A Long Time Coming

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A Long Time Coming Page 9

by Heather Van Fleet

  David pushed himself away from the table, concern raking over his face as he watched her stand. Her rounded blue eyes found his for a fraction of a second before she raced her scantily–clad ass to the bathroom. He hopped up immediately, grabbed his crutch, and darted after her.

  “Dude, I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” Mason laughed, shaking his head as he passed him along the way.

  “If that was Harley, you’d be in there, and you know it. Don’t be an ass, just watch the hell out.” David rammed into his shoulder before making his way down the hall, disgusted with the douche, but more worried about Abigail at the moment than about keeping up their conversation.

  “I’m just saying, that I think she’s sick or something…she did that the morning she got into town, too.”

  Ignoring Mason’s pleas behind him, David headed towards the bathroom, only to stop himself from pounding when her retching echoed from the other side. Jesus…she was sick as shit wasn’t she? He raised his fist to lightly tap on the wood, but something stopped him from knocking, and he dropped his hand to his side and backed away instead. He leaned against the wall, and knifed his hand through his hair. She was sick, and he was worried, but did he have a right to be? Should he really check on her? He stared down at the floor… Hell yeah he had a right to do just that. She was as much his best friend as she was Harley’s.

  Well…she had been at one time at least.

  “Abs… You okay in there?” He finally spoke, giving the door a tap with his knuckles.

  “Ugh. No, just…go away, David.” He smiled to himself—she was trying to be bossy even through her sickness. She’d never change.

  “How about water, would you like some of that at least?” He leaned in as close to the door as he could get, pressing his ear to the wood.

  “No…please…just go.” He sighed, frustrated as he leaned back again, resting his weight on his crutch. Fine. Whatever. If she wanted to play that game, then he was going to follow her rules.

  “Well, I’m here if you need me…”

  She stayed silent, her retching stopped too. But why was she not answering him? And why was she still in there? He shook his head and staggered back towards his room.


  * * *

  Jesus… That had been entirely too close for comfort.

  Abigail rested her head against the toilet seat, letting the cool air wash over her. Her throat burned something fierce and she wished like hell she had that water David had offered.

  She flushed the final remnants away of her morning sickness and tottered towards the door, suddenly feeling like the weight of the entire world was pressing on her.

  God…she had to tell David. There was no way around this. If only she had a little more time…that way she could somehow convince him that they needed to be together…without the pressure of knowing there was a baby on the way.

  She sighed, closing her eyes to curb the dizziness as her hand hovered over the knob. Dammit, who was she kidding here? David was in no way ready to be a father any more than she was ready to be a mom. No matter what, though, she’d get through this…David there with her or not. But the simplistic idea that a happily ever after was just around the corner teased her and made her chest ache with all the possibilities, the what–could–be. So what if the two of them were only nineteen, didn’t have grown up jobs and a place to live other than home? She knew he was the only one for her when they were kindergarteners! She’d known him and loved him for over fourteen years now. He was the one for her, whether he knew it or not. And she’d do everything in her power to make it known to him, and to make them happen. This time, she wouldn’t stop until they were together.

  Now…she just had to figure out how to do just that.

  She whipped open the door, jumping back in surprise when the stone cold face of Harley popped into view. Abigail swallowed. Guilt, along with more bile rose in the base of her throat, and before she knew what was happening, she was running back towards the toilet, letting it all go again.

  Damn, damn, double damn…

  Harley stayed silent. The only sound representing that she was even there was the simple fact that she’d shut the door behind her with a soft click.

  Jesus…this is a nightmare!

  “Go away Harley…please…”

  “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”

  Abigail shut her eyes as the sweat poured down her forehead and over her lids. Her body froze in guilt, but her mind swam with questions. How did she know? Never mind… Harley knew all, so what was the point in questioning it? “Um, can I plead the fifth on this one Harley? Because I really don’t—”

  “Save the crap, Abigail, and tell me who the dad is… It’s going to crush my brother you know. He’s going to flip his shit, and this is going to send him over the edge. You know how much he loves you. And you know how much he wants to be with you too, it’s just that…well, you know, he’s got issues.”

  Yeah, if only she knew.

  Her throat swelled up…she would not cry…she would not cry… “I don’t want to tell you who it is yet…” She sat against the wall by the shower, leaning her head back against the tile. She pulled her knees up under her chin and settled her body into a tight ball.

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it.” Harley’s voice grew gentler as she sat on the floor next to her, a cold, wet rag in hand. Abigail smiled over at her in thanks, taking the rag and scrubbing her lips and mouth. Regardless of her best friend’s irritation with her, she still loved her enough to physically take care of her. All the more reason Abigail was glad to have her in her life.

  “Um, it’s complicated, okay?”

  “How can it be complicated? You had sex…with a guy. He put his penis in your—”

  “Stop,” Abigail pressed her hand out in front of her, and shook her head. Harley giggled in response and laid her head on Abigail’s shoulder. “I know the science of how that works, Harley. But this time…it was different than just sex.”

  Harley sighed and stared up at her from her perch on her shoulder. “How so…do you…love the guy?” Her eyes were so full of fear and sadness that Abigail felt the tears well up instantly at the sight. Harley was the biggest supporter of her being with David…ever. The girl had fought for a relationship between them as much as she had. That’s why she had to tell her the truth. The truth that she in no way could reveal to David yet…

  “God, Harley… I love him so much it hurts.” Abigail pushed her fist against her chest, laying her head back against the wall behind her. It hurt so badly, that it was a wonder she’d survived so long without him.

  “What…what about David?”

  Abigail stared at her, willing the truth to come out without the words. She bit her lower lip, held her breath, and cringed.

  That’s when Harley gasped. That’s also when her eyes widened in shock and understanding. Her jaw fell open, and then a slow, knowing smile erupted like a freaking volcano over her lips.

  “No…you’re shitting me here, Abs…”

  Abigail smiled sadly, and shrugged. So much for keeping this tightly wrapped up in her own head. The tears poured down her cheeks at a scary–ass speed. Jesus, these preggo hormones were doing her in.

  “Nope. Totally not kidding.”

  “When? Does David know? Jesus, he’s going to flip his shit if he doesn’t… Wait,” she jumped up off the floor, brushing her hands on the front of her flannel pajama pants. “Is that why he came here? Did you guys plan this so you could tell us together?” She jumped and then she clapped, looking every bit as much of a cheerleader as the girls in high school had been. Her brown curls bounced accordingly as she did her little happy jig right there in the tiny space of the bathroom. Abigail rolled her eyes and threw her head back against the wall as the words I’m gonna be an aunt…I’m gonna be an aunt rolled off her best friend’s tongue.

  “Gah! Sit the hell down, Harley, David has no freaking idea yet.”

  She froze mid
claps, her face going placid. “Wait…when did this happen? And why wasn’t I informed that my brother and bf had done the dirty deed?” Her eyes narrowed in accusation. She obviously still wasn’t really listening.

  It was time to make it known, right then and there, that David could in no way find out about this until she had the opportunity to tell him herself. And that would hopefully be after she had him convinced that they were meant to be together. Ugh…if only life was as simple as her brain made it out to be.

  “It happened a little over two months ago. I’d called to check up on him…you know, since I knew he’d just gotten his prosthetic and all. I just wanted to see how he was doing, so I took the chance and asked him if he wanted to hang out, and he actually said yes. Like, didn’t even think twice about it, yes. So I drove us to the North Lake. I had my dad’s prized vodka with us, and we um…celebrated…?”

  “You celebrated…his new leg…with vodka and sex at me and Mason’s park?” Harley giggled.

  God, she made it sound so nasty. “Um, yeah, I guess we did. And you and Mason didn’t sexually mark that park by the way, your brother and I did.” Abigail sat up straight, sitting Indian style, picking at the fuzzy stuff on the rug beneath her. Harley didn’t move from behind her, nor did she speak. “Besides, it was a complete accident. I um…sort of coerced him, and we didn’t have any, um…”


  “Yeah that…protection.” Abigail always had protection. It was a given. But that night she’d forgone her purse and taken just her wallet instead. And the protection was in her purse. Hence the lack thereof.

  “So…um…was it good then at least?”

  Abigail’s eyes widened in shock. Christ…was it good? Seriously? That’s what she wanted to know after discovering that she was carrying her brother’s offspring in her stomach? “Uh, I, uh…don’t remember much,” she lied, licking her dry lips.

  She may have been a little on the tipsy side that night, but she remembered everything. Hell, it was tattooed…burned…freaking engraved into her head. His rough hands against every inch of her skin, the way he fit so perfectly inside her. How he’d groaned into her ear, melted into her mouth like chocolate. And the next morning? When she’d awakened in his warm arms with her head pressed against his chest as the beat of his heart mesmerized her into a warped state of complete comfort and safety…? Yeah, now that had been the best part of it all, until he’d denied her, once again.

  She jumped as Harley pressed her hand against her shoulder and stood. “Come on. No point in rehashing the past. We’ll deal with whatever comes your way,” she reached for Abigail’s hands, encouraging her to stand. Abigail sighed, grabbing hold of her best friend’s fingers feeling both physically and emotionally run down. “But honey…I can promise you this, David’s not going to be jumping for joy over this revelation, so be prepared, okay?” Harley pulled her into a hug, resting her chin on Abigail’s drooping shoulders.

  “I know it’s not going to go over well, that’s why I needed this weekend to just relax. But now that he’s here…”

  “Hey,” Harley leaned backwards wiping the tears from Abigail’s wet cheeks with her thumbs—damn tears, didn’t they ever stop? “You can still make the most of the weekend. But if you want to tell him when you’re here, with me, then I’d be okay with that too. I want to be there for you in whatever way I can.” Her smile was sad as she lowered her forehead flush against Abigail’s. “I love you Abigail. I will be there for you, no matter what.” She reached down, and pressed a flat palm against Abigail’s stomach. “And I’ll be there for my niece or nephew too. So will my mom and dad, and eventually David will get his ass in gear and do what’s right as well. And even if he doesn’t, there is no way you’re going to go through this alone.”

  Feeling her throat swell up as she tried to hide her need to cry harder, Abigail nodded as she spoke. “But I want him to want to be with me because he can…not because he feels he has to.” God, she was being needy. She shook her head, and backed out of Harley’s hold.

  The girl was right. She just needed to take this one day at a time. Whatever happened…happened. She’d live her life, be the mom she was obviously intended to be, and then go from there. David or not, she would survive this. But still, she was going to try and do everything in her power to make him see, finally, that his happiness was hers too. And the two of them together—bambino or not—would always be meant to be.

  “Okay, let’s go eat. It’s more than obvious we’re not going back to sleep anytime soon. But I’m gonna need a nap if we’re going anywhere tonight.” Abigail grimaced, hooking her hand through Harley’s arm.

  Harley grinned, “Hecks yeah we’re going out. I haven’t been to a club in like…well, ever. I’m ready to show you my awesome dance moves. It will probably be the first and last time.”

  Abigail snorted as they made their way down the hall. “Awesome dance moves that outshine my booty shake? I don’t think so!”

  Harley giggled, nudging her in the ribs, “Oh girl, it’s on like Donkey Kong then, you hear me?” Harley grinned as they entered the kitchen.

  God it was good to be with her best friend again. It made everything feel right, like life wasn’t actually going to shit on her every day now—just every other day instead. She’d easily deal with every other day, as long as she could have moments like these to live off.

  Chapter Twelve

  “This car kicks some serious ass, Mason!” Smirking as he ran his hands down the side of the leather seats and across the leather plated dash, David mused, wondering if he would ever get the courage to drive again. If he did, then this was the exact type of car he’d run out and buy. All black, all leather…plenty of room in the backseat. David froze and curled his lip in disgust at the thought, staring back at the said backseat…of his sister’s boyfriend’s car.

  Scratch that, this car sucked ass, especially if he and Harley had christened that back seat themselves. He shuddered. No…hell no… Harley was still a virgin. She had to have been. Crap…she really, really had to have been. He stared over at Mason, who was waggling his eyebrows as he stared at the backseat himself.

  Fuck…his sister was definitely not a virgin anymore.

  Mason leaned back into his seat and started the engine, taking the time to pet the leather–coated steering wheel as he did. Who the hell smiled as they petted a damn steering wheel? Jesus, was the freaky long–haired douche feeling it up or something?

  “Dude, don’t laugh at me here,” Mason chuckled, staring at him from the corner of his eye. “I know what you’re thinking, but this car? Jesus, it’s the second most important female in my life!”

  Smirking, David shook his head. Okay, so the guy loved Harley more than his car. That was a good sign. He’d take a strike off for that one. Too bad he had a billion more strikes to remove before he got off David’s shit list once and for all.

  Already regretting their upcoming afternoon of bonding time, David cleared his throat, cursing the girls in his head. Why in the hell did they have to go shopping in the first place? For one, he couldn’t keep his eye on either of them if they weren’t there with them. And another thing…? He didn’t like this guy sitting so nonchalantly next to him, acting all cool and shit. But for Harley, he’d try to deal with it, at least for the afternoon.

  But try was the optimal word here.

  “So, uh, how are things going with my sister anyways?”

  All that cockiness slipped from Mason’s hot–shit bravado. His shoulders fell, and something close to defeat morphed onto his face. Crap…that was not the reaction he was looking for or expecting here. “What’s up? Are you two having issues or something?” Damn, he shouldn’t be getting his hopes up at that possibility. It was just plain wrong. He wanted Harley to be happy more than anything, but he also selfishly wouldn’t mind if she just so happened to move back home either.

  “It’s nothing, really. I just umm…asked her to marry me last week, that’s all.”

>   His throat tightened at the unexpected announcement. No. No fucking way. What. The. Hell? “Uh…what did you just say?” David sat up straight in his seat, cracking his knuckles as he angled his evil glare towards the ass–hat next to him. He was ready to kick some Mason ass…again.

  Mason shifted his head from side to side, obviously nervous as he waited for David’s response. He should be nervous…hell, the freak should be fucking terrified! The dude asked his nineteen–year–old twin sister to marry him… Who the hell got freaking married at nineteen? “Can you at least just wait to hear me out, preferably when we get to the beach, before you kill me?” David searched his brain for the right words. What the hell could he say here?

  “Well…what did she say in response?” Okay, so that was a start.

  “She said no.”

  David blew out a long breath, feeling his entire body relax into the warm leather of the seats. His palms still sweated as he gripped the arm rests, but at least he wasn’t going to be having a stroke or a heart attack today, or committing murder. His lips did curl into a smile though. He couldn’t help it, sue him!

  “She really said no, huh?” He nodded to himself, grinning harder, damn proud of his sister for making the right choice.

  “Dude, don’t fucking smile. I’m dying here…” Mason’s face paled, as he turned down the main drag that led them to the beach. David narrowed his eyes, watching as the guy swallowed hard while running his hands through his long hair.

  “Listen, I don’t mean to be a jerk, Mason, it’s just that my sister doesn’t strike me as the type to tell you no. And I know she’s anti–early age marriage too. You just kind of caught me off guard here.” He slugged Mason’s shoulder, probably a little harder than just ‘messing around’. It made him feel better in the end. “But I gotta be honest here…Harley is way too young to get married. And you kind of don’t deserve her, especially after all that crap you put her through last fall.”


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