Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series

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Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series Page 19

by Tiffany Shand

  “We both know I’ll be executed for my crimes. Nothing you say will change that.”

  “I can make a deal for you, life imprisonment instead of death.”

  “I have a better idea,” Bethany raised her hand.

  Cate felt invisible fingers wrap around her throat, her skin beginning to sting from the burn of Bethany’s Touch. No! she thought and her eyes lit up with power.

  A strong mental blast knocked her to the ground. Where the hell was Bethany getting that kind of power from?

  Cate narrowed her eyes, unleashing her own magic as she blasted Bethany. She could feel her power burning, aching to be unleashed but she held it back. She wouldn’t lose control again. Energy pulsed through the air as she outstretched her hand, gripping Bethany in her power. Bethany struggled, unleashing the darker side of the Touch once more.

  You’re mine, bitch, Cate thought as she deflected the onslaught of death magic.

  Cate suddenly felt as if she were being pulled back and gasped as her eyes flew open. “Damn it, Jason!” she said furiously. “Why the hell did you do that? I had her!”

  “She was attacking you. You didn’t expect me to do nothing, did you?”

  “I expect you to help me bring her in. Goddess, you’ve got to stop trying to protect me and start treating me like your partner.”

  Jason sighed. “Your powers don’t work in astral form the same way they do in physical and we still have no idea how Bethany is getting more power.”

  “If you can’t work with me as equals, then what’s the point of us doing this?”

  “I just don’t want to lose you. Between Raven and the Devas, I’m scared, okay?” he snapped. “Fear doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “Don’t you think I’m scared too? I could die when I ascend or when I face off with Raven. The prophecy doesn’t say I’m going to live through it.”

  “You will, because I’m not going to lose you.”

  “Then work with me. You can’t protect me from everything. You used to trust me to take care of myself, it’s what you trained me for,” she said. “We agreed we wouldn’t let our feelings get in the way of our work.”

  “I know. I promise I’m trying. Do you know where Bethany was?”

  “I can try to –”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her, enough to take her breath away. This kiss was powerful, filled with years of longing and need so intense she didn’t know if she’d ever catch her breath. No man had ever made her feel like this. Their tongues mated as they explored and tasted. Orbs sparkled around them as they fought to be closer to each other.

  Cate smiled as she pulled back. “You owe me a date, remember?”

  “We haven’t caught Bethany yet.”

  “There’s still time. I think I know where she is.”

  They reappeared in the woods she’d seen in her vision. Branches snagged on their clothes as they tried to move. Cate flung her senses out, scanning for Bethany. “Strange for Bethany to be so close. If I were her, I’d be long gone,” she commented. “We’re only a few miles outside the city.”

  “What if she isn’t running?” Jason said. “Finding her like that was too easy. It’s why I pulled you back — I think we’re walking into a trap.”

  “Trap or not, we’re going to find her and bring her in.” She used her kinesis to move more of the branches out of their way.

  “Maybe we should call the team for backup.”

  Cate shook her head. “Not yet. We can manage on our own for a while,” she replied, trying to scan the area. “Are you getting anything?”

  Jason frowned. “Yeah, I can feel a disturbance in the elements, but I can’t tell from here.”

  “What kind of disturbance?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know yet. Something just feels wrong.” He took her hand and gripped it tightly.

  As they fought their way through the trees, Cate sensed a sudden feeling of panic. Help me! She almost jumped when she heard a voice inside her mind.

  “Did you hear that?” she asked.

  “Hear what?”

  “A voice, someone was calling for help.” She cast her senses out again and searched for the source of the voice.

  Help me! Please!

  “It could be a trap,” Jason warned.

  “Or it could be someone who needs our help.”

  Who are you? Cate asked, sending out the telepathic message.

  Oh, goddess, someone has finally heard my cries. Please, you must help me.

  Who are you? Cate repeated.

  My name is Freya. I’m a prisoner. Please, whoever you are, I need to get out of here. They’re killing me.

  Cate tried to strengthen the telepathic connection, to get a sense of who and what the person was, but it felt as if she were hitting a brick wall. Where are you?

  I don’t know. I have been trapped here for so long. Please get me out. You must be a soul seer too if you can hear me.

  ‘Soul seer’, that was what Denais were called in other parts of the world.

  Cate felt a rush of fear and excitement. Freya, are you a soul seer?

  Yes. Now, please tell me you will help!

  Jason stopped moving as they reached a clearing. “There’s something up ahead.”

  “I don’t see anything.” She switched to Other Sight and the trees blurred into wards of glowing energy.

  “I think it’s time to call in the team.”

  It took only minutes for Steve, Ian and Jade to arrive.

  “Thank the goddess. Carey had me on desk duty today. Smarmy bastard!” Jade complained. “I think he does it to spite me.”

  “Finally! Field work!” Ian grinned. “I get bored being stuck in the lab. You and Talbot get to have all the fun, sis.”

  “I promise next time you can be the one that gets captured by the Covenant and tortured,” she replied. “We’ve got a lead on Bethany.”

  “Wow! Already? That was quick,” said Steve. “Why didn’t you call me to scan the area?”

  “Good point. I think we’re walking into a trap, but your sister has to go in feet first as usual,” said Jason.

  “Steve, scan the wards. I can see a large building right in front of us, but I have no idea how to get in,” Cate said. “There’s a Denai in there that needs our help.”

  Jade asked, “Who is it?”

  “Her name is Freya. We came because this is where I saw Bethany and I heard someone calling for help.”

  “Did I mention that I think this is a trap?” Jason asked.

  “More than once, but it doesn’t matter. If there’s someone in there that needs our help then we’re not going to just leave them.”

  “There’s no one called Freya in our coven, Cate,” Jade pointed out. “Maybe she’s a rogue.”

  “Or maybe she’s dark and works for Raven,” said Steve. “Perhaps you should contact Gran and find out what she knows.”

  “We don’t need to contact Gran every time we need to know something. I’m trying to prove to her I can manage the transition and still work. So there’ll be no calling her.”

  Steve sighed. “I don't know how you ended up in charge sometimes, unless you used your powers to compel Gran.”

  “Don’t I wish. Now get to work.”

  “Ask Freya some more questions,” said Jason. “I want to make sure she is an innocent.”

  Cate closed her eyes again. Are you there? Freya’s voice sounded urgent.

  I’m still here. Sorry, I’m working on a way to get you out. My name is Cate by the way, she said. It would help if you could show me where you are. You are telepathic, right?

  I don’t understand.

  I mean, you see into people’s minds like I can. You must be telepathic or you wouldn’t be able to talk to me.

  Yes, I can talk mentally and see thoughts. My powers are so weak.

  Just look at your surroundings. Show me what you see.

  Cate winced and clutched her aching head. “I’m having trouble connecting to her.”
  “I’m working on bringing down the wards, but it may take me some time,” Steve said. “This is sophisticated tech.”

  “That will alert them to our presence,” said Jason. “We need discretion.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say so?” Steve fumbled around in his bag of gadgets. “I have the perfect thing. I’ve been dying to try this little baby out.”

  “Is it the energy distorter?”

  “Yep. Excited to try out our invention, partner?”

  “Excuse me? You helped Steve with one of his stupid inventions?” Cate asked in surprise.

  “They’re not stupid and yes, I did. He needed an elemental to help get the design working and I was happy to help.”

  “Stevie, I’m starting to feel left out.” Ian pouted. “Inventions are our thing.”

  “Ian, Steve has a lab full of geeks working with him every day,” she said and glanced at Jason. “I never knew you were a geek at heart.”

  Jason grinned. Why? Does that make you not want to go on our date?

  No, we’re going to have that date. I hear geeks make the best lovers.

  “What are you two grinning at?” Jade asked. “You’re doing the telepathic thing again, aren’t you? Damn, I hate it when you exclude us.”

  Steve pulled out a device no bigger than his thumb. It was small, round and metallic. He kissed it and said a silent prayer to the goddess. “Don’t fail me now.”

  Jade looked unimpressed. “That’s it? I have crystals more impressive than that and bigger.”

  “It’s not built to look good.” Steve placed the device on the ground.

  They all held their breath, waiting. Nothing happened.

  “Well?” Jade said impatiently. “We’d have more luck calling Charlie and getting her to faze us through the ward.”

  “It’s still in its experimental phase,” Steve protested.

  Jason pointed at the device and static streamed from his finger. The device sparked to life and there was a flash as a wall of energy became visible. Slowly, a hole in the ward formed, just large enough for them to fit through.

  “I love you!” Cate gave Steve a kiss on the cheek. “What would I do without you?”

  “Fail miserably no doubt. And you only love me when something works.”

  Jade shifted into her wolf form as Steve and Ian headed through the opening.

  Don’t I get a kiss too?

  Cate smirked. Maybe later.

  Jason sighed as they stepped through.

  There were only walls of steel in front of them, with no visible sign of doors or windows. They all activated their glamour shields as they walked, so no one would spot them.

  Cate reached out to Freya again. Cate? She heard Freya’s plea.

  I’m here. Try to show me where you are.


  She thought for a moment. If you let me–

  No! Jason said and brought her back to reality. “Don’t go into her mind.”

  Cate frowned. “I wasn’t going to, but I need to forge some kind of telepathic link with her.”

  “No, you don’t. We have no idea who she is or how powerful.”

  “Again with the over-protectiveness!” she said irritably.

  “I’m just telling you to be cautious.”

  “I’m cautious,” she muttered.

  Images of a small room flashed through her mind. That’s good, Freya. Remember anywhere else you’ve seen inside the building.

  Hey, I think I found a way in. Jade came trotting back. There’s a door on the far east side. It’s guarded by two Mija.

  “I’ll take care of them,” said Jason.

  “No, we don’t want to kill anything unless we have to.”

  Steve, got any uncharged crystals in that bag of tricks? Asked Jade.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “If we could distract the Mija long enough, we could get in unnoticed.”

  Jason supercharged the crystals and tossed them in front of a tree a few feet away from the Mija, where the crystals glowed and hummed brightly.

  The five of them hurried through the doorway, which was thankfully unlocked and carefully moved past the nearby Mija. There were no guards on the inside, and the two corridors lead in opposite directions.

  “I think it’s time we split up,” said Cate. “Jade and I will go this way. You guys –”

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” said Jason.

  “I’ll call if I need you.”

  “But what if you need me to disable a ward?” Steve asked.

  “Or to heal you?” Ian prompted. “I’m not useless you know.”

  “We’ll cover more ground if we split up and I can manage. I have my magic and Jade to back me up. Now, stop treating me like I’m an invalid,” she snapped.

  “Jade, stay in wolf form. You’re more lethal that way,” Jason told her.

  I'm lethal in any form, Jade gave a wolfish grin.

  “Call me and be careful,” Jason took Cate’s hand.

  “We have our comm links so everyone keep in contact. Jason, we know Raven has a Deva so you be careful too.”


  Cate followed the winding corridor, keeping her senses on high alert as Jade padded ahead of her.

  So, what’s up with you and Jason? Are you two finally an item? Jade asked curiously.

  Maybe. I’m not sure, she said uncertainly. He told me he loves me.

  Duh! Everyone can see that. Have you slept with him yet?

  No, we haven’t even had a real date yet.

  That's never stopped you before.

  It’s different with him. I don’t want a meaningless fling.

  Are you saying you actually want a real relationship?

  I’m saying I’m still trying to figure things out. Now shush, I need to talk to Freya.

  I’m with Talbot on that one. She could be a dark witch and then we’re really in trouble.

  She might not be. There are witches like us in the Middle Kingdom that aren’t descended from Denai.

  Yeah, but they're really reclusive. What are the chances of one of them being held captive by the Covenant?

  Good I’d say. Raven is always looking to expand her power base.

  Cate closed her eyes. Images of a lab and being stabbed with needles and wires flashed before her eyes, as did the echo of Freya’s screams. She saw another picture of Tasha’s face, seeing her through the other witch’s eyes. That bitch really needed to die!

  Do you have any idea where we’re going? Or are we just wandering around aimlessly? asked Jade as they continued down the passageway.

  Jade had a point; they had no clue of the layout in this place. They couldn’t just keep walking around, it was too dangerous. Freya needed them and this was taking too long.

  Hold up. I’m going to teleport to Freya.

  Are you bloody mad? You can’t do that! Jade said. You could be heading right into a trap and have you forgotten the wards all around this place?

  I haven’t, but it shouldn’t stop me from teleporting within the building. If I could get to her and bring her back to us –

  Wherever she’s being held probably has wards around it too.

  Cate sighed. You’re right. I have to be rational. But goddess, Jade, if you could feel some of the things they did to her…

  Which could all be fake – and you’re not going anywhere without me.

  I wish you’d all stop trying to protect me!

  You’re in transition and your powers are unpredictable, which is why we’re all worried.

  Well, don’t be. I’m fine, she said. Maybe I can project myself to her, like Jason did with me.

  That was different, he used a crystal.

  Give me the crystal then.

  It was unique. It won’t work with you and a stranger. Now might not be the best time to test the new range of your powers. You don’t even know what she looks like.

  Doesn’t mean I can’t do it. Gran always told us that anything is possible wh
en it comes to magic. It’s all about desire and concentration.

  Maybe it is for you, unlike poor, powerless me.

  You’re not powerless.

  Right. I’m the intelligent one. Astral projection can take years to master. How do you expect to –

  Just keep an eye out in case anyone comes along.

  Wait a minute. If you’re going to project yourself somewhere, I should go with you.

  I need you to watch over my body. I’m going to have enough trouble projecting myself, let alone two of us.

  Jade sighed and sat at her feet, ears pricked. Bad guys beware of the jaws of pain.

  Cate laughed and closed her eyes.

  Cate, are you here? Are you close? Freya asked. You were silent for so long, I worried something had happened.

  Freya, I need you to do something to help me find you, okay?

  Okay. What must I do?

  Just think about how afraid you are. Give into that fear. If I feel your emotions, I’m hoping that my power will lead me to you.

  That won’t be hard. I am afraid.

  Okay, just hold on. Taking a deep breath, Cate dropped her mental shields and loosened her grip on her power. Her amulet began to glow brightly, as her senses expanded and automatically locked onto the waves of fear. Freya, she thought.

  Cate gasped as light momentarily blinded her. She took a deep breath, as the light gave way to darkness. There was a scream and the sound of movement. The only illumination in the room was Cate’s glowing astral form.

  Yes! I did it! she thought triumphantly. See Jason, told you I could control my powers.

  Someone with long, matted, red hair and wearing a torn dress, sat huddled in the corner.

  “Freya?” Cate asked. “Freya, it’s okay. It’s me, Cate.”

  The woman looked up, eyes huge with fear. “Cate? Is it really you? I thought you were a dream.”

  “I’m real alright.”

  Freya scrambled up and reached out to touch her, her hand passing straight through Cate. “Are you a ghost?”

  “No, I had to project myself here.”

  “You’re not real. You are just another trick they use to torment me!” Freya backed away as tears filled her eyes.


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