House of Imperial

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House of Imperial Page 8

by Jaymin Eve

  “So Laous obviously got Callie’s blood, which means he’s going to be heading for secret keeper three. What does the council think they can do now?” Emma asked.

  “Hopefully the council will tell us soon,” Lexen grumbled. “So far this is a repeat of useless information about the treaty.”

  I’d been half listening, because it was new to me, but there really hadn’t been anything important said by the council so far. Just that both worlds had been dying, that this treaty was about peace, and that we needed to do everything to protect it.

  Most Daelighters around us were having conversations amongst themselves. It was easy to tell who was from which house; they tended to stick to their own, standing in front of their territory. Lexen and Emma were currently in the Imperial section – Chase had left to rejoin the Leights – but very few others were cross-mingling.

  “Do you live here, in Overworld?” I asked Emma, far more interested in this interdimensional relationship.

  She shook her head. “Nope, I live in Daelighter territory, back in Astoria.”

  “You’ll be staying there as well,” Daniel informed me. “I still have to keep up appearances. We have to go to school on Earth as part of the treaty.” Something I just learned from the council update. “You’re going to have to remain with me. I’ll bring you back to House of Imperial periodically to recharge.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I looked between the three standing across from me. Emma was the only one shorter than me, but she didn’t look remotely intimidated by my anger. I supposed after dealing with these overlords I was nothing. “I don’t have time to go to school. I need to find my mom and kill Laous. In that order. Or either order. I don’t care.”

  Emma chuckled. “I knew I was going to like you. Us secret keepers need to stick together.”

  Warmth bloomed in my chest, dimming some of my anger.

  “We’ll find Laous and your mother,” Daniel assured me. “But none of us can shirk our responsibilities. It’s the unfortunate part of being an overlord.”

  Letting out a ragged breath, I just nodded. I was going to have to accept that there was no rushing in this situation and be grateful that everyone was still working to find my mom.

  “Come on, Em, it’s time for us to get back to the Darkens,” Lexen said to her, wrapping her up into his huge body. The way he held her … it was like she was more precious than anything else in the world.

  Damn you, romantic comedies. You’ve given me unrealistic expectations, and now I wanted a Lexen. Not him, exactly, because he wasn’t my type. Too pretty, too broody, too in love with another woman. I did not poach. That got you a straight punch in the boob.

  “I’ll find you after,” Emma said, then she surprised me with a hug before they left.

  I turned confused eyes on Daniel. “Emma is a great friend for you to have,” he told me. “She understands what you’re going through. Ever since her family was killed by Laous, she’s been struggling.”

  Those words triggered a visceral reaction within me. Daniel responded to my pain by capturing my hand and squeezing it. “I’m so sorry, Callie,” he murmured. “That was thoughtless. Your mom could still be alive. Laous is very good at keeping his victims alive but miserable.”

  I let out a long breath, before a snort of laughter hit me. “That’s really not much better. ‘Hey, Callie, your mom is probably alive while an evil former-overlord tortures her daily.’”

  Daniel rubbed a hand across his head and I couldn’t stop from following the path of his overlord symbols. I kind of wanted to touch them too.

  “I’m not the best at comfort,” he admitted, dragging my attention back to him.

  “Have you ever been shown comfort?” I asked, curious.

  His jaw turned to granite as he gritted his teeth. I was about to apologize, because clearly my question had hit on a nerve, but then he let out a long breath. “My mother and older brother were the only good things I had in my life. My brother disappeared when I was young. He was the oldest and had always looked out for me. One day he was there, and then he was gone. No one has seen or heard from him since. We presume he is … dead.” He growled at the last word. “And my mother died when I was in my second metamorphosis burst. So … around ten.”

  I didn’t even want to know what a metamorphosis burst was. It made me think of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly or something. I focused instead on the number. He was ten. Just ten when he lost the only decent member of his family. His mom.

  “How did she die?” I asked softly, my heart already hammering at the possibility of his answer. Not only had he lost his brother, but his mom right after. It was so unfair.

  Daniel lowered his head briefly, shuttering those eyes from me. I found myself a little bereft … I was growing far too accustomed to staring into his depthless irises. They helped me understand this man. His expression hid a lot, but his eyes were clear as day.

  “She died in childbirth, having my youngest brother,” he bit out, and I could feel the hurt in each word. “When my father told me what happened … it almost destroyed me. I blamed Fraizer. Unfair of me, I know that now, but at the time I couldn’t see past my pain. It ruined our relationship forever.”

  God, he’d basically lost two brothers and his mother almost in the same hit.

  I followed Daniel’s line of sight then to a Daelighter with his arms crossed over his chest, staring daggers at us. There was no doubt in my mind that this was his brother; he looked like Daniel. A less rugged version of him anyway. He was a pretty-boy with a slicked-back faux hawk – shaved on the sides but longer on top – and long-runner muscles. He had a few marks, signs of the overlord family. About a quarter the amount Daniel had.

  “Fraizer?” I asked softly.

  Daniel nodded, before turning away from him. “We’re the last remaining members of the overlord family, my true blood brother. I started the destruction between us. Then greed, jealousy, and our father – who turned into even more of a complete and total asshole after Mom died – were the final nails in that coffin.”

  What a sad freaking story. So much loss in his life already, and now he was dealing with everything I had brought to his world, with being tied to a stranger. I wanted to apologize again, but my words wouldn’t change anything.

  My heart ached so badly it almost felt like I’d been punched in the chest. I was trying to figure out what to say, because comfort was not my thing either, when another member of the council stepped forward. A woman this time.

  “It’s time for us to speak frankly,” she started. “To speak about the dark days ahead for our people.”

  This got everyone’s attention. Imperials pushed forward, while always maintaining a respectful distance from Daniel. I eyed the shaved-headed aliens around us. Even the women had very short hair; the longest were only brushing across the bottom of their ears. All of them looked hard, wore a lot of black, and had a lot of attitude. Despite this, the expressions shot in Daniel’s direction were a combination of respect and fear. Of all the badasses, he was the scariest of them all.

  No one looked at him like a friend, though. Not the way Lexen and Chase had, which helped me truly understand that softening of his face when they had come over to us. True friendship. I’d never had anything like that … like an unconditional love. I pretty much didn’t believe in the concept, but there was no denying the truth of what existed between Daniel and the other overlords. And also Lexen and Emma – that had an epic feel to it. Maybe Daelighters were just more evolved than humans. Hopefully they were.

  The council member’s next words were filled with emotion. “At the last meeting we touched on this subject, but we’re afraid this situation is growing out of our control.”

  I shifted uncomfortably in anticipation of her next words.

  “Carestima lostin aroutina forlessit.”

  Okay, then, no need to worry about that bad news.

  Daniel helped me out by translating. “Laous has approached members of the human
government in the hopes to entice them to join ‘his side’ of this war. One member is now missing, presumed dead.”

  My heart and pulse racing, I couldn’t stop a rasp from emerging, a prequel to tears, which I was definitely not shedding. I didn’t know the politician who had possibly died, of course, but Laous had my mother. She’s already dead, Callie. It was a reality I needed to wrap my head around, but it was difficult when my emotions were such a mess. Should I be devastated that a woman who made my life miserable was gone? Part of me still loved her, she was my mother, but I had never liked the person she was. That didn’t mean I wanted her to have suffered a horrible death. I just wished I had some answers.

  “The treaty is in great jeopardy.” A different council member spoke this time. Back to English. “Over the next week, overlords will head to Washington to try and smooth this over, and it’s possible that we’ll have to sign new agreements. None of which will mean anything if Laous gets his hands on the starslight stone. We have put word out to the Draygo people, hoping the one who transported the stone originally will come forward. We need to get to it before Laous does.” Another long-extended pause, then the crowds started to talk again. High pitched words of worry and fear.

  More council voices burst out, attempting to calm the Daelighters. “We need you all to prepare for what might eventuate,” a man said loudly. “Prepare your people. Search for traitors. If we lose the connection to Earth’s energy, our network will weaken. Over time our abilities will disappear...” He trailed off.

  Overworld was in trouble, and Laous was determined to push them all the way to the edge.

  “If this is going to destroy your network, why is Laous doing it?” I asked Daniel. That was one part of the story I didn’t get. Laous was a Daelighter. Surely he wanted his world to be as powerful as it could be.

  “Laous doesn’t believe that will happen.” That reply did not come from Daniel, but from another man behind us. Fraizer strolled closer. “His theory is that we’re actually weakening ourselves with this alliance. That by returning the starslight stone here, it will boost our network to mammoth levels.”

  “A theory I believe you subscribe to also, Fraizer,” Daniel bit out, not staring directly at the slightly smaller male.

  Fraizer joined his brother in scanning across the crowds of Daelighters around us. “You’ve always thought the worst of me, brother.”

  “When have you ever given me reason not to?” Daniel replied, but without anger. More like resigned sadness. “You’ve gone out of your way in the last few years to side with Laous and create as much suffering for me as you could.”

  Fraizer scoffed and walked away before anything more was said. I was frozen, staring between Daniel’s rigid jaw and Fraizer’s retreating back.

  “Do you think your relationship is salvageable?” I asked, unable once again to mind my own business.

  A tic started high in Daniel’s jaw; his words were rough when they emerged. “I don’t have evidence of it, but I believe Fraizer has been in on Laous’ multiple attempts to kill me. He’s working toward the same cause as Laous and is never to be trusted. If you find yourself alone with him, get away as soon as possible.”

  The urgency in his words was enough to have my fear spiking. I just stared, bug-eyed. I had not gotten a murdery vibe from Fraizer at all, but Daniel had no reason to lie about something like that. His eyes remained locked on my face, and I knew he was waiting for me to promise.

  “You got it,” I said, “no heart to hearts with the crazy part of your Imperial house.”

  His muscles relaxed, and I was gifted a rare full smile. “Going to be quiet back home for you, then. Crazy runs quite deep in the Imperial sector.”

  “I’m sure I will fit in just fine,” I said blithely. “Crazy I understand.”

  The meeting appeared to be wrapping up. The council added a few closing statements, along the lines of “the world is going to shit,” “hide your kids and jewels,” “every Daelighter for themselves if the apocalypse hits…”

  The final statement was a little more positive: “We have multiple plans in play to try and thwart this,” a female council member said. “As we’ve mentioned, we’re working with the humans, and we’re hoping to find the secret keepers before Laous. We will continue to work on finding the Draygo people as well. Keep us informed of anything you learn within your own houses.”

  Noise erupted around us in crazy bursts, and I was getting the general vibe that Draygo people were all kinds of awesome, scary, and lethal. “Lexen is one of the last remaining members from that race,” Daniel murmured.

  I snapped my head up and blinked at him. “Are you telling me that Lexen is not only a dragon lord with a pet dragon, but he’s … what … part dragon as well?”

  Daniel nodded before he slammed a hard look onto a nearby Daelighter who was inching closer to hear our conversation. With a squeak, the shaved-headed male turned tail and dashed away.

  Daniel turned back to me. “Lexen takes a half-man, half-beast form. He’s pretty much indestructible when he is morphed.”

  Shut. The. Hell. Up. Was he serious?

  “Would he have any idea where the one who hid the stone went?” I asked, somewhat breathlessly. My question made sense, right? It takes a dragon person to find another dragon person.

  Daniel didn’t seem as convinced. “I have no idea. Lexen has never spent much time developing that side of himself. He’s the first Draygo to also be born overlord minor, so he’s been rather busy.”

  Everyone started to disperse after that, until eventually there were only a few scattered beings left on the platform. Escaping Lexen again, Emma made a run for me. I was really starting to like her. She felt like a kindred spirit, and it was such a foreign feeling … having an ally – this had to be the only reason for the bursts of warmth and happiness pressing into my chest.

  Who knew dying would be the best thing that ever happened to me.

  The thought was so insane that I actually shook my head. Really, Callie? The best thing? I needed therapy.

  “Are you coming back to Astoria now?” Emma’s words sounded like a demand directed at Daniel.

  He shook his head. “Callie needs to return to the underworld for a short period first, to recharge. We’ll be back in the morning. In time for school.”

  Emma’s face fell and she turned to me. “I’m so sorry about what happened to you. Shit, this really sucks!”

  Lexen, who had strolled over to his girl, ran a hand across her shoulders. “We will figure something out to help Callie. There has to be a way so that she has some freedom from Daniel.”

  Emma got this weird dreamy look on her face then. “This is just like Hades and Persephone. Which maybe means it will all work out for the best.”

  She winked at me. Two blank faces from the men, but I got her reference exactly, and had to laugh. “You’re right. I’ve now tied half my life to Daniel and an alien underworld.”

  I’d always kind of thought Lucifer had an evil, hot, scary appeal. Daniel rocked that same dark vibe, just with less of the crazy – despite his insistence that Imperial House was not the most stable. Like I said, I knew crazy, and it wasn’t him.

  “You need to study up on your Greek mythology, Lex.” Emma narrowed her eyes on him. “Told you that having one history class on the ‘founding houses of Starslight Prep’ was a little limiting.”

  He shrugged. “Human stuff is not exactly top of my lists of interes…” He trailed off at the look on Emma’s face. The grin which pulled at the corner of his mouth turned his good looks into something scorching. “Except for you, mate.”

  Mate. Like a soulmate. Damn, Emma. Lucky she was so awesome, otherwise I might hate her. Just a little.

  We were one of the few groups left on the platform now, and both of the overlords were getting really odd looks. “Why don’t you four just come out with the friendship?” I suggested, looking between them. They were standing as far apart as they could, while still being able to
hear the other speak. “You said that there was nothing really holding you back but habit. I think now is the time.”

  “Yeah,” Emma chimed in, being the great ally she was. “The council has far bigger things to worry about, and I think some unity could be good for the four houses.”

  “I agree.” That statement came from Chase. He’d wandered over, leaving the remaining members of House of Leights.

  Before anyone could say another word, we were joined by another overlord. He had blond hair, with dark marks visible on one side. He was also rocking a broad, tanned chest, with water peppered across it, and a cool confidence.

  “I’m adding my agreement to this,” he said, and I knew then that this was Xander, from House of Royale.

  My eyes met Daniel’s, searching out those inner thoughts. For some reason his mind fascinated me, not in a zombie, I-want-to-eat-your-brains way, but more … what was he thinking now?

  I decided to push: “Is there any reason for you to keep your bond secret? What could happen if you allowed the world to know that you four are brothers, friends, allies?”

  The gold deepened in the rings of his light brown eyes. “I actually don’t know. As I said, when we were kids we had no power. We were afraid our parents would separate us if they found out.”

  “So we snuck around,” Lexen added.

  Emma stepped into her mate’s huge chest, wrapping her arms around him. He got this look on his face when she did. It was a nice look.

  “You’re now adults,” Emma said to him, before turning around to us. Lexen pulled her back, so she was pressed right to his front. “You thought that being mated to a human would cause a huge problem, and so far it hasn’t. Daniel is already overlord, no one to stop him in House of Imperial. Roland is not going to be angry about it, I don’t care what you think.”

  She looked at Xander and Chase. “What about you two? Will your family be okay with it?”

  They exchanged a glance before shrugging. “Probably not, but I for one don’t care.” Chase was straight up.


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