Kent Ashton's Backstory (Prequel to Catching Kent)

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Kent Ashton's Backstory (Prequel to Catching Kent) Page 8

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  He reached the store and stepped inside. He scanned the area but didn’t see anyone. From the room in the back, he heard someone shuffling around. He thought to call out Ann’s name but then thought he’d look foolish in case she wasn’t there. He went to the back room, his steps slowing when he saw her.

  Her back was to him as she took eggs out of a basket and set them on one of the shelves. The simple dress and her bun couldn’t hide her beauty. No matter what time tried to do, it would never diminish her ability to take a man’s breath away.

  “My goodness, Ann,” he whispered. “You’re just as beautiful as I remember.”

  She paused then slowly turned around, her eyes wide.

  Kent’s smile widened, knowing she was in shock but hoping she was happy to see him. “I believe I caught you by surprise,” he began uncertainly, not sure how much he should tell her, how much he could tell her. He promised Rebecca he wouldn’t say anything to hurt her reputation, and it was a promise he had to keep, even from Ann. After a moment, he ventured, “I admit we parted under dire circumstances. I made an error in judgment. I am no longer engaged to Rebecca. She was a mistake. I came to apologize and ask if I can court you again.”

  “I’m married,” she blurted out.

  So she had married Todd. It wasn’t what he hoped for but he couldn’t blame her. “I know why you married Todd Brothers. You were distressed over my brief encounter with Rebecca. It is understandable that you ran to the first person who offered you comfort. This is my fault.”

  “But that doesn’t change the fact that I am married. I belong to someone else now.”

  An uneasy chuckle rose up in his throat. “I’m sure we can find a way to get you ‘unmarried’. Really, we can work through it.”

  “I vowed to be with him for the rest of our lives,” she replied, and he sensed a slight uncertainty beneath her words.

  “Vows are made to be broken,” he assured her.

  “I’m not leaving him.”

  “Hmm…” He struggled to figure out a reason why she would say such a thing when she had once promised to love him—and only him—for the rest of their lives. Then the answer came. There was only one reason why she’d willingly stay with Todd. A child. “I suppose you’re expecting then?”

  She shook her head.

  Relieved, his smile widened. “Then there’s nothing to fear. This marriage can easily be dissolved.”


  He hesitated, not sure what motivated her to still refuse to leave Todd and then realized exactly what it was. She blamed him for how things turned out. Because of his father’s coercion, he’d broken his word to her. And she was right to blame him. With a sigh, he said, “I hurt you more than I realized. I promise that I will never hurt you again. There is no other love in my life. You will always be the one.”

  He took a step toward her, but she blurted out, “I love Todd.”

  He stared at her. Laughing in disbelief, he shook his head. The time she’d spent out here, away from her friends and family, had deluded her into thinking she wanted to be with Todd. “That’s sweet. Todd is a good boy. I’m sure he’s treated you very well out here, in the middle of nowhere. But a lady such as yourself deserves better in this life. You were meant for comfort and riches.” She’d even said she wanted those things when he asked her if she’d marry him if he didn’t have money, and she made it clear that she wanted the finer things in life, things that Todd could never give her. Hoping to speak reason to her, he gestured to her. “Look at your clothes, your hair, your hands! You don’t even own a single piece of jewelry. You may love Todd but he has you living like a beggar. You were born for beautiful gowns, servants to wait on you, for your every desire to be fulfilled.” He stepped closer to her. “Things I can give you.” Lowering his voice, he added, “Enough of playing wife. Come with me. I can give you things that he can’t.”

  He reached out and touched her cheek, something she used to enjoy, but this time, she shrieked. Blinking, he drew his hand away.

  She ran for the doorway, but he stopped her.

  “You can’t be serious,” he insisted, growing upset. “You would give up what we had for Todd?”

  “Yes. Let me go!”

  “Perhaps I need to show you what you’re missing.” Then, in an effort to remind her of her love for him, he brought his mouth to hers, thinking she’d recall the time when he told her he loved her and she had replied in kind.

  “What is going on here?”

  Startled, Kent released her and turned to see Todd who stood in the doorway, his hands clenched at his sides.

  “Todd!” Like a scared child, she ran over to him.

  Todd shook his head, his cold eyes piercing into Kent. “I can’t believe this. I mean, it was a possibility but...”

  “No. No! It’s not what it looks like,” she quickly insisted.

  “Don’t lie to him, Ann,” Kent softly replied, not liking what he was seeing. Of course. It all made sense now. She knew Todd was going to be in the store. He probably told her he was going to pick her up and take her home. Whatever hold he had on her, she was afraid to upset him by admitting she wanted to be with Kent instead. “It will do you no good to deny it,” Kent added, hoping she’d have the courage to tell Todd that she really didn’t want to be with him.

  Todd glowered at him, and for a moment, he thought Todd was going to strike him, but he just turned and stormed out of the room.

  “Todd!” she cried and ran after him.

  Kent quickly followed her, wanting to tell her she didn’t have to worry, that he knew she only said those things to him because she knew Todd might be in the store listening to them. It all made sense. Why else would she protest the way she had? But when he caught up to her, he saw another woman in the store.

  “I’ll come back for you,” Kent said, hoping it’d give her hope. He wanted to tell her more, to explain he needed his investments to mature first, but with the woman staring at him, he didn’t dare. Who knew if the woman would tell Todd? If only he’d had more time to talk to Ann in private! Maybe next time Ann wouldn’t be so afraid of what Todd would say or do. “I’m sure you’ll come to your senses in time.”

  With another glance at the woman who was still watching him, he inwardly groaned. Obviously, she wasn’t going to let him finish talking to Ann. Well, it didn’t matter. He couldn’t take Ann with him today anyway. Things might not have gone as he hoped just now, but maybe next time, they would. Ann thought she’d never see him again. He’d caught her off guard. He hadn’t prepared her.

  Looking back, he chided himself for thinking she’d run into his arms and thank him for rescuing her. Maybe next time. Maybe now that she knew he would be back, she’d be more open to hearing him out. With nothing else to do, he left the store.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kent returned to Virginia as soon as he could. He’d taken the first train out of Jamestown, had thought of many things he could have done—should have done—differently. But he couldn’t go back and change anything. He had to get back home before his father suspected something. Next time he went for Ann, he’d make sure he had enough money to rescue her.

  Before he could make his escape, he had to contend with his father and help Rebecca and Samuel get to Canada. Patience. He just needed to be patient. All good things came to those who waited. He repeated this to himself as he got off the train in Virginia and carried his luggage home. He could have summoned a driver, but he preferred to walk because it put off facing his father a little bit longer. As soon as the investments matured, he’d no longer be under his father’s thumb. His life would be his own.

  “Patience,” he whispered as he strolled down the street. “It’s only a few more months.”

  It didn’t occur to him that people were glancing his way and shaking their heads in disapproval until he reached the front of his house. Surprised, he studied the couple who quickly averted their gazes once he made eye contact with them. What was going on?

; “Excuse me,” he told the man who jerked, an indication he hadn’t expected Kent to talk to him. Not letting this fact dissuade him, Kent waited for the man and woman to stop before he asked him, “Am I wearing something inappropriate?”

  The man’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re concerned about what you’re wearing?”

  Letting out an uneasy chuckle, he glanced around and saw a woman across the street whisper something to her friend. As soon as she realized he saw her, she took her friend by the arm and the two hurried down the street.

  “I can’t help but notice everyone’s looking at me as if I’m improperly attired, but,” he motioned to his clothes, “I can’t think of anything that’s out of place.”

  The man sighed and asked the woman to wait for him then led Kent a few steps away from her. In a low voice, he said, “It has nothing to do with your clothes and you know it.”

  “No, I don’t know that.”

  “Mr. Ashton, far be it from me to tell you what to do, but if I were you, I wouldn’t be so casual about it.”

  “Casual about what?”

  “Miss Johnson. What you did to her is all over town.”

  “What I did to her?” Kent asked, barely aware that his voice was rising in frustration and fear.

  “Ending your engagement, especially after you learned of her miscarriage. If you were a decent human being, you’d do right by her and marry her instead of leaving her in disgrace.”

  Miscarriage? Ending the engagement? Whatever was he talking about? Before Kent could ask, the man shook his head in disgust and returned to the woman.

  Despite his apprehension, Kent proceeded to his home and gave the butler his luggage. Before he could make it past the parlor, his father stepped into the hallway, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

  “In the parlor,” his father said in a voice that indicated there was no room for argument.

  Knowing it was pointless to protest, Kent released his breath and followed him into the room.

  After his father shut the door, he turned to face him. “So, you thought you could fool me.”

  “Fool you?”

  “Watch what you say, Kent. I’m a lot smarter than you give me credit for. Did you really think I wouldn’t figure out you never went to New York?”

  He hid his apprehension. He’d been so careful, making sure he covered all his steps.

  “I’m more influential in this town than you give me credit for,” his father continued, his hands behind his back as he glared at him. “Do you honestly think you can buy a ticket for Jamestown and the conductor wouldn’t tell me about it?”

  Kent gritted his teeth but didn’t reply. So that was his mistake. How was he to know the conductor would care where he was going?

  “The conductor has connections to Mr. Johnson. When Mr. Johnson came over here, I had to say something to explain why you’d run off to find Ann Brothers.”

  Managing to hide his wince at the mention of Ann’s last name, he focused on what his father was telling him. “Then the miscarriage and engagement ending… That was you who spread those rumors?”

  “I had to do something.”

  “What exactly did you say?”

  “I did what any sensible father would do in my position. I told Mr. Johnson that you and Rebecca were engaging in inappropriate conduct and that when she had a miscarriage, you took that as your chance to quietly slip out of here to go after Ann. Congratulations, Kent. You didn’t want to be trapped into a marriage with Rebecca and you succeeded. Mr. Johnson won’t let you anywhere near her. He could have insisted I drag you back and make you do right by her, but Rebecca pleaded with him to let her live with the disgrace of being tossed aside so thoughtlessly. The poor girl isn’t the same. She won’t see anyone. Mr. Johnson said he’s never seen her so miserable. And why wouldn’t she be? What decent man is going to marry her now? I hope you’re satisfied. You have destroyed everything we’ve worked so hard for.”

  “No,” Kent snapped, his shock over his father’s lies about a miscarriage and inappropriate behavior quickly fading in light of his mounting anger. “You’re the one who manipulated everything. It’s because of you Rebecca felt as if she had no choice but to go along with you and make me think she and I had been together intimately. You’re the reason Ann ran off with Todd. You got in the way of Rebecca and Samuel’s plans to marry. Don’t you dare point the finger at me,” he hissed and pointed at him. “This is your doing. And you’re still ruining people’s lives. I’m going to tell Mr. Johnson everything and set it all straight. I never laid a hand on Rebecca. She’s been honorable through the whole thing.”

  As he turned to leave, his father softly chuckled. “And who do you think Mr. Johnson will believe? You or me? I’m not the one who ran off to North Dakota.”

  Kent paused and thought over what his father said. He should have disguised himself. In his hurry to find Ann, he had never stopped to consider what might happen if the conductor or some other busybody didn’t have the common sense to mind their own business.

  “No one will believe you,” his father added, sounding smug. “They won’t believe Rebecca either if she supports you.”

  He tried to think of some way—any way—his father could be wrong, but with Mr. Johnson knowing he went to North Dakota, he knew how bad things looked. He stared at his father. Up to now he hadn’t hated him. Sure, he’d been annoyed by him, frustrated by him, even angered by him. But he had never hated him. Until now.

  “You won’t get away with it forever,” Kent finally replied, an unexpected determination in his voice. “All you do is manipulate people into doing what you want, and so far it’s worked. You have things just as you want them. But mark my word. The day is coming when I will no longer be under your control.”

  “If that’s supposed to make me worry, you’ve already lost your case. I have no use for you anymore. My financial standing is secure without you.”

  Kent clenched his hands as his father left the room. It wasn’t fair that his father could use people for his own advancement and get away with it. And what was even worse was how little his father cared if he had to ruin lives in order to do it. But it couldn’t always be to his advantage. Sooner or later, he’d have to reap what he’d sown. No man, no matter how powerful or clever, could get away with it forever. There was always a day of reckoning. There had to be. But even as Kent kept repeating this to himself, he wasn’t comforted.


  A month passed and Kent didn’t see Rebecca. As his father said, she refused to leave her house. And as expected, people blamed him for it. When he wasn’t working, he made it a habit to go by her house. One time he knocked on the door and was told Rebecca wasn’t receiving visitors. He couldn’t be surprised, not with the whispers going on around town.

  Frustrated, he walked down the porch steps. How was he supposed to apologize to her when he couldn’t talk to her? He made it to the bottom of the steps in time for someone to wave from the carriage house. He glanced at the front door then the windows in the house to make sure no one was watching him before he headed for the carriage house.

  Samuel opened the door wider and waved Kent inside. As he shut the door behind Kent, he turned to face him. “Mr. Johnson won’t let Rebecca see anyone. Did you hear the rumors?”

  “Who hasn’t?” Kent asked. “I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen.”

  “I know you didn’t. Rebecca knows it too.”

  “Have you been able to see her?”

  “Twice but not for long.”

  “When you see her again, will you tell her I’m sorry?”

  Samuel nodded. “Of course. And she knows you aren’t to blame.”

  “I’m afraid I am. I went to North Dakota. I should have waited until the investments matured before going there.” He sighed and slipped his hands into the pockets of his coat. “Will you still be able to take Rebecca to Canada as you planned?”

  “By the time April comes, we’ll be long gone.”

�Good.” At least he hadn’t destroyed that part of the plan. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Is she alright?”

  “I think she’s relieved.”


  Samuel shrugged. “It’s not in anything she said but in the way she looks, as if a weight’s been lifted off her shoulders.”

  He couldn’t blame her for that. All she had to do was bide her time until she could leave with Samuel. Then her new life would begin. Even though she wasn’t going to be surrounded by wealth, he suspected she was going to be much happier.

  If Ann could have been content with an income similar to Samuel’s, Todd never would have gotten in the way. When she ran off with him, didn’t it even occur to her that Todd wouldn’t be able to give her the life she wanted? No, it hadn’t. She was so overcome with grief because he ended their courtship that she just wanted to get out of Virginia. She hadn’t considered what life would be like as a farmer’s wife.

  But Rebecca had thought about it and had chosen love over wealth. She’d been willing to give up love to protect the man she loved. He had no doubt that she and Samuel would be happy together. “You and Rebecca will do well together.”

  Samuel smiled. “Thanks to you. How did things go when you saw Ann?”

  “Not as well I hoped. I should have done a better job of preparing her for my arrival. Next time will be better.” Next time, Ann would know he was coming to rescue her. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas.”

  Feeling much better about Rebecca, Kent left the carriage house.


  Two days later, Kent was in the middle of writing a letter to Ann when a hand slammed over it. Startled, he turned from the desk in his bedchamber in time to see his father pick up the letter and rip it to shreds.

  “Inappropriate,” his father muttered. “You will not have anything else to do with that Statesman girl, do I make myself clear?”

  Gritting his teeth, he rose to his feet and glared at him. “I don’t believe you have the right to tell me what to do, especially since you’re the reason she ran off with Todd.”


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