Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale

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Led By Her - Special Femdom Marriage Boxed Set (Books 1-6): A Dominant Female Submissive Male Femdom & Cuckolding Tale Page 16

by Tinto Selvaggio

  The longer this whole relationship has gone on the more I’ve started ‘seeing’ this woman everywhere. I dream about her several nights a week without fail. Sometimes I wake so full of what actually feels like “love” it’s ridiculous. I love my wife – not this cruel heartless bitch. Other times my heart will leap when I see another brunette from a distance and think it may Becky. Then I then feel so deflated when it’s not her.

  Gently I lift a long flowery dress from the case, raise it to my face and deeply inhale. It’s clean and I smell only fabric conditioner not Becky. I drape her garment over one of the hangers on the allotted side of the deep, wardrobe which inside still smells of ‘new’ wood.

  I know the way I’ve started to think about Becky is not just disloyal to Lynne; it’s also ridiculous and unrequited. How can I feel emotionally involved with Becky? Just because of what we’ve shared together?

  “Shared!” I laugh out loud to myself as I continue unpacking for her. All Becky and I have shared is one-way physical violence, contempt, humiliation and belittling. And yet even those wouldn’t happen unless they were fulfilling some kind of mutual need and desire would they?

  “Haven’t you finished yet Stuart?” Becky stands with a bundle of clothes in her hand and the beach towel wrapped around her curves. She tosses the clothes she took off for the pool towards the bed. Her white lace bra misses and lands at my feet.

  “Pick that up then go and help your wife.” She doesn’t even look at me as she starts brushing through her damp hair.

  “Go away Stuart. You can finish up for me in the morning.“

  Chapter Two

  “Come on Lynne why not? We can be quick can’t we?” Every time I feel my wife’s body up against mine it reminds me that another man has had her. The fact that this ‘other man’ is so close by and in bed with the woman who torments me is driving me crazy.

  “Stuart I’m tired” Lynne sighs next to me in bed.

  “I promise I won’t take long,” I snake a palm towards her under the sheet and let it rest on one of her thighs just below the hem of her little lace chemise. I’m desperate for relief; I came so close to being able to spy on them skinny-dipping earlier.

  “It’s been a long day Stuart. I’m really tired.” I hear her turn her back on me in the darkness

  “You’re always too tired these days.” I mumble.

  “Stuart, stop it!” she hisses, “We don’t want Becky and Dom to hear us arguing. Not after they were good enough to invite us here in the first place!”

  For a second in my anger, I almost blurt out exactly how much money Becky has demanded from me in private for this trip. Maybe Lynne wouldn’t care quite as much about keeping those two happy if she knew about the loan I’d had to take out to cover her friend’s ongoing financial demands of me.

  I calm myself down and turn to face Lynne’s back. I raise myself up onto my side and lean on one of my elbows. My other arm moves across to my wife again and starts to gently lift her nightdress above one of her hips.

  “I wasn’t arguing with you Lynne,” I whisper, “I’d just like to make love to my wife. You haven’t been interested in me that way for weeks. Not since before Becky started locking me.”

  Her hand takes hold of mine and for a moment I think she’s changed her mind. Instead she removes my hand from her body.

  “Please Lynne; I was in that chastity belt so long. Please, now we’ve got the chance!”

  She doesn’t respond and my thoughts turn to the chastity belt. How I dashed to the toilet to jerk as soon as Becky had left our house yesterday after she’d supervised the belt being unlocked. She didn’t want me wearing it on the journey here. Something about not being sure what might happen with the airport security. Lynne refused me sex last night as well though. She said she wasn’t feeling too good. “Can’t you just play with yourself?” was all she said.

  My hand descends to my rigid cock. I thought things would be different once we’d got here. I’ll wait until she falls asleep then creep out to the bathroom and jerk-off again.

  As I monitor my wife’s breathing, my thoughts begin to prowl to Becky. Her desire to make me suffer and the way she so obviously enjoys it when she does. The beautiful, uncaring woman who is the reason my wife has finally been unfaithful to me.

  How long did I try and fail to persuade Lynne to cuckold me? Years. But she did it for Becky in what? A matter of months? To a man like me, this makes Becky seem all the more worthy of my devotion.

  Lynne’s breathing has deepened. She’s asleep! If I’m quiet and careful I could probably touch her a little while I jerk off. I’m not proud of it but I reach under my pillow for a couple of tissues to wrap around my erection. Look what Becky’s reduced me to: masturbation while I lie next to my sleeping wife. All because she’s seen to it that Lynne doesn’t really need me for sex any more.

  I’m trying to keep my labored breathing quiet as I lay on my back, one hand stroking myself while the other ever so lightly caresses a milky cheek of my sleeping wife’s ass. I know it’s unlikely given her response whenever I’ve asked for it, but I start to imagine Lynne allowing Dominic in her ass. The thought accelerates both my heart and the speed I pull between my own legs. The imagined mental picture of Becky encouraging her husband to plough my wife’s ass devours me as I gasp into the tissues.

  I lie in the dark, waiting for sleep and thinking again about the way Becky makes me feel. The longing and pining I felt before this holiday to be back in her company. What I know to be my irrational belief that this woman is ‘perfect’. My inability to see any faults whatsoever in her. Putting her (quite literally), on a pedestal. My willingness, no: eagerness or even ‘desperation’ to sacrifice myself for her. These are the kind of things someone experiences when they love another person aren’t they? It’s madness.

  Then I’m remembering how Becky’s voice sounds, cooing, cajoling, and castigating me. The feel of the weight of her feet on my starved groin, or all over my face, or pressing down on the back of my cowering neck. My hand has returned to massaging my semi-erect cock as I think of her. How my nipples ache for more of her mistreatment. I think I need more tissues already.

  A voice wakes me. Whispering. Have I actually been asleep? My wife’s voice. I have my back to her. It’s still dark. Has Becky crept into our bed next to her? Oh my God! I need to keep quiet so they don’t know I’m awake. I try to slow my breathing. My heart is thumping. The bed moves.

  “Come on Lynne you looked so fucking hot in the pool before” Dominic’s voice is low. My mind scrambles to take in what’s happening. Is he going to try to fuck her right here next to me?

  “Sshh, don’t wake him” Lynne says softly.

  Movement on the bed again. A shaft of light seeps into the room from the hallway as the door is opened. I have to chance it. I let out a low moan to try to show I’m still very much asleep. Keeping my eyes firmly closed and without my head leaving the pillow I turn towards the voices and the door.

  “Come on Lynne, its OK he’s still asleep.” Clipped, whispered tones.

  That’s my cue and I let one of my eye lids part just a hair’s breadth. Dominic, bare-chested in shorts and looming over Lynne’s side of the bed. I snap my eye shut. He was holding back the sheet so she could leave the bed. I open the eye again then close it quickly just as Lynne takes a look over her shoulder towards me.

  “I want you now, I’m so horny for you.” He breathes at her.

  I chance squeezing an eye open again. The light from the doorway catches Lynne’s wedding ring as her hand is grabbed by one of Dominic’s huge paws. He helps her from our bed and when she’s standing he wraps one of his heavy forearms around her waist. His hand descends and unopposed, lifts up the back of her chemise. He’s stroking the cheeks of her bare ass while he ushers her towards the door. I hear it click shut very slowly and quietly behind them.

  He’s taken my wife! They’ve left me here. My heart batters the inside of my chest. Not “too tired” for him was
she? My mouth is like parchment. What do I do now? Am I supposed to just stay here until he decides to bring her back to me? What the hell is Becky going to be doing while he’s with my wife?

  My mind flashes back to the threesome they had in their bedroom at home while I knelt at the side of the bed. I feel my cock swell even as fear grips my stomach.

  Quietly, I creep out of the bed. Naked, I lean against our closed bedroom door. I can hear nothing from outside. What do I do? I don’t want to be condemned for snooping but there’s nothing to say I can’t go out into the hall to our toilet opposite is there?

  As quietly as I can, I open the door and tip-toe barefoot across the dark hallway into the little bathroom. I grip the sides of the basin and stare into the mirror above it while the extractor fan whirs. My wife’s in their room with them! I have to know what’s going on.

  Maybe if I’m really quiet I could creep down the hallway and listen outside their room? Surely they’re bound to be too engrossed in whatever they’re doing to worry about me? They’ve got their own bathroom in there so there’s no need for anyone to come out. At least not until they’ve finished with Lynne.

  Leaving the light on I peer outside and down the corridor. The distance from here to their bedroom at this moment looks the same as crossing a continent. But I have to do it.

  Silently take my first step down the hallway. My heartbeat is an alien battering my insides.

  Still on my tiptoes, holding my breath and pausing to listen the whole way, I finally arrive outside their door.

  What if someone does come out and discover me? How do I explain being here? Still not daring to breathe, I decide I’ll have to just say I was looking for Lynne because I woke and she wasn’t there. What else can I say?

  I rest my ear against the cool wood of the door. At first I can hear nothing. I move my ear closer around the frame of the door. Mumbled voices from inside. I crouch down in the dark to check whether there’s a key hole.

  Suddenly light floods the corridor, bathing my naked body. I fall back onto the tiles my eyes squinting towards their open doorway.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Becky stands over me. Her long legs are bare right up to a red t-shirt that finishes half way up her thighs. She holds a pastel-colored toiletries bag in the manicured fingers of one hand.

  “I was right. I did hear something.” She calls into the room behind her. My ear is gripped and twisted by her free hand. I cry out.

  “You can put a stop to this right away!” The last two words are shouted into my face as my ear is tugged hard. I struggle to my knees. Becky yanks my head but I still manage a glimpse behind her into the room.

  Dominic faces me sitting upright on the edge of their bed. His eyes rolling up in his head. Between his legs kneeling on the floor, my wife with her back to me. Her neck and head rapidly rising and falling back and forth from his groin. Obscene slurping sounds.

  Becky follows my eyes into the room then smirks down at me.

  "Despite what you might think Stuart,” she says as she starts to close the bedroom door behind her, “This week is not going to be all about you.” Becky swipes the hall light on illuminating the whole length of the hallway. She snaps the bedroom door fully shut.

  Her bare thigh grazes my cheek and it’s like an electric shock.

  “You’re going to be given some harsh lessons over the next week.” Her eyes narrow and blaze down on me.

  She tugs my ear so hard that I think she may tear it from my head. I try to get a hand to my ear but she slaps it away and I’m dragged on my knees down the corridor, trying to keep up with her as she marches.

  “You're only here because your wife insisted on it and don’t you forget that!"

  Chapter Three

  Becky pulls me by the ear past our bedroom and down to a door at the far end of the hallway. She pushes the door open and drags me inside.

  There’s a large washing machine on my right, a sink, bidet, toilet and bath. It’s like a cross between a large family bathroom and a laundry room. High up on the wall opposite us is small frosted glass window which is closed. Finally, she releases my aching ear and kicks the door closed.

  I roll from my knees onto my ass where the tiles are cold on my bare cheeks. I sit rubbing my ear.

  “Oh don’t be such a baby Stuart!” Becky rests her hands on her hips and her body stiffens.

  “What do you imagine gives you the right to go creeping around our villa like that?” She cocks her head and I rub my ear again.

  “WELL!” she shouts at me, her head jabbing down at me like a swan’s.

  “I’m sorry Becky. It’s just that I woke and Lynne wasn’t there.” I sneak a look up the length of her statuesque legs then down to her bare feet with their painted scarlet toenails. Even in this situation I feel my cock start to surge.

  “Well I was absolutely right to bring this with me then wasn’t I Stuart?” She unzips the toiletries bag and takes out my chastity belt, padlock and key. She tosses them down on to the floor at her feet. When I look up from them to her face her eyes are piercing me.

  “And this time there’s a little something extra” A delicate index finger and thumb pick out a small transparent pink arch of plastic from the bag. She holds it towards me with a look of triumph on her face. Along the inside of the arch are five teeth-like spikes.

  “I bought this just in case you couldn’t behave while you were here. And it looks like I was right doesn’t it?”

  I’m not sure what she means.

  “This innocuous little ring, or Points of Intrigue as it’s called, is for locking in place inside your chastity belt,” she brings the ring closer to her face admiring the spikes. “It goes around your ‘little thing’.” She curls her top lip as she looks between my bare legs. “Then if and when you do start to get even the slightest bit ‘carried away’...you’ll wish you hadn’t.” Becky’s eyes light up. She’s staring down at me like she wants a response but I still don’t understand.

  “Duh, the spikes will dig into what passes for your penis and hurt you if you don’t keep your thoughts pure Stuart!” She wiggles her head down at me like a playground bully. For the first time I notice the starbursts of green color around the pupils of her otherwise blue-gray eyes.

  “Put it all on. Now!” Her voice rises impatiently.

  With my hands unsteady under Becky’s watchful eye I take the cock ring part and snap it in place around the base of my balls.

  “Hurry please Stuart I don’t want to waste my time here with you all night.”

  I hesitate a moment trying to build some confidence before daring to say what I know I must

  “Becky my ‘thing’ needs to go down a bit before I can get the rest of this on and the cage over it.”

  “What?” her face darkens and she folds her arms across her bulging chest.

  “It’s just; just you being in the room with me Becky…I can’t help it. I’m sorry” I feel my face flush as I attempt to explain my semi-erection.

  “I hadn’t even noticed!” she laughs before her frown reappears.

  “Don’t keep me waiting Stuart. Get it all on NOW!” she screams and stamps her bare feet.

  That does it. My cock starts to shrivel and I hurriedly slide the ‘Points’ in place before shovelling my flaccid little cock into the cage. Momentarily I consider asking for some lubrication to make wearing the belt more bearable in the heat over the coming days. Another look up at the tightening of Becky’s perfectly symmetrical face as she watches convinces me not to ask.

  “Lock it.” she says flatly.

  I put the padlock in place and snap the shackle so that it’s locked. The sharp plastic spikes tease my still-flaccid cock and I shudder at what they might feel like on my flesh once I do get the makings of just a semi-erection.

  “Key” Becky’s flawlessly formed hand is extended towards me. She tucks the key into her bag then smiles down with satisfaction

  “I’m sure I can have some fun with
that new enhancement to your chastity belt Stuart.”

  As I kneel in front of her she stiffens, then straightens a leg and foot and points it towards my groin. Her toes graze the top of one of my bare thighs. My whole naked body shudders while she briefly lets her toes trace along the inside of my thighs, so close to my balls. The hard plastic spikes close onto my swelling cock and I wince, tugging at the cage in an effort to ease the pressure. High above me a little smile plays across Becky’s closed lips.

  She turns from me. I sneak my eyes up and snatch a wonderful glimpse of the backs of her shapely thighs and that shelf-like ass under her t-shirt. She plucks the copper-colored key from the inside of the door and holds it up for me to see.

  “You can sleep in here tonight. That way I’ll know you’re not snooping around where you’re not wanted. We’ll discuss your behaviour further in the morning Stuart.” Before I can respond she’s gone.

  The key turns in the lock outside.

  Where and how the hell am I going to sleep in here? I look over to the bath just as the light in the room is turned off from the outside.

  Blackness envelops me like a cloak and for a moment I almost feel like panicking. Then I’m reasoning with myself. She’ll have to let me out tomorrow; Lynne will make sure of that.

  Pretty quickly it becomes obvious the room has no aircon and if there’s a fan it must be turned off from the outside. Droplets of sweat have formed on my brow and trickle down my temples. Maybe I can open that little window and get some air?

  I get to my feet and with an arm outstretched ahead like a blind man, carefully make my way over to the far wall and the window.

  Once I’ve felt around and found it, I pull the window open and the warm air infused with the smell of oleanders flowering outside washes over me. There’s no breeze but at least the air may make me feel less like a prisoner.

  Stumbling around the room I locate a couple of large towels then feel my way over to the bath. Once I’ve fumbled for the plug to prevent any insects crawling in, I lay out the towels inside the bath. It’s reasonably long and so not too uncomfortable as I lie down in the dark and start to worry.


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