The Dragon's Discovery (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 6)

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The Dragon's Discovery (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 6) Page 19

by Jessie Donovan

  His pupils flashed a second and then remained slits again. Alistair's dragon nodded. "Once more. Alistair promised we can share every night. Tomorrow, I will be first."

  She nodded, wanting to show she embraced both the human and dragon halves of Alistair.

  His dragon didn't wait, positioned his cock, and thrust.

  Kiyana groaned and dug her nails into Alistair's back. His dragon ordered, "Harder. Hold me harder."

  She didn't need any more encouragement and hung onto her dragonman as the dragon half took her again, just as fast and hard as the first time.

  And after she'd screamed his name and slumped against his chest, Alistair's normal voice filled her ears, "You're such a brave lass. I love you."

  Snuggling against his chest, she smiled. "I'm not sure brave is the word I'd use. After all, this woman enjoys a quick, hard shag sometimes."

  He snorted and tilted her head up until she met his eyes again, his pupils round. "That's only going to encourage him."

  Raising a hand, she traced his firm jaw. "Is that such a bad thing? I love and want all of you, Alistair Boyd. That means your dragon, too."

  His pupils flashed again before he replied, "I'm still not sure how I deserve you, but selfish bastard that I am, I'm keeping you."

  "Keeping me, huh?"

  He hugged her tighter against his body. "As best I can. But it works both ways—you can keep me, too."

  "Then let's seal that deal with another kiss, and then it's bedtime."

  Worry filled his eyes. "Are you okay? Is it the bairn?"

  She shook her head. "I'm fine, just tired. Your family is brilliant, but it takes a lot of energy to keep up with them all."

  "More than keeping up with my dragon?"

  The corner of her mouth kicked up. "That, my dragonman, is something we'll have to determine after I've gathered more data."

  He growled. "Don't tempt me, love. It's going to be hard enough to not claim you again straightaway."

  She winked. "Don't worry, I see a lot of data-gathering sessions in our future. But tonight, you'll have to subsist on cuddles."

  He kissed her softly. "Good, because I plan on holding you close and never letting go."

  Before she could mention how his romantic side had come out again, he managed to scoop her up in his arms and slowly make their way to the bedroom.

  She really should scold him for it, considering he was still recovering. However, she sensed that in that moment, Alistair needed to carry her to their bed. And so she let him, content to listen to his heartbeat underneath her ear, never caring about how long it took him.

  And once they were in bed, Alistair spooning her back, Kiyana fell fast asleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A few days later, Kiyana was writing up her final report for the Department of Dragon Affairs when someone knocked on the front door. Since Alistair was out helping with something at the Protectors' main security building, she went to answer it and blinked at Meg Boyd. "I thought you were coming over for dinner later?"

  The older dragonwoman waved a hand in dismissal and waltzed inside. Kiyana closed the door and followed her into the kitchen. Meg replied, "Aye, I still am. But there's a matter for you and me to discuss, one that I don't want Alistair around to hear."

  Those words piqued her interest. "I don't keep secrets from Alistair, Meg. So don't ask me to do it, unless it's something on the level of a surprise party or something."

  Meg knew the cottage well and went about making some tea. "This has to do with the director of the DDA, as well as my role here. The fewer people who know about what I'm doing, the better, aye? And since you're still technically an employee of the DDA, you have to keep this confidential."

  Kiyana didn't like how Meg was spouting off DDA protocols, and yet her curiosity burned to know what exactly Meg did for the DDA.

  It was true, she didn't keep secrets from Alistair. However, he had things he worked on that she couldn't know about yet, either. So using that rationale, she bobbed her head. "Okay, I can keep a DDA secret, provided it doesn't involve Alistair himself."

  "Och, no, it doesn't involve my lad. I wouldn't ask that of you." The kettle clicked off and she poured the water. "To be honest, this is more about you than anyone else, even me."

  She resisted growling, although she was starting to understand why Alistair did it sometimes around his mother. "Then tell me already what you came here to say. You don't like people beating around the bush, and you should give me the same courtesy."

  Meg snorted. "You'll do well here, lass. Aye, you'll do." Kiyana raised her brows to remind of her question, and Meg continued, "First, I'll tell you what I do, and then I'll get to the bit about what you can do to help, too."

  She resisted a sigh. No amount of browbeating would hurry Meg up, so Kiyana sat at the table in the dining nook. "Then tell me. At this rate, Alistair will be back, and you'll lose your chance."

  The older dragonwoman took her mug of tea and sat across from Kiyana. "I mostly watch over the humans living here now, and report back to the DDA director about how they're doing."

  Kiyana frowned. "I'm not sure Holly, Gina, or let alone Ross, would appreciate you spying on them."

  "Maybe not, but Rosalind Abbott isn't about to let any of the humans suffer quietly, as too many have done in the past. And since I already know almost everything that's going on inside the clan, Finn put me up to it."


  "Aye. You'd think he'd have nominated his own aunt, given how she always claims to know more than I do. However, for whatever reason, he approached me. And since I want to help the clan as much as anyone, I agreed."

  Kiyana didn't think Finn's Aunt Lorna would love hearing the truth, but it wasn't Kiyana's place to object. After all, she'd only spent a few months on Lochguard and Finn had lived his whole life here. He would know what was best.

  She asked, "So then how am I supposed to help? I'm not big on clandestinely spying on people, or sorting through rumors. No offense, but that's just not who I am. If I'm observing someone, they know it and are usually a participant to a degree."

  "No offense taken, lass. No, the director has bigger things planned for you—mainly she wants you to keep researching the Dettifoss Gathering and continue to develop plans and ideas to create a new one within the next few years."

  For a few seconds, Kiyana merely stared at Meg. To many, a few years might seem a long time to put together an event. However, it had taken decades or even a century to finally get the dragon-shifters to agree the first time around.

  Not to mention she'd have her baby before long, and her free time would be quite a bit less than what she had now.

  As if sensing her thoughts, Meg spoke again. "Don't worry, you won't be working alone. That Max lad will help, as will others. Rosalind is testing the waters with her contacts, asking them to also nominate candidates to help research and plan the event."

  While normally Kiyana would ask why Meg referred to the DDA director so casually, there were bigger things to worry about. "So she's serious about putting together a similar gathering, then. I didn't think it would rank so highly in her priorities."

  Meg sipped her tea. "Aye, it's one of her top priorities. She vowed to change things for the better when she assumed her position, and she's doing her best to fulfill it, even taking steps to ensure her vision can continue if something happens to her. So, will you help, lass? I'm sure if you agree and fill out all the necessary paperwork, you can convince her to let a few select Lochguard people know about your project, including Alistair."

  The request was massive. It would take a lot of work and coordination, not to mention Kiyana would have to abandon any other projects, such as writing books or papers.

  And yet, to help something so historic become a reality would have a longer lasting effect than anything she could do on her own. It was impossible for her to refuse.

  She answered, "Provided I can negotiate Alistair into helping me sometim
es, then yes, I'm up for it."

  Meg reached across and took her hand. "I knew you would be, lass. Mothers, even mothers-to-be, often do whatever they can to make the future brighter for their children."

  While she knew not all mothers were as dedicated as Meg or even her own, Kiyana was determined to be one. Her little half-dragon-shifter baby deserved the best chance at happiness, which meant living a life with less fear. After all, if the dragon-shifters worked together, they might be able to almost eradicate the dragon hunters and Dragon Knights. Sure, the internet would always exist and give dragon haters a place to gather, but they would cause a lot less damage and pain with fewer resources.

  Not to mention that without a fully fledged organization with strong leaders, most plans and threats would never see the light of day.

  Kiyana placed her free hand over her lower belly. "It'll not only help my baby, but it'll help so many others, as well."

  Alistair had yet to tell his family the details surrounding Rachel and her sickness, let alone his vow to strengthen communication ties between the clans, but it was also true a gathering similar to the one in Dettifoss could help every dragon-shifter on the planet.

  Just thinking of the amount of information that could be exchanged made her giddy. "When will the paperwork arrive? I'll have more time before the baby comes, so I want to get started right away."

  Meg clicked her tongue. "I'll have it after your mating ceremony. Rosalind wants to ensure you're legally connected to Alistair before pushing any more boundaries."

  Her and Alistair's mating ceremony was a week away. Disappointment flickered, but she forced it aside. Seven days wasn't very long. Not to mention she still had to finish her final report on the group of humans who had come to Lochguard as potential mates.

  She bobbed her head. "I'll be ready a few days after, as I promised Alistair we'd spend a few days alone together."

  Many people went to Lochguard's piece of land on the Isle of Skye after a mating ceremony, but Alistair had refused. His dragon hadn't acted up, but he wanted to be careful. So they were staying on the clan's lands and hoping they could keep unwanted visitors away.

  Meg finished her tea. "Aye, aye, I know. I'm not to visit for at least two days after the ceremony. It'll be hard, as I only want to get to know my new daughter-in-law, but I'll somehow find the strength."

  Kiyana did her best not to smile at Meg's guilt-tripping. "I'm sure you will."

  Meg stood and placed her mug in the sink. "Well, I'd best be off and let Rosalind know of your decision." She took a step and then paused. "It'll be a thankless job, so let me be the first to say I'll appreciate your efforts. If we're lucky, the gathering will happen in my lifetime."

  "You'll outlive us all, Meg, so I'm sure you will."

  "Such a flatterer."

  It wasn't flattery so much as the truth. Kiyana only hoped she could be as spritely as Meg Boyd when she reached her age.

  The dragonwoman's eyes widened. "Oh, and I almost forgot. As part of the deal, an offer will always be open for your mother to live here permanently. I know she's still deciding, but it should put you at ease to know she can live here if she wants."

  She wondered if Meg had been instrumental in that condition, given that she was friends with Kiyana's mother. "Thank you."

  Meg waved a hand in dismissal. "Don't thank me. You can thank Rosalind by working your hardest and keeping that Max lad in line."

  She sighed. "It will be quite the task, but I know someone who can help with it. And no, I won't tell anyone who doesn't have the clearance to know, but keeping an eye on a visitor is still standard protocol after all."

  "Do what you must, just keep him occupied. I'm not sure I can take his lectures every day for as long as it takes to make the important gathering a reality."

  "I’ll try."

  "Good." Meg faced the door again. "Then I'll be off. I'll send you all the details once I have them."

  The older dragonwoman was nearly out of the kitchen when Kiyana blurted, "Why don't you want to tell everyone what you're doing? Watching over the humans isn't that scandalous."

  "No, but Rosalind is afraid enemies still reside within the clan. So keeping my identity secret means I can watch and be myself without anyone acting differently."

  She blinked. "Enemies?"

  "Ask Finn, as he has his own suspicions as well."

  With that, Meg left, leaving Kiyana to wonder what other dangers existed, ones she'd have to protect her baby from.

  She wouldn't worry to the point of being afraid to live life, but she'd be cautious going forward. One of the best things was to focus on her upcoming project. After all, who knew what information other clans possessed about enemies or potential threats.

  Yes, the more information they could obtain, the better. However, she needed to finish her current work first. And so Kiyana went back to work.


  Layla MacFie frowned as she double-checked her supplies for the third time. However, no amount of recounting was going to change the fact some of her dearest drugs—one specifically used for helping inner dragons—were missing.

  It wasn't the first time it had happened, either. Over the last six months, various things had gone missing, from drugs to medical instruments to even some of the older vital-signs monitors.

  Her dragon huffed. Will you listen to me now and install a security camera?

  We already did that, but whoever is stealing knows where they are.

  Then put in a secret one.

  I don't have the faintest idea of how to install one.

  You don't, but Chase does.

  Chase McFarland had only earned his full electrician certification in the last year, but by all accounts, he knew what he was doing and did it well.

  Of course, thinking of Chase brought back the evening when he'd told her he was patient, and that she was worth waiting for.

  Not wanting to remember the heat in his eyes or how she'd ended up slumped on the floor afterward, she answered her beast, I'd have to ask him in private, and promise secrecy, and that's not a good idea.

  Only because you're afraid of being alone with him.

  I'm not afraid.

  Liar. We share the same dreams. And you want him.

  Her dragon was correct. Layla's dreams tended to center around Chase more than any other male. And to see him again after some of the rather explicit fantasies, well, they might finally break her resolve.

  Her dragon growled. Then do it.

  He'll want more, and we can't give it. Especially if we have a thief here at the surgery, one that'll be handed over to Finn once we catch them. Because I have a feeling it's an internal job, and then we'll be even more short-staffed.

  Stop coming up with excuses. Tell him plainly you don't want a relationship. It's that simple.

  Aye, because you'll settle for that so quickly.

  Her dragon fell silent, telling Layla everything she wanted to know.

  Which meant her inner beast wanted Chase for more than for a night, too.

  That was mad, considering they barely knew the male. Sure, he was attentive, charming, and had even made her laugh once or twice. But that wasn't enough to make a relationship work, especially in her profession.

  He needed to remain off-limits, no matter what.

  With a sigh, Layla exited the supply room and went to her office. She'd have to find a time to ask Chase to install the hidden camera as a personal favor and hope he could keep a secret. The best time to ask would when they could be alone, and yet weren't inside either of their cottages.

  Then it hit her—Alistair and Kiyana's mating ceremony was soon. She could find him then, talk with him alone in a room, and then go back to the gathering.

  Satisfied with her plan and how she'd be able to carry it out without her ending up naked and Chase inside her, Layla jotted down the supply discrepancies in her little notebook she kept on her, and went to the mound of paperwork she needed to complete before she could leave for the

  Chapter Twenty

  Alistair readjusted the dark-blue material tossed over his shoulder and then turned toward the door.

  It was time. He would finally take Kiyana as his mate in front of the whole clan.

  His dragon spoke up. I don't understand why it's necessary. She is ours, and we are hers. A few words won't matter.

  You say that, but of course it matters. And not just because it provides a legal contract, one the DDA will recognize so that Kiyana can live here permanently.

  I'd like to see them try to force her away from our side.

  He smiled. True, but I'd rather she save her fire and stubbornness for something more worthwhile. Especially since one ceremony will save all of us the trouble of yet another fight.

  His dragon grunted. I suppose. But let's hurry. The sooner we start, the sooner we can greet everyone and then take our female home.

  Alistair opened the door and blinked as he came face-to-face with his mother. "Mum, can't it wait? You can see me after the ceremony."

  "Nonsense." She gently pushed him back into the room. "I have a wee gift for you."

  Doing his best not to grimace, Alistair shut the door and asked, "What is it?"

  His mother retrieved something from her bag, wrapped in a white material. "It's something from your father. He left wee presents for each of his sons, ones he wanted me to give you on your mating day. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I'd ever have the chance to give it to you."

  He kept his voice light and free from irritation. "Aye, well, I'm being mated shortly, so you can give it to me now."

  "I'll ignore your tone for the moment, and put it down to your eagerness to see your female again."

  His mother had insisted they spend the night apart, as was tradition for many dragon-shifter families. "Aye, I am, so let's not keep Kiyana waiting."

  His mum unwrapped the material to reveal a silver brooch, the type his clan pinned to the strap thrown over the shoulder for their traditional dress outfits.


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