Blue, Light and Dark (Chubby Chasers, Inc. Series Book 2)

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Blue, Light and Dark (Chubby Chasers, Inc. Series Book 2) Page 3

by Brashears, Angie M.

  My eyes fly to her face. Did to her? “What exactly did he do to her?” I know the lies he told me—eliminated, destroyed, nothing else. And I got over it. But to keep her alive? Thoughts of torture and mayhem run amok in my brain.

  Gretchen looks sad. “He did that, Blue. Fed her until she couldn’t move, imprisoning her in her own body. She’d never hurt him again, never do anything again…just eat. And when he finished creating the perfect masterpiece…he left it for someone else to admire.”


  Something’s different. When I woke this morning, Blue was coming out of the shower. Whistling? What the hell? What’s changed this morning? I can’t peel my eyes away from her as she gets ready for her day without a care in the world. Without a single tear for me.

  For the past two weeks, all she’s done is stay in bed, hiding under the covers, crying her eyes out. I tried to get Sasha to put her on the phone yesterday, and I heard her anguished cries myself. It broke my fucking heart. My Bonita, missing me, needing me. The loveliest I’ve ever seen her. Yet today, this beautiful vision is showering, and there’s whistling going on? What did they do? Fucken drug her?

  I can’t look away. As she brushes through her long black hair, detangling as she goes, her ample bottom rocks to a ’50s sock-hop song. I can’t believe my eyes. She leans into the mirror, slowly sweeping blood-red lipstick across her full lips.

  My monkey bangs against its cage at the kiss she blows the mirror.

  She continues to play it up for the camera, with exaggerated winks and more blown kisses. She puts a huge blue flower in her hair, messes with her short bangs, and looks to me to be doing just fine.

  Fuck, I think. She’s back to work.


  I dress for group breakfast as the pinup girl I’m billed as. Overdoing it in a pair of denim pedal pushers, a red checked shirt, tied up high on my waist, and white Ked’s. All of my clothes, when paired correctly, give off the pinup vibe, so it’s not too hard. Hari made sure I’d be able to dress myself on a daily basis in any of her creations and look halfway decent. I blow one last kiss at my reflection— mainly for the benefit of my five subscribers—before joining the girls for the taping of our breakfast show. Gotta have a filler for Sunday, our only day off.

  We sit and chat, just mundane things really. Most of it’s scripted. We like to tease about who ate the last of the ice cream last night. We go around the table and not only name but describe our favorite foods. In erotic detail, if possible. There are alternating moans of how hungry we are and what we wouldn’t give for insert favorite feeder food here.

  As I take in the table piled high with glazed donuts and steaming trays of bacon, eggs, pancakes, crepes, basically any kind of breakfast food you can imagine, my eyes meet Gretchen’s, and I’m gobsmacked by the immense goofy grin she’s throwing my way. Beaming Gretchen is a sight to behold, rare indeed. Right up there with Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. She can’t hide how happy she is to have me out of bed and among the living. I smile back, a small one, just glad she’s not in a yelling mood today.

  Sasha’s talking too loud, as usual. Cracking jokes and her gum, amping up the festive mood of the breakfast. Whether she knows what she’s doing or not, her Sasha Show manages to draw us all in, making this meal more like an event and less like a work function. Esmie is doing her usual ghost routine, or goth girl. I’ve never quite figured out her deal. Daisy’s chained to a chair, one hand free to feed herself. Yep, a usual meal in the house of the chub.

  I make sure to wink and smile, laughing in all the right places. I have to keep reminding myself to pay attention to the banter around me so I don’t lose my place. On the outside, I’m all Blue Belle, lively and fun, but inside, carefully hidden below my shiny surface, I’m plain shell shocked from all that I’ve seen.

  If I could just talk to Javi, I think as I pour warmed maple syrup on my blueberry pancakes, I’m sure he would be able to explain it all. Make me feel better about the whole forgotten mom left in the cellar thing. Granted, it’s a nice cell, but it’s still a prison all the same. Sunday’s our day off. Maybe I can slip away and go down to the hospital I went to before to talk to him. The bosses said that Javi couldn’t have visitors for a while, but two weeks is a long enough while. Right?

  Just a talk. That’s all I want. Some fucking answers. It’s not too much to ask for, is it? The way my phone calls are fielded around here and my constant shadow that is Sasha, on my tail, you’d think they were trying to keep us apart.

  One by one, the ladies leave the table. Beckoned to their rooms by the flashing numbers on the huge TV screen in the adjoining room. When it’s just me and Daisy left, my number flashes. I nod to her, knowing Gus will unchain her and get her sorted. I flounce into the room and read the message.

  Brad would like a chat.

  Brad says, “Blue, I haven’t stopped thinking of you. Please take my call.”

  I’ve been a little out of commission lately, and who can blame me? My personal life has been spiraling. This is the first day my number’s been available for Favors. Maybe work and a little fun are just what the doctor ordered. It’s not like I’m married, right?

  I sign on to send him a message.

  “I’m working, but I’ll be happy to give you a half hour for $250. Can’t wait to hear from you.” – Blue Belle

  The ladies taught me well, time is money. Everyone’s a customer—until they’re not.

  He responds immediately.

  $250 appears in my piggy bank on the screen.

  I change my screen to view and am hit in the face by the beauty that is Bradley. With all the commotion going on when we met, the celebratory dinner, planning to go visit Javi in the booby hatch, I’d nearly forgotten how sinfully good looking he really is.

  Sandy blond hair—polished by a straightener and too long on top—falls over his earnest hazel eyes. He sweeps it to the side in a practiced till perfected maneuver. One I’ve seen him do too many times to count in his DVDs I’ve rented. It’s his signature move. The blond scruff that frames his dimples only adds to his boy-next-door charm.

  He is the light to Javi’s dark, and just what I need.

  At the sight of me—and I am a sight, I’ve done my own make-up and hair—he gives me a cocky grin, revealing two perfect dimples. “Hela, Blue!” He’s happy to see me. I can tell by the wolf whistle he gives me. He’s just too man-made to take seriously. I grin back and relax on my bed, hands behind my head.

  “Hey Brad. How are you?” I still haven’t got the sexy talk down. I’m not bold like Sasha, or whispery like Gretchen. I’m just me, take it or leave it, Bradley.

  Sam jumps up on the bed and cuddles against my thigh. Probably happy to have me topside of the covers for a change.

  He beams. “I’m great now! I can’t believe I finally got you. Man, you have the art of playing hard to get down! I’ve been trying to get you for two weeks now.” He pouts, the same pout I remember seeing from his last movie.

  I nod, not even attempting a smile, just trying to hold back the tears at the memory of the night I met him. “Hold on, Brad.” His smile falters, but he nods.

  No excuse given, I just leave the room. Once in the bathroom, cloistered in my pee closet, I give myself a mental shake and wipe away my traitorous tears, angry at myself. He’s not here to see Sara with no H, yet that’s what I’m giving him. He wants Blue Belle. The girl who gave him a peek of her unmentionables. Where the frig is she?

  I pee while I’m in here—might as well—then wash my hands and stare at the broken girl in the mirror. Sure, I met him the same night Javi left me for good, but is that Brad’s fault?

  I survey myself. Not much sexy going on here. I look down, unbuttoning an extra button on my gingham top before rearranging the girls up higher in my bullet bra. I refresh my lipstick, blotting once as Sasha showed me, and stare myself in the eyes. “Time to pull up your big girl panties, Blue. He’s not here, and he’s not coming back anytime soon. You have a chance
for some fun out there,” I point at the closed door, “and you’re gonna ruin it by hiding in here like some Pollyanna. So get yourself out there and have some fun, dammit!”

  Squaring my shoulders, I take a few cleansing breaths, try on a few sexy smiles before heading back into the room, sultry smile firmly attached. “Sorry about that, Brad. There’ll be no charge…”

  I stop when I turn to face him. He looks…sympathetic? “Man troubles?” he asks without a hint of snipery to his tone.

  I nod and bite my trembling lip.

  He clears his throat. “Aww, sorry, Blue. Full disclosure. I saw the whole talk you just had with yourself. Not when you were in the toilet…” He holds his hands up in front of him. “Only when you were looking in the mirror, talking to yourself. I feel like an ass.” He smiles, a genuine, non-manufactured grin, even has the decency to blush a bit. My stomach does a somersault at his omission, but I return the smile and raise him a wink!

  Sliding onto the bed, I say, “Now. Where were we, Brad?”

  His eyes roam over my ample curves. “Since you’re taken, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to look. Just no touching.” His eyes smolder intensely, staring into mine. I nod. It’s just me and him. Who’s it gonna hurt?

  “What would you like?” I purr, his intense looks bringing out my inner sexy.

  He gives me a lopsided grin. “The same thing I’ve wanted since the moment I met you…to find out what’s hidden underneath those clothes: silk or cotton. Granny panties or thong.” What a naughty, filthy boy.

  “Do you still have those garters?” I nod, slowly unbuttoning my shirt. “Can you put them on? I’d like to see you in those and nothing else.”

  I stand, shirt open and unbuttoned, my lacy, baby-blue bra peeking through.

  “Do you want me to get rid of this, too?” I snap the satin bra strap smartly against my skin, giving him an eyeful with a playful pout on the side.

  His eyes gleam as he answers in a husky voice I’ve never heard, not in any of his movies. “Keep it if you want to, but move your ass and find those garters!” He stands, whipping off his shirt and starts in on the button fly of his jeans. With one hard tug, his pants are undone. “Yee-haw!” he yells as he swings his shirt in a circle over his head.

  I can’t help but laugh as I grab the phone, dialing ‘9,’ and head once more into the pee closet, but this time it’s with a purpose.

  “Yellow.” Typical Sasha. I’m still on probation, so any Favor I do must be boss-approved. Don’t wanna price myself into the bargain bin.

  “Hey, Sasha. I’ve got movie star Brad on hold, requesting a garter belt ugh…” I’m at a loss for words. What is it that he wants exactly?

  She saves me. “…A panty peekskie?” She snorts as I giggle.

  “Yep, that’s about the size of it. Oh! I almost forgot, I’ve gotta wiggle my ass into a pair of garters, can you come help?”

  “On my way.” I hear her heels clicking and already feel better. Backup is en route.

  “Alright, I gotta find them. Bye.” I race out, acutely aware that a naked Adonis is standing fully erect on my TV screen. “Think of baseball, Brad, I need a minute.” His head, which was thrown back as he stroked his impressive cock, perks up.

  He winks. “Who’s on first? What’s on second? I Don’t Know is on...”

  I close the closet door behind me, searching through my massive pile of new lingerie. Hari had it delivered, and over the past two weeks, between crying and sleeping, I haven’t even had a chance to sort through it. Sasha slides in wearing kitty ears, fingerless mittens, and a black thong, topped off with black felt kitty-face pasties.

  “Meow,” she coos, feigning a claw scratch my way as she closes the closet door.

  I giggle, still sifting through the mounds of lingerie.

  “Ugh. No, bitch.” Shaking her head, she hands me a complete set of white leather garters.

  I’m stunned. “Sash…it’s too much,” I say, backing away as she holds it out to me.

  “I’ve been saving these for my wedding night, and since my dream man’s taking his sweet-ass time getting here, they’ve just been gathering dust. Put these old bitches to use! Knock the cobwebs off. Someone’s gotta take them for a spin. Oh, and he’s not paying less than a G for his panty peek,” she says while pushing the stack of leather at me.

  Nodding, I take the offered gift, my eyes fixed on the beautiful garments. A white leather bustier, trimmed in silver studs and fully boned takes my breath away. I set that down on the dressing bench before removing a matching set of high-waisted panties from the stack.

  With a suggestive waggle of her eyebrows, she exclaims. “Move that ass, Blue! There’s an impressive cock out there waiting to make your acquaintance!”

  With Sasha’s help—and some hastily muttered Prayers-I’m into the outfit in, like, ten minutes. It’s beautiful and makes me look sensational.

  With an air of appraisal, Sasha beams. “Good things come in white leather packages.”

  It’s the confidence boost I need. I run some gloss over my lips, slap an electric-blue magnolia headband in place, and it is ShowTime. I face the door while wrangling my nerves. No matter how many of these shows I put on, I still need a moment to get myself together.

  Sasha sidles up behind me, leans in, and drops naughty suggestions right into my ear. Delicious shivers run up and down my spine at her illicit whispers. “Just remember what a naughty boy he was at the restaurant. Trying to steal a peek! What happens to bad boys who take liberties, Blue?”

  Shoulders back, baring the girls-who look fab in the leather Bustier-I drop my eyelids, and affix the sexiest pout I can muster on my face. “They get teased,” I say, breathless and hot. I open the door and sashay into the bedroom. Sasha steals out of my room, locking the door behind her.

  The snick of the lock is my director’s call of Action!

  I glide into the room in Sasha’s thigh-high, pearly white, Cat Woman boots, all the while watching his eyes devour me whole. His hazel eyes sear me as he appraises me. I stop right in front of the screen—bold bitch that I am—and preen. “If you want a peek into these knickers…” I run my thumbs seductively under the waistband of my panties, “…it’ll cost you.”

  His eyes are focused on my fingers, moving back and forth along the waistband, playfully pulling on and lowering the designer underwear. He licks his sensuous lips. “Name your price, pretty lady.”

  I pull my thumbs free with a snap of the elastic and begin rubbing slow circles up my lush thighs, with his seduction in mind. I stop just shy of my leather-clad pussy before moving my hand to the top of the garter. With a snap of the clip, I say, “Fifteen hundred dollars.”

  He doesn’t even have to release his cock. Just fumbles one-handed with his wallet, all the while stroking his impressive shaft with the other. $1500 appears in my virtual piggybank.

  “You’re gonna lose a little pre-cum there. It’s, uh, dripping.” I say, hoping I don’t embarrass him, but I’m seriously worried for his keyboard. His massive cock seems to be overflowing.

  He raises the head of his glistening cock towards his torso, so he can see what I’m talking about. With a swipe of his finger, he catches a drop, before giving me a naughty wink and sucking the pearly essence from his long middle finger. “Mmm,” he says, with closed eyes and a hard cock. “Just for you, Baby Blue. Now, earn my money, beautiful.”

  His dirty actions are making my kitty purr. I lie down on my bed, bending both knees up, noting the sensuous creaks the boots make as I move my legs. My pussy faces the screen, hidden under wet leather panties. I open wide, giving him PG access.

  He groans at the sight. “Blue, I want those panties off, but I’m gonna blow if you move. Hold still, baby, and stroke your slit over the panties. Yes, like that. So good. And no talking.” He growls, holding himself together by a thread. I know the Wonder Twins have a “one cum and done” rule, but if he blows his load this fast, I’m so hot I might just have to let that geyser blow again. Just
to get me off.

  His eyes are slits as he praises me. “That’s right, baby. Pet that pretty pussy. Ah, fuck, Blue. I can’t hold it.” I hear the urgency in his voice.

  Lightning quick, I lift my hips, dispose of the panties and spread for him. “Bradley! Cum all over me.” I open my outer lips wide, baring my clit for him.

  His hazel eyes focus on my pink folds, and with tremendous force he unleashes. His body bends forward with the ferocity of it. He takes a minute, panting as he collects himself—which only makes me hotter—before he bends down and grabs his discarded shirt. He carelessly wipes away his seed with it before dropping a lascivious wink on me. When he’s done, he looks at the mess he made on the front of his shirt, before shrugging, and pulls the same shirt back on. “Won’t need aftershave today, Blue, thanks.” He sits in front of the screen, taking a swig from a Heineken, looking more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him.

  Grinning wide, I like to think I gave him his money’s worth. I lean back on my elbows. Pantiless, I cross my legs at the thigh.

  He smiles, genuine, just for me. “Blue, that was a-fucken-mazing! I know I have to go. I read the rules that were sent over to me. I’ve ejaculated, so I’m cutting into your time now. But I just have to tell you, I haven’t cum like that since…” He thinks for a minute, furrowing his brow, before snapping his fingers. “Trevor, my co-star, sucked me off in my trailer. Last great cum.”

  What? I sit up, intrigued. “Are you, uh, gay?” Why am I whispering?

  He laughs. “I’m whatever, Blue. As in, whatever wants to spread for me. Whether it’s a big, beautiful rack of tits and a slit, or two balls and a majestic cock. You know? Whatever.” He shrugs and takes a long pull from his beer.

  I jump up and head to the nightstand. “Don’t log off just yet, Brad. I’ve got a little free time and must hear this.” I look back and point my finger at him. “Stay right where you are.” I pull the drawer beside the bed open, removing my battery-powered Big Poppi. It’s big, powerful, and electric blue. Added bonus, it hits a home run every time. Compliments of the Wonder Twins.


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