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Wish Page 14

by Deborah Bladon

  “It’s mine. It’s all mine.”

  The force of my words makes her groan. “Jesus, Sebastian. That’s so hot.”

  I inch my hand lower until it skims the waistband of her panties. I trace a path to the side, bunching the thin fabric in my hand before I tear it apart in one swift movement.

  She looks down, her eyes wide saucers of wonder.

  “You just…” her voice gets lost in the sound of pleasure that flies out of her when my fingers graze her clit.

  I rip the panties away from her body. We both watch the shredded pieces of lace fall to the floor.

  I step closer to her, wrapping her legs around me as I slide two fingers into her tight channel.

  “Yes,” she hisses under her breath.

  “Yes,” I echo against her mouth.

  I finger her slowly. It’s a taste of what I’ll do to her in my bed before the night is over.

  I can’t get enough of her.

  I’ll always want more. That should scare the fuck out of me, but it doesn’t.

  It offers me a sense of peace I’ve never felt before.


  Tears prick at the corners of my eyes.

  I’m not crying. If I were, it would be tears of joy.

  I’m straining to contain myself because I’m buried in Matilda’s pussy and she’s clawing the sheets like a wild animal that can’t be tamed.

  “You like it this deep,” I growl as I fold myself over her back.

  She’s on her stomach. Her beautiful plump ass is resting against me as I drive my dick into her with long, even strokes.

  Sweat peppers every inch of my skin and hers.

  We’ve been fucking for hours.

  I brought her to orgasm with my fingers on the dining room table. She blew me in return.

  Then I licked her while she rode my face on the sofa before I carried her to my bed and slid my dick between her perfect tits.

  Now, she’s inching her ass closer to my body as I try with every ounce of strength I have left not to come before her.

  “Come,” I demand, my voice an angry roar.

  “Fuck me harder.” She screams. “Harder.”

  I do. I brace my foot on the bed and pound into her with deep, measured thrusts.

  I hold her in place with my hands, pinning her to the mattress.

  I feel her inch closer, her pussy gripping me like a vise. “I’m going to…”

  “Come,” I say one last time as she rides my dick to her climax before I lose control and come hard chanting her name.

  Chapter 41


  “Do you think I look okay?” I adjust the neckline of my navy blue lace dress. “I haven’t been to many weddings before. I wasn’t sure what to wear.”

  “You look amazing.” Sebastian nudges my leg with his as we sit in two of the chairs that have been set up in the corner of a private dining room in a Greek restaurant in midtown.

  We’re near an archway made of fresh flowers where Samuel and Remy’s wedding ceremony will take place.

  I rake him over. “You look pretty good too.”

  He looks hot-as-sin, which is probably because we fucked before we got dressed to come here.

  After our marathon night together last week, we both dove headfirst into work again. I also had to fit in time with Maya and Kate.

  Frannie needed me too. Our time together was devoted to late night video calls when she showed me all the matching outfits she’s created for her daughters and the dresses she’s working on for them to wear at Maya’s wedding.

  When I saw Sebastian exit his bedroom earlier today, he was dressed only in black boxer briefs.

  I couldn’t resist running across the apartment and throwing myself into his arms.

  He picked me up, took me back into his bedroom and fucked me against the window before we showered together in my bathroom.

  “I’ve missed you, Matilda.” He reaches to take my hand.

  I watch as he rests it on his thigh. “I’ve missed you too.”

  “You’ll dance with me after dinner, won’t you?” His eyes brighten with the question. “Great things happen when we dance.”

  A blush creeps up my neck. “We can’t have sex here.”

  “Not here.” He lowers his voice. “There’s an hourly rate hotel a block over where we can.”

  “You’re going to take me to a hotel to fuck me?” I whisper so the bride’s parents don’t hear us from where they’re seated just a few feet away.

  “I don’t know if I can last until we get home.” He kisses my mouth softly.

  I pull back to ask a question I’m not sure I want to know the answer to. “Have you taken a woman there before?”

  “Tilly Baker?” A man’s voice interrupts us before Sebastian can answer.

  I look to the side in the direction of the unfamiliar voice. When I see the person standing next to me, I recognize him instantly. “Darrell Carver?”

  I jump to my feet to greet him. He tugs me into his arms for a warm embrace.

  “What the fuck, Darrell?” Sebastian stands. “What are you doing?”

  The bride’s parents shoot us all a look.

  “Don’t tell me you know each other?” I slip from Darrell’s arms to stand next to Sebastian.

  “We work together, Matilda,” Sebastian says evenly.

  Work together?

  First, he knows Jo and now he’s telling me he works with my favorite pet owner from the clinic?

  “Matilda?” Darrell repeats my name. “Tilly. Dammit. You’re his Matilda.”

  His Matilda. He thinks I’m Sebastian’s Matilda.

  “I’m lost.” Sebastian wraps his arm around my waist. “How do you two know each other?”

  “Tilly and I met years ago.” Darrell glances over at me. “She took special care of our dog at the clinic. She even handled watching over him when we were out of town.”

  “I was their pet sitter.” I look over his shoulder. “Where’s Sharon? I’d love to say hi to her.”

  Sebastian’s hand squeezes my waist as Darrell’s face drops. “We split, Tilly. It wasn’t working anymore.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  The thumb of his right hand brushes over his ring finger. “It’s been for the best. Sharon’s already involved with someone else.”

  The world can shift in an instant and the Carvers are proof of that. They brought their cocker spaniel in for his yearly check-up just over a year ago.

  “I’m going to go over to say hello to Brant, “ Darrell says before he walks away.

  “I can’t believe you two know each other.” Sebastian chuckles. “I don’t know how the hell we circled each other for so long without actually meeting.”

  I look up and into his warm blue eyes. “Fate must have known we weren’t ready for each other until the night I walked in and saw you in all your naked glory.”

  He leans in to kiss me but nips my bottom lip between his teeth instead. “You’ve made me hard, Matilda and in answer to your question…no, I’ve never fucked a woman at the hotel around the corner.”

  “Good,” I whisper against his lips. “You won’t fuck me there either. I’m going to make you wait until we’re in my bed.”

  “You’re torturing me.” He pulls me closer to him so I can feel his steely erection.

  I almost groan aloud, but he catches it with his mouth when he kisses me again.

  “I’m not complaining.” He straightens when he sees the bride enter the room dressed in a short white dress.

  I lean into him as we take our seats.

  We sit in silence holding hands as we watch two people in love take their vows.

  I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to stand next to Sebastian under an archway made of flowers and hear him pledge himself to me for eternity.

  I’ll never know and that has to be enough for me.

  It just has to be.

  Chapter 42


  I loo
k over to where Sebastian is sitting with a few of the detectives he works with, including the groom.

  They gathered together after dinner to share stories about Samuel Brant. They all burst into laughter over and over again.

  “I had no idea you were the woman Sebastian told me about last week.”

  I smile at Darrell. He took the seat next to me after Sebastian vacated it. We’ve chatted for a few minutes about the weather and his new job as an assistant district attorney.

  It makes sense now that he knows Sebastian.

  As tempted as I am to ask him what exactly Sebastian said about me last week, I’d much rather hear those words from Sebastian’s lips.

  “Is he easy to work with?” I laugh.

  “Is he easy to live with?” he counters.

  I take a small sip of the red wine that was served with dinner. “Very easy to live with.”

  He purses his lips. “Very hard to work with.”

  I can’t read his expression. “Seriously?”

  He picks up the bottle of beer he brought with him when he came to talk to me. He takes a pull. “He takes me to task on a weekly basis. There isn’t another detective who does that.”

  That surprises me. The Sebastian I’ve come to know is caring and kind. He’s considerate of others, but I’ve never seen him at work, so it’s impossible for me to understand what he’s like when he’s there.

  “He knows the law better than most of the assistant district attorneys.” He puts the beer bottle down. “He’s not afraid to speak his mind.”

  “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” I feel the need to defend Sebastian even though Darrell hasn’t said anything other than that he’s passionate about his job.

  “It’s a frustrating thing, Tilly.” He glances over to where Sebastian is still sitting. “He takes every case he’s assigned to heart. If I can’t deliver the outcome he wants, I hear about it.”

  “Some people would call that a passion for the job.” I lean back in the chair I’m sitting in. “I can tell that his job weighs on him. I’m sure he just wants justice for the victims.”

  Darrell scratches his chin. “You’re right, but his talents would be better suited working for the district attorney.”

  I cock my head. “You think he should be a lawyer?”

  “I know he should be a lawyer,” he corrects me. “He was accepted to NYU Law School years ago and passed on it.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  I’m surprised by his admission. I knew Sebastian had an interest in becoming a lawyer, but I had no idea it had progressed to the point of him applying and being accepted into law school.

  “I told him the other day that I had a friend who is connected to the Dean of Admissions at NYU Law. I offered to put in a good word for him.”

  I furrow my brow. “Are you talking about Ronald Dixon?”

  Ronald is another client I met through the clinic. His cat was brought in late one night after being hit by a car. I just happened to be the vet assistant on call. I comforted him in the waiting room while Dr. Hunt performed surgery on its broken leg.

  During the procedure, Ronald told me all about his life, including his job at NYU Law School.

  “Let me guess?” Darrell chuckles. “He has a pet who is a friend of yours.”

  I smile. “You know it.”

  “You should work your magic and convince Sebastian to apply again.” He reaches for his beer. “He passed on his dream job to fulfill a duty to his father and grandfather.”

  “You don’t think he wanted to be a police officer?”

  His gaze sweeps over Sebastian and the other detectives. “I think he did what he felt he needed to for his family. He put their dreams before his own.”

  “He wouldn’t still be talking about becoming a lawyer if it wasn’t in his blood,” he goes on as he pushes back from the table. “He’s got a brilliant legal mind, Tilly. He’d be a remarkable lawyer.”

  My chin lifts. “I’m glad we ran into each other today.”

  “Me too. Can I ask a favor?” he asks with a grin as he stands.

  I narrow my eyes. ”What would that be?”

  “You must know a lot of people in this town. Do you know any intelligent, kind and fun single women who might be interested in getting to know a newly-single assistant district attorney?”

  I lift my hand to my chin as I consider his request and then it hits me. “I do know someone. I’ll talk to her next week and if she’s interested I’ll get her to call you.”

  “You still have my number on file at the clinic, right?”

  I nod. “I do.”

  “I hope I’ll hear from her.”

  He will. Once I tell Carolyn about Darrell, I think she’ll realize that waiting around for the man she had dinner with to call for a second date is nothing but a waste of her time.

  I may have just found the next match made in heaven.

  “Are you smiling like that because of me?” Sebastian asks from where he’s now standing next to me. “I’m ready to leave if you are, Matilda.”

  I look into his eyes. “What about that after dinner dance you promised me?”

  He bends down to kiss my forehead. “I have something else in mind that I think you’ll like even more.”

  Chapter 43


  “It’s huge, Sebastian.”

  I smile. “You can’t get a better view of it than right here.”

  She finally backs away from the telescope to look at me. “I had no idea that the moon looked like that. I’ve only seen it with my naked eye.”


  It’s how I want her and she will be soon, but when we got home from Brant’s wedding, I wanted to show her the full moon through the lens of my telescope.

  “This isn’t the telescope that you got when you were a kid, is it?”

  I look up at the sky. “That one is long gone. I bought this one for my twenty-fifth birthday.”

  It was an investment I made in myself. At my old building, I’d spend hours on the roof gazing at the stars. Tonight is the first time I’ve brought it out here.

  It felt right to share that experience with her.

  “I get the fascination now.” She pushes her hair back when the light wind whips it against the side of her face.

  She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. The most beautiful I’ll ever know.

  “I can teach you about the stars.” I sweep my hand in the air.

  She reaches up to fist her hand in her hair. “I’d like that.”

  “We can go back to the apartment now.” I watch her as her eyes take in the night sky.

  “Look.” Her hand leaves her hair to dart out in front of her. “Isn’t that a shooting star?”

  I close the distance between us with a few steps as I glance in the direction she’s pointing. “It is.”

  She grabs hold of the lapels of my suit jacket. “We each have to make a wish.”

  I know the routine. I did it throughout my childhood, but not one of those shooting star wishes ever came true.

  “Close your eyes and make your wish.” Her lips brush my chin. “Do it now before it’s too late.”

  I do. I close my eyes, rest my head against hers and wish for a lifetime of moments just like this.

  When I open my eyes, I catch her wiping a tear from her face.

  “What did you wish for, Matilda?” I whisper.

  “I can’t tell you…”

  “Or it won’t come true?”

  She nods. “I really want this wish to come true.”

  I run the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip before I kiss her softly. I want to make it come true. I want to make every single one of her wishes a reality because I’m falling in love with her.


  Her lips part but the only sound that escapes is a moan so quiet I have to still my breath to hear it.

  I’m on top of her. My forearms are bracketing her head, my chest pressed against hers as I fuck h
er slowly.

  We’re in her bed tonight. She insisted and I didn’t argue.

  I just wanted to be with her, kiss her and touch her.

  “I’ll never forget tonight.”

  I slow the pace of my thrusts even more. “I won’t either.”

  Her hands glide down my back, reaching for something, trying to pull me closer. “I love how you make me feel.”

  I bury my face in her neck to hide the onslaught of raw emotions I feel.

  “Matilda,” I say her name against her soft skin. “You’re incredible.”

  Her hips circle as I drive into her again.

  “This is what it’s like to make love.” She heaves out a ragged breath.

  I kiss the side of her neck again and again as I stroke my cock deeper with each lunge.

  She clenches around me and as she comes, I pull back, cup her face with my hands and stare into her intense blue eyes.

  My control shatters at the sight of her. I climax, making a noise so twisted with both pain and pleasure it carries her straight into another orgasm.

  Chapter 44


  “He’s your boyfriend.” Kate looks over at a group of kids lined up by the zoo’s entrance. We’re sitting on a bench enjoying the mid-morning sunshine. “You can call him your roommate or your lover or whatever you want, Tilly, but the man is your boyfriend.”

  Whatever he is, we had an incredible night together.

  After we made love, we slept in each other’s arms until Sebastian had to leave before dawn.

  I got out of my bed and sat on his while I watched him get ready for work.

  I soaked in every movement of his body, every word he was saying. I wanted to etch it all into my mind.

  I fell back asleep in his bed after he left. When I woke up I showered in his bathroom, using his shampoo and body wash. I was relaxing in my robe when my best friend called to invite me for coffee since it’s her day off too. I got ready quickly, choosing a pair of jeans and a red blouse before I straightened my hair and headed out the door.


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