His Secret Baby: A BDSM Revenge Wedding Romance

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His Secret Baby: A BDSM Revenge Wedding Romance Page 21

by Ashlee Price

  “I want to explore your limits, Mariah, so I can better understand what you can offer the clients.”

  I shook my head, not saying anything as my mind tried to digest everything that was going on. I just wanted him to get on with it before I lost my nerve and ran out of there. Maybe it was a good thing that there were so many restraints around. It wasn’t like I hadn’t played games with Greg. He was the one who’d gotten me into alternative play because of my unwillingness to put out. Now I wasn’t so sure.

  “What would you like me to do?”


  My hands were shaking again, but I quickly realized that if I didn’t look him in his eyes I didn’t have to even imagine him being here. I could just look away and pretend it was just me in the room. I needed to focus on something, and I found that I was fixated on the buttons of the leather bottoms.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are, Mariah?”

  I didn’t answer him because I figured that it wasn’t needed. I wasn’t expecting the crack of the whip and the feel of it touching my skin. It made me jerk and make a small noise that made him smile down at me.

  “That’s your first lesson, Mariah. When a customer asks you a question, you should answer it. You’re to be obedient.”

  I nodded my head and continued to undress for Elie. My hands were no longer shaking; now it was my whole body trembling. I wanted to feel more of the whip. It had whetted my appetite. It had been a long time since Greg had spanked me and made me come. I wanted that now, and something that I’d dreaded didn’t seem so bad if it got the end result I wanted. My need was quickly outweighing my fear.

  “Does that make you wet?”


  Another crack of the whip and then Elie made a tutting sound. “I see that we’re going to have to teach you a bit before you get a customer. Some of them won’t stand for such insolence.


  “Are you done with me, sir?”

  Elie smiled and nodded his head that he was. I was sore all over, but I felt good in other ways. It hadn’t been enough to push me over the edge, but it was enough to break the ice. Elie was not a man that I would have chosen, but the money that he handed me when I was done was almost enough to make me forget the last hour or two. There were no clocks in there and I wasn’t sure what time it was.

  He gave me a time to be back the next day, and I asked him if I was due for some more training. “No, I think you’ll do. I have a client who’s very interested in you, and I told him you would be available for him then.”

  I wasn’t given any more information, just that this particular client was rich and one of his best. I was expected to give him what he wanted, much like Elie had asked of me. On my way home, I wondered what I was supposed to say to Sasha. They were kind of dating, and although it was supposedly just business, it didn’t feel that way. It felt like I’d done something wrong.

  When I got back to Sasha’s, she and Kimmie were waiting up for me. They wanted to know how it had gone, and when I didn’t go into much detail, Sasha asked a few questions that made me nervous. I didn’t lie about it, but I withheld some important information from her.

  “So who do you have tomorrow?”

  I shrugged and told Sasha that I wasn’t sure. “Elie just said that it was one of his best customers, rich or something.”

  “I bet he’s talking about Scott. Girl, if he is, you’re in for a treat. I think I would pay him…” She stopped talking, and I knew that she would have been blushing if her face wasn’t so dark.

  “So, this is a good thing?”

  Sasha nodded her head. “Yeah, he always wants a round with the new girls. He’s looking for something, you know the type, and he will either see it in you or he won’t. You hook him, Mariah, and you won’t have to mess with anyone else. Well, not too many more, anyways.”

  “Why don’t you see him?”

  “I wasn’t his type. I’m not really sure what he’s looking for, but maybe you’ll have better luck with him.”

  “If he’s going to turn you down, Sasha, he’s obviously crazy.”

  She thanked me for saying that, but I could tell that it bothered her. Sasha was beautiful and very few people would turn her down, male or female.

  “So what does he look like?”

  “Not what you would expect. I don’t want to get your hopes up in case it ends up being someone like Travis or somebody.”

  “Who’s Travis?”

  “Another rich guy who likes to play and pays well, but isn’t as pleasant to be around. Just hope that he was talking about Scott and not Travis.”

  There was obviously more to her comment than what met the eye, but I had a feeling that I didn’t want to know anymore. I was exhausted from the night. Even though I’d only been gone a couple of hours, I felt drained.

  “Well, I’m going to hope for the best. I think that I’m going to go lie down for a while.”

  “I hear ya, Mariah. If you need anything, I’m here for you.”

  I thanked her and told them both good night. All I could think about was tomorrow and this important person that I was supposed to meet. It made me nervous to think about who it was going to be, but I knew that I was going to go back. It wasn’t just the money in my pocket, but something more. There was an energy inside of me that hadn’t been there a week ago. I’d been missing it in my life, and now I was going to get paid for it.

  Chapter 6 – Scott

  “Good to see you again, sir. We’ve gotten everything ready for you like you requested.”

  Elie was smiling a little too broadly, and I had to wonder what the man had up his sleeve. I didn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, and that wasn’t very far. “And the girl?”

  “She’s new and untrained, but I know that’s how you like them. You like them a little new to all of this, yeah?”

  “Does she look as good as she does in her picture?”

  The man’s eyes darkened a little in an unsettling way as he promised me that she was just as tasty as she looked. I always got an email notice when there was a new girl on the roster, but even so I had been taken aback by Mariah. I didn’t think that was her real name, but it fit her. As soon as I saw a picture of her, I knew I had to meet her.

  “Good, then I’ll have to see for myself.”

  Elie grinned and showed me to the back hallway that I’d gone down many times before. This was the first time that Elie had shown me to the room himself, though. “She’s in Room 20 and she’s all ready for you. I think you’re going to be pleased with this one.”

  It was the second time he’d said it like that, and it made me wonder what he meant. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted from her. I wouldn’t know till I met her, so how could she be ready for me? All of a sudden I didn’t feel ready.

  I moved to the door and let hope fill me for a moment. I wanted her to be different. I wanted her to be the one that I’d been looking for for so long. I had always believed that I would know when I met her, I just hadn’t yet. But after years of searching, I was giving up any real hope that it was going to happen. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place, but there was something about the club that drew me in.

  Walking into the room, I was not expecting her to be prepared how she was. Mariah was half-naked in a see-through negligee and she was already tied up and stretched in four directions on the bed. This was not at all how I wanted our first meeting to go. They had taken all of the fun out of it. I was a hunter, and I didn’t want my prey to be immobile. Not yet, anyway. If she hadn’t looked so delicious, I would have walked out and had a talk with Elie.

  I didn’t say anything because she was blindfolded as well. The woman couldn’t even see me, but I was able to see everything. This was not at all what I wanted, but I was at a loss for words, so I just let me eyes ingest what I could of her body. She was, so far, better than the pictures ever suggested. The woman was gorgeous, with a body that I desperately wanted to touch. All I could think about was running m
y hands down her. When I finally moved to do so, she jumped a little and I watched her tits jiggle from the movement. The blonde hair splayed around her moved as she tried to find where I was and look in my direction without actually being able to see me.


  “It’s sir, little one. Always call me sir.”

  Her lips pressed together and she repeated the word. It was like magic to my ears, and I was already sure that I was going to like her very much. I didn’t usually like surprises, but Mariah was turning out to be a nice one.

  “I didn’t expect you to be tied up already, Mariah. I wanted to speak with you first.”

  She kind of nodded her head, but didn’t say anything more. “But since you’re already secured so thoroughly, I suppose that it would be a waste of time to do it again. We’ll have to make the best of the situation at hand.”

  “I’m in no hurry, sir.”

  I could tell that she wasn’t, or at least she wasn’t as scared as some girls that I saw for the first time. She didn’t exactly seem like someone who was experienced, and that intrigued me, because there was something about her calmness that told me she’d done this kind of thing before. The bit I’d read about her that fascinated me the most was the same thing that made me wonder how genuine she was. How could someone who looked like her, in a place like this, be the way she claimed to be? It just didn’t make sense to me.

  My hand moved lower on her thigh, and when I got to the knee, I made another line with my fingers on the inside of her smooth leg. She jumped when I got to her heated core and made an indescribably delicious sound. I pressed against her clit with my fingers and made her jerk again, setting me afire with her movement. She was going to be more fun than I could have imagined. Her body was so sensitive that I couldn’t stop myself from making her twitch a couple more times before I was satisfied.

  “You’re wearing too much, Mariah. I want to see that beautiful body of yours in all of its glory.”

  Again she just kind of nodded her head slightly, and I moved away from the bed. I didn’t use the whips that were provided by the club. I brought my own, because I knew them all well enough and my aim was perfect with the small tease sticks that I used. Today was the first time for us together and I didn’t want to overwhelm her. I would have to get to know Mariah before I could really release my talent on her.

  Taking the leather-wrapped stick, I smacked it sharply against her outer thigh and told her that I wanted her to respond when I said something to her.

  “You didn’t ask a question, sir.”

  She was smart-mouthed in her own way, and for some reason I liked the part of her that was still rebellious. I was going to love taming that part of her the most. It was a challenge that I was up for.

  “I didn’t ask a question.” The stick came down hard on her again, in the same place, and I got another reaction, although this time her hips moved a little, squirming in the bed underneath her. That action filled me with need and I looked down at her body. I had to see it all right this instant. I had to see if she was as wet as I hoped she was. It was one thing to take pain, it was another thing altogether to like it and get off on it. That was what I really wanted.

  Moving over her small body, I unhooked the back of the negligee and pulled it down her torso. Her breasts were large and full, pointing up towards me with the sweetest pink nipples I’d ever seen silently begging for some attention. Before I could stop myself, I was leaning down and taking one of the tips into my mouth.

  I was breaking all kinds of rules with her, but I couldn’t help myself. She was too beautiful to not touch in this way. I felt like I had to have her right now, but the information in the back of my mind tempered my need. I couldn’t have her in all of the ways that I wanted. There were limits and lines, and even though I was usually one to toe the line, this time I couldn’t.

  I nibbled on the other one a little harder, pinching the sensitive area between my teeth until I heard her whimper. Again her hips rose and she squirmed. She liked it better than when I licked and sucked. This was the woman for me.

  “Does that feel good?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you want me to do it again?”

  Her head was craned towards me, but the blindfold left her unseeing still. “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you want me to lick on them or bite them?”

  “Bite them.”


  “Please bite them, sir. I love the way your teeth feel on them.”

  I hadn’t expected that admission, but I can’t say that I didn’t like it. I did as she suggested and she moaned louder and wormed her body upwards again. My mouth and tongue moved down her body towards the black panties that covered up what I wanted to see most. I wanted to see if she was as wet for me as I was hard for her.

  When I moved to take her panties off, she finally hesitated a little. I know that she wanted to ask me what I was doing, but she didn’t. Instead she tensed up underneath me as I rubbed gently on her wetness. God, she was wetter than I would have thought possible, and I was almost overcome by the desire to slam myself inside of her. But I felt the barrier that I’d heard so much about, the one that I was most interested in, and stopped.

  I was at a loss for words. I hadn’t believed Elie because of her age and how pretty she was. It was hard to imagine how Mariah was still untouched, and even harder to imagine how she found herself here.

  This was the first time in a long time that I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I was always the one in control, and I still was now, but what I wanted I couldn’t have. I wanted her innocence before someone else got it. Right then, though, I wanted to see her face and her eyes. I wanted to watch her pleasure come over her face. I wanted her to see who was doing it to her. I wanted her to see me. These were all of the things that I needed, all at once.

  “I’m going to take the blindfold off of you, Mariah. I want to see those pretty blue eyes that I liked so much on the internet.”

  She didn’t answer me, but the tension was back in the lower half of her face. Did she wonder about what I looked like? That was the only thing that I could think of, and I actually cared for a moment what she was going to think of me. I wanted her to like what she saw, but I wasn’t sure if she would. What if she didn’t? The self-doubt was unfamiliar, and even though I was ready for the rest of the hour, I felt a little tension in myself as well. How would I handle finding the woman that I’d looked for for so long, and her not wanting me? It was a thought that hadn’t even crossed my mind before, but it was certainly bothering me now.

  The girl underneath me was getting impatient. She wouldn’t dare say anything, but I could tell it with ever movement that she made. She was not happy with me at all, and I had to wonder why. Mariah was definitely not like any of the other women that I’d met. She was into far more than most. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that she genuinely liked this kind of thing.

  “Are you in a rush?”

  “No, sir.”

  Mariah was still trembling underneath me. My own hands weren’t as steady as I would have liked as I removed the blindfold that was covering her eyes. When I pulled it back and she opened her eyes to see me, my insides melted and I wanted nothing more than to dominate the woman who was underneath me. Not just for tonight or for the hour I’d paid for. I wanted to dominate Mariah for the rest of my life. It would take that long to do it properly.

  “You look just like I hoped you would.”

  Her lips were pouty and her blue depths were unsure, but I wasn’t. I’d found what I was looking for. Just that quickly I knew and my long search was finally over.

  “I’m glad that I please you, sir.”

  Mariah wasn’t really looking at me, but past me at some fixed place on the ceiling. I can’t describe how angry that made me. It was white hot and came over me so quickly that I moved back before I even kissed her.

  “Why are you not looking at me?”

  Her eyes me
t mine and then moved away again. “I didn’t know I had to, sir.”

  “Any time I’m here with you, Mariah, I want you to look at me. You’re here with me, not with some other client.” Didn’t she know that I was special, just like she was to me?

  She agreed, but I let the stick bite her side before I was satisfied that she’d really heard me and wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

  “Now what should I do to you, Mariah?”

  The sparkling blue eyes gazed into mine for a moment, but even as she looked right at me, she still wasn’t really seeing me. I wanted her to really see me for once. It wasn’t going to be enough to get part of her attention. I was going to get all of her attention, one way or another.

  “Whatever you wish, sir.”

  We both knew that she didn’t really mean that. What she meant was whatever I wanted that she’d marked down. It didn’t include all of her, and that was exactly what I wanted. I was going to have to find a way around that, and my mind was already trying to think of scenarios while I sought the key to making sure that she really saw me.

  Chapter 7 – Mariah

  My first real night of service at the club hadn’t been much longer than the time I’d spent getting paid to train with Elie, but I was even more sore and tired. When Elie asked me if I wanted to work every night, I told him that I wasn’t going to be able to. I needed a day in between to recuperate, and today was that day.

  When I stretched and thought of getting out of bed, my whole body screamed at me for what had been done to it the night before. I was sure that I was unharmed, but that didn’t take away the discomfort of now. Scott hadn’t been anything like I’d imagined, although he was a man that I was going to have to watch. I had a feeling that Scott was going to push for more if I saw him again. Last night had been my first time meeting him, and even then he found it hard to push it only a little.


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