Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2)

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Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2) Page 13

by Julie Shelton

  Caleb chuckled. “Yeah. She’s sort of choked up right now. She’ll explain everything to you. But I want you to know that my brothers and I are lookin’ after her, so please don’t worry about her.” He turned his head to look at Kylie. Tears streaked her face, but her breathing had become much more even. “She’s had a rough few days, but rest assured she’s fine and she is not alone. Some very bad people are tryin’ to get her, but the three of us are in a position to take care of this problem.”

  “Thank you, Caleb,” James Goodman said. “And thank your brothers for us. Just knowing that you’re looking out for our Kylie is a big relief.”

  “Thank you for rescuin’ her from her asshole of a father,” Caleb responded solemnly. “And for lovin’ her.”

  “Oh, that was no hardship at all,” Dorothy Goodman replied. “She’s very lovable.”

  “Indeed she is.” Caleb patted Kylie on the leg. “Are you ready, sugar? I’ll turn off the speaker and the two of us will leave you alone so you can talk to your mom and dad.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Kylie protested.

  “Yes, we do. They’re bound to have a lot of questions and we want you to feel free to talk to them without havin’ to censure your words. We’ll be in the kitchen. Just holler when you’re done, okay?” He handed her the phone then stood and lifted her off of Ash’s lap, depositing her in his vacated spot. Both men kissed her before they left her alone to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Goodman.

  Once in the kitchen they just stood and looked at each other, hands shoved in the back pockets of their jeans.

  “Want a beer?” Ash asked.


  He removed his hands from his pockets and walked over to the refrigerator. Retrieving two long-necked bottles, he popped the top on both of them, using the bottle opener attached to the side of the cabinet, before handing one to his brother. He took a long swig, then looked at Caleb again. “I wish I knew what she was thinkin’.”

  “Me too.”

  Pause. “You don’t think those websites turned her off, do you?”

  Caleb shrugged. “Hard to say. They definitely aroused her.”

  Another, longer pause.

  “What are you thinkin’?”

  Their eyes met.

  “I’m thinking maybe she should talk with Sarah.”

  Sarah Colter-Sinclair was the wife of Jesse Colter and Adam Sinclair, the Commander and the Executive Officer of Caleb’s former SEAL team. “Possibly even Leah.” Leah Stanhope, the fiancée of another former teammate, Clay “Raven” Nighthorse. “Maybe actually talking with someone in the lifestyle would help her. Sarah’s with more than one man and Leah’s new to BDSM. Both of them together should be able to answer all her questions.”

  “That’s absolutely brilliant, bro.” Ash punched Caleb’s shoulder. “How do you think we should set it up?”

  Caleb fingered his chin thoughtfully. “Well, we have reservations at Granny Grace’s tomorrow at four-thirty. Why don’t I call them and see if they’re willin’ to meet us there?”

  Ash fished his cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to his brother. “Here. Go for it.”

  While Caleb was talking to Leah Stanhope, they heard Kylie calling them. “I’ll go,” Ash said, already starting toward the living room.

  Kylie was sitting exactly as he’d left her, phone still in her hand. Her face was pale and drawn, with purple shadows haunting her eyes and white lines of fatigue bracketing her mouth.

  “Hey, baby.” He took the phone from her limp hand.

  She looked up at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. “They were so worried. I should have called them.” She slammed her fist down on top of her thigh. “God, I should have called them! I can’t believe I didn’t!”

  Ash sank down on the couch and pulled her onto his lap. “Don’t beat yourself up over it, baby. I’m sure they understand.”

  She looped her arms around his neck and sagged against him, burying her face in the curve of his shoulder. He could feel the wetness of her tears on his skin. “They were so shocked when I told them everything that had happened. They wanted to come and get me immediately, but I manage to convince them that I was in good hands.”

  “You are in good hands, Kylie,” Caleb said, walking into the room to join them.

  Simon was right behind him, a broad smile on his face. “Hey, darlin’. Did you miss me?”

  “Were you gone?” Kylie teased.

  “Very funny.” He bent over her and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Do you feel better havin’ talked to your parents?”

  “Yes.” She lifted her head to see Caleb and Simon standing side by side looking down at her. Her heartbeat accelerated. God, they were so gorgeous. “What?”

  Caleb just smiled. “Nothin’, sugar. We just enjoy lookin’ at you, that’s all.”

  “Are you ready to discuss our…um…activities?”

  “Actually, we wanna run something by you first.” Caleb sat down next to her and took her hand in his. “Would you be comfortable talkin’ with a couple of friends of ours? Sarah Colter-Sinclair has two Doms, so she can tell you what bein’ part of a ménage is like. Both she and another friend, Leah Stanhope, were nearly as new to this as you are, so they might be able to help ease any lingerin’ doubts you may have.”

  Kylie considered for a minute, then smiled. “I think that would be an excellent idea.”

  The men’s relief at her answer was palpable. “Great. How does tomorrow sound? I’ve arranged for them to join us for tea at Granny Grace’s.”

  “Oh, my God,” she exclaimed. “I can’t go to Granny Grace’s! I don’t have anything to wear!”

  “Nonsense. You can wear what you’re wearin’.”

  “Does Granny Grace have little round tables covered with white linen tablecloths?”

  Simon frowned. “I believe so, yes.”

  “And candles and flowers in the center?”

  “Again, yes.”

  “Is the floor carpeted? Are there sconces on the walls? Do the menus have tassels?”

  The three men looked at each other and shrugged.

  “It’s an elegant, refined setting,” Kylie wailed. “I can’t go in there looking like a ragamuffin.”

  “A raga—“

  “At the very least I need pants long enough to cover my legs. A dress would be even better.”

  Caleb scratched the back of his head. “Okay, sugar, I’ll take care of it. I need to go by the office anyway.”

  “I can’t afford much,” she began, only to be stopped by Ash’s finger on her lips.

  “You just let us worry about that, baby. As long as you’re in this house, you’re our responsibility. It is our privilege to look after you, and you’re gonna let us do it, yeah?”

  Biting her lip, she nodded, outwardly accepting the inevitable.

  “Good.” Caleb smiled. “Glad that’s settled. I’ll be back in around an hour.” He bent down and curled his fingers under her chin, lifting her face for a swift kiss. “Don’t worry, sugar.” He smiled down at her. “I’ll bring you something pretty.”

  She backed down gracefully. “Okay. Thank you. But you don’t know what size to get.” He just grinned, then turned and strode out of the room. “Okay,” she yelled after his retreating figure, “but when this is all over and I get a job, I’m going to pay you back!”

  Simon and Ash laughed. “You tell him, baby,” Ash said. “He’s much too bossy anyway.”

  “An affliction from which you all seem to suffer,” she said dryly.

  “Darlin’, you have no idea.” Simon leaned down and scooped her up off the couch.

  Kylie put her arms around his neck and smiled up into his twinkling blue eyes. “We going somewhere?”

  “Just to the bathroom.”

  “You have to pee?”

  “No, but you probably do.” He carried her out into the foyer to a door under the stairs. It opened to reveal a fairly spacious, beautifully decorated powder room with an elegant
pedestal sink and a period toilet, the kind with the water tank on the wall above the seat. “You wanna pull down your pants before I set you down?” he added when he felt her hesitation, “keepin’ in mind that we’ve already seen every part of you, so you have nothing to be shy or modest about. I know this is all very new to you, darlin’, but bein’ able to see every part of you pleases us. We love lookin’ at you—all of you. Many submissives are only allowed to wear clothes when they leave the house. Otherwise they are kept naked.”

  “Yeah, I read that.” She shook her head. “It’s hard to imagine.”

  “I think talkin’ to Sarah and Leah will help you gain a better understanding. Pull your pants down and I’ll put you on the toilet.”

  After a bit of awkward wiggling and squirming, Kylie managed to get her shorts down below her butt cheeks while he continued to hold her. Then he lowered her onto the seat. “I’ll go get you a wet wipe for cleanin’ your hands.”

  “Lord, I hate being so helpless!” she lamented. “I hate being such a bother to all of you.”

  He gave her a stern look. “We will discuss this when I get back,” he said and left the room.

  She sighed and relieved herself, doing her best to wipe herself without placing her feet on the floor—no easy task, she discovered. Rolling back and forth from hip to hip, she managed to tug her shorts back into place. She looked up when Simon returned and took the wet wipe he handed her. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m just so damn frustrated. I’m not used to having to depend on others for even the simplest, everyday things.”

  Simon hunkered down so his face was on the same level as hers. “We’re a team, darlin’. We work together to help each other. We wouldn’t have it any other way. We love lookin’ after you. If you were never able to walk again, we would still do exactly what we’ve been doin’. Now. In your homework, what did you read about obedience?”

  “Um. Obedience equals pleasure?”

  “And disobedience?”

  She just stared at him blankly.

  “Punishment,” he answered for her.

  Punishment! Holy shit! There was that word again. It had to be a joke, right? Surely grown men did not punish grown women! It was unthinkable. “So, what’re you going to do, spank me?”

  “That is a very distinct possibility.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  One black eyebrow hiked toward his hairline. “Do I look like I’m jokin’?”

  Actually, he didn’t. His face was impassive, making him seem suddenly cold and remote. “The choice of punishment is entirely up to us. So far we have asked you to do two things. To stop puttin’ yourself down because of your issues with weight. And to stop frettin’ because you think you’re bein’ a burden. How do you think you’re doin’ so far?”

  She looked sheepish. “Not very well.”

  “You’ll have to do better. For the last time, we have no problem with your weight, and lookin’ after you is not a burden. So, the next time you express either of those non-existent concerns there are likely to be consequences, okay?”

  “Okay.” She grimaced. “Sorry.”

  He straightened and scooped her up off the toilet all in one graceful, powerful move. “Now, put your arms around my neck and give me a kiss.”

  “Gladly.” She did as she was told and found herself sinking against him and moaning into his mouth as he claimed hers with consummate skill and passion. When they finally drew apart, they were both having difficulty breathing.

  Simon managed a lopsided grin and carried her out of the bathroom.

  They talked until Caleb returned carrying a pink shopping bag with the logo, Granny Grace’s Tea Shoppe and Toy Emporium embossed on it in ornate silver letters. Inside was a turquoise sundress made of gauzy cotton fabric. It had a full, flirty skirt and a loose, blousy bodice with cap sleeves and a scooped neck.

  Kylie just touched it with reverent fingers, looking up at Caleb. “Thank you,” she breathed. “It’s beautiful. Just perfect for afternoon tea at a fine restaurant.”

  They spent the rest of the evening playing Texas Hold ’Em and polishing off Katie’s fabulous banana pudding. By the time Ash finally put the cards away, all the Cheerios were in front of Kylie. She pumped her fists up and down and bounced in her chair like Rocky.

  “Don’t gloat,” Simon said sourly. “It’s not attractive.”

  “You’re just a sore loser,” she retorted, sticking her tongue out at him.

  “Ooooh,” Ash remarked, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I see a bratty little sub who’s badly in need of a little Dominance.”

  Dominance! Her eyes widened. “Who? Me?”

  “Yes. You.” Ash bent to pick her up and carry her upstairs. She grabbed the sides of his head and pressed her mouth against his. After recovering from his initial surprise at her show of initiative, he took his time, tasting, sipping, getting to know her flavors, her textures, dragging open-mouthed kisses back and forth across her lips, her cheeks, her eyes. Kisses that heated her blood and melted her bones in an inferno of lust.

  When he was done, he pressed his forehead against hers, his gaze piercing hers as though he were trying to see into her very soul. “Jesus, baby, for someone new to kissin’, you sure are damn good at it.” He drew a deep breath, filling his lungs to capacity before slowly letting it back out. “Okay, baby, here’s the plan. The three of us are gonna take you upstairs and fuck you until you think you’re gonna die of pleasure. Unless you say your safe word right now.”

  She lifted a languid hand and cupped his cheek. This was something she’d been thinking about ever since they’d given her those BDSM websites to read. Something she was now certain she was more than ready for. Just the thought of these three hot, hunky, bad-ass men making love—no, fucking her—had her so aroused, she was literally tingling with anticipation, as if a live wire was being passed over her skin. The look she gave Ash, half-lidded and smoldering, was pure seduction. “It’s nice to have plans.”

  The sweep of her tongue across her lips wrenched a groan from Ash’s throat. “Oh, baby, you have no idea.” He turned and started toward the stairs, followed closely by Simon and Caleb.


  Ash carried her into the bathroom and set her down on the toilet. “Peein’ first,” he said with a wink, pulling her shorts down to her knees before she could utter a word of protest, “followed by hot, naughty, nekkid sex.”

  Oh, yeah.

  Quickly squeezing a roll of toothpaste onto her toothbrush, he handed it to her, then left her alone to pee and brush her teeth.

  When she was done, she called him through a mouth full of toothpaste foam, but it wasn’t Ash who came back through the door. It was Caleb.

  He took the toothbrush from her and handed her an empty plastic cup. “Spit.”

  He then handed her a cup filled with water so she could rinse her mouth while he rinsed off the toothbrush in the sink, scrubbing his thumb across the bristles. When he was done rinsing out the plastic cups, Simon joined them carrying a stainless steel bowl and a couple of towels. Caleb bent down and pulled her shorts the rest of the way off. When she made a tiny sound, he just leveled a look at her—a scorching, heated, possessive look—and said, “Can’t have hot, naughty, nekkid sex if you’re not nekkid.”

  “Good point.”

  He pulled the purple knit tee top over her head. Then he lifted her, but instead of carrying her out into the bedroom, he set her down right in the middle of the long marble counter. Fortunately Simon had covered the cold marble with one of the towels, so she was spared that particular shock.

  She was not, however, spared the shock of seeing him swirling a shaving brush around the inside an old-fashioned ceramic mustache cup. Oh, my God! They really are going to shave me down there!

  Caleb and Ash flanked him. “Lean back on your hands, baby,” Ash instructed. “Normally we’d have you place your feet flat on the edge of the counter, but we don’t want to re-injure your feet. So this time w
e’ll just hold your legs apart instead.” At Simon’s nod, Ash and Caleb each grabbed a leg beneath her knee and spread them wide open, revealing her entire vulva, from her clit at the top to her puckered asshole at the bottom, already glistening with feminine juice. Cold air brushed across her wet skin, sending goose bumps rippling up her spine.

  “Oh, look at that,” Simon said, touching his fingertips to her labia, waltzing them through the furrow of her slit. “You are so wet and ready for us, aren’t you, darlin’?” He moved to stand between her legs. “Beautiful,” he murmured, bending at the waist to place his lips against her clit, sucking gently until she threw back her head and released a shuddering moan. “And delicious, too. I could feast on this pussy all day. But it will be even more beautiful and delicious once I’ve removed all this hair.” He loaded the brush with foamy suds and slathered it all over her mound, her labia, even her anus, its tickling touch making her squirm. Then he picked up a safety razor. “Okay, darlin’, I need you to hold real still for me. I don’t want to cut that beautiful, pink skin.”

  Pulling her skin taut between his thumb and forefinger, he stroked the razor right down the center of her mound, removing a swath of dark, curly hair. He handed the razor to Caleb, who swished it through the water in the stainless steel bowl before handing it back.

  Kylie watched, fascinated, as her pubic hair slowly disappeared, even those few stray hairs down by her anus, leaving nothing but glistening pink skin behind.

  “Now that,” Caleb said admiringly, dropping the razor in the bowl of soapy water, “is a pretty sight.” He and Ash released her legs, but Simon still stood between them, keeping them apart.

  “Now for the touch test,” he murmured, bending again and placing his mouth against the top of her mound. He proceeded to sweep his tongue across every inch of her newly-exposed skin, sending her arousal spiking off the charts.

  Her breath was coming in short, sharp pants, her back arching as she succumbed to the pleasure rippling through her.

  Simon raised his head, looking up at her through half-lidded eyes dark and glazed with lust. His face shone with her juices. “Perfect,” he said, palming her mound and running his two middle fingers through her sopping slit, gathering her slick syrup. “You are perfect. The perfect woman. The perfect sub. And you’re all ours.” On the word “ours” he plunged his fingers into her vagina, forcing a sharp cry from the back of her throat.


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