Saving Sara: Warriors Of Kelon Book 5

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Saving Sara: Warriors Of Kelon Book 5 Page 4

by Castle, Angela

  “There are a few more stations left to search, then we will make the hyperjump into Earth space and you will be home.” Just the thought of Sara being gone from his life filled him with gut-wrenching dread. He would never see her smile again, never feel the warmth of her body curled into his, or her soft, sweet breath against his chest and never inhale her scent of sweet, feminine musk.

  She would be gone and with her, the painful ache and his constant state of hardness. Even the frequent shower visits and sparring with the warriors could not bring it under control.

  He was sure disappointment flickered through her gaze before she dropped her eyes to her pudding, hastily scooping more into her mouth.

  She could not be as affected by him as he was by her. No, he was simply imagining it. She wanted to return to her home, to her people, where she belonged and he to his people, where he belonged.

  Yes, her leaving is best.

  “We will coordinate with your authorities and the commander will make sure you are safely delivered to your family.”

  She nodded before reaching for her cup of Julip juice. She gulped it down and again her pink tongue darted out, licking up the moisture left behind on her lips.

  Under the bench, he gripped the table. He forced his breathing to remain calm, slow and steady with normal breaths.

  “Have you had enough?”

  She gently set down the spoon and pushed away her plate. He was satisfied that she ate the bulk of the sweet treat.

  “Thank you.” She shifted nervously in her seat.

  He knew she wanted to ask him a personal question. Being so close to her over the past weeks, he learned many of her expressions and movements. “Ask anything you wish, Sara. You should have learned that much about me by now.”

  A small smile lit her face, highlighting the little dimples in her cheeks.

  “I know. You’ve been so wonderful to me and I hate to ask anything of you.” A pink shade crept into her face.

  “If it is within my power to give you, it is yours.”

  “I was just hoping, well, if you could stay with me, until I reach home. I trust you more than any other, and I…”

  There was something else, he sensed it, something she was not saying.

  “I’m not frightened with you. I’m sure I’ll be okay once I’m home with my family again.”

  More time with Sara. He would not have to hand her over once they arrived on Kelon. Hope flooded through him, but died an even quicker death. He could not keep her knowing he would be unable to touch her. This was simply an arrangement for her mental and physical health. The same could not be said for his.

  “I will see you safely home to your people.”

  “I’m sorry to be such a—”

  “Sara.” They had been through this many times in the past few weeks. Solron finally settled her self-loathing issues. If anyone was unworthy and deserved death, it was the Xersons for abusing her mentally and physically.

  “Remember what you are.”

  “I am not a burden.”


  “I am beautiful, smart and of great worth.”

  “Do you believe it?”


  He growled softly. “Am I a liar?”

  She shook her head, her dark mane of blond hair tumbling around her shoulders. “No, never.”

  “Good, let us keep it that way.”

  Her smile radiated as she gazed at him. “Thank you.”

  “You are always welcome, star shine.”

  * * * *

  Sara stared at the tanned ceiling of their quarters—or rather Solron’s. Datapads and other little instruments sat on the table at the far end of the room. Sitting among them were the comb he gave her for her hair and the small ties for when she plaited it back. Draped over the chair was the cloak to wrap around her body whenever they left his quarters.

  He was out for a short while at least, doing his duty, searching another abandoned war base, the seventeenth one so far. More in control of her fear now than a few weeks ago, she could stand being alone for short periods of time. Sometimes she would sit with Borlon in the mess hall and play chess with her guard.

  Solron gave her so much, she needed to give him something in return. She wanted to show appreciation for everything, but didn’t know how.

  Not only had he healed her on the outside, but through his tender care, he was slowly healing her inner wounds as well. She would never forget the agony of what she endured, but with him, she felt she could face anything, do anything.

  Lying curled in his arms, soothed by the strong rhythm of his heart, she began to think she never wanted it to be any other way. He kept away the darkness. Whenever she had a bad dream, he was there to soothe her, kiss the top of her head, run his large hands over her back and murmur words of comfort. As the days went on, it became clearer by his state of arousal around her, that he was not as unaffected as she first believed.

  Her desire for him grew each time he tenderly touched her. Her belly quivered when he pulled her into his arms during the sleep cycle, holding her close. She would stare at his full, masculine lips, wondering what they would feel like pressed against hers, kissing her.

  He was a big man compared to human men, but not as tall or as broad as his warrior counterparts wandering around the ship. She liked that. She was not exactly tall either.

  The more she studied him, the more she liked. His features youthful, his brow broad with the layer of what looked like bone armor plating. It blended in with the sharp angle of his jaw line and high cheekbones. His nose was like the other Kelons, large and hawklike, but not overly so. He was ruggedly handsome with a touch of boyishness about him.

  Behind his midnight eyes, shone the bright intelligence of his profession and a man who cared about others.

  It struck her then she had only one thing to give—herself. The idea lodged into her brain and refused to move. A flood of juices rushed between her thighs at the thought of Solron touching her intimately.

  Clearly, from the signs of his body, he wanted her, so why then hadn’t he made a move or touched her? Did she not measure up?

  Thoughts of not being good enough for him flickered through her brain, then she squashed them like a pesky bug, knowing how he always chastised her when she thought negatively about herself.

  Maybe it wasn’t her, but him holding back? This made more sense. He was a doctor, after all, and he put her well-being above his own. Sara grinned with the thought. It was so like him. It made sense.

  Well, she would make sure the good doctor would be properly rewarded. Her smile fell when she realized this was all it could ever be. The urge to return home thrummed through her, yet an ache developed when she thought of how she would also have to give up ever seeing, touching, or hearing Solron’s voice again.

  Live in the here and now. Worry not about the future, for it could all end in an instant. Her time with the Xersons taught her many hard lessons. She pushed the ugly thoughts from her mind, instead bringing up Solron’s face, and focusing on how she was going to seduce him.

  Oh cripes, what if he already has a girlfriend? He never mentioned one during any of their long talks when she talked about memories of her home.

  She would have to ask first. She nodded to the ceiling before turning onto her side. And if he has a girlfriend? The thought suddenly depressed her.

  Because he has someone other than you? Shut up, stupid brain.

  The door swished open and the object of her desire walked though. His penetrating gaze swept over her lying on the bed. She sat up when the door whispered shut behind him.

  She tilted her head to study him in his black uniform. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, the base is empty.”

  Thank goodness for that. “You look tense.” He always did after coming back from searching a starbase. Sitting up further, she dragged her legs over the edge and stood up, walking toward him.

  He didn’t protest when she took his hand.
“Go shower, the hot water will ease some of your stress.” She walked him through their quarters and into the bathroom.

  “Are you alright? Any panic attacks while I was gone?”

  She smiled at him confidently. “No, none, but I was having other thoughts.”

  Curiosity and heat flared in his eyes; just as quickly he masked it. “What kind of thoughts?”

  Her smile broadened. I knew it! He does want me. “Shower first, then I will show you.” Tell him, show him. She crossed her fingers behind her back, praying he wouldn’t reject her.

  She let his hand go.

  He stood studying her for a moment, as if trying to figure out what she was up to.

  “Go on then, hurry.”

  He turned. The door to the bathroom opened, then softly whooshed closed behind him. She knew little about men; all she had to draw on were memories from romance books she read and movies she watched. Surely, it couldn’t be that hard. More than anything, she wanted to do this. She wanted Solron—for as long as I can.

  Chapter 5

  Show him? What was his little star shine up to? Damn the fire demons! Even the icy blast of water sliding down his body did nothing to ease the sexual tension raging through him, making him ache painfully. How could he step outside the bathing room, knowing that if he touched her, he would not stop until he did something stupid like kiss her, then push her down on the bed and claim her? The secret smile she gave him only made things worse.

  She knew nothing about Kelon sexual practices. How sex was only for claiming and procreation. She could not have younglings. Still, it did not quell his desire for her.

  He knew other Kelons who had broken with tradition and mated with humans, such was their desire for their females. Solron now understood why: his need for Sara overwhelmed his practical senses.

  Stepping from the stall he glanced about the small bathing chamber. Fool, he left his fresh clothing out in the quarters; normally he would take them in with him and make sure he covered the lower half of his body. He had been so blindsided by her, he struggled to think rationally.

  Wrapping the towel around his waist, he knew he could not delay any longer or she would think something was wrong. He never wanted to worry her. He would gather his clothes then retreat to take care of his aching cock. Yes, a simple, easy plan.

  He stepped out and she sat on the end of the bed, her pale legs dangling over the side. He wanted to fall onto his knees and skim his hands over them, touching her soft perfect skin, then push up the oversized shirt to her rounded hips. Oh, he knew every part of her. After all he had bathed her and treated her, but it was not enough, he wanted to touch anew and taste.

  His mouth watered at the thought of what she would taste like. Her gaze raked over him. Shock rocketed through him to see her eyes darkened with…desire? Surely not?

  “Did I ever tell you that I think you are the sexiest man I’ve ever seen?” Her voice was a low purr.

  “Fires of Elron, Sara, do not say such things to me,” he choked out. He gripped the side of the door to stop himself from advancing any further.

  “Why not? It’s true.”

  Gracefully, she slipped off the bed. Even through the baggy black material, the sway of her hips mesmerized him. He glanced up, taking in the soft swell of her breasts.

  “There is only so much a man, even I can take, I…”

  “You want me. I’ve noticed that. I’m not blind.”

  She met his gaze, standing but a hair’s breadth from him, her scent invading his senses, her heat so near…all he needed to do was reach out and—

  “I am sorry, I never meant—”

  “It’s okay, I want you, too. Unless you have a girlfriend or someone waiting for you back on Kelon?”

  “No, I do not.” It was far more complicated than that, but she did not need to know.

  “Good, it makes doing this so much easier.”

  The pillow softness of her breasts pressed against his chest. She slid both hands up over his shoulders and tugged the back of his neck.

  He stared at her lips. The pink of her tongue swiped over them, leaving a sheen of moisture. He was weak and helpless against her, allowing her to pull him down.

  Her lips touched his. He stood rod-still, not knowing what to do, how to react. Then the supernova went off in his mind and rocketing through his body. He wrapped his arms around her soft body, then pulled her tighter against him, inhaling her scent deeply. He tilted his head and opened his mouth, spearing his tongue past her lips.

  The sweet, wet, hot flavor of her made him moan— more addictive than any drug.

  More, I need more.

  His tongue met hers, rolled and collided, danced and sparred, the heat spreading, intensifying. Moans filled the room. He pressed her tighter against his body, wanting, needing to be closer to her, melt into her soul.

  Pleasure thrummed through him making his scalp tingle as her soft fingers moved, tangling in his hair and tugging. The hardened beads of her nipples pressed against his chest, scorching him with welcome heat.

  “More,” he groaned into her mouth.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she panted back.

  “I do not want to hurt you. Do not let me hurt you.” The fear was there, but he could not bring himself to stop, to pull away. They should not be doing this, for her sake and for his sanity.

  “You will never hurt me. Stopping is the only thing that will hurt me.”

  She grabbed his towel, shoving it off his hip. It fell carelessly to the floor.

  He lifted her, barely aware of his feet moving until he lowered them both to the bed, needing to have her under him. Her legs parted and he pressed his erection against her center.

  Sucking in lungs full of much-needed air, Solron knew he could not stop. It would tear him to pieces to do so, but he would not hurt her.

  A groan left her lips, the pressure of her fingers in his hair mirroring the urgency and need thrumming through him.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  He could not deny her; willingly, he gave her what she wanted. He needed to possess her. Own her. Taking everything. Giving everything.

  He never understood his desire and still did not understand it, but he could not bring himself to care. The moment their tongues intertwined, he did not resist. He simply gave in.

  Sara writhed in his hold, the decadent heat of her skin teasing his palms. She was undiluted pleasure in his arms.

  They should not be doing this. “This is not right.” But he could not stop.

  “Yes, so wrong, don’t stop.”

  Her hands skimmed over his chest, silvery-blue eyes burning bright with her desire. The scent of her arousal wafted into the air—a heady, maddening aphrodisiac.

  “How can you want me after—”

  “After so much pain? It’s why I need you. Show me pleasure, Solron. Help me forget the pain. Give me new wonderful memories to replace the bad ones.”

  Show her pleasure. He groaned, pressing his ridged forehead plates against her smooth brow. His hands skimmed up the oh-so-soft skin of her arms, moving them lower, pushing apart their bodies to grab the material of her shirt, then peeling it up. She let go of him to raise her arms, and he rid her of the offending garment.

  Her skin was creamy and pale. His hands began roaming, every new touch increasing their fervency. He cupped her breasts, her nipples beading under his palm and he moaned.

  “I wish they were bigger,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Her breasts? “Why?”

  “Men like bigger.”

  He lifted himself from her to gaze down at them. Her nipples were the prettiest shade of pink he had ever seen. They flowed into the palm of his hand and he gently squeezed them. Everything about her was pure pleasure.

  “They are perfect. You are perfect. So beautiful.”

  “Th-thank you.”

  He bent his head and sucked one of the little buds harder than he intended. A gasp escaped her, but she tangled her fingers in his hair and
held him against her.

  He switched his attention from one to the other, laving them equally, until goose bumps broke out over her skin, and breathy groans fell from her lips interwoven with his name, and pleas for mercy—for more.

  Solron had never possessed or touched a female in an intimate way, still he had a driving instinct to touch, taste, possess Sara. He would find a way to please her and pleasure her. Because making her come was not simply a desire, her orgasm was a necessity.

  Her pleasure was his pleasure and that was just the way it was.

  Touch…taste…yes, taste. He straightened, meshing their lips. He had to taste her again.

  He wanted to go slowly, savor every inch of her, learn what she liked and what she did not. But with just a kiss and a few caresses, the passion between them went supernova. Her roaming hands clutched and her nails scraped. He rubbed his aching erection between her legs and she arched into every slide.

  Their kissing never slowed, their tongues continually rolling, seeking, demanding. He cupped her ass and slammed her against him, as the rubbing became a frantic seeking.

  Solron worked his way down her throat, nipping, licking, sucking, until he reached her nipple, and then his other hand slid between the junction of her legs finding her hot and wet. His groan echoed throughout the room.

  Tenderness abandoned, he sucked her nipple into his mouth and thrust a finger deep into her sex.

  A cry left her rending the air. Every muscle in his body clenched, savoring the sensation. Holy Fires of Elron, she clasped him tight. Seed leaked from the duel slits in his cock. He was hungry for her, for this, for more. He added a second finger moving in and out, in and out. She writhed, begging for more.

  Sara’s head thrashed left and right. “So close… Just a little more…and I’ll… I have to… I need… Please!”

  He should stop this. Stop the madness, but he had to taste her. He needed to taste her.

  She was panting, a sheen of sweat coating her skin. His head lifted. His fingers withdrew and his gaze moved down her body to the pale brown thatch of hair, the rest of her pink and glistening. His. Ready.

  He lowered his head and inhaled her musky arousal before he let his tongue dart out and lick. Holy Fires of Elron, nothing ever tasted this good.


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