A People's History of Scotland

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A People's History of Scotland Page 31

by Chris Bambery

  Rejection of Thatcher and the Tories hardened into a belief that Scotland did not just reject the worst of her free-market values but that a consensus existed across the nation which put welfare first. In 1989, an opinion poll found that 77 percent agreed that Thatcher had treated the Scots as ‘second class citizens’; a poll in 1987 had found that 75 percent regarded her as ‘extreme’.55 Increasingly, people believed that there was a democratic deficit, in that Scottish voters consistently rejected Thatcherism but still ended up with a Tory government.

  In May 1988, Thatcher travelled to Scotland to address the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Her ‘Sermon on the Mound’ appeared to be an attempt to convince the Kirk that there was a theological justification for her political and economic policies, with her informing them: ‘It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong but the love of money for its own sake.’ She travelled on to Glasgow to attend the Scottish Cup final between Celtic and Dundee United, a diary date that could be explained only by her advisers’ ignorance of Scotland. Thousands of supporters of both sides waved yellow cards at her.

  This sense of alienation from the government in London and the Westminster system received a huge boost from the decision to implement the Community Charge – which became known as the poll tax – and to do so a year earlier than in England. The Tories fought the 1987 Westminster general election on the promise they’d implement the tax, claiming it was fair that ‘the bishop and the brickie’ would pay the same. A Scottish civil servant explained: ‘The basis of the poll tax was the old ladies in Morningside living in six-bedroomed family houses who had no children at home and only had their bins emptied once a week.’56 The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland condemned it as morally indefensible.

  Thatcher ignored the fact that the Tories had returned only ten MPs out of seventy-two north of the border and pressed on, making the poll tax law in 1988 and announcing it would commence in Scotland in 1989. It was obvious she could enforce it on Scotland only with the votes of English Tory MPs.

  Labour fought the 1987 Westminster general election on the promise that they would make the poll tax unworkable. Scottish Labour Briefing said, ‘the policy was simple – Vote Labour to Stop the Poll Tax.’57 One of the fifty Labour MPs elected in 1987, Brian Wilson, was clear in calling for extra-parliamentary action: ‘No mandate exists for implementation of the poll tax in Scotland – the battle cannot be won in the House of Commons … I believe there should be a mass Scottish campaign outside Parliament to defeat the poll tax.’58

  Labour and the trade unions took to the streets in a show of strength, but having argued the poll tax was unworkable, the party refused to break the law, so Labour councils proceeded to put in place measures for registering taxpayers and collecting payments. A Scottish Labour Party special conference, held in March 1988 in Glasgow, refused to back non-payment. This marked the end of official Labour opposition. The tag ‘Feeble Fifty’ was coined to describe the Scottish Labour MPs and it stuck.59

  The SNP also promised they would obstruct the poll tax, and in November 1988 swept to a spectacular by-election victory in Glasgow Govan when Jim Sillars took the seat from Labour on an anti-poll-tax platform. The campaign made hay over Labour’s failure to obstruct the poll tax, but in reality, the SNP-run council in Forfar went along with introducing the new tax.

  At a grass-roots level, local Anti–Poll Tax Unions (APTUs) were being formed. One of the first was in Maryhill in north Glasgow. Activists went door to door, and by January 1988 had 2000 members. ‘No Poll Tax Here’ posters began to appear in windows across Scotland. The APTUs came together to form the Anti–Poll Tax Federation, chaired by Tommy Sheridan, who explained: ‘We built the union through street meetings … bus stops, traffic islands, patches of spare ground all provided impromptu venues.’60

  In March 1989, the Federation brought 15,000 people onto the streets of Glasgow in favour of non-payment. By 1 April, Scotland on Sunday calculated 850,000 people were not paying.61 Speaking for the anti-poll-tax campaigners, Sheridan declared that ‘non-payment in Scotland had become a deluge.’62 When sheriff officers turned up to ‘poind’ (confiscate in order to sell) the belongings of a Rutherglen woman who had refused to register for the tax and then not paid the resulting fine, the APTUs mobilised 300 people to block them. It was the first of many such confrontations, with the local groups mobilising via ‘telephone trees’, each member undertaking to phone four or five other supporters.63

  In addition, the Glasgow Herald reported on 14 November 1989 that anti-poll-tax campaigners had occupied the premises of the sheriff officers H. M. Love and Co. in Edinburgh’s New Town to protest against warrant sales. ‘As they spoke at the door to a member of staff more than thirty people, including some young children, and a dog with a cardboard placard round its neck appeared from behind some railings, rushed over the street and forced open the door.’

  Police eventually broke up the occupation. The same day saw occupations of the premises of sheriff officers in Dundee and Galashiels, by Federation supporters. They wanted to deliver warning cards similar to those left by the officers. In Galashiels the occupation lasted two and a half hours before the sheriff officers agreed to take the card, and in Dundee one and a half hours.

  In Glasgow, a group of about forty members of the Scottish Anti–Poll Tax Federation left their warning ‘calling card’ at the premises of the sheriff officers firm of Abernethy, McIntyre Co., in St Vincent Place. Tommy Sheridan said, ‘We have done it to them before they did it to us.’64

  Non-payment spread south of the border as the poll tax was introduced there, but the crucial event in its defeat was the biggest riot Central London had seen in a decade. On 31 March 1990, more than 200,000 people marched through the English capital, and when police attacked a sit-in outside Downing Street the protest erupted. Another 50,000 people demonstrated in Glasgow on the same day.

  By November, Thatcher was gone, after backbenchers forced a leadership vote that she failed to win resoundingly enough. The poll tax went with her. Despite the Trafalgar Square riot and the spread of non-payment to England and Wales, the whole episode left a deep feeling that Scotland had been treated unfairly by a government that had no mandate to rule the people of Scotland. That sense would only grow as Tory rule at Westminster staggered on until 1997.

  The journalist Ian MacWhirter points out: ‘The poll-tax row finally persuaded Labour’s ultra-cautious shadow Scottish secretary, Donald Dewar, to join the cross-party Scottish Constitutional Convention in 1988 and sign its “Claim of Right” document, which called for a repatriation of Scottish sovereignty.’65

  As a result of the poll-tax battle, Tommy Sheridan was elected to Glasgow City Council for Pollok in May 1992, despite being in Barlinnie Prison for defying a court order by attending a protest against the warrant sale of a non-payer’s possessions. Scottish Militant Labour would form the Scottish Socialist Alliance with others on the left and then the Scottish Socialist Party. The basis for a major breakthrough by the radical left in the next decade had been laid.

  The 1992 General Election and Scotland United

  In 1992 the Tories under John Major won a Westminster general election they had been widely tipped to lose. Hopes were high that the nine Scottish Tory MPs would be wiped out. They actually won two extra seats. They had little time to celebrate, though.

  Thousands flocked to Glasgow’s George Square after a call went out from a new group, Scotland United, to hear speeches denouncing Tory rule as having no mandate and demanding a Scottish parliament. The initiative was begun by the leadership of the Scottish TUC, which quickly involved Labour MPs such as George Galloway and John McAllion plus the musicians Pat Kane of Hue and Cry and Ricky Ross of Deacon Blue. Importantly, the SNP decided to end a policy of not participating in broader groupings focusing on Scotland’s constitutional position because they wanted nothing less than independence.66

  On 14 April, the general secretary of the STUC, Campbell Christie,
told the George Square rally they were there to ‘tell the nation, to tell the Conservative government and to tell everyone throughout the world, that we in Scotland are not prepared to accept the election results. We representing the 75 percent in Scotland, we representing the 2.2 million electorate in Scotland who voted for constitutional change, are not prepared to allow the 23 percent, the 750,000 Tories to rule us.’67

  The director of 7:84 Scotland theatre company, David Hayman, followed and posed a series of questions to the crowd and demanded an answer, it went thus:

  ‘On Thursday April 9 did you vote Conservative?’


  ‘On Thursday April 9 did you vote for the destruction of our health service?’


  ‘On April 9 did you vote for the dismantling of our industry?’


  ‘Did you vote for the decay of our educational system?’


  ‘Did you vote for greed?’


  ‘Did you vote for selfishness?’


  ‘The English did, for the fourth election in a row. The people of England have voted for greed and selfishness, and I’ll tell you something; there’s fifty million of them and only five million of us, so we don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of ever having a parliament we deserve unless we have our own parliament.





  Hayman caught the mood. The rhetoric was light-years away from that of a decade and a half earlier at the time of UCS or when the miners had fought and won. Something fundamental had changed. Then the stress was on working-class unity across Britain. Now the stress was on the difference between values on either side of the border. The novelist William McIlvanney was cheered when, in response to attacks on it as being anti-English, he told a rally: ‘Scottishness isn’t some pedigree lineage, it’s a mongrel tradition.’69

  Despite the turnout, the Labour shadow Scottish secretary, Donald Dewar, attacked the Labour MPs taking part as being ‘collaborators’ with the SNP.

  Opinion polls showed majorities of between 75 and 80 percent in favour of a Scottish parliament. With the SNP now prepared to work towards this, it was an unstoppable momentum. Later in the year, in December, the Nationalists organised a 25,000 strong rally in Edinburgh when the city hosted a European Union leaders’ summit. Scotland United did not sustain itself or the protests but it did lay down a determination that Scotland should have Home Rule.

  The Edinburgh writer, publisher and poet Kevin Williamson wrote of the hangover that followed the 1992 general election victory for the Tories: ‘May Day 1992 was one of the bleakest in recent memory. Scotland had sunk into a collective despondency when the Tory Party … [was] re-elected to another five years in office. After thirteen years of divisive Tory rule – characterised by greed, privatisation, unemployment, strikes, riots, war and the Poll Tax – it didn’t seem possible.’70

  At the same time, Labour was rebranded as New Labour under the leadership of Tony Blair – educated at Fettes, Edinburgh’s top private school – who took over upon the death of the Scot John Smith in 1994. He was committed to ‘modernising’ the party by accepting much of the Thatcher ‘revolution’ and dumping any hint of socialism. But despite his own misgivings he could not dump a commitment to creating a Scottish parliament.

  Yet acceptance of devolution in the British ruling circles did not equate with any wish to loosen the Union. In 1995, the journalist George Rosie encountered a senior Whitehall civil servant in the mountains of Sutherland. Over a drink, he asked him why a London government would not want to see Scotland independent. The civil servant ticked off the reasons on the fingers of his hand:

  One, oil. Two, gas. Three, fish. Four, water. Five, land. The oil and gas are self-explanatory, even now. Fish might not mean much to the British but it is a superb bargaining counter in Europe. Water will be important one day, I suspect. And as for all this [gesturing to the hills], well, this is our, how shall I say it, breathing space. That bit of elbow room that every country should have.71


  The US multinational corporation Timex decided to break the union at its Dundee plant, announcing lay-offs just before Christmas in 1992. At the start of the new year, letters saying who would be sacked and who could stay were sent out by management. The workers refused to accept the letters and occupied the canteen. Management promised negotiations so they returned to work, although they voted overwhelmingly for action.

  The negotiations never took place and the company refused a union offer to go to ACAS, the government conciliation service. So on 29 January 1993 the workers walked out on strike. A month later they returned ready to work en masse, only to be told they would have to accept a 10 percent wage cut and a reduction in pension. When they refused this offer they were locked out. Scabs were brought in to do their work, leading to mass pickets outside the plant with delegations of supporters travelling from across Britain to give support.

  In April, several local workplaces stopped work to join demonstrators from NCR, Levi’s, Ninewells Hospital and others who were marching to the factory gates to join pickets. A rally in a nearby park was attended by 6,000 people. On 17 May, 5,000 people from across the city, the rest of Scotland and south of the border joined in solidarity outside the factory gates, despite the police halting coaches bringing delegations to join the strikers. It took police over twenty minutes to force the scab bus through the picket line, and they simply gave up on trying to get scabs in cars and delivery trucks through.

  In June 1993, the socialist journalist Paul Foot joined the picket line at Timex. His subsequent report is a gripping read. He interviewed Margaret Thompson, who had just returned from Norway, where she picketed the headquarters of the Olsen Line, eventual owners of Timex. She had already been to London, Manchester, Newcastle and Brighton to raise solidarity:

  I’ve been a shop steward for 20 years, but I never felt half what I feel today. I think it’s because I realise my capabilities. I’m not just a worker at Timex, I’ve got a brain. If you do the same thing for 20 years, your brain goes soft. When I went into Timex as a girl, I was quiet as a lamb. Now I feel like a rottweiler. I think the best thing about this is you suddenly realise you have friends everywhere. At a factory in Newcastle they had exactly £110 in their coffers. After they heard us speak they gave us … £110, and I suddenly realised I was crying. They’d never met us, and they gave us everything.

  Another striker, Jessie Britton, asked about leftists and others joining the picket lines. She responded: ‘They are always complaining about outside agitators. But where would we be without the people from outside who support us? … we could never have got where we have without these young people selling papers and whipping up support for us.’ Jessie also told Foot where she stood in relation to anti-union laws that attempted to restrict numbers on the picket lines, and the appeal from union leaders to respect the law: ‘They are worried about their assets … but we aren’t worried about our assets. We haven’t got any. What use are union assets to us if we lose the strike and can’t have a union?’

  Foot writes that he ‘asked gingerly’ about the role of women in the strike. Jessie laughed and simply said, ‘right here the men do the dishes and the women do the fighting.’

  The report resounds with the wit and banter of the strikers, interrupted only when someone tries to cross the picket line. He sums up by quoting Debbie Osborne explaining, ‘When I was in there [she said, giving a contemptuous jerk of the head at the factory gates] I felt like a nobody. Now I feel a somebody. In fact I feel ten times more important than anyone in there.’72

  Eventually, in August 1993 the management, aware they could not defeat the strikers, chose to walk away, closing the plant. The workers did not achieve victory but they did not feel defeated either.

  Cultural Shift

  Despite the damage
inflicted on it, Scotland was experiencing a new cultural vibrancy during the Thatcher era. Novelists such as James Kelman, Alasdair Gray, William McIlvanney, Iain Banks and Irvine Welsh were international figures. A new generation of Glasgow painters made their mark: Ken Currie, Steven Campbell, Jenny Saville, Adrian Wiszniewski and Peter Howson. The classical composer James MacMillan had world renown. The folk music scene was engaged in all sorts of cross-overs, including with what is called ‘World Music’, a patronising term meaning non-Anglo-Saxon music. Scots were beginning to feel confident in a new identity that no longer centred on militarism and sport, and which was recognised elsewhere in the world.

  Things were moving on from the start of the 1970s when Tom Nairn famously wrote, paraphrasing Denis Diderot, that ‘Scotland will be free when the last Church of Scotland minister is strangled by the last copy of the Sunday Post.’ The poet Iain Crichton Smith spoke similarly: ‘When I see one of these Free Church ministers on the street in Lewis, I feel like walking across the road and hitting him in the face.’73


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