Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series

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Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series Page 11

by Tiffany Shand

  “Buy me a drink?” Angie suggested.

  Lex gave him a look. Might do you good to have some female company for once, my friend.

  “Sure, what’ll you have?”

  “Martini. Dirty.”

  Lex got the drink and Jason gulped down some more of his beer.

  “Strange seeing you without your shadow for once,” Angie commented. “Kind of nice actually.”

  Jason gritted his teeth; damn he had never liked this woman. “Cate’s my partner. Naturally, we spend a lot of time together.”

  “I know how dedicated you are to the job, but is it true you actually live together? That hardly seems ethical.”

  “My relationship with Cate is none of your business or anyone else’s.”

  Angie’s smile faded. “Sorry, I just want to be clear. You’re not really a couple, are you? Cate and I are part of the same coven and you know what a bitch she can be.”

  He ground his teeth together. “We’re just friends, that’s all. I hardly would have asked you out if we were a couple, would I?”

  Her smile brightened. “Good. Now that’s cleared up, I…”

  Jason stopped hearing what she was saying as he felt a familiar presence enter the club. Oh hell!

  There were some perks to being the Second. A flash of the amulet soon got everyone to steer clear of Cate as she entered the club. Jade was perched on a bar stool, wearing a dark red, corset dress, trimmed with black lace, that barely covered her backside, and black thigh-high boots. Beside her was a woman with short, spiky blonde hair, dressed in black leather. Mel was Jade’s mother, a fellow Denai, and somewhat infamous in the coven and throughout Magickind as one of the oldest surviving witches. Everyone called her ‘the Executioner’, as she was often called in to carry out death sentences. Mel and Jade both liked to dress sexily when they weren’t working and they made Cate feel a bit frumpy in her jeans and vest top.

  The sounds of buzzing thoughts and emotions filled Cate’s head the closer she got to people. Part of her feared Seline was right and had hoped she wasn’t, but now she was starting to realise it wasn’t just a flux in power. She really was in transition and the ascension was only weeks away. The pounding music only made it seem worse, but Cate slammed her mental shields fully up and headed over to the bar.

  “Hey kid!” Mel smiled when she saw Cate. “How are you doing?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I’m a conduit. I sense power and your energy levels are through the roof.”

  “Goddess! You’re in transition,” Jade squealed. “Finally! We should celebrate.”

  “That’s not the only thing different about you.” Mel observed her amulet.

  “Yeah, but Gran and I reached a compromise,” Cate replied.

  She laughed. “Ceri was the only other person I knew who could compromise with the old dragon.”

  Cate chuckled. Mel was the only Denai that could badmouth Seline without fear of reprisal.

  “What do you want to drink, sweetie?” asked Jade. “I bet Lex has some champagne somewhere.”

  “Becoming the Second and being close to ascension is not something to celebrate,” replied Cate. “My head hurts just being here. Get me a beer.”

  “Transition is worse for empaths and telepaths, than it is for the rest of us. I vaguely remember being really hungry for energy. You’ll need to feed a lot more often,” Mel said, “but having an Elemental around does come in handy.”

  “So Gran tells me. How long before you ascended? I remember Jade only had to wait a month.”

  “Depends on the witch, how strong you are, and how long it takes for your powers to fully emerge. Any sign of Ashrali abilities yet?”

  Cate shook her head. “No, and part of me hopes there won’t be any.”

  “Transition is a bitch. I kept shifting into my wolf form non-stop and my crystal’s powers were all over the place. I got hungry too, but that was for sex just as much as energy,” Jade told her.

  “You get more through sex than by normal feeding,” Mel agreed and grinned. “Good thing you have a man like Talbot around.”

  Jade smiled. “That’s one male I’d love to take a bite out of.”

  Cate groaned. “Not every Denai has sex with her Mavis.”

  “Of course they do. The Mavis Order was founded by a Denai’s lover and Elemental, and then later they became more than just energy sources or a way to produce children. They help us in lots of ways,” said Mel.

  “Jason isn’t my lover,” she repeated for about the hundredth time that day. “And we’re definitely not having children together.”

  “That’s what I don’t get. How could he not be? I know you want him, even though you try to deny it,” Jade said, looking puzzled.

  “Talbot may be a bit rough around the edges, but he’s a good man. Doug and I have known him for a long time. I’ve never seen him with a woman, the way he is with you.”

  “You’re going to have to give in to that sexual tension some time.” Jade took a sip of her drink. “You won’t be able to ignore the attraction now the ascension is coming. It heightens all of your emotions.”

  Cate knew that already, but she didn’t think it was affecting her. “I don’t feel any different,” she denied. “Enough about Jason. Let’s go find a table.”

  Just as they all grabbed their drinks, her senses tingled. She turned and her eyes locked with a familiar set of grey ones. There was Jason, sitting with Angie. She stopped dead for a moment, before quickly turning and walking after Mel and Jade. So that was where he’d gone off to.

  “What the hell is Jason doing with Angie?” Jade voiced the same thought that was running through her mind.

  “Looks like they’re having a drink together,” Mel commented as she sat down in a private booth and threw up a ward to stop anyone overhearing them.

  The sounds of the club settled to a dull mute and Cate was glad for the reprieve, but it was taking all her concentration just to keep the voices at bay. She gripped her glass tighter and Jade took her hand. It was enough to drown out everyone else, but she still felt all of Jade’s concern.

  “Talbot should be over here helping you through this.” Mel glared over at Jason.

  “He can’t be with me every minute of every day,” Cate replied.

  “He should be with you when you’re out in public like this.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to make this worse for you.” Jade’s sympathy made her head ache and she pulled her hand away. “We could…”

  “I’m fine,” Cate insisted as she took another gulp of beer.

  “Drinking alcohol during transition isn’t a good idea. It’ll interfere with your senses and probably make you drunk before you know it,” said Mel, looking worried.

  “It’s just one drink. We found the body of an unknown Denai today.”

  Mel’s expression darkened. “I know. Jade’s been telling me about your case. I’m here in the city looking for one named Daphne Lucas.”

  Cate frowned. “The name doesn’t ring any bells. Why haven’t I heard of her?” she asked. “Is she dark?”

  “No. She went rogue and distanced herself from the rest of the coven about a decade ago, but it’s not that unusual. Some of us can’t cope with Seline and her set ways.”

  “What was Lucas?”

  “Touch telepath, worked as a bounty hunter over in Lorden.”

  “Test results should be back tomorrow morning, but it’d be a pretty big coincidence if the dead Denai isn’t her,” said Jade.

  “Never did like Bethany, I’ll help you find her if I can,” said Mel. “What do you think Phelps is looking for?”

  “I think it was some kind of book, I saw a flash of a big, blue tome. Must be something important for her to try and use me to find it.”

  Mel’s eyes widened. “Was it dark blue? With a silver, seven-pointed star engraved on the cover?”

  “I think so, yeah. Why didn’t I see it before? It could only be the Gra
nd Grimoire, it’s the only book that looks like that,” she said, feeling a rush of excitement. “But Mel, that’s been missing…”

  “For nearly three thousand years. Yeah, I know — I was there when it happened — but it makes sense. That book is powerful.”

  The Grand Grimoire was the magical journal which had been passed from Grand Mistress to Grand Mistress since the time of Denai herself, and was filled with all their knowledge of spells and Magickind. When the Covenant had attacked the coven’s home village and killed Cate’s great-grandmother, Ide, the book had vanished without a trace, leaving the McCray’s without the knowledge of their ancestors. The Covenant had thankfully never got their hands on the sacred book, but neither had anyone else.

  “I know my mum and gran have spent centuries looking for it, but what makes Tasha think I can find it?”

  “You’re the Goddess Marked, the incarnation of Denai’s power. It seems only right that you’d be the one to find a missing piece of your clan’s heritage.”

  Cate laughed. “I can barely control my visions so finding the Grimoire would be incredible.” She looked over at Jason to see Angie giving him a sickly flirtatious smile. “Argh, I’m going over there to slap that bitch in a minute.”

  “Why? What do you care who Talbot shags?” asked Jade.

  “I don’t care, but goddess, why Angie? I thought he couldn’t stand her. He’d better not bring her home with him.” She glared over at Jason.

  “Forget Talbot, maybe you should take her ladyship’s advice and find a nice hunky bloke to feed off,” Mel suggested.

  “Do you share power during sex?”

  Mel grinned. “Of course, it’s exhilarating. I’m a conduit, I naturally channel power and my Doug enjoys it too. Come on, there’s no shortage of fit blokes in here. Use your senses to find the most powerful one then live a little.”

  “Too much information, Mum!” Jade exclaimed. “Cate, you could go home and dream about being Talbot’s virgin bride again.”

  “Oh, shut up!” Cate couldn’t help but look over at Jason again as she sensed his eyes on her. She felt a flood of jealousy as Angie ran a hand up his thigh. Her eyes flashed and she felt power burning just beneath the surface. Someone screamed as several glasses on the bar exploded.

  Crap! she thought. Get a hold of yourself!

  “Angie is just doing it to wind you up. Ignore her,” said Jade. “This is normal. I told you your emotions are heightened.”

  As Mel and Jade chatted away, Cate couldn’t stop herself from feeling envious of their close relationship; something she’d never had with her own mother and probably never would. Being a Denai was all about being in control of their emotions and, in turn, their powers. It was why Seline was so good at what she did; she never gave in to her sensitivities, but Cate had always found it hard keeping her feelings under wraps.

  Tossing off her jacket, Cate headed to the dance floor with Mel and Jade and the three of them started moving to the music. She was surprised Mel was actually dancing; the beer must have loosened her up a bit. It was a great way of raising or channelling energy. The song was upbeat so she happily swayed her hips to it.

  “Hey, forget about Talbot. If the idiot chooses that blow-up doll over you then to hell with him,” Mel said.

  “It isn’t like that between us.”

  “Right, that’s why you can’t stop thinking about your dream and why you don’t keep sneaking glances over at them.” Jade grinned.

  Cate shook her head and found her gaze drifting back to the bar. “I just don’t want him to get hurt.”

  Mel laughed. “Yeah, right. Talbot would never fall for her.”

  Cate turned away, feeling power stirring inside her and her hands tingling with energy. Damn, it would be so easy to get Angie to go away. She’d never wanted to compel someone so much in her life. Why did seeing the two of them together bother her so much?

  Maybe it was time to take Gran’s advice and find a sexy guy to dance with. She was young and single, so what the hell?

  The music changed to something dark, slow and seductive. Swaying to the music, Cate closed her eyes, letting her senses roam around the club. Energy pulsed and her body moved with its rhythm. Her amulet sparkled as she felt her power stir. Looking over at Mel, her body flashed with faint red light and Jade glowed a shade of amber.

  Cate started scanning for potential guys, noticing that all eyes were now on her. Smiling, she continued moving seductively; every witch should enjoy the attention she got from men. Surrounded by sparkling silver orbs, she felt her magic moving with her.

  What the hell are you doing? She was almost broken out of the hypnotic dance by the voice inside her head. Jason.

  Enjoying myself. Why? I’m surprised you even noticed, she replied tartly.

  Hard not to when you’re drawing every guy in the club to you! There was a hard edge to his voice.

  Jealous? Cate grinned. I’m just dancing.

  Turning, she saw Angie stomping towards her. “I hope you’re happy, bitch!” A ball of faint, blue, witch fire formed in her palm.

  Cate’s eyes blazed with silver light. “Remember who you’re talking to.” Her amulet glowed and energy pulsed through the air as everyone in the club was compelled into a trance-like state, completely unaware of what was going on.

  “I don’t give a fuck if you’re the Grand Mistress or Denai herself. This is all your fault!”

  Cate laughed. “Right, it’s my fault that Jason doesn’t want you.”

  “Of course he doesn’t, because he’s damn fool in love with you,” Angie said baring her teeth.

  Cate kept her cool, despite being stunned by Angie’s words. “Do yourself a favour – go home before you do something stupid.”

  Jason was suddenly at her side. “Do what she says. Go home, now.”

  Angie glared at him. “I don’t know why you even asked me out. All you did was stare at her all night. She’s all you think about and the bitch doesn’t even have to compel you.” Snuffing out the fireball, she turned and strode away.

  “Go, get back into position,” Cate said as she swayed a little giddily.

  He slipped his arms around her waist. “Dance with me.”

  She tried to pull back, but he kept a firm hold on her. Reluctantly, she let go of the compulsion, as she put her arms around his neck. Just being near him made any after-effects fade.

  I’m sorry about Angie, Jason said.

  Don’t be, it’s not your fault and she’s such a bitch.

  Their bodies moved to the music in sync with each other.

  I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. I can’t even stand her, he said sounding annoyed.

  Cate smiled. That’s good to know.

  They were so close now that she could easily see the faint glow in his eyes, just as she had the night before. Leaning down, Jason gently brushed his lips against hers.

  Cate knew she should pull away, but found herself responding to his embrace. Silver-blue orbs began to sparkle around them as she deepened their kiss, feeling her magic respond to his. No kiss had ever felt like this before, like pure heaven. Everything around them faded as if time suddenly rose and the two of them stood on a balcony underneath the amethyst sky.

  Oh shit! Pulling away, she opened her eyes to find herself back in the club standing in the middle of the dance floor. “What the hell was that?” Looking around, Cate saw that everyone stood completely motionless — the entire club was now deathly quiet. Time really had stopped. “Did you do that?”

  Jason shook his head. “No, I think that was you,” he said, groaning. “Ah, hell!”

  Oh goddess, how the heck had she stopped time? Worse, what the hell was she doing?

  “Cate, I…”

  “Don’t! Just don’t.” Her face flushed red and her jacket flew into her hand as she turned and fled.


  Jason watched as Cate hurried from the club and silently swore.

  “What just happened?” aske
d Jade, looking confused.

  That was a damn good question.

  “Nothing,” he muttered, and turned to go.

  She grabbed his arm. “Hey, what’s going on? Did Cate’s powers go crazy again?”

  Jason didn’t have time to chat, he had to go after Cate and catch up to her before she got home. She’d probably lock him out of the house, unless he had the chance to talk to her first. He needed time to get his head around what had just happened himself.

  “Your eyes look weird,” Jade said. “They’re kind of… swirling.”

  Shit! He really needed to get out of there before he raised any more awkward questions. “Must be the lights in here,” he said. “I have to make sure Cate’s okay.”

  “Damn right! I think you upset her. Are you dating Angie now?”

  “Gods, no! That was a misunderstanding.”

  “Good. So when are you going to tell Cate the truth?”

  Jason stared at her, fear gripping him. Could she really know his secret? Jade was a seer; she could see the truth and had visions. She had an affinity with crystals and could do more than just see things through them.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Come on, Jason. We both know you’re in love with her. Why not just tell her?”

  He almost sighed with relief. She didn’t know his secret, but she was right about his emotions. Feelings he’d foolishly given into tonight. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You couldn’t be any more obvious, Talbot. Everyone can see how you feel, despite how good you are at hiding it,” replied Jade. “I don’t know what it is you’re afraid of, but you should tell her.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Try me. If it’s rejection you’re worried about, then don’t be. I’ve never seen her with anyone the way she is with you. She cares about you more than you realise,” she said. “I don’t understand what’s holding the two of you back.”

  If only you knew, he thought. “Jade, just stay out of this, okay?” Jason said. “It’s not your concern.”


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