bloomsbury, London, 2015)

  Levy, Paul (editor): The Letters of Lytton Strachey (Penguin, London, 2005)

  Partridge, Frances: Julia (Penguin, London, 1984)

  Partridge, Frances: Memories (Chatto and Windus, London, 1981)


  The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

  DC = Dora Carrington; FM = Frances Marshall; LS = Lytton Strachey; RP = Ralph Partridge

  Ackerley, Joe 355

  Adelphi (magazine) 247

  Annie (housekeeper-cook) 159, 188, 189, 190, 200, 203, 204, 207, 212, 220, 226, 278, 282, 290

  Anrep, Boris 82 and n, 99, 165, 229, 230

  Anrep, Helen (née Maitland) 82 and n, 165, 230, 277 and n, 282, 284, 299, 300, 314; children 299, 314

  Antinous 104 and n

  Asheham House, Sussex 25 and n, 29, 53, 54

  Ashford, Daisy: The Young Visiters 121 and n, 126–7

  Ashridge, Chiltern Hills 9

  Asquith, Elizabeth see Bibesco, Princess

  Asquith, Herbert Henry 24 and n, 65–6, 86

  Asquith, Margot 66n, 293 and n

  Athenaeum (magazine) 118, 138, 144

  Austen, Jane 190; Sense and Sensibility 105; The Watsons 215 and n

  Bagenal, Barbara (née Hiles): meets DC at Slade 4; their friendship xiii, 12, 15, 16, 39; tells DC that LS is homosexual 29; on walking holiday 42, 45; looks for house for LS and DC 49, 50; and Gertler 52; inspects Charleston with DC 53, 54; and Sydney-Turner 60; in charity show with DC 61; stays at Charleston 69; stays at Mill House 82; and birth of daughter 102, 103–4 and n; at Gordon Square dinner party 165; at Mill House 166, 168, 170–71, 194, 213, 214; at Fry’s lecture 221; ‘stupid’ and indiscreet 224; stays with Brenan 244; in France with LS, DC and Sprott 249; pregnant again 288–9; at Ham Spray 320, 379; DC’s letters to 66–7

  Bagenal, Judith Jane 102, 103n, 194, 213

  Bagenal, Nicholas (‘Nick’) 42, 45, 82, 102, 168, 170–71, 379

  Baillot, Juliette see Huxley, Juliette

  Baldwin, Stanley 306

  Ballets Russes 102, 113n, 123n

  Bankhead, Tallulah 318

  Banting, John 316 and n, 325

  Barbican, London: Carrington exhibition (1995) xvii

  Barrie, J. M. 26n, 142 and n

  Bartlett, Ellis Ashmead 101 and n, 102

  Bathurst Park, Gloucestershire 129–30

  Beerbohm, Max: works 172

  Bell, Clive xv, 25n; DC stays with 25, 26, 27; and her painting 33; and Mary Hutchinson 26n; has Keynes and John Sheppard living in his house 49; at Garsington 49, 50, 52; questions DC about LS 49; offers to share house with DC and LS 50; loses temper at Omega Workshop 60; and Gordon Square gatherings 92, 102; on Armistice Day 102; praises Gertler in Athenaeum 118; meets Picasso 123n; annoys Lady Ottoline Morrell 123; at Mill house with Mary Hutchinson 139, 140–41; hoaxed by DC 194, 195; DC makes glass pictures for him and Vanessa 288

  Bell, Major Cory 99

  Bell, Vanessa (née Stephen) 25n; and Duncan Grant xv; sets up Omega Workshop with Fry and Grant 74n; DC’s art not in tune with xvi, 33, 150; DC stays with 25, 26, 27; and Fredegond Shove 143n, 144; encourages DC to exhibit paintings with London Group 155–6 and n; and Philippa Strachey 163; ‘lovable’ 172; at Grant’s party 222; and LS 308; DC’s letters to 53–4, 396, 401

  Belle (pony) 307, 310, 314, 326, 333, 335, 340, 349, 354, 366, 368, 371

  Bennett, Arnold: Lord Raingo 309 and n

  Benson, E. F.: Our Family Affairs 180 and n

  Berenson, Bernard 79n, 167, 221n

  Berenson, Mary 79 and n

  Berners, Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 14th Baron 161

  Bibesco, Prince Antoine 122n

  Bibesco, Princess Elizabeth (née Asquith) 86, 122 and n, 123

  Biddesden House, Wiltshire 385, 386, 387

  Bingham, Henrietta 238; meets DC 236–7; DC smitten by 238, 248, 271n, 272; has treatment for her lesbianism 238, 272, 281; as DC’s lover xiii, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 280, 288, 289, 294, 296; has affair with Tomlin 274n, 277

  Birrell, Augustine 162n

  Birrell, Francis 162 and n, 167, 180, 237, 280n

  Bisley, Gloucestershire 130

  Blackett, Patrick 143 and n

  Blake, William 112, 128

  ‘Bloomsbury’: and photography xvii; and gossip xviii; DC unimpressed by 29; and gender and sexuality xv, 34; and letter-writing xviii, 41n, 202, 231; pacifist 62; cynical 224; and avoidance of religious ceremonies 387, 404; see also Bell, Clive; Bell, Vanessa; Fry, Roger; Garnett, David; Grant, Duncan; Strachey, Alix; Strachey, James; Strachey, Lytton; Woolf, Leonard; Woolf, Virginia

  Boat Race, University (1913) 10, 11

  Bonar Law, Andrew 241 and n

  Borenius, Tancred 107 and n

  Borrow, George 6 and n

  Box family 94 and n, 127, 128

  Boyd, Phyllis (later Viscountess de Janze): friendship with DC 90 and n, 106, 220n, 221, 314; marriage 167, 228, 230; lunches with DC 317, 318, 354; leaves her husband 350

  Brenan, Gamel (née Woolsey) 376, 378, 383, 387, 400

  Brenan, Gerald: friendship with RP 92 and n, 94; and rumours of his engagement 100; fails to visit DC 120; finally meets her 129–30; and his father 129, 130; relationship with DC blossoms xiv, 35, 131, 137; takes a house at Yegen, Spain 135 and n, 137; visited by DC, RP and LS 136, 145, 147, 153; his writing praised by Strachey 154, 158; and Hope-Johnstone 159n, 160; his letters to DC 164; praises LS 164; illness 174; told of DC’s marriage 171, 174; in England and in love with DC 176–7, 179; joins her in the Lake District 184–5, 186; his ‘Bestiary’ 199, 203; stays with the Dobrées 198, 200; romance with DC deepens 200, 204 and n; and the ‘Great Row’ 205–11,212; back in Spain 217; dislikes Garnett’s Lady into Fox 222; illness 222; writes to RP 226 and n; remains devoted to DC 226; sent Wittgenstein book by DC 236, 237; further rumours of his engagement 242–4, 245–6, 247–8; visited by DC and RP 249–50, 251, 253, 259, 260–61, 262, 263; returns to England 270; spends night with DC 270; writes ‘diary’ letters to her 271; friendship with FM 273 and n; dislikes Tomlin 274n; tries to break with DC 276; tutors Anrep children 277 and n; sleeps with DC again 278; fails to seal letter to her 278; sees her in London 281; repeats Alix’s conversations about her 282; with parents for Christmas 282–3; driven to despair by DC 290–91; goes to France 292; tells FM about DC 294–5; returns to Spain 305; in London 317; room painted by DC 316; continues to exchange repetitive letters 324; insulted at receiving LS’s unwanted clothes 347; lives with Winnie 347; engaged to be married 376, 378; and LS’s death 393, 402, 404; DC’s letters to xiii, 35, 131, 132–3, 136, 138–41, 145–7, 152–5, 157–60, 173–4, 176–7, 179–90, 191–3, 194, 198–9, 201–11, 220–23, 224–6, 227–41, 242–8, 249–51, 252–3, 263–5, 265–78, 280, 282–3, 284–5, 291–7, 298, 305–6, 308–10, 313, 315, 317–18, 324, 332, 336, 337–8, 347, 378–9, 387, 391, 400–1, 402–3, 405–6

  Brett, Hon. Dorot
hy: meets DC at the Slade 4; appearance 4, 5; prefers town to countryside 16; and Lady Ottoline Morrell 17, 38, 41, 42, 43, 49, 50, 52, 85, 130; and Gertler 17, 36, 116; praised by DC 18; with Zena Dare in Paris 21; her studio 23, 25, 28, 29; and Loulou Harcourt 40 and n; sells picture 43; shares Keynes’ house with DC and the Murrys 51; paints Ottoline Morrell 52; in charity show with DC 61; has meals with her 75, 133, 162; at Mill House 90; tennis with Murry 156; spends day with DC and paints RP 165; ‘a queer character’ 229; looks at Degas pictures with DC 229; and Katherine Mansfield 233, 381; and the Lawrences 267, 268

  Bridgeman, Mrs (housekeeper) 103, 105

  Brighton, Sussex: Sloane Gallery 24 and n

  British Weekly 88n

  Brooke, Charles, White Rajah of Sarawak 18n

  Brooke, Charles, White Rajah of Sarawak (son) 18n

  Brooke, Margaret 18n; My Life in Sarawak 18

  Brooke, Rupert 28 and n, 67

  Brooke, Sylvia (née Brett) 18n

  Brown, Frederick 52 and n

  Brownlow, Adelbert Cust, 5th Baron 9

  Burlington Magazine 159n, 221n

  Bussy, Dorothy (née Strachey) 94 and n, 149, 374; Olivia 94n

  Bussy, Jane 172, 374

  Bussy, Simon 94n, 149, 150, 172, 173

  Butler, Samuel: The Way of All Flesh 21 and n

  Café Royal, London 99, 101, 102, 133, 161, 163, 299

  Callendar, Perthshire: The Roman Camp 6, 7

  Camden Town Group 24n

  Cannan, Gilbert xvii, 17, 24, 26 and n, 27n, 37, 45, 99 and n; Mendel 27 and n, 54

  Cannan, Mary (formerly Barrie) 26 and n

  Carrington (film) xvii

  Carrington, Catherine (née Alexander) 288, 290 and n, 310

  Carrington, Charlotte (née Houghton) (mother) 3; DC’s relationship with 3, 21, 22, 23, 25, 34, 52, 67; gives her details of the Tidmarsh house 71; stingy 76; aggravating 77; talks ceaselessly 93; attends concert with DC 97–8; and Armistice Day 102; and husband’s death and funeral 108, 109, 110, 111, 112–13; and DC’s visit 114; sends her Teddy’s clothes 115; applies emotional pressure 133, 134; deceived by DC 135; sends her a parcel of woollens 162; and DC’s marriage 170, 172, 175; sells Driftway 179; buys in Minchinhampton 223; and eldest son 228; tea with DC in Oxford Street 229; covers chairs at Mill House 241; and visits from DC and RP 247; has pneumonia 306; her Cheltenham house 308

  Carrington, Charlotte (sister) 3, 20, 108, 109, 110, 111, 175, 192, 223

  Carrington, Dora de Houghton

  1893—1922 birth 3; childhood 3–4, 154; and her parents see Carrington, Charlotte and Samuel; appearance xvii, 4, 5; character and personality xv, xvi, xvii–xviii, 52, 78, 154; sexuality xiii, 4–5, 19, 34, 35, 257, 258, 296; studies at the Slade xvi, 4–5, 6, 13, 14, 16; as artist xv, xvi–xvii, xviii, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 27, 33, 36, 39, 55, 57, 58, 60, 82–3, 106–8, 149, 150, 155, 163, 164, 167–8, 172n, 173, 218, 226, 279, 258, 280, 282, 319, 370; meets Dorothy Brett (q.v.) and Barbara Hiles (see Bagenal, Barbara) 4; Mark Gertler and John Nash (qq.v.) in love with 5; in Scotland with Slade friends 7; given fresco commission 9; and her brothers 10, see Carrington, Noel, Sam and Teddy; and the war 10, 12, 13; prefers countryside to town 14, 16; lonely 248; at parents’ house 14, 15–16, 18, 21–2; sells picture 16; as sister’s bridesmaid 20, 22; and influx of soldiers on manoeuvres 23; stays with the Bells 25, 26; in need of a job 25, 27, 28; meets Lytton Strachey (q.v.) 25; becomes pacifist 33, 38; at Garsington 38, 42–3, 44, 49, 50, 51, 52; learns to ride motorcycle 39, 40; her studio in Yeoman’s Row 39, 51; at the Hutchinsons’ 40, 44; at Combe House 41–2; on walking holiday in Wales 42, 45, 47; loses her virginity 47; receives a legacy 47–8; looks for house to share with LS 34, 49, 50, 53; visits Charleston 53–4; and brother’s death 55, 70; short of money 58, 60; at the Johns’ 60, 63; elected member of Fry’s Omega Workshop 60; in Beauty Chorus at Chelsea Palace Theatre show 61; and the war 62; lent a dress by Alix Sargant-Florence (see Strachey, Alix) 63; spends weekend at Garsington 65–6 (see also Morrell, Lady Ottoline); at Cambridge with LS 67–8; dresses as a boy 68, 68–9; Bank Holiday on Hampstead Heath 69; finds Mill House, Tidmarsh (q.v.) 70, 71, 72, 79; and bombing raids 73; has dinner with Monty Shearman 73; dislikes teaching 73, 75; designs woodcuts and tiles 74 and n; collects furnishings 75, 76, 77, 78; alone with rats in Mill House 80, 81; various guests come and go 82, 90, 91, 94; at Garsington again 85–6; and arrival of Ralph Partridge (q.v.) at Mill House 87; holidays in Scotland with Noel and RP 87–9, 90; ‘riotous days’ in London 90, 92–3; stays with the Woolfs 92, 93; remembers Teddy 96; and Peace 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101; at Café Royal dinner 99–100, 101; Armistice Day 101–2; an exciting evening at Gordon Square 102–3; lunch with Aldous Huxley and tea with Osbert Sitwell 103; ill in bed 104–5; alarms guests talking about Freud 105, 106; paints village boys 106–7, and David Garnett 107–8; and father’s death 108–9, 110–11, 112; at National Gallery and ballet 112, 113; and Noel’s visit 113–14; dreams of Aldous Huxley 114–15; further memories of Teddy 115–16; in Spain with Noel and RP 116–18, 139; can’t bear Waley’s mother 120–21; at trades union meeting 122; swims with Noel and RP 122; at Garsington 122–3; at Oxford balls 124, 125, 126; holidays in Cornwall 126, 127–8; illustrates Woolf stories with woodcuts 128 and n; meets Gerald Brenan (q.v.) 129; walks from Cirencester to Stroud 129–30; at Garsington again 130; agrees to go on the Thames with Norton 131; banned by Mrs Partridge from her flat 133, 135; and Waley and Slade Fancy Dress dances 134, 135; and Christmas guests (1919) 139; visited by Clive Bell and Mary Hutchinson 139, 140–41; illness 140; and ‘tea party of generalisers’ at Oxford 142; at Cambridge 143–4; writes LS a birthday poem 144–5; visits Brenan in Spain with LS and RP 145–6, 153; has nose operation 147, 149; stays with the MacIvers in the Lake District 149, 150–51, 153; her paintings admired by Simon Bussy 149, 150; spends weekend with the Woolfs 153; agrees to live with RP at 41 Gordon Square 152, 153; and Marjorie Strachey 154–5; submits paintings to London Group Exhibition 155 and n; disappointed by Vanessa Bell 155–6; on women artists 157–8; on Virginia Woolf 158; depressed at Gordon Square 156–7, 159, 160; joyful at being back at Mill House 159; walks in the woods 159–60; discusses psychoanalysis 160–61; at Hope-Johnstone’s party 160, 161; in love with Dorelia John (q.v.) 161; converses with Augustus John (q.v.) 161–2; puts out a fire at Birrell and Garnett’s bookshop 162; dinner with MacIver and musical comedy 163; paints Lady Strachey’s portrait 163; thrilled by Piero di Cosimo picture 165; depressed by New English exhibition (1921) 165; hosts ‘the greatest of dinner parties’ at Gordon Square 165; parties at Garnett bookshop 165; fails to wrap Hogarth Press parcels adequately 166; at Hampton Court 166–7; exhibits picture at Grosvenor Gallery 167–8, 172n; gives in and marries RP 35, 168–70, 172, 174, 175, 176; their Italian honeymoon 176; tea with the Woolfs 177; paints inn signs 179, 196; in the Lake District 179, 180–81, 182, 183, 184–5; goes to Combe House 190; in Reading with Annie 189—9; illness 190; tea with sister 192; at the theatre 192; prepares for Christmas (1921) 191–2, 193; hoaxes Clive Bell 194, 195; in Vienna 196–8; at HMS Pinafore 199; makes woodcuts for Brenan’s ‘Bestiary’ 199; in Larrau with the Dobrées, Brenan and RP 199, 200; illness 203; her lunch has to be given to the hens 203; and the ‘Great Row’ 205–14; visits Phyllis Boyd in Normandy 220–21; goes to Roger Fry’s lectures 221, 222, and Duncan Grant’s party 221–2; has ‘gay and talkative weekend’ 223; hosts Keynes and Lydia Lopokova for Christmas 222, 223, 224–5, 226

  1923—32 visits art galleries with Brett 229; reunion with Christine Nash 229–30; at Phyllis Boyd’s wedding 228, 230; learning French 230–31; finds her old letters eaten by rats 231–2; and Valentine Dobrée’s arrival in London 233–4; in love with Rudolph Valentino 234; on loss of privacy 235; meets Henrietta Bingham (q.v.) 236–7; depressed at being thirty 237–8; holidays in North Africa and Italy 238–41, 246, 247; visits the Woolfs 250; hears of Brenan’s engagement 242–5; discontented at Mill House 242, 244; on contemporary artists 248; sees Duse in Ibsen’s Gho
sts 247; holidays in France 249; frozen at Partridge house 249; plans to visit Brenan 249, 250; an evening of Strachey singing 252; lunches with James Strachey 252; in love with Ham Spray House (q.v.) 252; in Spain with Brenan and RP 253, 259, 260–61, 263; meets up with Frances Marshall (q.v.) in Paris 262, 263; illness 263, 265; and RP’s relations with FM 263–5; her need for them to be friends 259, 265; and the purchase of Ham Spray 261–2, 266; and LS’s illness 267, 268, 269; finds D. H. Lawrence at Brett’s house 267–8; goes to Ham Spray for ‘sale of relics’ 269; her plans for the house 269–70, 271–2; redecorates with FM, Henrietta Bingham and friends 272, 274; loves the Downs 274, 275; moves into Ham Spray 257, 276; at Newbury fair 278–9; and RP’s affairs 257; and LS’s relationships with young men 257, 281–2; dalliances with women 257; meets Henry Lamb (q.v.) 284; awkwardness with FM 285; sells glass pictures 288; happy at Ham Spray 288; visited by Lamb, Dorelia, Noel and his fiancée 289–90; finds cottage in Shalbourne for Brenan 290; drives him to despair 291; visited by Stephen Tomlin and Julia Strachey (qq.v.) 293, 297; rides on the Downs 293; and parties in London 283; entertains Helen Anrep, the Japps, Dorelia and Lamb 299–300; takes sleeping pills 299; and RP and FM’s plan to live together 257, 302–5; visits Lamb and T. F. Powys with Tomlin 306; and Faith Henderson’s visit 307; given pony by LS (see Belle) 307; Christmas (1926) 308–10, 311; falls off toboggan 313; shoots rabbit 313; snow fights with Rylands and friend 314; visits Helen Anrep and children 314; decorates rooms for LS and Brenan 316; her cats (see also Tiber) 299, 307, 313, 314, 315, 323; in bed having fallen off horse 315 and n; massaged by unpleasant masseuse 316; has Phyllis Boyd for lunch 317, 318; enjoys ‘mixed gathering of nautical beauties’ 318; visits Munich with James and Alix Strachey and Sprott 324; stays with Julia Strachey 325; out riding on the Downs 326; Christmas (1927) 327–8; enamoured by Poppet John (q.v.) 328; starts new journal 329; feels isolated and lonely 329; affair with Peter Lucas ends 329; paints tile pictures 258, 330, 342, 343, 347, 348, 349, 371, 373, 375; and Bernard Penrose (q.v.) 330; decorates Rylands’ rooms at Cambridge 329, 330, 333, 334; has Forster to stay 333, 335; at Fryern House 336–7, 339, 345, 346, 350; meets Arthur Waley 338, 341; holidays in Provence with LS 337–8; drops in on the Johns at Cassis 340 and n; sees Novello and Coward in restaurant 343; spends afternoon in Turkish Baths 346; at Penrose ‘sailor party’ 348; and Rosamond Lehmann 349; goes to a hunt 348–9; on Penrose’s ship 351–2; lives on rabbit 353; has flu 353, 355; lunches with Phyllis 354; at dinner party blighted by Harold Monro 355; holidays with Johns in France 356, 358; worried by Tomlin’s sculptures 358; entertains Dorelia, the Nashes, the MacCarthy children, Sydney-Turner and Penrose 359–60; enjoys planning Penrose’s ‘cinema performance’ 360–61; entertains the Hendersons 362; meets T. E. Lawrence 362; picnics in the New Forest 362–3; puts out a bonfire in the night 363–4; on another French holiday with the Johns 364–6; pregnancy and abortion 367, 368, 369, 370; paints panel picture for Lambs 370; exhibits in Salisbury 258; lonely and depressed 371–3; affair with Penrose continues 373, 374; goes to cinema with James Strachey 375–6; has pub crawl with Julia Strachey and Penrose 376–7; makes Brenan patchwork quilt as wedding present 378; sees Vivien John dancing 378–9; unable to do any ‘proper painting’ 381; plans ballet with Tomlin 382; wins writing competition 383; has mad hatter’s tea party 383–4; and the Guinnesses 384, 385, 386–7, 390; attends Mrs Partridge’s funeral 387, 388; enjoys the Woolfs’ visit 388; and LS’s illness 389, 390–93; reports on LS’s condition 392; attempts suicide 393; and LS’s death 394; answers letters of condolence 394–7, 399; promises not to kill herself 397; deals with LS’s possessions 398; arranges for RP to go away 399–400; shoots herself 403, 404


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