A Reunion to Remember

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A Reunion to Remember Page 13

by TJ Thomas

  Jo washed Rhonda’s entire body, enticing and heating it as she went, driving Rhonda up but not giving her that final release. She wanted Rhonda to feel everything. Jo poured her emotion into every touch. She drove them both mad with the slow pace, but she wanted to savor and pleasure Rhonda. Then Jo turned Rhonda to face her. Rhonda’s eyes were full of need. Jo poured all she was feeling into a long, tender, passionate kiss. Then, inch by inch, she moved her hand down the front of Rhonda’s body.

  Jo slipped her fingers between Rhonda’s swollen lips and stroked the length of her clit. “Oh, Jo, Oh God, Jo, I’m coming.” Rhonda moaned.

  Jo watched Rhonda’s face as she took her over the edge. As Rhonda was still riding the wave of her first orgasm, Jo slipped her fingers into her. Rhonda grabbed Jo’s shoulders trying to hold on as Jo pumped into her, driving her up once more. Rhonda screamed in ecstasy. Jo held Rhonda close as her body settled. Then she kissed her.

  Rhonda rested her hands on Jo’s shoulders as the water continued to cascade around them. “You can wash my back any time.”


  The following day, Jo stood stretching in front of the house, when Mike pulled up. She said, “I wasn’t sure whether you’d show.”

  Mike shrugged. “I said I’d be here. I honor my commitments.”

  Jo studied him for a few minutes debating whether to say something about his tone. She decided to let it go and see where the run took them. Sometimes it was easier to hammer things out when you weren’t looking at one another.



  They ran easily for a mile, warming up. Then Mike started to challenge her. He kept increasing his speed so he would end up a few yards ahead before she adjusted her pace and caught up. Mike finally spoke. “I’ll race you back for her.”

  Jo stopped immediately. “What?”

  Mike slowed his pace and jogged back to where Jo had come to a standstill. “Come on, if you beat me back to the house, I’ll consider letting you continue to date my mom.”

  “Don’t be a jerk.”


  “Of you beating me in a foot race, not even a little,” Jo said matter-of-factly. “Of you being an idiot, yeah, I’m afraid I might be witnessing that.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “When the hell did you start thinking so little of your mom that you would offer her up as some prize? She is a brilliant, talented, amazing woman who has every right to choose who she wants to be with. When did you decide it was okay to challenge me to some inane duel with Rhonda as the reward?”

  Mike looked properly chagrined, but she was just getting warmed up.

  “Jesus, Mike. I know she raised you better than that. What the hell are you thinking?”

  Mike held up his hands. “Okay, I get it. I’m sorry. That was a stupid thing to say.”

  “You think?”

  “Yeah, I do. Look, this is just a lot to take in. For my entire life, I saw my mom one way, and now all that’s changed.”

  “How does that honestly make one bit of real difference in your life? Can you imagine what it’s like for her? Her entire life she saw her life one way. She’s twice as old as you and it actually impacts her life in very real ways. Can you stop and think for one minute about her? Give her a break.”

  Mike seemed to think that over as they started jogging again. “You’re right.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re not going to let me off easy, are you?”

  “Should I?”

  “No, I was a jerk. I’m sorry.”

  “Apology accepted, if you start thinking about how your mom is feeling and take that into account before you make any other foolish suggestions.”

  “I can do that.”


  They ran on for a while longer before turning around. Mike said, “Did you ever consider becoming a lawyer?”

  “Hell no, I hate arguing.”

  “You’re pretty good at it. You made very valid points.”

  “I was protecting your mom.”

  “For what it’s worth, you’re really good at that too.”

  “I hope so. Now that we have the chatting out of the way and we’re warmed up, what do you say we kick this run into high gear?”

  “You’re on!”

  When they got back to the house, Rhonda was in the kitchen. They walked in together. “Hi, you two. How was the run?”


  “The run was fine, but Jo schooled me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She made me realize I’ve been an idiot and I owe you an apology. I’ve done a lot of thinking about this situation and what I’ve figured out is…I want you to be happy.”

  Rhonda breathed a sigh of relief.

  Mike continued. “If Jo makes you happy then so be it.”

  “Oh, Mike. Thank you.”

  Mike raised an eyebrow. “For what?”

  Rhonda squeezed his hand. “For being you.”

  “You have a lot to do with who I am, Mom,” he said playfully.

  “I love you, Mike.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”


  Jo finally had a chance to call her mom a few nights later.


  Jo imagined her mom sitting on her screened porch with a cocktail, waiting for John to finish his round of golf. “Hi, Mom, how are you?”

  “Hey, I’m good. Same as always. John should be home soon so we can have dinner. How about you?”

  “I’m great. Listen, Mom, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”

  “Okay, what’s up?”

  “I told you I’m staying with Rhonda, right?”

  “Yes, you did. How is she?”

  “She’s really good. The thing is…Rhonda and I are dating now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re together.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line. Jo imagined her mom was thinking of all the reasons she should object to this news, the age difference, the distance, the history. Finally she asked, “Are you happy?”

  Jo smiled. It always came down to that one thing for her mom, or at least it had since she had gotten up the courage to leave Jo’s father. That was the one thing that was most important to her mom. “Yes, I am. I’m very happy.” Jo told her mom what she hadn’t yet found a way to tell Rhonda. “I’m in love with her.”

  “Oh, baby, you’ve never said that about anyone.”

  “I know, but I can’t imagine life without her. I’m working on making my stay here permanent if I can convince her we can work forever. I’m not sure she’s ready to hear how I feel. She has some doubts, which is hard, but given the circumstances it’s also understandable.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m sure she needs time. It might help her if you shared your feelings.”

  “I’ll give her the time she needs if it means we can be together. I’ll think about the rest of it.”

  “I know you will, sweetheart. I sure hope everything works out for you. Keep me posted. I love you, Jo.”

  “Thanks, I will. I love you too, Mom.”


  While eating breakfast Wednesday morning before work, Rhonda’s phone rang. She read the display. “Good morning, Christie.”

  Jo looked over, curious at the early call.

  “We’re doing well, thank you. How are you?” Rhonda listened. “Uh huh, let me just make sure.” She covered the mouthpiece and explained to Jo, “Peter has to work late and Christie has a meeting this evening. She’s asking if we would mind watching the kids after work.”

  Jo nodded. “I’m game.”

  “We would be happy to watch the kids. …Okay, we’ll see you then.” Rhonda hung up. “Christie will bring them over about five thirty.”

  “Great. Do you think you’ll feel like cooking or would you like me to pick something up on the way home?”

s play it by ear. Will you call me before you head home and I can tell you then?”


  Moments later, Jo stood and rinsed her breakfast dishes. Then she turned and wrapped Rhonda in her arms for a passionate kiss. “I hope you have a great day. See you this evening.”

  “You too, drive safely.”



  Once Jo left for work, Rhonda went for a walk to clear her head before starting her own work for the day. She snapped on Kona’s leash and took her out. She had a lot to think about. Having a three-month affair with a woman twenty years younger was one thing. Thinking about a long-term relationship with the same woman was an entirely different story. Jo had hinted that she would be open to that. What was she supposed to do with that? She cared about Jo, a lot, and the sex was amazing, but…was she willing to sign up for something more? That was the big question.

  Rhonda had been impressed by Jo, from almost the day they met over a decade ago. As she learned more of her story, her admiration increased. She could have been beaten down by the world she lived in, but instead was a strong, confident, loyal friend who protected those she cared about in any way she could. Jo was much more than a casual sex partner. Rhonda had real feelings for her. But what did they amount to and could she ask Jo to give up her life in California to be with her?

  Rhonda felt her thoughts were going in circles and not getting her anywhere, so she headed home and distracted herself with her work. She was in the middle of a couple of fun projects. The winter months were a good time for planning and designing so construction could begin in the spring. Sometime around midday, she stopped for a quick bite and then returned to the plans she was working on. She was so focused that when the phone rang a few hours later, it startled her. She reached for it and answered without looking at the display.


  “Rhonda, sweetheart, are you okay? You sound strange.”

  “I’m fine. I didn’t realize the time and the phone startled me.”

  “Okay. How’s your day going?”

  “Really well, I’ve been very productive. How about you?”

  “It’s been good. It will be better when I see you.”

  “Well, then come see me.”

  “I’m working on that. I wanted to see if you want me to pick up dinner since we have Mary and Cody in a little while.”

  Rhonda looked at the clock again and calculated. “If you don’t mind picking something up that would be great.”

  “Okay. See you shortly.”

  Jo arrived at the house at the same time as Christie and the kids. Christie gave her a hug. “Thanks for doing this.”

  “It’s our pleasure.” She looked at Mary and Cody. “We’re going to have fun aren’t we?”

  “Yeah,” Mary and Cody said excitedly.

  “Why don’t you all go on in? I just need to grab the food,” Jo said.

  “Can I help?”

  Jo looked at Christie who was already carrying Cody’s backpack. “That’s okay. I’ve got it. I’ll be right behind you.”

  As Christie and the kids headed for the door, Jo reached into her truck and pulled out their dinner and quickly followed them into the house. Jo walked through the living room making eye contact with Rhonda before continuing into the kitchen to set down the food. Once Christie said hi to Rhonda and thanked her, she left to get to her meeting on time.

  Rhonda turned to Mary and Cody. “Are you two hungry?”



  “Okay. Let’s go see what Jo brought us for dinner.”

  In the kitchen, Jo was emptying bags onto the counter. Rhonda pulled out some plates and handed them to Mary. “Will you put these on the table, please?”


  Then she pulled out silverware and said the same to Cody. She watched Mary start to help Cody distribute the forks before walking over to Jo. She hugged her tightly from behind. “Hi.”

  Jo turned so she could gather Rhonda in her arms. “Hi, beautiful. I was right.”

  Rhonda raised an eyebrow. “About what?”

  “My day did get better as soon as I saw you.”


  Jo lightly brushed her lips against Rhonda’s with tender promises for later. Turning their attention to the kids, Jo and Rhonda carried the food to the table.

  Once everyone finished eating, the kids helped clear the table and put things away. Rhonda worked on the last of the dishes when she said to the kids, “Mary, why don’t you and Cody go downstairs and pick a movie?”

  Mary asked, “Can Jo help us?”

  “Of course she can, sweetie. You all go down and I’ll be there in just a couple of minutes.” Rhonda looked over and saw Mary and Cody each holding one of Jo’s hands as the three of them left the room. Jo had certainly won them over Rhonda thought to herself. I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s won me over too.

  A short time later, Rhonda went downstairs herself. She stopped at the door of the family room and looked in at the three of them. All of them lay on their stomachs on the floor surrounded by what looked like the entire movie collection from the cabinet.

  As she watched she heard Jo say, “No we can’t watch this one. It’s for adults only.” Then she picked up another one. “How about this one?”

  “No, we just watched that one.”

  This went on for a while. Each time one was rejected, it went in a pile next to the cabinet. Finally, they found one everyone could agree on.

  “Okay, Cody will you put this on the table so we don’t lose it? Mary let’s get these picked up.”

  Jo and Mary lifted themselves up to put the movies away. When Cody turned to put the movie on the table, he saw Rhonda. “Hi, Grandma.”

  Jo looked over to the door, still down on her knees. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough. That was quite the selection process.”

  “I know. There were just so many to choose from we didn’t know how to decide.”

  Rhonda glanced at the one finally chosen. “It looks like you made a good choice.”

  Rhonda dimmed the lights from the switch by the door and everyone sat on the couch to enjoy the movie. Jo and Rhonda were at either end, and the kids were nestled between them. As the movie began, Jo put her hand on the back of the couch and Rhonda did the same, linking their hands behind Mary’s and Cody’s heads.

  Later, Jo glanced over and saw Christie watching them from the doorway. She smiled and squeezed Rhonda’s hand and when Rhonda glanced her way she nodded toward Christie.

  “Hi,” Rhonda said softly. “How was your meeting?”

  Christie stepped into the room. “Good.”

  When Mary heard Christie’s voice she woke. “Hi, Mommy.”

  “Hi, sweetheart, did you like the movie?”

  “Umm hmm,” Mary said, nodding softly.

  “Are you ready to go home?”

  Mary rubbed her eyes. “Okay.”

  Christie looked at Jo and started to reach for Cody. “Let me get him.”

  Jo stopped her. “I’ll carry him up for you.”


  Rhonda rounded up the things the children brought with them. Christie deposited the kids’ things in the car and then got Mary settled while Jo placed Cody in his car seat. Christie turned to Rhonda and Jo. “Thank you both again. I hope the kids weren’t too much trouble.”

  Rhonda shook her head as she hugged Christie. “No trouble at all.”

  Jo confirmed. “We had fun.”

  Christie climbed into the van and waved good night as she backed down the drive.

  Rhonda and Jo went upstairs. Rhonda looked at Jo. “Maybe one day you’ll tell me where you learned to handle kids so well.”

  “It’s no big secret. I spent my college summers as a camp counselor. I coached soccer and lifeguarded.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “It just hasn’t come up yet. It was a fun way t
o spend my summers, and it helped me be on my own that much faster.”

  “You must really like kids.”

  “They’re fun to be around.”

  Rhonda picked imaginary lint off her pants, unable to look Jo in the eye. “Did you ever think about having any of your own?”

  “I’ve thought about it. I’ve always known I didn’t want kids. I mean I never wanted to physically bear a child, and I always figured when I found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with it would be a decision we made together.”

  “Would you be terribly disappointed if the woman you were with couldn’t give you kids of your own?”

  “No. Having kids of my own has never been a priority for me. Why all the questions?”

  “I was just wondering after watching you with Mary and Cody. You’d make an awesome mom.”

  “Well, thank you. Coming from you that is a huge compliment. But honestly, being able to play with them for a few hours and then give them back to their parents seems pretty perfect to me. You have a really nice gig, Grandma.”

  “Oh, please don’t call me that.”


  “Because I want you to see me as sexy.”

  “You are sexy. A very sexy Grandma.”

  Rhonda pushed Jo playfully onto the bed. “And don’t you forget it.”

  “No danger of that.”

  Later, as they lay cuddling, Jo said, “I’d like to try to find a way to stay here when my contract is up. How would you feel about that?”

  “It would be great to have more time with you, but is it realistic?”

  “There should be some way. I’ve got some feelers out. Either way, I don’t want this to end even if I have to go back to California for a while.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I love you, Rhonda. I want a real relationship, long-term. I want the strings and the commitment. You don’t need to say anything now, but please think about what I’ve said.”

  Rhonda studied her for several moments and finally said, “I will.”

  “You take all the time you want. I’m not going anywhere.”


  “Rhonda, you should come to the reunion with me. You’re my girlfriend and I want you there,” Jo said.


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