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Marley (Carnage #3)

Page 7

by Lesley Jones

  “Get your gang over here,” I told her.

  “What?” she asked, frowning in confusion.

  “Call them over here. We’ll sign some stuff for them and then I want them gone. I don’t know what ID they showed Jock, but there is no way any of those girls are eighteen.”

  Maca remained silent, sipping on his beer and observing, the way he often did.

  “Yeah, I think they all have older sisters or friends, or whoever they borrowed their ID from. I don’t think the landlord looked at it too closely, apart from the two that were obviously only about twelve.” I watched as she chewed nervously on her bottom lip. “So, if I get rid of them, you’ll talk?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe we could come to some arrangement,” I tell her.

  She nodded her head, licking her lips and looking between us again. “I’d be happy with an arrangement.”

  “Good, now call them over.”

  We signed autographs, kissed cheeks, and posed for pictures. Then we gave them twenty quid and told them to go to the corner shop and buy some sweets and lemonade, and to stay out of pubs until they were eighteen.

  We spent the next couple of hours drinking beer with whiskey chasers, and I even played Siobhan at pool, beating her arse, while Maca stared at it.

  I know that it wasn’t very gentlemanly of me, but I’d been buying her doubles every time I’d been to the bar, and I knew that she had to be at least a little bit drunk.

  “So, let’s talk business. This arrangement, I’m assuming sex will be involved, and that’s the reason you’ve been plying me with doubles?”

  Maca spit out his drink and I laughed. I liked her. She was up-front and surprisingly honest for a journalist.

  “Which paper d’ya work for?” I asked.

  “The Sun,” she replied with a hint of apology in her voice. “Look, I tell ya what. Don’t tell me anything, forget about all that. I’ve had a drink and I’m horny. I’m not one of your stupid little fifteen-year-old fans. I’m a grown woman, I’m twenty-eight years old, and I haven’t had sex in nine weeks. I fancy a shag and I fancy shagging both of you, at once.”

  “Fuck,” is what came out of my mouth.

  “If you’re twenty-eight, how come you’re only just starting out as a journalist?”

  Seriously, that’s all that Maca got from what she said? Her age, and not what was on offer?

  She slumped back into her chair before continuing. “I did a teaching degree, got a job teaching at primary level, and just found that it wasn’t my thing. I’ve always loved English, I have a degree in both language and literature, and I have a passion for music. Music journalism seemed like an option and now here I am, trying to earn a name for myself with that one big story.”

  “By fucking your way through every band?” I asked her.

  “No, I’ve never done this before ... well, not with anyone in a band before. Not anyone famous, at least.”

  “So you’ve had a threesome before?” I asked, looking across to Maca as I do. I was trying to gauge his reaction, but of course I can’t, he’s completely neutral.

  “Yes, I’ve had a threesome before. Two girl’s, one bloke, and me with two blokes. Had a foursome once too. I’ve been to uni, boys. Weed, whiz, trips, they all help to lower your inhibitions.”

  We were still teenagers. A threesome was being offered up on a plate. What would you think the end result was gonna be?

  “Jock, can you come over here a second please?” Maca suddenly called out to the landlord.

  Jock threw the cloth he permanently had in his hand over his shoulder and walked over to our table. “What can I do for you boys?” he asked

  “This is Siobhan,” Maca said, pointing to the girl. “She wants to come home with me and Marley. I need her to tell you right now, that if she comes home with us, she knows it’s gonna end up with us having sex with her.”

  Well fuck! My boy was back and he was finally zipping up his pussy and bringing his balls to the party.

  Siobhan’s mouth dropped open while Jock raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. He gestured towards her with his chin. “You know what your letting yourself in for if you go home with these wee rascals lassie?”

  She nodded her head. “It was me that offered, Jock, so yeah, sex is what I’m hoping will happen, with both of them.”

  “Well there ya go. I’m your witness, boys.” He shook his head as he spoke. “I’m in the wrong fucking game here. I can hold a tune, ya know? Does that get me an invite? Go, have fun,” he said over his shoulder before heading back towards the bar.

  We bought a bottle of whiskey on the way back to our flat. It was actually more like a house, being the top two floors of a converted three-story house in Notting Hill. We all had a bedroom each, as well as two full bathrooms and a third toilet on the lower floor, just off the open plan; living, dinning and kitchen.

  We’d only just started to see the royalties coming in from the tour and album sales. The figures were blowing us all away.

  Maca and I were off to buy new cars the next day and we’d all look for our own places to live once the album is finished. We were hoping to have it released in time for Christmas, and a tour had already been lined up for Australia, Asia and the U.S, starting in February of the following year.

  All that, and what was about to happen with this woman seemed surreal. It was all more than we could ever have dreamed of, but for myself and Maca being the youngest, I sometimes felt a little overwhelmed at the speed with which things had moved.

  “Take her to my room,” I told Maca. I knew that all his lyrics, notebooks, and diaries were usually spread everywhere in his room, and he was pretty private about all that shit.

  I felt a sudden twinge of guilt as thoughts of George flashed through my mind. Most of the new album consisted of songs about her, or heartache in general, but both musically and lyrically, it was our best work to date. Angst seemed to equal hits.

  I gathered three glasses from the kitchen and headed upstairs. When I walked into the bedroom, Maca was sitting with his back against the headboard, legs stretched out in front of him. I put the glasses down on the chest of drawers and poured us each a drink.

  ‘You know, Len will flip if he finds out about this,” he stated the obvious.

  “Then we won’t fucking tell him,” I replied. “I’ve lived like a monk since we came off tour, and you’ve behaved like a nun since George, so fuck it. What’s the point of being in Britain’s band of the moment if we can’t get the occasional shag now and then?” He looked back at me, glassy eyed. Shit, I shouldn’t have mentioned George.

  I turned to pass Maca his drink, just as Siobhan walked out of the bathroom that he and I shared. She was stark bollock naked. Taking the glass from my hand, she looked between Maca and me. “Chop chop, boys. Clothes off.”

  I pressed play on the boom box sitting on my clothes chest and ‘Orgasm Addict’ by the Buzzcocks blasted out. We were all silent for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. Well, at least it broke the ice a little bit.

  I poured more whiskey into the glass that Siobhan just emptied and passed her another. She kissed me, full on the mouth, and I ground my already hard dick against her. She broke away and walked over to the bed where Maca was sitting with his fingers laced together, hands behind his head. He didn’t take his eyes off her as she stalked across the room towards him. He reached out his hand and took the drink from her, knocking the lot back in a few gulps.

  I unlaced my Doc Martens and kicked them off, pulled my jeans down and my T-shirt over my head. By the time I looked up, Siobhan was straddling Maca on the bed, and he was sucking on her tit while digging his fingers into her arse cheeks. She broke their kiss so that she could pull his top over his head. I downed my drink and brought my empty glass, along with the bottle, over to the bedside table, placing them down before crawling up behind Siobhan to join the party.

  ‘Lavender’ by Marillion played as I lifted Siobhan from Maca and turned her around
to straddle me. He climbed off the bed and turned the light off, keeping the lamp on, before taking off the rest of his clothes and joining us.

  I’ve seen Maca naked countless times before now. We’ve crossed swords pissing in the same toilet and fucked different girls on the same bed at the same time in the past, but we’d never shared a girl. I was fine with it, I just hoped that he was too.

  He kissed along Siobhan’s shoulder from behind, his hands slid around to cup her tits. She continued to grind into my naked lap. The length of my dick was between her pussy lips, the tip pressed against her clit. She broke our kiss and turned her head towards Maca and I watched as their mouths collided, tongues tangling. I lowered my head and took her nipple into my mouth, Maca pulling on it at the same time. My tongue lapped at his fingers. It wasn’t intentional. I had never in my life done anything like that before, and I knew with one hundred percent certainty, that I’m wasn’t gay. Writing this doesn’t make me uncomfortable, as I’m clear on that. We were just three people enjoying each other’s bodies, caught up in the moment and just going with it.

  I drew Maca’s middle and index finger into my mouth and dragged my teeth along them and Siobhan’s nipple. She let out a groan and when I looked up, they were both looking down at me.

  “Fuck, you two are beautiful.” She sounded almost reverent in her tone. She moved her hands to the backs of our heads and simultaneously pulled both of our mouths to hers.

  Lips, teeth, tongues. They clashed, tangled, danced, and assaulted. My hands instinctively rose and I gripped each of them by the hair.

  My heart wass racing and my stomach felt like a Russian gymnast had taken up residency inside it. Backflips, forward rolls, it was all going on. And my dick? Fuck, that thing was like steel at that moment.

  Siobhan shifted and suddenly I was chest to chest with Maca, dick to dick. Her legs were open, and we had a thigh each between them while she rubbed her wet pussy against us. Our heads were both turned towards her, our mouths still on hers, and each other’s.

  Simply Red was singing about money being too tight to mention, when Siobhan reached between us, taking our dicks in each of her hands, then wrapping her hands around both, bringing them together.

  Maca watched as she lowered her head, taking us both into her mouth at once. My hips thrusted forward of their own volition, and Maca slowly raised his head to look at me. His chest was heaving, eyes shining bright. I reached out and pushed my hands through his long hair, pulling on it so that his head tilted back slightly.

  “It’s just sex,” I told him. “It’s just sex. Fucking. It means nothing, it changes nothing.” I was trying to convince him, as much as I was trying to convince myself.

  He twisted his head, forcing my fingers to give up their grip on his hair. Grabbing Siobhan by the back of hers, he pulled her up to face us. She had spit or jizz, or a combination of both, all over her chin and around her plump lips. We both dive in at the same time to kiss, lick, and suck it off.

  “Jesus, you two are good.” This girl was amazing for our egos. She had no idea that we’d never done this together before.

  “You got condoms?” Maca asked.

  “Yeah, in the drawer.” I gestured with my chin. Maca reached over, refilled, and then passed us our drinks before pulling a box of condoms from the drawer.

  “Do you have any KY?” Siobhan asked.

  “You want anal?” The surprise obvious in my voice. Girls had been a bit reluctant to give that up the last few years, since AIDS had reared its ugly head.

  “Don’t you?”

  “As long as I’m giving, baby. Don’t do the taking.”

  “What about you, pretty boy?” She looked over to Maca.

  “I’m a giver, not a taker, sweetheart. Nothing gets past my chocolate star fish, unless it’s exiting.”

  I spit my drink.

  “Dude, you seriously just called your arsehole a chocolate star fish? Have you inspected it that closely to know that’s what it looks like?”

  “Well I was gonna call it Marley, but I thought that might cause confusion.”

  “Ha, you’re funny.” I couldn’t think of anything to come back with before Siobhan interrupted.

  “So, you two ... you’ve never ... with each other, I mean?”

  “Fucked?” I sounded all high pitched and indignant.

  “No love, never.” Maca answered. “Although he is known as cunt face to many, so I suppose it would be understandable if I was to stick my dick in his mouth one of these days.”

  Ha, so my best mate’s suddenly got his balls back and became a comedian.


  “You’re spoiling your image as the dark and brooding member of the band, Maca. Fuck off, and stop trying to be funny.” I told him. He flipped me his middle finger and blew me a kiss.

  I turn to Siobhan. “No, darling. In answer to your question, we don’t fuck each other. What you saw just then was us putting on a show. The girls love it. You loved it, right?” I asked.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “Well, let’s move things along then. “You up for DP?”

  “I just asked for the KY, didn’t I?” I liked this girl ... woman, actually. I kept forgetting that she’s was eight, nine years older than us. She knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask. Why couldn’t all women be like that? It’d leave them satisfied more often and make blokes lives so much easier.

  “You fuck her, Marls, I’m happy with a blow job.” Maca said.

  “You’ve not got a dose of anything, have you? I just had your dicks in my mouth, if there’s any chance you have, I need to know.”

  “Sweetheart, despite what you might read about me, I’ve had just one girlfriend in the past few years.” He admits with a pissed off edge to his tone.

  “Don’t mean you weren’t fucking other people.”

  “I was only fucking her and she’s never fucked anyone but me.”

  Okay, la, la, la. I didn’t need to be hearing this.

  “So what? Me and what happened at the hotel in Paris, they’re just one-offs, are they?”

  Maca reached out and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her face towards his. “I never fucked anyone in Paris, but because of the bullshit you and your mates printed about me and supposedly what happened, we’re no longer together. I’m now single, so whatever goes on here now, between us, it’s of no consequence to anyone.” He threw me a condom. “Now, you gonna suck my dick or what, Siobhan with a B?” He laid down on the bed as he asked.

  We’re all silent just the sound of Annie Lennox, singing about angels, in the background.

  I fought with Ash over giving our daughter that name because I didn’t want it tainted with the memory of that night, but if you’d ever tried to argue with Ashley about anything, then you’d understand why I always lose.

  I watched as Maca started to stoke himself and I did the same before sliding the condom over my dick.

  Siobhan leaned forward and wrapped her hand around his dick, while I reached around her body and with my middle finger, started rubbing circles over her clit.

  “Move closer to him,” I said into her ear. I was kissing, licking, and dragging my teeth over the curve of her neck and across her shoulder. “Open your legs wider and lean forward.” She turned her head towards me. Her porcelain skin was flushed and her blue eyes were shining.

  “I want you in my cunt.”

  For a boy who was only nineteen, hearing those words caused me to nearly come all over her back, but instead, I pushed her face first onto Maca’s dick and rammed inside her from behind.

  We saw Siobhan on a regular basis after that. Sometimes it’d just be me and her, sometimes just her and Maca. She brought her friend Julia along occasionally and all four of us would end up in bed together. Jules was a budding photographer, so as a thank you to them both for the no strings sex, we did an exclusive interview and photo shoot on our last day of recording at the studios. Jules went on to become one of the world’s biggest rock photogr
aphers, and Siobhan an editor of a celebrity magazine. Our paths crossed many times over the years, but our arrangement never lasted beyond that year and our meetings after that were always friendly and professional. Siobhan sadly died of ovarian cancer in 2010, and it’s the reason the UK’s biggest ovarian cancer charity receives a large donation from the Triple M event every year. Maca liked Siobhan, and I know he would’ve wanted money raised in his name to be sent in that direction.

  Despite the album and a single from it being the UK’s Christmas number one, the actual day that year was horrible. I asked my parents if Maca could still come for dinner, same as he’d been doing since he was about fourteen, but they’d said no. My mum actually seemed surprised that he even wanted to because by that time, unknown to all of us, Haley the whore had already started to weave her web of deception and my mum truly believed he had moved on.

  Maca refused to spend the day with his mum and her husband so instead, stayed alone at our flat, writing songs.

  He gave me a gift for George before I left to go to my parents. It was odd, not waking up at their house on Christmas morning, but I just couldn’t face the atmosphere. The less time I spent around my sister, the less guilt I felt. The last time I’d seen George, she was painfully thin and looked almost drained of life. She spoke when spoken to, but treated me like I was invisible.

  I slipped the present under the tree when I got there, not wanting to make a big deal of it in front of my parents. Later, when Jimmie, Len, and Bailey arrived, the last of the presents were given out but it wasn’t there. I found out years later. My mum had removed it and hidden it from George in case it would upset her. It was a silver bracelet with a G hanging from it, matching the necklace he’d bought her a few years before. When it came out that my mum had played a hand in keeping them apart all those years, she admitted that like the letters and everything else Maca had sent, she’d returned it with a note, once again asking him not to send her gifts or attempt to make contact. He finally took notice after that. My mum returning his Christmas gift was what made him stop sending the letters and parcels, but it didn’t stop him from buying her things or writing her letters, he just never sent them.


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