by David Loyn
27 SIGAR; report to the U.S. Congress; July 30, 2020.
28 Nordland, Rod; New York Times; April 6, 2016;
29 Rasmussen, Sune Engel; Guardian; April 30, 2017;
30 Haqqani, Husain; New York Times; July 6, 2017;
31 Senate Armed Services Committee; February 17, 2017.
32 Logan, Lara; “Kabul Under Seige While America’s Longest War Rages On”; 60 Minutes, CBS; June 3 2018.
33 ANI; February 18, 2018;
34 Senate Armed Services Committee hearing; February 27, 2017.
35 Rowlatt, Justin; Afghanistan Fighting the Forever War; BBC; March 12, 2018.
36 Pentagon press conference; May 30, 2018.
37 Senate Armed Services Committee; September 22, 2016.
38 BBC News; January 25, 2019.
39 BBC News; September 16, 2019.
40 Pentagon press conference; May 30, 2018.
1 Author interview.
2 Mashal, Mujib; New York Times; March 29, 2018;
3 Agence France-Presse; March 31, 2018.
4 Mashal, Mujib; New York Times; June 15, 2018;
5 Farrell, Theo, and Semple, Michael; Ready for Peace? The Taliban After a Decade of War; RUSI; January 31, 2017;
6 CBC News; January 13, 2016;
7 Author interview.
8 Rubin; Afghanistan—What Everyone Needs to Know; p284.
9 Khaama Press; February 24, 2016.
10 Rubin, Barnett; New Yorker; June 4, 2016;
11 Craig, Tim, Olivo Antonio and Ryan, Missy; Washington Post; May 23, 2016;–11e6-aa84–42391ba52c91_story.html.
12 Gall, Carlotta; New York Times; August 9, 2017;
13 Ibid.
14 Yusufzai, Rahimullah; Arab News; March 1, 2018;
15 Barker, Memphis; June 17, 2018;
16 Ibid.
17 Mashal Mujib; New York Times; September 2 2018;
18 Lawrence, J. P.; Stars and Stripes; August 17, 2019;
19 Rubin; Afghanistan—What Everyone Needs to Know; p274.
20 Author interview with Afghan involved in the talks; it was Noorzai whom Colonel Jason Amerine had wanted to exchange for Bowe Bergdahl in 2014.
21 CBS News; March 14, 2019;
22 U.S. embassy in Kabul press release.
23 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China; July 12, 2019;
24 Congressional Research Service; July 15 2019;
1 Crane, Conrad C.; “Phase IV Operations—Where Wars are Really Won”; Military Review; May/June 2005.
2 Author interview.
3 Even when it was ruled that there would be tribal identity onto the cards, it included only the fourteen tribes named in the Afghan constitution, leaving eight aggrieved small minorities, who needed to side with an identity they did not own to be seen as citizens.
4 Jakes, Lara; New York Times; September 19, 2019;
5 Thanks to Shazia Haya from the BBC bureau in Kabul for this research.
6 Author interview.
7 See Crile, George; Charlie Wilson’s War—The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History; Atlantic Books; 2003.
8 Adili, Ali Yawar, Bjelica, Ruttig, Thomas; Afghanistan Analysts Network; October 22 2019;
9 George, Susannah; Washington Post; Febrruary 26 2020;–57d8–11ea-8efd-0f904bdd8057_story.html.
10 Ibid.
11 The event was witnessed by the author, invited as a guest at the inauguration.
12 Loyn, David; In Afghanistan.
13 Crane, Conrad C.; “Phase IV Operations—Where Wars are Really Won”; Military Review; May/June 2005.
14 Dobbins, James; Preparing for Nation-Building; Survival, Vol. 48, No. 3; 2006;
15 Afghanistan Study Group report; February 3 2021; USIP;
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abdullah, Abdullah
Abizaid, John
Abrams, Creighton
Abu Risha, Abdul Sattar
Accelerating Success
Achakzai, Abdul Raziq
Afghan development zones (ADZ)
Afghan Local Police (ALP)
Afghan National Army
casualties of
desertions in
Taliban and
Afghan National Security Council
Afghan National Security Forces
illusion of victory in
Phase One 2001–2006
Phase Two 2006–2009
Phase Three 2009–2011
Phase Four 2011–2014
Phase Five 2015–2011
war in north 2001
war in south 2001
weather in
Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF)
Agha, Tayyib
agricultural experts
Ahmad, Haji
Ahmad, Mahmud
Ahmad, Sardar
Ahmadzai, Akmal Ghani
Aikins, Matthieu
airpower (air strikes)
against Canada
civilian casualties from
Kunduz hospital and
Akhunzada, Mullah Haibatullah
Akhunzada, Sher Mohammad (SMA)
Alexander, Chris
Ali, Hazrat
; Allen, John R.
detention centers and
Karzai, Hamid, and
Obama and
Pakistan and
Allen, Kathy
ALP. See Afghan Local Police
Amanullah, King
Amerine, Jason
Amerkhel, Aminullah
Amos, James
Anaconda strategy
Al-Anbar Province
Annan, Kofi
Anwar, Muhammad
Arghandab Valley
Army Field Manual 3–24
Arroyo, Israel
ARTF. See Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund
Atmar, Muhammad Hanif
Atrafi, Auliya
Authorization for Use of Military Force
Auxiliary Police
Axis of Evil
B-52 effect
Back, Gerhard
Bagram Air Base
Obama at
Parwan Detention Facility at
Bajwa, Qamar Javed
Baker, James A., III
Bala Hissar
Bales, Robert
Baradar, Mullah
Barakzai, Nisar
Barmak, Wais
Barno, David
Bashardost, Ramazan
Basir, Abdul
Bauguess, Larry
“bear hunting”
Bell, Gertrude
Bergdahl, Bowe
Berger, Louis
Bernsten, Gary
A Better War (Sorley)
Biden, Joe
CT and
CT-plus and
withdrawal announcement from
Bigeard, Marcel
bilateral security agreement (BSA)
bin Laden, Osama
killing of
in Pakistan
Black Hawk Down
Black Watch
Blair, Tony
Blake, James M.
Blanc, Jarrett
Blinken, Antony
Bordin, Jeffrey
Bradshaw, Adrian
in Helmand Province
in Musa Qala
Operation Medusa by
Operation Mountain Thrust by
Broadwell, Paula
Brostrom, Jonathan
BSA. See bilateral security agreement
Buckley, Edgar
Buckley, Gregory
Buddha statue destruction
Bundy, McGeorge
Bush, George W.
Axis of Evil of
Iraq and
Karzai, Hamid, and
McNeill, D., and
nation-building by
9/11 and
al-Qaeda and Taliban and
war on terror of
Butler, Ed
Byrd, William
Cameron, David
Camp Leatherneck
Campbell, John F. “JC”
Obama and
air strike against
hostage from
Operation Medusa and
Canadian Battalion (CANBAT)
Carter, Ash
Carter, Nick
ISAF and
Petraeus and
Category IV intelligence
Cavoli, Chris
CENTCOM. See Central Command
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Central Command (CENTCOM)
Petraeus and
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
bin Laden and
CT of
McChrystal, S., and
Petraeus and
Sherzai and
warlords and
The Centurions (Lartéguy)
CERP. See Commander’s Emergency Response Program
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv
Chayes, Sarah
Cheney, Dick
Chretien, Marc
Churchill, Winston S.
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
civilian casualties
from air strikes
in battle for Kabul
from meteor strikes
by Taliban
at wedding parties
Civilian Casualty Tracking Cell
Clapper, Jim
Clark, Wesley
Clarke, Michael
Clifford, Clark
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Eikenberry and
Pakistan and
Taliban and
Cohen, Eliot
COIN. See counterinsurgency
Coll, Steve
Combat Fitness Test
Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP)
Cone, Robert
conflict resolution cell
Conway, James
COP Keating
Cordesman, Anthony
CORDS program
COIN and
Karzai, Hamid, and
of warlords
counterinsurgency (COIN)
corruption and
in Iraq
McChrystal, S., on
McKiernan, D., and
McNeill, D., and
Obama and
Petraeus on
in Vietnam
Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice (Galula)
counterterrorism-plus (CT-plus)
counterterrorist tactics (CT)
of CIA
Dunford, J., and
Cowper-Coles, Sherard
Craddock, Bantz
Crane, Conrad C.
Crellin, Brent
Cripwell, Richard
Crocker, Ryan
Crumpton, Hank
CT. See counterterrorist tactics
CT-plus. See counterterrorism-plus
Cubbison, Douglas
Cunningham, James
customs revenues
Dailey, Dell
Daoud, Muhammad
Daudzai, Muhammad Umer
David McKiernan
Davis, Dickie
Davis, Skip
Dawlatzai, Esmatullah
Dayton Accords
DEA. See Drug Enforcement Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Dempsey, Marty
Department for International Development (DFID)
detention centers. See also Parwan Detention Facility
prisoner releases from
DFID. See Department for International Development
DIA. See Defense Intelligence Agency
Dickinson, Scott
Dobbins, Jim
Docherty, Leo
Donahue, Pat
Dostum, Abdul Rashid
against Mansour
in Pakistan
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Dunford, Ellyn
Dunford, Joseph F., Jr.
BSA and
CT and
NATO and
Obama and
prisoner releases and
Trump and
Dupree, Louis
Dupree, Nancy Hatch
Durand Line
Dutton, Jim
Eggers, Jeff
Eid cease-fire
Eide, Kai
XVIII Airborne Corps
eighty secure districts plan
Eikenberry, Karl
Clinton, H., and
Karzai, Hamid, and
Eisenhower, Dwight
Elizabeth, Queen
Equality for Peace and Democracy
expeditionary advisory packages
Fahim, Muhammad Qasim
Faizi, Aimal
Fallon, William “Fox”
Farnood, Sherkan
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
Fenzel, Mike
Fergusson, James
Ferozi, Khalilullah
1st Brigade, 82nd Airborne
Five Pillars (magic carpet)
Fixed Failed States (Ghani, Ashraf)
Fixing Failed States (Loyn)
Flournoy, Michèle
food aid
Four-Hundred-Bed hospital
Fox, David
Franks, Tommy
Fraser, David
Freakley, Ben
Freedom’s Sentinel
Fuller, Peter
Galbraith, Peter
Gall, Carlotta
Galula, David
Galvin, Jack
Gandamack Lodge
GAO. See Government Accountability Office
Gates, Robert
Helmand Province and
McChrystal, S., and
McKiernan, D., and
Mullen and
Obama and
Petraeus and
terms sheet by
General McMahon (fictional character)
General Orders 100
Gerson, Michael
Ghafour, Mullah
Ghamsharik, Haji Zaman
Ghani, Ajmal
Ghani, Ashraf
Abdullah and
Campbell and
Eid cease-fire and
in election of 2019
IS and
Khalilzad and
Pakistan and
warlords and
Gilani, Ali Haider
Gilchrist, Peter
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Graham, Lindsey
Graham, Mark
Grant, Ulysses S.
Green Berets
Greene, Harold
green-on-blue attacks
Gregory, David
Grenier, Robert
Grossman, Marc
Ground Zero
Guantánamo Five
Guggenheim, Scott
Haass, Richard
Habibullah, King
Hagel, Chuck
Hagenbeck, Franklin