The brothers fell quiet and let the peace wash over them, watching the people and spirits interacting below them in endless groups that stretched off into the mists. None of them had gone in with any thought at all about their parents potentially being on the other side. But now that they’d been discussed and the finality of the situation had been explained, it was a little like losing them all over again. There was also the idea to grapple with that they had been purposefully created as humans, or at least some kind of men, so that they could be what they are now.
They hadn’t noticed that the boat was drifting higher until Charon spoke, shaking them out of their thoughts.
“Now we get to the good stuff. The heaven most people end up in, at least for a little while.”
Upward into the light the little boat traveled, to another level where the golden-white was even more tangible. The light seemed almost like a warm fog that caressed their skin, which glowed gently in response. They looked at each other, each of them seeing his two brothers in a little bit of awe, the edges of their feathers hinting at a golden sheen. They felt more weightless, as if wings were completely unnecessary here, and looked out to see what the myriad of people there were doing.
“Heaven,” said Charon mildly, “or... Valhalla, the Summerlands, the Elysian Fields, whatever you want to call it. It’s all the same. It’s where people rest up, or sometimes they stay. Some of them go back to earth to try again, and some go on to become teachers or angels or perform other jobs, either here or on the other side.”
The figures looked a little less solidly human and a lot more angelic, but there was still a distinction between the two groups that could be not only observed with the eye, but felt inside. The angels and other spirits shone more brightly, many of them winged, all of them glowing not just gold but with a light color hue to them as well. From above, it all looked like a flower garden made of living light, stretching off into infinity, moving in a little breeze of its own creation.
“Like stained glass, but alive,” said Brian softly, suddenly missing his studio terribly. He turned to look at his brothers, and realized that they, too, each had a very faint hint of color in the auras that surrounded them, Mike’s a warm red, and Barrett’s a delicate green. Brian looked down in wonder at his own hands and saw what he thought might be a little bit of sky blue in his.
“You do know that when you combine red, green and blue lights, you get white?” Charon had a little twinkle of amusement in his eyes, then quickly deflected the topic. “So what do you think so far?”
“It’s...” attempted Brian, struck speechless.
“It’s overwhelming, for one thing,” answered Charon for him. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but you guys are only getting the bare bones tour. Trust me, it takes hundreds of years to learn it all. Or what you think is all of it. Then you find out how much there still is. Hey, even I don’t know everything there is to know about this place. I’m just the tour guide, after all.”
“Not just... thank you. For everything. For helping us,” said Barrett, unable to look away from the colorful tapestry of lives below them.
“You’re welcome. And my next stop is the last. That’s where you guys get out.”
“Get out?” Mike looked up toward the even brighter glow in the current level’s ceiling, wondering what could possibly await them there. “But if this is heaven, or whatever, then what’s...?”
Charon guided the boat higher. “This is where humans go, and some angels hang out here. The next level is... let’s call it the celestial break room.”
Brian cocked his head. Some sound was at the very edge of his awareness, and he wasn’t sure he was actually hearing it at all, but the closer they drew to the light, the more he thought he was hearing something.
“Well,” continued their guide, “maybe that’s a little too crass. It’s where you types hang out, and other infrastructure type stuff. You’ll see. And the choir hangs out there, too. Which is a confusing term, actually, because...”
“Choir...!” gasped Brian. They were all starting to hear the sound now, and the youngest Mason finally realized what he was hearing. A major chord, sung by a thousand perfect voices, that wove through everything. And now that he was aware of it, he wondered why he hadn’t heard it before.
“It’s always there. It’s part of what holds everything together.” Charon had stopped the boat just inside the next level, and motioned for them to exit. “Like the unseen threads, and little nudges, and all the other things that go on behind the scenes. Most people are completely unaware of any of it. Even people that make it up to heaven don’t see what you’re about to.”
They drifted up easily out of the little vessel that had carried them through, the wooden shape looking so strangely crude and out of place in that very unearthly realm.
“You can find your way from here,” Charon said, turning the boat around for the return trip. “The other guide will tell you what you need to know for now.”
“Other guide?”
“Will we see you again?”
“How do we get back?” They all spoke over each other, but softly, the influence of where they were calming their thoughts. Somehow they knew it would be all right, whatever happened.
“Him, and yes, and you’ll be shown, don’t worry about it.” With a little half smile and a wave, Charon and the boat disappeared into the golden mist.
“Him?” Mike turned around, feeling something behind them, and was suddenly looking straight into a chestplate of gleaming golden armor. Inside the armor was an angel, taller than any of them by far, his presence radiating into their minds and souls like the midday sun on the summer solstice. His brown eyes shone out of a perfect face that was both beautiful and handsome at once, thick black hair trailing just below his well-muscled shoulders. He regarded them calmly, near-black wings shifting a little behind him, robes as deep red as ripe pomegranate seeds.
Had they been standing, Brian’s knees would have folded up, sending him to the ground. As it was, all he could do was mentally whisper one word.
A softness came to the archangel’s face, almost something of a smile.
The word was inside them and all around them, changing them even as it passed through. They did feel welcome. In fact, they felt as if they had found their way home. Or to a home, at least. One of the places that they were meant to be. In the golden light, in the living music of the angelic choir that was the breath of the universe, the last of their fears fell away.
I know you have many questions. And all will be revealed. But because you have had a human upbringing, there is a limit to what you can take in at any one time. We will simply focus, for now, on your purpose, and what you need to fulfill that purpose.
He flew higher, and they somehow knew to follow, awestruck by the sight before them. They could sense that there was one level yet unattained, but could see no way through to it. It was much like the library tower – it was there, but not there, and the only way inside was through yet unknown means.
They looked back and saw the upper reaches of heaven laid out below them, much as the other levels had been. Some angels sang, some rested, some watched earthly activities, some nudged events, some were writing in massive books, some were inspiring people, and on and on. Unlike every other place that they had been, however, the brothers realized that they were not only seen by those present, but that eyes were turning in their direction to see what would happen next. Brian began to wonder who or what they could be looking at, but the archangel shook his head and put a hand on the youngest Mason’s shoulder, which now shone brightly sky blue.
Do not doubt. It is you three that they have been waiting to see.
Barrett started to formulate the simple question of “why?” in his head, but Michael could feel it even before it was finished.
All will be revealed. But know this. You are three parts of a whole. And to find the Source, you must find that bond. You must c
onnect again.
Connect..? They all said as one, and looked at each other. They were suddenly struck by where they were, and how strangely they were dressed for the circumstances, and a few other unsure nervous thoughts, but something inside pulled at them, an undeniable force that made them ignore everything else. Just as they had been compelled to be together on earth, to draw closer and closer, that same feeling urged them on. To complete something unfinished.
Almost as if watching someone else in a dream, they moved closer and let their instincts guide them. The brothers looked into each others’ eyes for a long time and then embraced, warm but gentle. They reached out with their minds to each other, unaware that other angels and light-beings had completely stopped what they were doing to watch. The only things that mattered now were each other, everything else falling away quietly.
This is it, said Barrett softly. Something...
I feel it too, whispered Mike, even words and language starting to become meaningless. Brian merely nodded a little.
They closed their eyes, touching foreheads, leaning in, feeling the connection deeper. It was one they’d shared all their lives, but that had become more intense since they’d manifested, and now it was a conscious, almost physical thing. A circle of whitegold light that ran between their souls, linking them, but hard and unbreakable as steel cable, strands of red, blue and green twining together to form the white light that radiated from it. The whole stronger than the parts.
They moved deeper into the bond with their minds, following it, bodies and souls shining brighter, almost becoming lost in it.
You have much more potential than you know, even as you see part of it now, said Michael softly, keeping them from drifting away entirely. This is your birthright. This is who you are. Three parts of a whole.
Understanding and focus blossomed in the brothers, their shared light shining out a little brighter still. They could see the potential, the raw power that could be summoned and tapped into when they worked together. Yet each of them was being changed as individuals – they could feel it as the light permeated every part of them, inside and out, mind, body, heart, soul. And they welcomed it, knowing it was right and meant to be. It was simply part of who they were and formed a completeness they hadn’t known they were missing before.
Go inside it.
Instinctively they knew how to follow Michael’s command, and dove even deeper into the light, both inside themselves and the brighter bond they shared, the feeling almost orgasmic. And here was the key, the gateway, the portal to the last level. The combined light of their bodies shone out blinding white, but their minds were turned inward and now floated in that infinite peace. Here there was no worry, or fear, or trouble or time. Only light, and peace, and love. An even brighter light shone onto and into them, and they knew it was the Source of all things. The splinter of humanity that remained in their consciousness recognized it as “God,” or “Goddess,” or “The Great Spirit,” or “Allah,” or a thousand other names. But it was all the same. The sea that all the little drops went back to, and came from.
At Michael’s word, their half-shared mind separated again into three distinct egos, sliding back down into three familiar bodies, but still connected deeply, glowing bright. They gazed at him, still half in that deep peace, a little drunk on it, eyes a little glazed as if in the afterglow of a climax, all of them loathe to break the connection by moving apart.
Come back to yourselves, and come with me.
He began to move away from them, and a clarity entered them as they started to follow, like taking a breath of cool night air. Onward they flew, gliding without the need to do much more with their wings than spread them slightly to catch the celestial breezes and guide their bodies. The light grew slightly dimmer in the outer reaches of where he was taking them, and they began to think a little more lucidly.
Where... Brian began, but the archangel held up his hand and turned to face them, hanging motionless. Only the four of them were present in this new space, the busy hive of activity and light left behind for the moment.
Experience is the best teacher, and you need to learn more about what you are capable of. How to think quickly under pressure, and as a unit when required. You have already done very well among the people, helping them. But now you know how to tap into the power that is within you, within the bond that you share, and your connection to the Source. I will not show you everything, but I will help you begin.
The brothers looked at each other, then back at Michael, who still hung there before them. At first glance, he seemed as impassive as when they’d first arrived, but Mike’s keen eye spotted something just under the surface. It almost looked like amusement. A little twinkle in the great angel’s eye. His brothers picked up on it through him, their connection still strong and singing with energy. Mike squinted a little, and cocked his head, sensing something.
And how are you going to do that? the middle Mason brother asked slowly.
A little smile slid up on Michael’s face, his eyes twinkling more.
You, he said, indicating the three of them with a nod, are going to fight me.
Brian let out something between a gasp and a squeak, turning quite pale. Barrett looked between them, unable to understand what was happening and why. Mike lifted an eyebrow and instinctively positioned himself between the archangel and his brothers.
That’s not really a fair fight.
Think of it more like a sparring match, the great angel Michael replied, then made a flicking motion with his hand, sending the three of them cartwheeling off into space.
Mike was the first to regain his head and stop himself from flying backwards, glaring back at his opponent. Barrett caught himself and pulled Brian close protectively, and the youngest Mason shook his head a little
I’m fine, but why...? I can’t fight anything! I probably still have dirt in my hair from the eighth grade. Why would he make us do this...?
It’s a test, said Mike, sizing up the situation. He’s going to push us to our new limits and see...
But his thoughts were cut off by a hard blow to the head by a tremendous deep gray wing that made his ears ring and his vision sparkle. Mike’s brothers were disturbed to realize that they could feel some of what was happening through the new, increased connection they shared.
Christ, he’s gonna kill him! said Brian without thinking. Michael’s gaze snapped toward him and, with a raised hand that slowly started closing, mentally began to squeeze his neck. Brian started to panic, squirming in the iron grip that was there but not there. Mike flew straight at the archangel and tried to force his hand open, kicking him in the kidneys at the same time, but Michael was unmoving and nearly unflinching, reacting no more than if the middle Mason brother was a particularly bothersome fly.
Brian turned red, his eyes tearing up and closing, sweat starting to bead a little on his brow and upper lip. Barrett took a deep breath and held his baby brother close.
It’s not real. He can’t hurt you. You don’t even need to breathe, he started to push into Brian’s mind. The youngest Mason tried to fight it, but was already only half conscious, a victim mainly of fear.
BRIAN, pushed Barrett harder, Listen to me. Calm down, and go limp. Stop fighting.
Mike, meanwhile, was still attacking the archangel with everything he had in his SEAL arsenal. Any ordinary man would have been down nearly instantly and begging for mercy, but the Archangel Saint Michael was about as far from an ordinary man as one could be, and finally shook off the annoyance, flinging him a dozen yards with little effort. Mike growled with rage and frustration, moving over to rejoin his brothers and see if there was anything he could do.
Barrett’s pushed words of command were sinking in. Brian stopped resisting and simply hung there, shaking, tears streaming down his cheeks as he prayed they weren’t his last moments on earth. Or heaven, as the case was. The grip on his throat loosened, then released, and he curled up
, gasping and coughing a little.
Michael looked at them impassively, and Mike realized he was letting them rest and collect their wits at the end of round one. Then Mike wondered how many rounds there would be.
We could try to find our way back, Barrett said, stroking Brian’s back comfortingly. I think all we have to do is...
No, said Mike, surprising his brothers. I think we should do this. Something just happened to us, and I want to find out what. How deep this goes. I feel... something different. Potential, maybe. You know what I mean?
Barrett started to protest, but Brian held up his hand.
He just... caught me off guard. That’s all. There was a new keenness in the youngest Mason’s eyes, and even a hint of a smile. He knew exactly what his brother was saying, and now that the shock had worn off, he felt that connectedness in a new way. The three of them turned toward Michael, who was patiently waiting.
An unspoken agreement traveled between the brothers, one they hoped Michael couldn’t hear, but that he probably could. But they had to try it anyway, since that seemed to be the point of the entire situation. To see what they could do. No one thought for a second that they would ever beat the archangel, but they could at least put up a good fight and learn something in the process.
Mike teleported behind him and put him in what should have been a debilitating headlock, while Brian and Barrett both tried for a frontal assault, if for no other reason than to take some of Michael’s attention off their brother. This attempt, however, lasted merely seconds. The great angel disappeared out from under Mike’s arms, his brothers crashing into him instead of their intended victim. After a string of mental expletives, they regrouped again and looked around for Michael, who was merely waiting calmly a few yards away, arms crossed.
Okay, this isn’t gonna work, Mike assessed. He’s right. We need to think outside the box.
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