Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2)

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Passion's Fury (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 2) Page 15

by Julie Shelton

  She lifted her hands to his muscular chest, rubbing her palms across his nipples, manipulating the gold ring.

  Jesus! Face tight with lust, he closed his eyes. He began to drive his cock in and out of her with increasing speed and force.

  She latched onto Ash’s nipple ring, tugging it slightly, he sucked a hissing breath between his teeth. At the same time, Simon grabbed both of her nipples and squeezed them between his thumbs and forefingers, twisting, tugging, tightening, tormenting and all of a sudden, Kylie was there, on the verge of an orgasm that threatened to destroy her. Caleb threaded his fingers through her hair and tightened his grip, making her scalp tingle. He turned her head toward him, pinioning her with his gaze, watching the need flaring in her eyes as the spiral in her core tightened almost beyond endurance. Her back arched, her hips bucked, she sucked all the available air into her lungs and held it for what seemed like forever. But it wasn’t until Caleb said, “Come, Kylie. Come now,” that the coil snapped, shattering her into a million pieces. She let out a scream as she exploded with the force of a volcanic eruption.

  Ash’s entire body went rigid, his face a taut mask, the tendons in his neck standing out like iron rods as he detonated inside her. His own cries were ragged as he ground his pelvis against hers, prolonging their pleasure, his cock blasting thick, ropy bursts of hot cum against her womb until he was spent. Using the last of his strength, fighting his body’s instinct to just collapse on top of her in a satiated heap, he lifted himself off and rolled to the side.

  Lifting her up by putting his hands under her arms, Simon eased himself out from beneath her. Kylie just toppled backward onto the mattress in a boneless heap, as aftershocks continued to roll through her. Ash rolled off the bed to stand on the left side of it, staggering slightly before turning and grasping Kylie’s right ankle. Caleb grabbed her left ankle, spreading her wide while Simon prowled across the bed toward her, his cock red and angry and looking like a rocket ready to blast off. He settled between her legs aiming his cock like a missile, straight at her entrance. With a heavy sigh he slid into her heat and wetness, pleased that it took him less time and effort to achieve full penetration than it had taken Ash. Good. That meant less discomfort for Kylie. And more pleasure. Simon was all about pleasure. He looked down at her, his heart so filled with love, he feared he would say it out loud, and she definitely wasn’t ready for that. “You okay, darlin’?”

  Her eyes glittered with lust. “Yes. Please hurry. I need to come.”

  He withdrew in one smooth glide, then pushed back in slowly, steadily, until he hilted. With a groan he dropped to his elbows on either side of her shoulders. His eyes closed on a look of pained ecstasy. “Christ, darlin’, I thought I was gonna come just watchin’ Ash fuck you. That was so goddamn hot! But now it’s my turn and I’m so close, I’m not gonna last long.”

  “I’m not either,” she confessed, her lids drooping even as she tried to look up at him. “Please hurry, Simon. I need another one.”

  Without another word, Simon began thrusting, slowly at first, gradually building speed until he was driving in and out of her sheath like a piston. Kylie’s hips came up to meet each thrust and within minutes they were both crying out as pleasure clobbered them, thundering through them like an avalanche sweeping down a mountainside.

  Even before the spasms had stopped shuddering through her body, Simon pulled out and Caleb was between her knees. Thrusting his hands beneath her buttocks, he held her hips suspended in his powerful arms. He held himself still as he notched the head of his cock just inside her opening and pulled her forward, penetrating her slowly, making her cry out as he rocked his piercing back and forth across her G-spot, sending yet another, unexpected orgasm rippling through her, tearing yet another guttural cry from her throat. By now she was sobbing, tears running down the sides of her face, settling in her ears.

  “Christ, sugar, I could watch you come a hundred times a day. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.” Caleb’s breath hissed between his teeth, nearly spilling his seed as her muscles flexed around him. Jesus! It didn’t matter how many times he and his brothers had team-fucked other women. None of those encounters mattered. None of them had prepared him for the pure ecstasy of this. Watching Caleb and Ash fuck this woman—their woman—had been the most mind-blowing thing he had ever witnessed. They had to convince her to stay. They just had to. The thought of her leaving now, after this, after they had had her, was unacceptable. They would never survive it.

  Gripping her buttocks, Caleb flexed his hips backward, sending shivers coursing through her. Giving Ash and Simon a nod, he waited for them to place two pillows beneath her hips before driving his cock back into her, embedding himself deep in her cunt. He fought for breath through a throat clogged with emotions.

  Kylie let out a squeal, arching her hips up to pull him in even deeper. Her heart was racing, careening like an out-of-control roller coaster. She was swimming in sensation. Drowning in pleasure. Truly alive for the first time in her life. And she never wanted it to end, even though she was finding it increasingly difficult to breathe around the knot of tears clogging her throat, reducing her voice to a husky rasp. “Oh, my God, Caleb, that feels so good!”

  “Tell me what you want, sugar.” Every word was an effort as her wringing muscles threatened to strip away his control and make him come. He withdrew slowly, making sure to drag his piercing across her G-spot once again, making her shudder and moan.

  She tossed her head back and forth in a delirium of pleasure. “I want you. Fucking me. Please fuck me, Caleb.”

  Gritting his teeth so hard he feared his molars would crack, he began thrusting his cock in and out of her rippling cunt, gradually increasing both the speed and force of each thrust, tightening the coil within her body until she was ready to snap. Nearly mindless with pleasure, her breath coming in harsh little moans, she could no longer speak, no longer think. Caleb was about to give her another orgasm and it was going to be massive.

  Simon and Ash bent their heads to her breasts and closed their hot, wet mouths over her hard, berry-like nipples, suckling her deeply. Her back arched, her body went rigid. Her heart was beating so hard it thundered in her ears like an F16 revving for take-off. She sucked air into the bottom of her lungs and held it for what seemed like forever as Caleb hammered into her. Then the air exploded from her in a scream as pleasure blasted through her like a nuclear bomb.

  Her contracting muscles gripped Caleb so hard, he groaned. She felt his cock get even thicker just before she pulled him over the edge and he detonated against the mouth of her womb, sending burst after burst of hot cum jetting into her. Even as Simon and Ash continued sucking and licking her breasts, they both reached down and gently manipulated her clit, prolonging her pleasurable convulsions for a long time, each convulsion creating a new muscular contraction that kept Caleb hard and seated firmly inside her.

  Arms trembling from the strain, he held himself above her for as long as he could. Then, jaw clenched, he said, “Gotta move, guys.” Simon and Ash both backed off as Caleb collapsed on top of Kylie. Bodies still connected, he rolled himself over onto his right side, taking her with him, hooking his leg over both of hers and pulling her hard into his body. His right arm went beneath her shoulder, the left went around her, holding her in a tender embrace.

  Kylie was still moaning, her body still quaking with the occasional aftershock, only dimly aware that Simon was now lying behind her, his body fitted to the S-curve of hers. Ash aligned himself behind Simon,

  The room smelled of sex and echoed with their mingled groans and harsh breathing. As well as the sound of the men’s gentle kisses and murmuring voices as they brought her back down to earth after her trip to the stratosphere.

  She heaved a sigh and her thoughts began to tumble out of her. “Guys that was so…that was so…”Another sigh. “All my life I’ve repressed my sexual feelings. Because I was afraid of them. Afraid that, once freed from my father’s repression, I would turn int
o some kind of…I don’t know…sexual fiend, with an insatiable appetite and needs. But you three make it safe for me to feel these things. I never in a million years figured I’d find somebody that would give me that. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart.”

  Caleb shifted his head to place a gentle kiss on her lips. “Sugar, there’s no need to thank us for anything. Believe me, the pleasure is entirely ours. We are honored that you are able to be yourself with us, in spite of how little time we’ve been on this journey together, and that you have allowed us to give you what you need.”

  As he spoke, his cock finally wilted and slid out of her, releasing a warm river of all their mingled juices onto the inside of her thigh. She was still trembling, every nerve ending in her body tingling as if electricity were dancing over her skin. She was surprised there weren’t visible sparks hovering above her body. She’d never felt so satiated in her entire life. Or so enervated. If the house caught fire she didn’t think she’d have enough energy to get up and walk out the door. Good thing she wouldn’t have to. She had three burly guys to take care of that for her.

  It was her last thought before succumbing to sleep.

  * * * *

  “Careful, Caleb, don’t wake her.”

  “Too late,” Kylie croaked sleepily as she felt herself being lifted from the bed. Pure instinct had her throwing her arms around Caleb’s neck even though she knew he didn’t need any assistance from her. He was perfectly capable of handling her weight. They all were. It was a thought that both enchanted her and sent chills frolicking up and down her spine. For the first time in her life there weren’t people hounding her to lose weight. It was refreshing.

  He carried her into the bathroom where Simon was already waiting with two plastic bags and a roll of duct tape. Caleb just held her while Simon covered one foot and Ash the other. Once her feet were protected, they all got into the spa tub, which was surrounded by flickering candles and already filling with water. They sat down on the long bench seat, Caleb in the middle with Kylie on his lap, her legs draped over Simon’s lap on Caleb’s right. Ash sat on Caleb’s left. The water was frosted with white, foamy bubbles that smelled of lavender and mint, and the jets provided a gentle massaging action against her sore muscles. She let out an audible sigh and relaxed against Caleb’s chest, letting the jets work their magic.

  No one spoke. No one wanted to break the spell which seemed to have woven itself around them. They just touched her. And kissed her. And stroked her. Reverently. Almost worshipfully. As if she were something precious that they would treasure for the rest of their lives. It was an acceptance and approval her parched soul sought with a need bordering on desperation, and she soaked it up like a sponge caught in a deluge after being left out in the desert.

  Caleb’s hands slid beneath her arm pits and he turned her in his lap so she was sitting with her back to his front, her legs splayed on either side of his thighs. Ash soaped a washcloth and gently washed everything below her waist while Simon washed everything above it. Caleb lathered her hair and rinsed it with a pull-out faucet.

  They sat her on the towel-covered counter. Simon dried her off and removed the bags from her feet while Caleb and Ash dried themselves. Then Ash and Caleb re-bandaged her feet while Simon dried himself, then gave her her pills. Even though she didn’t think she really needed the pain pill, the look on their faces as they watched her take them told her that arguing would be futile. Ash carried her back into the bedroom and laid her on her back in the bed. Caleb and Ash lay on their sides, flanking her, heads propped up on their hands, their other arms draped over her abdomen. Simon was behind Ash.

  Kylie turned her head to look at Caleb. She turned in the other direction and saw Ash and Simon wearing the same expression as their brother. An expression so filled with love, her heart melted.

  “Talk to us, baby,” Ash said, his hand idly stroking her stomach. “Tell us what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m thinking that I’ve been waiting for the three of you all my life.”


  Granny Grace’s Tea Shoppe on the main street of Passion Lake was an elegant restored, three-story Victorian building. It was very similar to the Passion Lake Bed and Breakfast. The main entrance was in the enormous, one-and-a-half-story round tower in the left-hand corner, capped by a Turkish dome. There was a similar, octagonal-shaped, three-story tower in the opposite corner. Smaller than the B & B, the exterior of the Tea Shoppe was painted slate blue with dark gray accents and white gingerbread trim. A deep porch went across the entire front of the house, continued around both towers and along both sides. In addition to cushioned wicker rocking chairs, there were also tables and chairs out front where diners were enjoying their leisurely meal along with a gentle summer breeze. Immediately next door to the Tea Shoppe, connected by an enclosed breezeway, was the Toy Emporium, a converted Queen Anne style house, whose exterior was painted willow green with yellow trim and red accents. Tree-lined parking lots flanked the two buildings. Both lots appeared to be fairly full.

  “Inside or out,” Ash asked, pausing at the front door.

  “Inside would be safer,” Caleb murmured, ever mindful of the fact that two unknown men were in town looking for her. He was on duty, so he was wearing his khaki uniform and a camel-colored Stetson. Before they’d left the house, he had checked with Granny Grace’s network of spies trying to ascertain the whereabouts of the two men who had been asking about Kylie. No one had seen them. Even though they’d asked about a place to stay, they hadn’t checked into the Passion Lake Bed and Breakfast, nor were they staying at the lodge or the campgrounds. They seemed to have disappeared. Perhaps they had believed Tool’s bald-faced lies and had decided to try and catch up with Kylie on the road to Michigan. After all, Tool was unsurpassed at making people believe what he wanted them to believe. A skill that had served him well when infiltrating dangerous terrorist organizations. It had saved not only his life, but the lives of his teammates on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, the fact that the two men had been sent on a wild goose chase did not eliminate the danger they posed for Kylie. It just postponed it.

  Kylie was wearing the pale turquoise gauze sundress that Caleb had bought last night, along with some lacy, matching underwear. Everything fit perfectly, even though she hadn’t told him her sizes. Its loosely fitted bodice and full skirt made her waistline look positively tiny. Ash had gone out that morning, and come back with a hair styling brush and some make-up. At his insistence, she’d given him a list of brands and colors. Her dark, chocolate brown hair hung in a cascade of shining waves around her shoulders and down her back. And her turquoise eye shadow and black mascara accentuated her huge brown eyes. A little powder, a little blush, a pale peach lip gloss and she was ready. She had to admit that she felt better wearing make-up. Prettier. More confident. Although both Simon and Ash had insisted that she was just as gorgeous without it.

  The tea room took up the entire ground floor of the spacious mansion and was true to the elegance of the late Victorian period, with square cloth covered tables and elaborately carved high-back chairs upholstered in deep red satin-striped damask. The tall windows were set in niches and were hung with burgundy damask floor-length drapes, topped by ornate valances. Tall, graceful potted palms filled the spaces between each niche. The floor was carpeted in a deep green carpet with a swirling pattern of burgundy and dark gold. The walls were covered with paintings, Majolica plates, and other bric-a-brac. A black grand piano sat on a dais in one corner. A man attired in a tuxedo was playing old Sinatra standards.

  There were a few men, but most of the diners were women. When Kylie saw how they were attired, she was glad she had insisted on wearing a dress. Everyone was wearing their Sunday best. Many of the ladies were even wearing graceful, broad-brimmed straw hats and gloves. Kylie wasn’t quite to their level, but at least she wasn’t wearing shorts and a tank top. The fact that she was wearing socks on her bandaged feet instead of strappy sandals was bad enough, b
ut nobody could fault her for her dress.

  Two women were seated at a table in the spacious, sunlit alcove formed by the large tower and the Raffertys headed straight for it, giving Kylie a chance to look them over. One of them was a brunette with streaks of lighter highlights all through the brown curls that hung half-way down her back. She was wearing a raspberry-colored cotton sundress and a broad-brimmed straw hat with flowers and ribbons in all shades of pink. The other woman was a strawberry blond with equally long curls and reddish highlights. Her hat was white, decorated with poppies to match what she was wearing, a white sundress with spaghetti straps and enormous poppies growing up the skirt in shades of orange, salmon, coral, yellow, and red. They looked up as the little group approached them and Kylie was startled by the clear turquoise of the brunette’s eyes and the pale green of the blonde’s. “Caleb! Simon! Ash!” The two women rose and hugged Caleb and Simon, receiving bear hugs in return. “And you must be Kylie,” they exclaimed, encompassing her along with their hugs for Ash. “I’m Sarah Colter-Sinclair,” the brunette said, “and this is Leah Stanhope—I mean, Nighthorse. Even though she and Raven are already married, they’re having their formal wedding next Sunday.”

  “Oh, congratulations,” Kylie said warmly. “I’m Kylie Ferrell.”

  “Yes, we know,” Leah said with a one-shoulder shrug and a sheepish grin. “Small-town grapevine. Everybody knows everything about everybody.”

  As the two women resumed their seats, Ash bent and lowered Kylie into the third chair at Sarah and Leah’s table. “Okay, sugar,” Caleb said, bending down to give her a swift kiss that was no less passionate for its brevity. Simon and Ash followed his lead. “Enjoy your tea.”

  “You’re not staying?” Kylie asked, surprised, resisting the urge to fan her heated face at this public display of affection.


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